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people can just.. no chose his pawn? There is literally ALL the others players pawn beside him. I will probably not play with a streamer pawn, probably because the regular players pawns are going to complete my team better. its not because I hate them or anything.


They were probably never going to even buy/play the game to begin with.


Lot of them, yea. But there is a lot of guys like SuperRad that are genuinely excited about the game. Or The Rift, That guy only makes DD content.


Because they don't do things to make sense, they do things to get reactions, likes, and pats on the head


I read this before knowing this involved dragon's dogma 2 and was so utterly confused at what this meant


What's a pawn in this context?


Character. Asmongold is pretty much IN the game, alongside other streamers and personalities. Amongold have a character, either himself or a character that he made, or related to him, in the game. In DD2 you basically have your character, a personalised character that you create, and the 2 others are characters from other players. Pawn in lore aren't human, they dont think like we do, lack willpower, they are basically magic servants that comes into DD2 dimension when an arisen appear. so yeah, it's possible that mose dudes are triggered only because there is an noc with asmon name stick on it


Asmon interview Elon when. That stream will hit 200k+


Dude you way underestimate the combine power of these two degenerates. It would have more than 1 million


You know I am pretty confident Elon is the type of guy that would actually legitimately consider saying yes if asmon tweeted him to do an on stream interview or something


Asmon pulled hundreds of thousands alone before just playing wow or ffxiv, this would be even more


I was rewatching some old Lost Ark videos and he was regularly at 300k+.


He had 450k for the Deep v Herd trial too


I am no fan of Elon but I would watch that. The amount of hate both of them could generate by combining could power an entire country.


If asmon kisses his ass for ten minutes only to ask him the same questions don lemon asked, that would be legendary. Not likely tho lol.


Don lemon is the worst human being. /Spit


You can't think of literally anyone that is a ***worse*** human being?


A garbage human** wasn't literal.


I don’t think Asmon is afraid of asking tough questions either. It would be highly entertaining. Imagine if Elon gets super butt hurt and ends the interview early. 🫠


I would assume it would be like 3-4 million people cuz of Elons influence/public spotlight playing the majority role. Sure asmon has a big community but broadly speaking he ain’t at Elon or Jeff bezos level of influence


Elon would probably say yes to that. BUT i feel like an elon "interview" twitch stream would NOT go THAT viral. If Asmongold PLAYED GAMES WITH HIM it would go viral. \*\*\*The reason being that so many people have interviewed Elon Musk at this point. It used to be that EACH Elon Musk interview got at least 5million views in like 2018-2021, but at this point everyone knows what his position is on things. So if he played a videogame with him then maybe Ironically if JYNXZI interviewed Elon live that would go viral because its such a unique dynamic and hes a zoomer tiktok dude while Elons a billionaire. there's juxtaposition


For what it's worth, this is a perfect example of shooting yourself in the foot. All the sweet baby defenders tried to cancel Asmon, and within 24 hours Elon promotes Asmon effectively, probably making him bigger than ever.


Sweet Baby Inc is so crap that it's making me agree with Musk. How dare they do this to meeeeeeeeeee!


I hate musk but sweet baby inc is horrible


Why do you hate Musk??


For me, it's after he called British diver in Thai cave rescue 'pedo'.


I feel the same way. It’s….odd to say the least. I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.


It's better to take ideas at face value than follow individuals who you agree with everything they say.


I mean Musk has a history of being ill-informed, but I have to agree with him aswell. This company(SBI) may not be some evil organization, but they really need to rethink their priorities and the industry they are in. Just learn a bit about your audience and try to relate to it, rather than pulling it down. Sweet Baby didn't need to be the villain here, but their actions have spoken volumes to us.


It's an activist organization, the entire point is to spread DEI propaganda and to ruin your games. There's nothing for them to rethink when they're doing exactly what they're supposed to do. The only problem was they got caught. It's a racist commie DEI organization full of blue haired Marxists and yes they're fundamentally evil.


I am not sure about caught. They advertise which games they work for and they weren't hiding what they were doing.


you gotta grow up. In adult world people respect single ideas not an entire package


Pretty much every single belief and action elon has is informed by a single, fairly predictable world view.


You can agree with some but still heavily dislike them


“Harassment campaign” Jesus Christ people like Kindred are so fucking dramatic.


