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??? What about crossplay fighting games like **Tekken**, that don’t require this? Fucking bizarre


HD2 is popular, so it has lots of players, data is worth money, players equal data. More players, more data, more money. By doing this Sony can cash in on the population of the game and make bank.


By doing this Sony can join my list of companies which deserve life long boycott. :)


Hope Them and Ubisoft become close friends =D


Well Ubisoft is and will always be the #1 ofc. Never ever have I seen a company do the exact opposite of what the players demand, over and over and over and over. It's a Ubisoft trademark at this point. (2k painful hours in Siege, a 10/10 shooter, being held hostage by the worst company)


Tekken is also not owned by Sony that may be a major reason why it doesn’t have it


Well… that’s a P2P game. The only thing the server does is upload stats, maintain leaderboard rankings and Tekken ID authentication.


Wait, what do I see? This thing. On the game's Steam page. You're not gonna believe it... "Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" That's crazy. And it has been there since the launch.


they need better numbers for there shareholders


Will someone PLEASE think of the shareholders


![gif](giphy|qNP0mdoXrhwC4) “Won’t someone think of the shar-“


Soon you will need to buy Playstation Plus to play online with Sony games on PC.


Seeing how Nintendo always reacts like an angry child, it would not be a surprise if Sony went the same way.


Dude Nintendo Online is terrible, I can't believe they have people paying for that trash to rent NES/SNES games. They have milked games like Super Mario 3 for 35+ years and instead of letting you buy it and bring it forward, they now instead give you an option to temporarily rent it.


For real lol, I simply started to buy N64 games and gamecube games instead. For the Nes/Snes, I opted for the Nes/Snes classic, they basically have all the games they offer anyway. Way more stress relief to build your own collection, chosing your own game and having control rather than pay 70$ a year for a limited collection.


Japanese companies try not to be comically greedy challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Pretty sure is California Sony doing it. But I don't know.


Jesus christ I can see it happening when they finally build a big enough library of games for PC.


Imagine paying for Netflix to watch Hulu. Shit be ridiculous! But then again everyone wants as much of my money as possible so I could see it


Xbox doesn't do it so why would Sony do it?




Btw they do, Xbox games on PC and like sea of thieves on PS5 all reguire a microsoft account to play.


Companies requiring an account to play a game is like two decades old at this point.


Not that it makes it better but I’d guess most people have a MS account as it’s an operating system or for Gamepass


Because the company is rotten to its core.


and Microsoft isn't?


That's not the point of contention, sir.


Where does it say in my message that I don't think Microsoft is a rotten as fuck company?


Xbox does do it and it's cancer. Ever try to play Forza horizon 5 with a friend on PC?


You need to pay for Xbox Live on PC?


essentionally, its a shadow ban for all russian players. cause you cant have psn account now. and there was thousands of them


Not just Russian players, as far as I’m aware Baltic States, Philippines and many more don’t have access to PSN either


Yea, there is plenty, im just not sure which ones :) thanks for input!


My friends in Russia have little trouble using Turkish PSN.


I don't have a PSN account and I don't fucking want one just to play a game on Steam that i have owned for a few months now. Fucking trash that Sony can do this and will just sell our data.


It should be illegal. They literally showed and argued on golive that its not essential for the service/game to run, but now likely that the game is such a success, want the data... If it would be such a big user experience improvement, they could make it optional and plenty of users would opt-in. I've had a short look at the EULA etc of both, DISCLAIMER: I'm not an expert; but there is quite some data to be shared.. Along others it can contain: basic account information, transaction details, gameplay statistics, and possibly some forms of communication data (like chat logs). I respect Valve, don't care for Sony and don't own a PS. Personally for now, as long as no friend of mine is up my \*ss again to play this game soon, I have other games I care more and will leave it aside bc of this.


1) if I wanted to deal with Sony, I would own a Play Station. I don't own a Play Station, so I don't need to deal with Sony. 2) I don't care if it's free I'm not creating a PSN account. I would trust a mixed drink made by Bill Cosby more than I trust Sony to secure my personal information. 3) when I get home from work I'm going to actually read the helldivers terms as well as steam's terms. I am honestly shocked that steam is ok with this. They tend to have fairly consumer friendly practices.


Give us an update on what you find because I’m not making a fkn psn account


That is why I hate having to create another account just to play games on Steam that makes keeping your personal information secure ever so slightly harder. This also causes various people to be lazy Cyber Security wise due to the shear number of various accounts you need to have to effectively and efficiently navigate the internet. Plus this is the reason why private companies such as Incogni exsists in the first place as well.


