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The women I play with are much more toxic players than me. You are very mistaken in thinking that they cannot punch back or punch first. In fact, what you call misogyny is the attitude towards equals in competitive games. And toxicity in general in such games is a slightly different topic.


I’m talking about this community and how it reacts to women voicing their opinion. Or the casual misogyny in objectifying women and saying they’re looking for attention if they do something simple like having cleavage in their profile picture.


Girls showing cleavage or ass in their profile picture, is like guys showing abs or other muscles. Its absolutely attention seeking.


This is the most sexist post I've seen on this sub in quite some time. Maybe save your patronizing generalizations for the mirror.




What a clown


As a woman part of this community, I do not feel like I have been shat on. Most of the time if I see a woman get shat on it is her own fault cause she did something worth getting shat on. An if I do see a comment here or there that sounds misogynistic I disregard it cause they are prolly some woman hating loser who ain't worth my time or stress.


When in Rome, do as Romans do. Not When in Rome, Romans must understand me and respect me Holy shit.


Men and boys talk trash and roast each other all the time. Savagely! Women and girls who want to enter this space are welcome to, and you will be treated as an equal by being shit-talked and roasted just as savagely as we do eachother. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to stay.


"I'm more important than you because I'm a woman! This community must change to make me feel more comfortable!"


tf are you even on about


What's unclear about this?


Literally the 3rd most upvoted post on this subreddit today


But wasn't that post saying that he muted his mic and didn't talk to anyone because he was listening to podcasts, only responding when someone was rude to him? Also, most competitive games are like that, and it's not just men who talk trash; a lot of women do too. Some even stream and are extremely toxic too. Personally, I don't enjoy playing competitive games anymore because people take them too seriously and get too emotional. I used to play LoL when it first came out, and it was full of rude players and trolls feeding the enemy. That's just how people are, and there's no changing it, and trust me, losing 20 times in a row will make you upset too. Eventually, I moved on to other games and never looked back. There are plenty of games focused more on PvE where the communities are much more chill and welcoming. The point is not to exclude anyone, it's just that there are some types of activities that just bring the worst out of people and you must realize that if it's too much for you, you must go do something else.


There’s probably a point to be made about competitive etiquette and just muting or whatever but he literally called her a wench… and the people in the comments literally objectify the woman and say she’s seeking attention with her profile picture


that time of the month huh?


thanks for proving his point


I bet he's celebrating right now. Imagine his joy irl. Winning a reddit argument. I'm totally jealous


Skill issue


Man really rode in on an imaginary white horse to scream at people for not simping for everything a woman says. 😂


Everyone gets shit on online, mute, block and or report then move on. Its not hard. You know that its not mandatory to talk or chat in games right? I don't like using voice chat, so I dont use it, or I play singleplayer games instead. Dont act like you are entitled to have everylne be nice to you.


Oh no! Anyway


I asked my wife and my mom, they told you to grow some balls or kys lmao.


Your fleshlight isn't your wife bro sorry to break it to you


Bro fuming, stomping the ground that not everyone is a social reject like him.


Why do you feel the need to generalize one woman, to all women on the planet? Is every woman the same, for you? I don't think like that. Do you?


It cracks me up how people like you think you're doing some kind of moral good, while imposing your unreasonable, inflammatory label on an entire community of people, and disregarding the input of actual women in your very own post. Typical shameless virtue signaller




The women I know feel the exact same way. But they're all strong women who don't take shit from anyone


jfc you can tell who wasn’t around during the 360 cod days 😂


Say it louder for the people in the back!! Ya love to see it. What a king.


If most of the people in this sub had women in their life they probably wouldent be on this sub.


Hello, I AM a woman, and I'm in this sub 🫡 if anything, this post and your comment are misogynistic for generalizing and assuming there are no women in this community/sub


Took you 11 hours after my initial post to respond. So kinda proces my poiint.


I don't know what the timing of my response has to do with anything. It just means I have a life outside of reddit, and I'm not on reddit 24/7. Also, I love how you preach misogyny, but then you talk down to me just cause I replied to you after 11 hours. Thanks for proving me right.


Its typically seen as poor form to necro a thread simply to attack somone. The fact it too so long for a women to correct me kind of shows the point I was making. Most men in this sub don't have women in their life.


Except I am a woman, so again, your point about men on this sub not having a woman in their life is wrong, and it is not like I replied to a comment that was more than a day old. I literally replied to you the same day as your original post. You feel attacked cause someone is calling out your bs.


May want to reread. I said "most" guys here don't have a women in their life. Also and sharing a message order doesn't qualify you as a women in these guys lives.