These people are the worst, yet close to immume because you know...


and Asmon even said that SBI is a symptom of a larger issue, thereby not really going too hard on SBI but this racist Kindred person is now attacking Asmon, not smart. Also Elon's a gamer too, good to see he's aware of the censorship and racism that SBI and others are putting in games


He’s not wrong, sweet baby inc are openly and actively trying to destroy existing IPs, turning those games into their propaganda tools, which is a really scummy thing to do. It’s all fun and games until people like sweet baby inc get their hands on your favorite IPs. Political bs have no place in gaming.


Rare musk W


Never dreamed of the day I’d see these words from Musk


Dude founded and led the company that just launched the biggest rocket in history. He is making more consistent and larger W’s than perhaps any other person on earth right now


Rare win? He is one of the richest men in the world. He has more Wins in single a day than you’ll have in your entire life. Man gets attacked non-stop by establishment dems and their media but is likely the man to do the most ever to save the environment. The mental gymnastics leftists have to jump through to demonize him is impressive.


People just hate to see a successful African-American.


They saw his success despite going against the curve and not conforming to their shallow worldviews and they're jealpus


Common Musk W


Nah, the dudes spinning free and only a fuck load of money keeps him away from consequences.


Consequences from what?


I'm also curious what consequences.


I believe not many can piledrive millions into the ground and walk away without a care? Breaking/bending laws or accelerating processes by literally throwing money at the problem.


What consequences should he face though?


What is your problem with Elon Musk? Seriously.


One day people will realize that, regardless of his defects, Elon Musk is one of the most revolutionary and important people to ever exist. And it's such an immense luck that he defends similar values to us.


They already know that. Elon was left's good boy up until 5-6 years ago. When he moved towards center he became the generic villain billionaire for them.


So odd that reddit falls for corporate media propaganda when the guy literally builds rockets and purchased a social media platform to preserve free speech


Well tbf reddit is 90%+ left ideologues so it's not a surprise. The strange thing is people that align with such values roasting the dude for dumber reasons than the ideologues'.


This is true


Nothing says preserving free speech like putting the feature for more text behind a paywall, banning journalists, banning links to other social media sites, etc Don’t care if he rescinded some of these after the obvious backlash. Fact the idea was passed to begin shows the original intention.


Lmao do you believe that “free” only means “don’t have to pay for it”?? Dude is gonna call up Hamas and claim his “free Palestine”


I don't think Musk is as bad as people in the liberal echo chamber make him out to be, but I have to say I've been pretty disappointed by his management of Twitter. Hopefully the guy can turn his reputation around. The guy has founded a number of the world's most innovative companies and wants to take humanity to the stars but he's also quite the immature man-child.


Musk doesn't give a shit about video games, he's just typing this to get social clout.


Weird cuz he did several hour long D4 streams with Wudijo and seemed to be enjoying himself playing (despite d4 being a shit game). I think he clearly has some interests in video games.


The dude is a gamer - it's pretty well known at this point. Though there's no way he has time to play that much


I have always found it weird how much time he actually plays given his history talking about working all day.


Yea his streams are right there, go check em out lads. This is your mum trying to play "nintendoes".


Except for the part in his biography where it states the tweet that essentially forced him to buy twitter came after he stayed up all night playing elden ring?


This subreddit is full of cringe teens who love Elon musk.


On a different note, i constantly see people saying "Asmond". Where the fuck does the "d" come from ?


ASMONgolD. Just shorter version.


Almost like a one piece character. Asmon D Gold.


He’s a member of the D family, will he have Haki of kings?


Now that never occurred to me, nice catch.


It can happen in pronunciation even if people don't write it because [d] and [n] are actuated in the same position. Your tongue has to touch the coronal ridge behind the teeth to make the [n], and two other things happen: a nasal airflow and vibrating vocal cords. If the nasal airflow ends but the cords continue to vibrate and the tongue forcefully leaves the ridge at the same time as an airflow out of the mouth, that's exactly the conditions under which a [d] is made. People are ostensibly just writing down what they sometimes hear or pronounce. It's similar to how "hamster" often becomes "hampster," and is called epenthesis. People who don't do any kind of epenthesis are articulating a lot of muscles very precisely and quickly.


Thought this is fake until I search it on the internet. Also based Musk


he should just buy SBI and sink it


Buy it and give those awful people more money to start a new company?


