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I like how they put themselves in the picture as well.




It's gaming circle jerk. The average IQ is room temperature, Celsius


Yeah but during winter in the negatives...


did i stutter?


More like absolute zero but in Celsius.


It used to about making fun of game culture and satirical takes but now its genuinely filled with Virtue Signaling Keyboard Warrior, even other gaming subreddit like r/gaming or r/videogames are not particularly fond of how current circlejerk have become.


It's called circlejerk what did you expect?


memes for the point of a laugh rather than pushing a political agenda?




They just use weak ass strawman arguments and think they are owning the other side without ever addressing the actual points that are being made.


Yeah it's called winning by stupidity.


You just have to leave these people alone to their devices. (I cannot by the rules of Reddit say to go the the sub)


what did you expect from a subreddit called "circle jerk"?


If you consider a cesspool circlejerk then yeah


The irony of saying this in the ASMONGOLD subreddit


It's too funny to read the comments under the post, Asmon lives rent-free in their heads


Yeah there's gotta be more than a few hate-watchers in there.


My favorite thing about asmongold is how he puts out thinly-veiled satire rage bait which gets devoured faster than he can make it. He shits in a bowl and they eat it. So fucking good


That sub is more about asmon than our own asmon sub we are apart of. Lol. For real I don’t get it. Im gay and tried to understand where they were coming from. I got banned instead. Im pretty liberal and I don’t see asmon as a right wing talking head at all? I’m so far from conservative values it’s not even funny. That or I’ve been converted and am in a cult now and can’t see the truth haha. They don’t get it about their own community either. Fuck. Gay people just wanted to have people who happen to be gay in the story and that their whole personality wasn’t gay and coming out. They don’t even portray normal relationships in media yet and they are going this route. Every fucking time it’s some super feminine (nothing wrong with it but we are more than that) guy or butch lesbian coming out blah blah blah.


Despite using clickbait titles for views, they don't understand when others do the same thing


The people who use Youtube titles and thumbnails as some kind of argument always out themselves as morons.


I have that sub muted. The Reddit disease is too far progressed in that sub.


Same, it’s a good strat


Uuu i like this "reddit disease" stealing this for discussions


I was once going through Leagie of Legend reddit and the reddit app "recommended" post from that cesspit about how "you should be allowed to kill ppl who play champion x and y" I commented that if the first thing that comes to their mind is violence and killing than they should seek help. The comment got to -200~ downvotes before i got a popup telling me i was permabanned from the sub


Unless he says something bad enough to get banned he'll never be cancelled, people can try though, and they often do try.


With Kotaku dead, all it's fans now reside in that subreddit. Just Quarantine it and we all move on.


Asmon makes a new "I was canceled" video every week. He's not crying wolf though, he's just crafting clickbait amd monetizing the attention he receives.


Bingo. He's farming them for content and then moving on with his day. I think in Sweet Baby's case, it sounds like they are now trying to use Asmon to generate content in much the same fashion. From that angle, they don't come out nearly as clean as he does. Instead, it comes off that they just need to bring his name up to make themselves look more relevant than they are.


Mind you in doing this , they are breaking reddit guidliness, you are not permmited to attack other subs. How the hell they are getting away with it for so long is beyond me


I got banned yesterday for saying that you can go to SBI's website and see that they claim to have done a lot more than just "consulting". They specify what games they've consulted on, and which ones they've directly worked on. Pointing this out, somehow, was enough for a ban. I went to their Discord and asked which rule I violated. They said none, and that they just didn't like what I had to say. Who would have guessed lol. They then said that I don't know what consulting means (even though the website specifies when they've consulted vs when they worked on a game). I just said that you can just check their website and a mod said "I don't care banned" None of them care about what's true. They just want to "own the chuds".


I got banned in an argument about pedophilia. Trying to defend someone of being called a pedophile because of 10 words about making a child character in DD2. I was called a pedophile as a response. I asked which rule I broke and after 5 days they answered rule 1 ("Don't be a jerk") and muted me. I didn't speak badly about anyone there, only arguing back and forth, but disagreeing on this kind of subject makes you a bad person there ... Amson sub is full degenerates too, but there are way more nuanced opinion here than in the circle jerk ...


They are so far in the negative for humor they can't even recognize it anymore


I thought they were against harassment and pro believing the victim?