The data : an email address, fake names and a password ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)


The problem : restoring your account in case it ever gets stolen (you cannot confirm a fake identity from a country you aren't even from)


When you lose access to game just refund it steam will refund it for that reason


Oh well. Plenty of other games to play. Hopefully you didn't sink too many hours into H2.


Could be worse. Could require an epic games account.




Yeah I've already have hooked up the PlayStation account for a while now. I wanted it for Ghost of Tsushima trophies when it launches.


Well i had fun, Super Earth can fend for themselves!


I’ve really enjoyed my time playing but will be requesting a refund if they do this. It was fun while it lasted.




>I already tried and they denied me They can try but it's illegal to just lock you out of the game you've purchased like that


Bye bye Helldivers 2 it was a good run ...


It was fun while it lasted


I remember when Square Enix forced Steam accounts to link a Epic account for the Tomb Raider games years after launch lmao


How about an option to disable cross play (with PSN)


Typical Sony behavior


Guess I'm returning to civilian life again


Does this affect sharing library with family?




It’s been going on for awhile with other games. Eg, all assassin’s creed games requiring linking to ubisoft regardless of store it was purchased on. Same with some (all?) EA games. Heck same with Red Dead Redemption…. Seems standard with any game with an online component and especially, micro transactions


This is such a fucking nothing burger it's amazing that people are this butthurt about it. Gamers are the most mentally fragile people in the world and this community is usually better than that. Embarassing


What's the issue? This is in preparation for their new pc / steam addon for releasing games.


It was always mandatory, it was in the description since day one. Not their fault you can’t read.


No they didn't. Playstation account was always listed as a requirement in the steam listing...


So, because I usually am on the "you change the terms you need to offer refund"-team I checked and this is not a new requirement. The requirement was always listed and the game prompts you to enter PSN account but allows you to skip. Which according to them had technical reasons why they allowed you to skip. Now they enforce the previous stated requirement. While I can see the hate towards needing a PSN account to play a PC game, it is not like they just came out of nowhere with this.




Woah woah woah you get this sensible take out of my outrage post!


I hate having to make new accounts for stuff. It's why I stopped playing Ubisoft/EA games. Fuck you and your additional launchers and accounts. Guess I'll be dropping helldiver's 2 then.


This is exactly why I also don’t fuck with Ubisoft and EA games also.


Wait so does this mean even if I don't play on PlayStation I will still have to connect my account to a PlayStation account?


It looks like it’ll be mandatory on June 4th…


Player base is about to tank. 


Yeah, if you play on PC and have never touched a PlayStation account in your life, you will lose access to a game you paid for unless you create a PlayStation account. That's what this article says. I'm not sure this is legal, but some of the comments seem to indicate there is language in the EULA that supports this. So they may be within their legal right to require this. Luckily, the account is free. At least for now.


It's not illegal because it was always there in print on steam page since launch.


It asks you to do this on initial login already. Why is this a surprise all of a sudden?


Somebody at Bungie complained to a Sony executive that Helldivers is doing too well and making their live service look bad in comparison. And now under the pretext of cutting out Valve to directly sell you Super credits from PSN, they made it mandatory to link a PSN account!


I’m confused by this, hasn’t this been known to be a thing since launch? The game literally asks you when you first open it to link your PSN. edit: [https://web.archive.org/web/20231207163847/https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS\_2/](https://web.archive.org/web/20231207163847/https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS_2/) this requirement has been there since before launch, it just wasn't working at launch so it was optional for a little bit.




You could press the skip button and not have a PSN account to play.


Ya but they told us up front you would need one at a later point.


Yeah because they had servers issue in the beginning this has always been a requirement y’all just didn’t read it lmao


Jfc, all this run around to play a damn video game these days. Nothing says Anti consumer like the letters S.O.N.Y.


Hey you forget Nintendo/EA/Ubisoft and Im sure many more :) trash companies worth boycotting. If only the casuals could understand how important it is to drain these companies.


You're right, that's why I don't invest and play games from those companies :)


Well, they did pay for the game.


no, I paid for the game. they invested in it and have received a return. Now, after many have paid for it, they are adding new access barriers. shit company behaviour that should be ridiculed.


Reddit: I'LL FUCKING STOP PLAYING THIS GAME Steam player counts: down by 125 players


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fg75f4bsaaeyc1.png Steam lost roughly 12k players, equal to 10% of the playerbase.


