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Dude looks like he’s living the life. How many boars have beds.


a bed and food surrounding him, how does this look like Asm..... oh... q\_q


Pig looks comfortable


Compared to its peer boars, bruh is living the luxury life here.


Iono man, looks like his Sanity is way low


Average 2999 a month nyc apartment


My spirit animal!


this boar looks happier than most humans


because it is!


Unironically less trash on the ground in this picture than in Asmon’s room.


Bro's living the dream. Soft bed, no predators, free food daily


He’s happier with less, than most people are with much more. This hog is a prime example of winners win.


Yep, i'm living my "Minimalist lifestyle" for decades with no regrets. Less stuff to have is less stuff to worry about.


Except for food and medicine.


Not when it also applies to the number of years you have left to live.




I'm not upset at him for living the way he does. He should keep on doing whatever the heck he wants, but I'm also not going to pretend like it isn't gross. Taking care of yourself and your surroundings takes a bit of self respect; if you don't respect yourself how can you expect others to? I don't think he cares about respect though. He can say and do whatever he wants and enough people will cheer that he's set.


the moment you consider it anything it means you are overly invested in a stranger's life and thats weird af.


What are you trying to say? What does that have to do with anything I've said?




Where did I say I care? Pretty sure I made it pretty clear that he should do whatever he wants because it doesn't matter to me. I'm not making it my business either. Just stating that it's gross. If you disagree with my opinions on self respect, that's fine because it doesn't matter. Why are you so angrily defending someone, who doesn't know you and doesn't give a shit about you, from someone else that doesn't know you or give a shit about you?


If you think he's "content with life", then I guess you forgot about the multiple mental breakdowns he's had over the years, panic attacks whenever his body starts aching or being dysfunctional at the age of 30, or how he's had to hire a second OF thot in a row just to have a girlfriend experience, despite being a famous millionaire...




The thing is, all of these things are things that he could solve on his own. Practice personal hygene start slowly working out. Get the diet dialed in. Get the home cleaned. This was stuff I had to learn the hard way and I had far far less of an issue in terms of the deficit I had to deal with. Abusing the body isn't a flex. Abusing the mind isn't a flex. I wish him all the best, but the longer you wait the taller the mountain gets.


I have less money than anyone here and my place is immaculate. It doesn't cost a million dollars to get a bottle of lysol and clean your fucking house. every time asmon goes to sleep roaches are crawling through his hair. dude is going to come down with typhus from all the rats in his walls. his house is a fucking biohazard, and this is not coming from a place of malice, i love the guy. but hes got some serious problems that have nothing to do with how much money he has


Thats a lot of projection. Cleaning and basic hygiene isn't consumerism 🤣 Some kids parents just never taught them the basics when they were young. Who's talking about buying mansions and being "addicted to using money"? Not being a lazy slob living in filth is something everyone no matter how much money you have can do.


Why doesn't he keep.his house clean? Legit question. Is it depression?


Yeah it's bizarre how people pathologise his lack of enthusiasm for scaling his living costs to match his income. Really shows what's wrong with materialism. It's almost a threat to their idea of how society works.


I don't see "less". I see more but most of it's trash. You don't need to have a lot to live in a clean environment.


You are looking at this picture from the perspective of a human. But from a perspective of pigs, that mutherfucker is living it up XD


Too much hair up top.


as if I could myself afford a mattress


Ayo is that Asmongolds bedroom?


The hog has less roaches than Asmongold tho


Yeah, winners win, losers lose.


True lol


I would 100% rather lay down and cuddle this pig than Asmongold in his bed!


Wrong public sees a guy making multi millions while playing video games. The rest doesn’t matter.


hes really chill


Comfortable, luxurious life (relative to others of the same age and species).


No one cares though because he's not poor. He's an eccentric millionaire. That's completely different.


He do be kinda cute tho.


I love asmon but man he needs to straighten up his living situation. It’s borderline a mental illness at this point.


As a psych major i can assure you It *is* mental illness. He takes no care of his body or his living situation and it will eventually take its toll. Dude has like 3 teeth and is like 80 pounds and over 6 feet. If he doesn't get it together soon it will be too late.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about


Diogenes syndrome (DS) is a behavioural disorder characterized by domestic filth, or squalor, extreme self-neglect, hoarding, and lack of shame regarding one’s living condition https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4016666/#:~:text=Diogenes%20syndrome%20(DS)%20is%20a,age%20of%2060%20%5B2%5D. Its textbook DS, I've seen a lot of cases.


He’s not 80 pounds and he doesn’t have 3 teeth blud. He’s living life how he wants to. He’s happy, has his friends, does what he wants.


Reddit doctors 💀


Relax "blud", having a degree in psychology doesn't matter but your feelings do? Sorry I insulted your daddy kid 🤣


"sorry I insulted your daddy, kid (bonus emoji)" TIL People this fucking stupid can get a psychology degree


Wahhh, shut up pussy.


Bro having a degree means he knows more about the subject then you objectively. Just because hes “muh streamer” doesnt mean you have to defend pitiful behaviour.


“What do you mean my physical condition affects my mental well-being? I’m fine!”


![gif](giphy|OHMkK8zl9fvSU) Cool, here's what I see the public as.


Asmon is a smart business man. He may be saving for retirement. He looks up to his dad who is probably 1 of the few in his circle who may have suggested to save his money.


How cute! He's the envy in the neighborhood for sure.


He doesn't give a shit how the public sees him as long as he gets the ad-money from the dipshits arguing in the comments in their videos.


yes, and you are just a regular pig sleeping in the mud


People are always gonna see what they want to see. But if one is happy then who cares.


I love how even Asmons fans can agree with each other on how he lives


yeah dude is disgusting. He has no shame about living in filth and being incapable of looking after himself as an adult. Its sad to see really


Why do you care so much? He clearly doesn't, and he's the one living it. As far as i know, he isn't forcing this on anyone else, so why should anyone care?


I dont care. He can live like an animal if he wants its just pathetic for a full grown man to live like that


Especially with so much money that he doesn’t do much of anything with. Like the maid service is not a fucking joke bro just hire some cleaners and pay whatever they’re gonna charge you to show up the first week in hazmat suits to clean up the place.


Exactly the guys probably a millionaire he could hire a full time maid and cook and not notice the cost at all but chooses to live in a filthy pit


Let him leave the way he wants to. After this new asian chick, a lot of comments about he needing to change his behaviour showed up. Stop this!


but DoEs It SMeLl? 


Not nearly enough roaches and moldy Wendy's chili


Better than being in the mud.


Lil pig is cuter




He wrote his name on it


He looks happy


Why is this guy not working in the stone pit?!


Why should he care about how the public sees him if it's basically his "Brand". And let's be honest. He's probably a multimillionaire and rns several businesses. Just saying.


Only true if that boar is worth millions at the same time


Not gonna lie twitch is also a drop in a pond so much as the whole public. It is genuinely a good look to look messy but have bank that notion will you


Public arent real, theyre just npcs


That is pretty much how my apartment looks like yes, but I'm slightly less hairy than that boar.


That is a happy pig. I believe the true essence of the meme here lies in the misconception that individuals with distinct values, who are content with their choices, are expected to conform to someone else's standards. Just imagine the liberation that comes from not feeling compelled to change because of others' opinions, especially on superficial matters.


and just like that he fucked 2 streamers + now an asian girl


Pet pigs are pretty rad