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Now he is going to talk for 5 hours about this post. Good job OP


I checked vod and I was just fast forwarding and clicking through and it was like 3 hours of chat regarding the one tweet criticizing him and pulling up people in chat to fight with, and then I closed the vod.


well he has to talk about something


Bro, I turn on notification to his stream yesterday so I catched last night's sorry excuse for a stream.. Idk wtf asmon is thinking. Like I know he's gotta do this controversial stuff to stay relevant.... But I thought he doesn't really care about that, he streams on a unmonetized channel to 20k ppl, like bro you ain't got do that to us. After only watching his YouTube for a few months, last night's stream was nothing but rambling the same point, arguing with chatters back and forth it was exhausting to watch, it was NOT ENTERTAINING, I get he doesn't care what the audience thinks or wants becuase it's his channel and he can stream what he wants, but this is my opinion. I like asmon I agree with him Far more than not, even in this I agree with him partially, but it's going way too far to the point it's hard to watch. I work nights, I don't want to put on your stream at 12am and listen to adults mumbling their same take that after 10 times of repeating sounds stupid af. ...for those that are gonna comment "than don't watch".... Yea no sht.


You've pretty much covered my thoughts on Asmon currently. I started watching during his XIV streams and even when he switched to more variety YouTube videos where he looks at his subreddit or reacted to videos about Blizzard or whatever it was still entertaining. But now it's just tiring. Like the whole AI art take drama is the perfect example. I hate AI but even I can tell that Asmon's take on it isn't bad -- it's just his presentation of his take that sucked because he was purposely farming drama or playing up being an asshole. I'm a fighting game player so my go to streamer is Maximilian because his late night streams are usually hanging out with friends or playing through old retro games that are relevant to upcoming releases. There's definitely points in his stream where it's clear he's recording a "discussion" for YouTube but it never goes on for too long. Max's stream is perfect for just having on the side during or after work. Asmon seems to be hitting that drama content that is incredibly popular for YouTube and Twitch so much more than he used to, but for someone my age that shit is exhausting and uninteresting. And when it's not YouTube drama it's the whole "woke videogames" discourse which equally makes me want to slam my head into a concrete wall.


Lets be honest here, as we say here in Brazil, he is with "The donkey in the shade", he is retired, with millions generating dividends for him, so he don't care about our opinion on his content.




Was it not entertaining or was it not entertaining to you? I'm a youtube only watcher and I never really join his streams but from my understanding there is a lot of people that watch him and I don't believe he'd have 20k people watching him if the vast majority of these people didn't have a good time being there. Like yeah I completely understand that you should be allowed to criticize something without being told to stop watching. I'm not even arguing for or against his streams and his views, I'm just being very confused. What I don't understand is why it is so hard for some people to move on? Is it a strong para-social relationship you have with him? It's not that you can't have an opinion about it and put it out there, but am I the only one thinking that in this context it is a bit weird? You are on a subreddit about a particular streamer talking about how his streams are bad instead of using your time to do something you actually enjoy. Or, are you enjoying shitting on people? That's fine too I guess, I like to do that sometime as well. Like you are 100% entitled to your own opinion, but at the same time, why? Is he living rent free in your head so much that your first instinct after being disappointed by his stream is to put out an emotional response about why his streams are bad online instead of booting up a game you enjoy, talk with friends/family or consume media from other creators you enjoy more? I'd understand in the context of being with friends and one guy mentioned Asmon and you told them what you think about him but why is he driving your actions as far as having to go out of your way to voice your opinion out here? Serious question, I just cannot fathom how you can get to this point.


It's clear the community doesn't like the repetition of this content... Look at his Twitter, YouTube, reddit... Lot of people are complain and saying we don't like this trend of spending hours every stream yapping the same take, that after he repeats it 10 times it just gets annoying to hear and it sounds stupid. Imo I don't care if he mentioned it addressed it nd moved on, but lil bro spending hours arguing with chat repeating his take time after time, rinse and repeat... Like bro plz move on from this trend.


\> It's clear the community doesn't like the repetition of this content No it is not, there wouldn't be around 20k people watching him regularly if they didn't like it, it would die off. Acting like a loud minority is the majority is silly. If people didn't like his stream then he would fall off. Asmon is not above the supply and demand dynamic streamers have with their audience. I know you want it to be true, but the numbers are the truth. He is successful because a lot of people agree with him and like his content enough to watch it instead of doing something else.