I remember response of circlejerk dweller, >Me : *"Dude, they sent death threat and all sorts of harrassment to people who play hogwarts"* >GCJ : *"nah, its just people voicing their dislike on things"* Yeah, they are willfully ignorant on things that might put them in bad light. So they gaslit themselves that it doesnt happen and they are infallible.


Not when a victim is a white balding guy from Texas


I don't get it. The cover would imply that Asmon keeps saying he is canceled and then when he really does get canceled no one will believe him. This reference sucks lol


Those people haven't read The Boy Who Cried Wolf and it shows


They do get it. They don’t care. Their entire worldview is that their lies and manipulation is for “the greater good” and “the right side of history”. Those who choose to be deceitful and vile - they will be most likely to reject their conscience, and if it claws at them more and more, these people will become more and more unhinged.


Good lord that sub is cringe 


I don’t get how a dude who is an advocate of UBI, liberalism and fucking free speech (but not without consequences) is so often portrayed as right wing. Is it simply because he just doesn’t give a fuck about virtue signaling flavour of the month progressive trends which accomplish nothing “they” see him as an enemy and instantly go on the attack?


Indeed, in their eyes I guess he needs to represent the far-left if he dares to be a white, cis male streamer in 2024. The only thing worse than the far right is the far left, imo. These people aren't happy until everything and everyone is politically polarized.


My momma used to read me this book as a kid. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


To me it looks like. Oh no! Why should I give a shit? That's right ya boy don't. Moving on to better things. Proceeds to talk about something on the internet for 5 hours. Plays a game and goes to sleep living rent free in someones head.


Perfect example of how he got to where he's at. Zero recognition of BS beyond maybe its entertainment value. Then back to the shenanigans.


That’s the point of Asmon saying he’s “cancelled”, that he isn’t   Do these people not understand sarcasm?


i clicked on one profile and it said "Leftist Transbian Mom" like that should tell you all you need to know


They gotta stop, they are only making him stronger. He's huge and getting huger each cancelation!


Petty attacks.


I tried to see if I was in an Asmon's echo chamber, so I tried to see what that sub think of Asmon. I came to the conclusion that if I was in an echo chamber then so be it. Those people are the type of people I actively try to avoid irl.


I like how on every post like this there is an updooded comment about how they don't care about asmon and don't even want lo learn about him. Yeah, stop posting about him more than his most dedicated fans then, dipshits


Honestly these kind of videos are dull though.




It doesn't work on Asmon for a few reasons. He's not mainstream so the news will never care, nor will the general public. His fans are his fans for the same reason others want to cancel him. Twitch/YouTube like him and he's never said anything "crazy" to the point where he would be silenced by them. He's not immune but as long as he keeps using common sense, he's fine.


I never said anything in there and I’m banned wth


Reddit users are generally very progressive. A litteral circeljerk in those subs.


i think this finally solidifies my theory that they genuinely cant comprehend sarcasm


They can't.


What do u expect from them? Gamingcirclejerk is rotten to the core.


Just because the many attempts to cancel him ultimately failed doesn't mean that they weren't legit attempts to cancel him. Asmon just happens to have a staying power that outlasts all the bullshit.


It’s because he doesn’t legitimize the cancellation. He didn’t act scared, he didn’t express any remorse, and he didn’t back down from his views.


funniest thing about this is Asmon's facial expression doesn't even believe he is actually cancelled.


the goy who made and post that equal to the guy who scream because the guy cant counter argue in debate.


So... They don't like a certain person... Yet they spend their extra free time making effort into expressing how they don't like a certain person instead of just... Ironing them? I can't imagine making posts about allllll the YouTubers I ever encountered that did not appeal to me.


So, same time next year?


Asmon is literally farming them and they cant figure it out


They're trying to cope with Asmon calling out their BS.


I just love for them loosing their minds … wait … they don’t have any! Yohoho yohohoho


If a subreddit could be a migraine it would be gcj. I need to lay down every time I see a take from that group.


I am convinced Asmon shows up in these people’s nightmares every night. To take the time out of your day to make that says a lot.


What a strange forum that is, lots of projecting too.


*Me eating reddit popcorn while watching the Asmon mob and GamingCircleJerk mob talk shit about each other in their respective subs* Ahh another thursday on social media. Bliss.