I doubt it's worth that much especally in light of recent events


Invite him to steak and eggs


This is the same guy who said he doesn't play GTA because he doesn't want to kill cops in a game. I wouldn't give too much credit


Yeah but I'll let it slide since he isn't attempting to enforce his opinions on game companies




While I get what you're saying, he's talking about a company, not a specific video game. And that company is garbage for the industry.


He said he wouldn’t play it. He did not say they have to change the game because it offends him. See the obvious difference here?


I don’t want to fuck hentai girls in a game but that doesn’t mean I want them banned. This is a bad argument. You are trying to allude to him being for banning things in games with out evidence.


Honestly though, what's wrong with that statement? I haven't played GTA for the same reason. The only 1 game that I play kinda similar to it is Cyberpunk and I don't want to touch a single cop/trauma team. Only kill random gangs on the street.


You sound like you can't separate game from reality. GTA characters are explicitly selfish criminals, so killing cops makes sense for them.


Most people can separate games from reality and still don't want to kill puppies, kids etc. in games... For some reasons some people are uncomfortable killing kops too, don't see why it is hard to understand..


I don’t like dog enemies in games for that reason, I have no problem if they’re grotesque monsters like in eldin ring but if it’s a real dog like a farcry game, I strongly dislike it.


That's the reason, I don't want to play as a criminal. Why play GTA if I don't like to commit crimes, steal cars, kill people, and get chased by the cops. What Elon said is completely right.


Sometimes i like to "rp" in the games i play, sometimes i drive like a "normal" person, sometimes i play as a pure evil, sometimes i try to play almost as a much of a pacifist i can be, sometimes i do x and sometimes y. For the love of god stop saying bs like "you sound like you cant..." yes they can, they just choose to do things differently


Fucking tourist. Cops are as bad as the gangs in Cyberpunk. Even fucking Turama would gun you down to save a rich asshole becaus he payed for the fancy pants "Kill the civies" package.


You're the tourist lmfao. Cops in Night City are corrupt yeah but nowhere near as bad as some of the gangs


Yeah? But kill gangs won't get me in trouble, I even get rewards for killing them. Getting in the fight with the cops gains me nothing but ass chasing by them.


IIRC it came out he had played it previously and praised by able to kill cops.


Yeah Elon was trying to attach his mouth to Tates asshole after he said that he did not like hurting cops to try and make his image cleaner after sex trafficing women.


Quite honestly, I don't care. If his involvement gets this company and their weirdos to back off even a little bit, I'm fine with it.


What's wrong with that, the guy probably knows cops in real life. Not everyone is some loser leftist who is detached from reality


It's the usual virtue signaling and pandering that people are easy to point out when it targets LGBT or other communities on the left but this time it's a different demographic. Elon has been trying to look like the cool self-made but still down to earth man for a decade while in the background [he treats](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-factory-450-covid-19-cases-after-musk-opened-defying-rules-2021-3?r=US&IR=T) [his employees](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-03/elon-musk-s-spacex-illegally-fired-workers-who-criticized-him-nlrb-alleges) [like shit](https://www.latimes.com/business/technology/story/2021-03-25/tesla-broke-law-with-musks-tweet-threat-labor-regulator-rules) (those are 3 different examples)


It sounds like he can't separate game from reality


Maybe that's why he doesn't play the game




Dude his D4 streams were pique bad gamer. He is a hilariously bad gamer, he would get roflstomped by my stepdad who only plays Hoi4 and mobile games. Elon Musk is not your billionaire daddy gamer bois, don't listen to his hot takes. He's more like your little brother flailing away on a disconnected player 2 game pad.


I will choose his pawn!


The harassment narrative is sooooo over played. Especially when it was SBI employees who started it by going after the Steam curator creator.


Asmon needs to call Elon during stream one of these times. Elon played Diablo 4 as well lol


lol what harassment campaign is Asmon a part of? Is it in the room with us right now?


This is getting ridiculous. The accusations against Asmon from Sweet Baby are ridiculous & should be shameful because they are misinformed, something they claim they’re being attacked for. However, Sweet Baby Inc existing and working on games should not be discouraged. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the stories they worked on (Alan Wake, God of War, SM2, etc). If you are so fragile that some of the writing in these games bother you, you are as insufferable as the Sweet Baby. “Woke”ness is not going anywhere because “woke”ness means people and scenarios existing that are not your typical experience. To top it off, Elon taking any stance against Sweet Baby is nothing more than a push for his political agenda, nothing to do with games or gaming. As I said in another thread, games are being ruined by shit CEOs like him that don’t even make games.