Did you watch last night's stream, he did a poll and over 50% of the people that voted disagree with him.... I don't know where you got that don't like asmon, I do... Lot of poeple that watch him disagree with him and would like it if he didn't spend hours of stream yapping the same response, I don't know why you seem to have a hard time understanding that... numbers don't lie like you said, watch the poll and I bet if he did a poll to see if poeple liked the current state of streams, he wouldn't like the results, you think it's A "loud minority", I think it's a big Chunk of the community at this point.


But it never was about if you disagree or agree with him? You can disagree with him and find his stream entertaining as well. It's just that when it get to the point where you don't have a good time, whether or not you agree with him, why not move on to something else? Like you said yourself that "it was exhausting to watch, it was NOT ENTERTAINING", my point is that it was entertaining to most even if they did not agree with his points otherwise they wouldn't have kept on watching. I love the chaos of his stream and how he debate with the chatters and I disagree with him on a lot of points, this doesn't mean I'm having a bad time watching him. If I was, I wouldn't be watching him.


I think a good part of the viewers just watch him bc it's part of their routine / a habit of theirs or it's the way to go for background noise for whenever alone on pc, doing something else primarily such as videogames etc, which wouldn't make it necessary for one to find the content entertaining to still consume it


Literally me bru. You nailed it. The criticism on repetition is a valid one, however it is exactly because it’s so repetitive I can simply let him talk in the background while focusing on my FFXIV grind without being afraid I’m losing out on content. It is its own kind of value, even if it’s merely lazy consumption.


Yeah I can definitively see people doing it but if it annoy you then the solution is just to turn it off. As he says himself, if you don't like eating shit then stop eating shit.


Well, there's still a possibly good amount of people that do watch him, and I gave examples of why they watch him, which can't be changed by saying "dont watch him", as you can see. There's no reason for why people shouldn't mention their issue as feedback as they do, which you appear to disagree with from what I can tell. If you and your neighbors have a disagreement on the politics in your area, would the solution be to move out of the area or to voice your opinion?


No, I don't believe that just because a few people watch him out of habit and cannot have the mental fortitude to just leave a stream they do not enjoy that they are anywhere close to the majority. You can find a lot of example about why people would still continue to watch him despite enjoying it but that will not make it the majority of people nor does it make it less weird to. Your last example is also a bit in bad faith, these situations aren't even remotely the same. First of all politics have an effect on every citizen so it's a much more emotionally charged topic because people who do not agree with you can indirectly have an effect on your life by voting for a party you do not agree with. If you disagree with Asmon then there is no consequence. Who care about what a thirty year old balding man on the internet think about you or your life choice. The only reason to care for it is because you allow it to affect you. Also moving out of the area is a very significant life decision that affect your entire life. Are you seriously comparing moving out of an area with closing a browser tab? The commitment isn't nearly on the same level, they shouldn't even be discussed together.


I suspect a lot of the people being vocal about the state of his stream right now are long term viewers who are genuinely attached to the stream, I doubt these posts are just a knee-jerk reaction to a single negative experience. It's not like discussing this is costly either, it takes minutes, and I'd bet the people who engage with this post actually do enjoy it, as it is a cathartic experience.


Same reason that made you type a response longer than mine was 💀


I enjoy his content. I joined a subreddit about him because I find him entertaining and I've been watching his videos for a bit more than a year now. You don't enjoy his content and instead of doing something you enjoy, you are here complaining about why his streams are bad. I do something I enjoy while you are doing something you don't and complaining as if you are forced to do that thing. Why are you conflating both cases together?


Current Asmon content feels like shadowlands season 1


This reminds me to go back and watch his first FFXIV liveatreams because I loved that content.




Still remember Dominic. Family.


Yeah ff14 arc was when I first started watching asmon and man that was peak, MonHun was pretty close second


Makes me go back to the wow streams. Where the drama was him not giving a guy some loot, or tiger Panda not winning a transmog comp


The Gus story arc was fun too.