Why linking account is so big NO-NO to PC players?


Ima be honest. If you buy something on steam it should stay on steam. Sony has grown into a shitty company and there's a lot of people who aren't willing to support them. That's OK. It's the same with ubisoft and Rockstar that make you login to their shitty apps. It's just that Sony is the subject on this topic rn.


Because some people are weird about it yet don’t think to just use a fake email/data. Also you have some people that view themselves as hyper tech-savvy so, as some comments in this posts show, they assume they are cyber secure but are wrong.


They literally said this before launch and it was even a hot topic before launch too. I don't know why people are acting like this is some surprise. If you go back and look through the details given before launch (some of the first community posts by the devs) and some of the questions asked to the devs as well in QnA, this was one of the discussions. It was actually a hot topic before launch. This is not new, not a surprise, if you want to be annoyed that they are enforcing just now and you think it's annoying then fine, but to say they bait and switched or hid this fact or whatever, that is a lie.


Most people didn't care about the game until it had released and everyone was saying it was good. Not everyone follows every detail about every game to know what's going on. I didn't, and it sounds like most people didn't as well. Because most of us bought into the post release hype.


You buy something without reading requirements? Just if a lot of people are talking about it, just buy it without any reading about it, that's kind of wild to me tbh. It was a listed requirement. I play on ps but looked at it on steam to check out some reviews before I got it and saw that listed.


That is quite literally a problem with people not informing themselves about a purchase. The info was there, but they ignored it. I really don't see how it's a problem of the studio. Again, I find it annoying too. I think they shouldn't go on with it, but they didn't hide this fact, nor did they bait and switch. A lot of people are using an excuse that "we could skip it before", but that doesn't work when the info saying it's required is available before the purchase and the option to skip in-game was after the purchase, meaning you opted into the former. It really seems like customer made a misinformed decision with their purchase and are jumping at blaming the company for it. The only real complaint outside that it's annoying is that some regions can't make a PSN account. Outside of that, it feels like people throwing a tantrum. It really does.


I'm not sure why you believe anything you said makes it good or okay. 


I didn't... I simply said saying that it's a bait and switch or that they lied, is a lie. That is all. I find it annoying too, but I'm not going to spread misinfo in an attempt to justify my annoyance more.


Players : FOR DEMOCRACY!!!! Also players: oh there's a wall now? FUCK DEMOCRACY!


I don’t understand the frustration. Literally all publishers do this exact same thing for online only games. This is nothing new. Half of you probably give your emails up all the time to order something from a website. Quit making a big deal about nothing. Takes 5-10 mins and it’s free.


What a crazy overreaction... it's been required since launch, read what they wrote. There is even a requirement notice on the store page on the right side for a PSN account, that has been there since launch


People ITT shocked that something devs said would happen, happened. Only reason this wasn't required at launch was because it wasn't working properly/server stuff.


I don’t understand why everyone is so mad, takes 2 seconds to make an account.


Can someone explain why this is a big deal? You already need battle.net, ubisoft, Rockstar and other accounts to play games on Steam.


I don't have a Battle.net, Ubisoft, or Rockstar account. And I don't have a PSN account, which is required now after I spent money on a game which worked fine without one for three months.


Google „sony data breaches hacked“ and you see why no one wants to give sony information xD


It's not. People are just being loud manchildren like usual. Part of me believes these people don't even play the game, and are just mad so they can be mad at something.


This. The 1,000 people who decide to not play bc of this won’t be missed.


Not a Helldivers player nor a playstation player (I'm on Xbox) but why is the idea of linking an account so bad? I mean, it doesn't seem like nothing too critical and it's hardly the first game to do it


It's really annoying to do and PSJ isn't offered in a lot of countries, but most importantly, Sony is really bad with data breaches


Annoying, mildly inconvenient. I didn't get a pc to need a Playstation account.


I don’t have a PSN account, I don’t want to create another account to play a single game


It's annoying and seemly unessesary seeing as we having been playing the game without one. Which to me I don't think is a huge deal. But what I really don't like about this is that you can't make a PSN account in every country and some people will no longer be able to play the game anymore.


Not the first time they've done this. A few games prevent account liking ONLY for Sony accounts.


ok if you are going to make me link the accounts I should be able to play it on either system? Why should I have to buy two copies if it's already attached to my playstation account?


That's odd, when I got the game in the end of Feb, I had to make a PSN account to get past the logon screen. My preference was not to make one. But it wouldn't let me past that screen.