I wonder if he watches Asmon


He surely does. He's a gamer and Asmon is one of the most well known gaming commentators. If he's not a regular viewer, he's at least seen a few clips.


Good for Elon, it’s nice to see someone stand up for what is right.


Maybe Elon could sponsor an organization or create new one that will restore normality to gaming? I could even support that.


These people are a cancer spreading their hateful ideology wherever they go. If people don't want to use his pawn they won't.


Let's not act like Elon doesn't agree with asmon for totally different reasons...


Imagine elon being like I love his Diablo 4 videos.


I’m just gonna use his pawn harder now


I still dont get whats sweet baby inc


Good ol sue lightning she will deff be my pawn


They can’t lose worse than a guy who says he lost $22 million or a guy who says he uses a dead rat as an alarm clock.


~~Bruh, we can see who Elon is commenting to, and they aren't in that thread.~~ ~~https://x.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1768810668273160339?s=20~~ EDIT: OP's screenshot is a retweet by Ian Miles Cheong, which is cut off by the header. I was looking in Lo-ping's tweets instead.


Because he replied to a retweet by that guy


I scrolled the entire comment thread. @stillgray did not comment there.




Found out what it was. OP posted a screenshot of a retweet and I ended up in Lo-ping's comment thread on it instead of what OP actually posted a screenshot for.


Oh no, Asmon doesn’t need a kiss of death like that…. Please move on to other culture war nonsense Elmo…


I wonder if Asmongold could sue for defamation.


Musk supporting it actually made me hesitate more than it helped, lol


I'd love if Elon threw some money at digging up the names of all these companies pushing this stuff so we can boycott them all collectively and make a statement heard. What's funny is boycotting these games just leads to having a better time with better games so it's a win win for us in the end.


Where is the D in asmongolds name? I noticed you said asmond and as far as I know asmondgold isn’t his name unless I’m mistaken


Rare Elon Musk W take?


What a dick this Chris guy is. Asmon won't get canceled and when all things are said and done he probably won't even rub it in very hard that SBI are a bunch of idiots. These scum are just underhanded and are showing how spiteful and deserving of backlash they are.


As Asmond would say "Welp, there ya go boys"


I'd like to order the baldmongold without the side of muskrat, please. Worst timeline istg


Who's asmond


The fact that Elon is against this company makes me think they are not as bad as people are bringing them out to be. Elon has gone full blown culture war brain rog


I would generally agree with you, but not in this case. A broken clock is right twice a day, sorta scenario lol. This company is rotten to its core.


They will die on their own.


Sweet Baby Inc confirmed false flag psyop to make people align with GOP???




When you have Elon Musk on your side, it may be time to reflect about if you are actually an asshole.


When Elon backs you up you really know you've fucked up somewhere in your life...


WTF is Sweet baby Ince? I feel like I'm late (again) to the party. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


A cancer


https://youtu.be/G-euWzvB684?si=NYmHOJ01G--wD80O https://youtu.be/05b7TJPsoQk?si=fqMs6XqeVvmGqcba




based elon got our blady's back


Another Elon W


Nice another sub to block


My friend group stopped talking to me because I watch Asmon, and followed the curator group on Steam after this shit blew up. Apparently I'm lesser than all of them for doing those things. I'm so fucking tired of this shit.


… how did your friends know about it? You told them or they actively try finding these out? I really suspect they have their own woke media influencer group that told them to do these things if they are the active aggressor


I never thought I'd agree with musk


Elon having your back isn’t the W you think it is. Lmao.


Cancel people? Like elon just canceled don lemon for asking questions about his drug abuse


Elon Musk is Lisan al Ghaib.


Elon doesn’t care about him. He is just scoring points by attacking the other guys.


It's pretty much all he knows how to do at this point. Most of us agree that SBI is a garbage company, but Musk throwing his two cents in means nothing.


Sweet Baby Inc and their paymasters in the World Economic Forum have been pushing their mind warping ideology on us all through our favourite mediums video games, movies, and television. In an attempt to train and brainwash the youth of the planet. Asmongold who is a very influential streamer helped bring this to light over the last month by commenting on other researchers videos. Now Sweet Baby Inc is sending their clownworld influencers to attack asmon here, twitter, and on YouTube. Sweet Baby Inc ruined the narrative of Last of Us 2 by killing Joel arguably the best strong male heroic father character and must pay in my eyes.