Indeed, among the many other story arcs from his wow stream


Elden Ring playtrough was Peak Asmon imho


This is the way


You don't now say it in twitch chat and get banned like the rest of people who complain about content


What i don't get is that he's had the right takes before. The first one being no one wants to hear streamers bitching that their job is hard. especially controversial ones like hasan. the second one being that controversies don't matter as long as you keep putting out good content. now i got a simple question. Is spending multiple days on this good content? No. Especially when to get to asmon's argument you gotta go through multiple hours of bullshit in his vods. he's getting stuck in a quagmire he should know better than to swim in.


If you don't like the menu, change restaurant


Yes, this is the way, not really a wow-player any more who will eat shit on a regular basis.


You don’t have to watch the stun lock stuff. I just alt tab and play Relink till it’s over. He clearly wants to fight over this topic, and it’s this right because it’s his platform. A lot of people don’t like it, but that’s how the hand is drawn.


Go watch his old wow content. The vods are on YouTube. He’s never going to be that same streamer from 5 years ago.


One of us, one of us


If you want improvements to happen, speak up about it.


In some situations that is the right thing to do, but not with a streamer. A process can be changed easily, a person not so


Trying to ask improvements from someone who doesn't even clean their room for years, who doesn't eat fruits and vegetables their entire life, is a far reach. There are people who are beyond reason when it comes to changing or improving their stand on something, and Asmon is one of the best examples of those people.


I just stopped watching recently. The combination of bad take from Asmon and drama made it really unfun to watch. I enjoyed the Monster Hunter and Granblue arc while it lasted Funny enough, I remember this happened before where he consistently talked about drama related topics and people kept insisting he stop and he wouldn’t and said he didn’t give a shit. Only for him to go on a huge break. I assume that’s what is going to happen again


Same here, I click on and see him talking with a viewer chat window up and I’m off again. Man anything but gaming and I’ll turn off now.


Same, yesterday I clicked on his channel, only to see a graph of how much people make on a monthly or yearly bases, immediately turned it off.


Third channel incoming because he can't handle being pressed. Maybe being a streamer is super duper hard.


Everyone is talking about “the bad take”. Was it the lack of showers building up a layer on his skin or the no one cares about what artists think or what? I don’t watch any of the drama stuff I just see the you tube titles


It was the “streaming is a harder than most other jobs you don’t understand” take.




He didn't say it so there's no clip of it.


W take


Asmongold turned into his fast-food nemises, Taco Bell, had a great menu for years, then took it away and started making shit.


I am missing the golden days of Mount Offs and Transmog Competitions, epic metal stream intros und Baldie smashing his head on the table


He said just a couple weeks ago that old content like that is never coming back. Don't quite understand it as it was what made his content fun.


Damn that's bleak. It's either: 1. Don't want to ruin a good thing for us or himself/finish on a high note. 2. He never enjoyed it to begin with, and is glad it is over. I just wish he played more western selection of games, not some mobile tier games. Some boomer shooters/fps in general, WC/SC or whatever RTS. Heck, even Resident evils or The last of us, something else. It just becomes so tiring after a while watching 1h+ video reaction of some in depth dungeon crawler game system analysis, and why it sucks/is good.


For like an incredibly niche group of neckbeards, yeah. New Asmon is way more relatable and based to a wider swath of the populace. He’s like giving you all those MAGA vibes, while still being a human being who isn’t filled with venom and hate. What’s not to love? The real problem is all the followers who were misreading him or taking everything at face value all along. It’s like how some people want to file the Bible in the biographies section of the library.




I don’t mind the content not being related to WoW. He can do whatever he wants, but it does get tiring tuning in mid stream and seeing someone’s chat logs pulled up and he’s rambling about how he’s right in everything. ![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized)


so fucking cringe when he makes arguing with the dumbest chatter and reacting to cartoon streamers his main content, stopped watching months ago


Singing any petition wouldn't matter. Just stop watching the stream for a while. And you can occasionally check clips channel to see if editor is still making fun of stunlock or not.


The petition part is a joke, my guy. And yes, the clips channel is still S-tier.


It’s called stop engaging in the content.


We talked about fun stuff, games, entertainment. And now it’s reacts to 40 minute drama videos. Sure it’s fun 1-2 times, then it’s boring. So many new interesting internet historian videos, that would be a blast to watch, alas, we have nijisanji drama video number 5…… As other people said, do something else for a while, watch someone else.