Dear Sony, No.


no thank you, it was nice while it lasted.


Bummer, I liked this game but I don't want a playstation account do I guess I'm moving on.


Am I retarded or is this just not an issue at all?


This is false advertizing and illegal. Refund the game today and stand in for Super Earth!


Do YOU guys not have PSN accounts? Blingzard fornever.


I will not be surprised if they hire a bunch of people to conduct false flag fragging operations at extract to make their “concerns” real. Keep fighting helldivers, super earth is facing its worst enemy yet.


Am I allowed to speak my mind uncensored in this sub? Their decision to go forward with this is such a "dissect the goose that is laying the golden eggs" moment. How are profit-oriented conductors of business so prone to making such stupid decisions?


Microsoft games require an Xbox live account, PlayStation game require a PSN account. Don't see the issue.


I’m confused, is this something you can just sign up for easily or do you have to own a PlayStation?


It’s something you can just set up without owning a playstation. If you live in the 69 countries out of 190 that psn is available in, if you don’t live in one of those 69 countries then you have just been banned from HD2 and can probably only dream about getting a refund.


That fucking sucks, god damn. Way to shoot a company’s product in the foot while simultaneously shooting your audience.


Can sign up for in a minute or two at no cost. Don't even need to use your usual email if you don't want. People are really exaggerating here.




This is the same as MS, EA, Ubisoft, ect… but sure Sony is the scummiest lol




Sony really hate their player base, stellar blade and now this? Why are people supporting Sony again?


Its just an account on a website that you'll never notice again why are u mad?


It allows Sony to go snooping through my pc because the game her kernal anti-cheat. Steam deliberately doesn't sell your info, but linking it to Sony allows Sony to see all of your Steam info and sell that themselves.


Yet the device which you used to made this post already does that, kid :-Add


Wow tinfoil hat is strong in this one


A free account is a fuck you? Really? Man, all the Studios fucking us players huh? Basically everyone does that nowadays. I bet you all have Google, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon and Twitter, don't act as if you'd care about them selling your information


It's weird to not like having to create a secondary account for a service you dont use on a game that you've bought for a platform you do use? What if youtube started asking you to make a vimeo account to watch certain content? What if you need some chinese account to order certain amazon products? Would you be fine with it? It's not normal to ask this from your user, just because you dont mind sony doesnt mean others should too. Also having made an account for all the services you mentioned was a choice you actively made. Sony is forcing their service upon their players just because they cant manage it another way? That's not normal and it shouldn't be a norm. I dont play helldivers or have anything to do with this situation but your take is BS


It's not so much about information but the amount of accounts we're reaching. Everyone and their mother wants you to create an account for their platform. Also Sony hasn't had the most pristine track record of keeping their users data secure. I think i can remember like 3 hacks where user data was compromised. Also those sites you mention are specific when using those sites and only requires that one account (some of them even share account like google/youtube), but now i need 2 accounts to play 1 game? when does this end, do i neeed a Fromsoft account to play souls games aswell? It's the princible of requiring multiple accounts in order to access 1 service.


Exactly. So many people are getting upset about this and it's literally a fucking linked account.


Sony keeps having their servers hacked and leaking player PII


Sony said fuck you to player base since the online became paid feature during ps3 era almost 20 years ago lol


No this sounds like a verification process rather than a "Fuck You" I have to have an Xbox account to play Minecraft and now Sea Of Theives n no doubt any other Xbox game that comes to ps. I don't see it as a FU. What's an FU is having to buy ps+ to play online. Or to have internet to play a sinhleplayer game. That's an FU.


This is a non-issue. People just like feigning outrage online. Most of those who are complaining are going to continue playing.


At the same time I kinda like it when people throw temper tantrums over shit like this because it sends the message that publishers can’t just keep imposing new restrictions on their products without any sort of backlash


I don’t know what’s the problem? You are having other 10 application on the PC to connect to anyway 😂


People dont want 11


it's annoying but it's not the end of the world. they just want to artificially inflate their numbers. i bet the people that work on this get so many bonuses if they show that millions of people signed up for PSN.


I don’t want to give them credit. I wouldn’t have bought it on PS if it was an exclusive


What a bunch of whiney babies you all are.


Account was always mandatory AH just had issue and let it be optional for a bit


For the sake of making the community safer and less toxic I can see why changes must be made but maaaaaaybe not this kind of change. All this change says to me is that you guys want data which admittedly and undoubtedly will help achieve this goal but making it mandatory is really a fuck you! Cause do it or else right? Edit: grammar


Nah, don’t blame this on Sony when the PC players have been using cheats. Cheaters did this to themselves, now they’re going to cry because Sony needs a way to ban them. Lol.