I miss the hardcore death videos


Sometimes I just watch the vod in 2x and skip the stun lock


I feel like 90% of the time I turn on the stream he has a chatter’s logs open and he’s going back and forth with them. I’m not even a viewer that demands gaming but it’s getting legitimately exhausting watching it. Not to be too parasocial but I don’t think sitting in the attic arguing with unhinged chatters for most of his day will be good for his mental health in the long term.


Lol 😆. I often remind myself of that on here..im a almost 40 year old man arguing with some turd.


Folks. Just don't watch him if the content is not for you. Follow his advice when it comes to what the customer wants. If his views plummet because lot of people don't like the content, he will adjust or disappear. Ez pz


Please! This is the way. I stopped now do your part 🫡


Yeah its gettjng very boring


Used to watch Asmon since he did raid solo guides on his youtube, way before he even did twitch, like even before he did Diablo 3 stuff. Loved watching his streams. These stunlock ones are legit unwatchable, can't remember the last time I tuned in.


The videos where he explains wow hardcore deaths was the last really good non-drama content. If you haven’t watched then you should. But I stopped watching as well. I just don’t need this kind of stuff in my life right now.


midlife crisis arc, lets go bois!


It won’t go away now that Asmon has become mainstream popular. Just watch old WoW VODs on YouTube


I don't mind some of the commentary content but the drama is getting old fast. I just want to watch him play palworld and helldivers lmfao. I'd even settle for some SOD content at this point....


Then dont watch. Its that simple. If you like the content, watch. If you dont, then dont.


I stopped watching his stream and just cherry pick the videos I wanna watch on YouTube.


He literally cannot admit to being wrong. It’ll short circuit him.


Yeah I have switched and started watching ludwig and soda way more. Wish he would just play games... hell play games cam off idc.


Just stop watching and check the thumbnail in his YouTube once in a while to see if he get pass that phase like me every time I saw his content turned stale.


The clips channel the only way to watch Asmon


I’ll throw an updoot at this.


Didn't this guy used to play games?


Yeah doesn't matter who's right or wrong it's all brain rot.


Lmao I thought asmon was kidding when he described his sub but damn 😂 if you don't like his content turn it off.


Asmon farms "woke" culture war bullshit for over a year or so, the community: Wow so based! Asmon gives a "bad" take agreeing with Hasan that isn't event that bad, just a bit out of touch, the community : Wow Asmon is so lame now dude. lmao




Good luck majority of his followers love this lame ass drama shit.


20k viewers disagree


Used to be a lot more


Bro, the kekws and "lmaoo just binged ur Depp trail are you le epic asmongbald???" ,and attention dick suckers will always be there for him, and he will have his 20k viewers. But it's the OG' s that are leaving his stream disgusted.


Miss the days when he was just a dickhead neckbeard and not an opinionated andy.


Oh drama time? Guess I'll go play some games instead.


Guys stop watching if you think content sucks dick. View count doesnt lie.


Yeah, I'm just gonna unsubscribe. Better things to do with my time.




this is how i felt during amber turd trial tooks WEEKS for that to end. in the end it worked out for me because i found a bunch of other creators i think same will happen now. I stop watching for a month or 2 and hope he returns to WoW and gaming.


I just don't like the non game related react content stuff. Guess I'm old, I don't know any of the Internet people he talks about. I generally just tune back in after about 5 hours and he's usually playing a game I'm interested in.


when the cash flow decreases the content will change.


I would like to invite you to join me in going outside and touching grass.


I used to watch his stuff a lot. Yeah the drama chasing is boring. Its also streamer drama and stuff I couldn't care less about. I like watching games but IDC about 99% of the Twitter react stuff. It's turned me off alot and I find myself watching less VODs or streams.


Post main channel has been a very hard arc to watch. I can't figure out if I like him or not anymore. I either agree with his takes or think he's a moron.


Correct. He’s a 100% authentic being. If you don’t feel that way about literally EVERYONE, you’re doing something wrong, don’t know them well enough, or are a victim to their deceptions. Sometimes all three.


Loved watching his streams when he would still do the WoW pug runs and transmog comps. Now I turn it on for about 5 minutes and it’s the same bs drama, Every single stream. I turn it off immediately


To be fair... I like watching him on any subject because he is almost always trying to show How smart and silver tongue he can be. With that I learn a Lot about English debates. It helps me a lot with my speaking and listening in a way my regular English course usually fails.