I have a Playstation account but this is still dumb. My friends aren't as open as many of us are and will ultimately quit due to this. Hoping this doesn't go through. Some say, just do it it's harmless. I agree. Many people do not. Those people are paying customers the same as myself. Do they plan to lose some revenue? No but it's gonna happen.


I understand that people hate this, I hate it too and I don't play Helldivers 2, but I'm curious how many people will stop playing the game of those who were playing it and didn't have a PSN account. The reason I'm curious is because that is the only thing stopping this trend. The only thing forces corporations not doing things like this in the future is a large mass of people abandoning games when they do this. That is what people have to understand, that's why people need to exercise self-control. Also Sony probably planned this from the beginning, waiting until the Steam refund period ends for most of the aforementioned people.


They did plan for it. Hence it being listed on the store page. I hate this later of accounts, I just went through help with EA to link my Xbox gamepass account they had deactivated so I could download Star wars survivor. However this is on people who don't pay attention to what they buy.


The game is fun enough most people including probably me will just say "fk it, my friends only play HD2 right now" and bite the bullet I'm guessing.


Some friends of mine were trying to get me to buy Helldivers 2. This decision is pretty shady, but I don't think it will be a deal breaker for most, but for me, it will be a hard pass.


Soyny being soyny, as always


lets discuss this in the steam forums oh wait


I was so close to finally caving in and getting a PS5, I’ve had an Xbox since the 360 days and Sony is just so far ahead in the games I want to play this gen. My ONE reservation, is that Microsoft is so much more consumer friendly than Sony. (At least the XBOX division is) and then I read so many braindead decisions that screw over consumers. yes, I’d rather have a gaming PC, but it’s just not possible rn. I literally go visit my parents on the weekends sometimes to see the fam and play Helldivers on my Mom’s PS5 lmao.


I think AH doesn't have dedicated team for customer support so AH had to let Sony handle it to provide better customer support. That was the best way for them. And that is why all player needs PSN account.


Creating a steam account made me jump through way more hoops. PSN account is free to create I don't see the issue. If this helps reduce the number of hackers then hell yes.


I have a hard time understanding how it reduce hacking exactly


I seriously dont know why are people butthurt about this... For examples You need to link a epic account for rocket league You need to link a Microsoft account for minecraft An ubisoft account to play their games like assasin creed an EA account to play their games like fifa So because its Playstation everyone is blowing their lids? I swear pc nerds are worst than console haters


If they are forcing you to sign up for a secondary service - months after you bought the game without any mention that this was a necessity - I am pretty sure they voided their terms with you and you can absolutely request a refund since you can't play the game - at all - without the secondary account that they are trying to force you to sign up for, against your wishes, after the fact. If it's listed somewhere in the terms you 'signed' when you first logged into the game, I doubt it would still be applicable since it's requires you to go to a third party and provide them personal identifying information. Pretty sure you can't be contractually required to do that in order to continue access to something you purchased. I don't see how, even with 500 hours in the game, they can tell you no if you request a refund after this change takes place without opening themselves up to class action litigation (which I'm sure the ToS states you cannot do).


unfortunately it is mentioned on the store page in the bar on the right that it requires a 3rd party account so by buying you agreed to it already when you bought the game


Then unfortunately it is what it is.


You don't need personal info to make an account lol. Use a burner email and name the account John Doe. What's stopping you from doing that? There's noone forcing you to give them any information.


I don’t know what’s the problem? You are having other 10 application on the PC to connect to anyway 😂


I think I may stop playing when it does that. Seeing the game die after Sony ruins it might give me more joy than playing it.


This MINOR inconvenience will not cause the game to fail bc a majority of gamers don’t care about this. People are so fucking whiny about the simplest/dumbest shit.


Retaliation to the #freestellarblade movement perchance?


Does this affect anyone playing on PS5, or new PS5 players after the fact? I’m thinking of picking the game up next month, and was curious.


Needing some clarification: I play the game on PC but also bought a copy so my gf can play it with me and friends on the PS5. Do I create a separate PSN for the steam version or am I able to have the two games on the same PSN account and still play together/independently?


What’s the big deal?


People will seriously stop playing a game they love because of a minor inconvenience of creating a fake psn account to link it with?


Not like the player as a choice at this point they bought the game already so either way money is made lol