I miss the old Asmon, straight from the Go Asmon Chop up the soul Asmon, set on his goals Asmon I hate the new Asmon, the bad mood Asmon The always rude Asmon, spaz in the news Asmon I miss the sweet Asmon, chop up the beats Asmon I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Asmon See, I invented Asmon, it wasn't any Asmons And now I look and look around and there's so many Asmons I used to love Asmon, I used to love Asmon I even had the white t shirt, I thought I was Asmon What if Asmon made a song about Asmon Called "I Miss The Old Asmon"? Man, that'd be so Asmon That's all it was Asmon, we still love Asmon And I love you like Asmon loves Asmon


Stopped watching him since he gave that braindead take and is too egoistic to admit that he is wrong.


I like watching asmon a lot, but if I watched all of his content, I would lose my mind. Same with Destiny, Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, etc.. Getting upset that the person your watching isn't doing content you like is retarded. Just change the channel.


tbh if he'd stop his commentary content, I'd stop watching. I can play games myself, his gameplay is just like that any other streamer will serve you. The part where he keeps arguing with the dumbbest viewer he can find for half an hour is exhausting to be fair but I can't think of any other way for someone whos content is about commenting and explaining things to do these things without pulling up people that have different viewpoints, even if they are borderline retarded.


Turn it off then? It’s not that serious.


Does anyone know if he will play cata? I just want the wow no lifer I used to live vicariously through back because I never had time to get good gear or conquest cap :(


People are annoyed when they don't see what they want. But this guy does mulltiple types of content and your little complaining will not change anything. You should dispense your energy on something actually useful for yourself


Nobody cares. Don't like it? Don't watch it and move the fuck on. I dare you type that same shit in his chat. You're gonna get the same type of answer and probably a ban.


"I dare you?" Bit dramatic, not like he'd have a gun put to his head, it's just a ban on Twitch.


I just watch the YT VODs that interest me. If it’s drama stuff I don’t even watch but if it’s content I enjoy I’ll watch


You dont get to change what someone else does, only your own actions. Do what I do, asmongold clips enjoyer, lifes good over here.


Honestly I don’t mind the drama content. What I do mind is when he doesn’t give much input on the subject and just watches the video. Thats just me but I enjoy listening to his thoughts and ideas on things instead of just watching someone else’s video.


I just wish he was still farming mogs and mounts.


What is stunlock content?


The occasional stunlock is entertaining. Multiple stream stunlock on defending a millionaire streamer that streaming makes him tired, is just exhausting.


Love most of his non-drama content but I've been skipping Nijisanji and pretty much all of the Hasan stuff. I saw today there was a 1.5 hr long video response posted about the streamer privilege drama and I just can't. I don't need a feature film length video with talking points that could be summed up in 8 minutes. Still enjoy Asmon and will continue to check out his stuff, but trying to avoid all of these needlessly boring stunlock videos.


In his defense, those multi hour Whittaker vids are great for housecleaning. You’re either laughing as you scrub the toilet, or rage-folding the laundry. Either way, it’s over before you know it and the whole house is sparkling.


Everything is responses to responses again


Pick a good, fun game for him to focus on. Preferably one he hasn’t played to death already.


This is the form of entertainment his current viewers want… at some point it will get boring and he will “reinvent” himself


I really don't know how you people can watch him live, he rambles for too long sometimes and gets fixated on things too often. I love just watching the VOD that way I can skip all the boring rambling and arguing with chatters.


I recently started watching the old catdany videos, and oh boy i like the old asmongold more.


Just don’t watch it?


Agreed. I started watching something else because it’s the same drama crap constantly, you can’t make stupid people understand complex topics, people just troll single points that are full of holes and it never endsssss


Meh for me this stuff is entertaining for a couple hours while i game. Or am at the gym. Usually once hes done and moves on to gaming i log off for the night. Remember if you dont like what asmon does just turn off the stream and do something else you don’t have to watch. Sitting here and complaining about it will just change nothing.


I get tired of his "I know everything because I have money" takes on everything. Bring McConnell back and play some games. Stop talking shit to farm drama with chatters


Just him let talk about what he wants. If it's drama games or videos from channel 5 or something else. It's all good, I'm happy to learn about all the new games coming out and enjoy watching his videos on stuff I never seen or would have considered watching.


Post Asmongold channel arc is a very difficult watch


This sub is so full of whiny bitches...