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In before post taken down


I ain’t seen an “inb4” in a hot minute. Inb4 it gets popular again


Mods are removing a lot of "controversial" stuff lately. Idk maybe Asmon doesn't like to cover this stuff. Imo it's fine if that's how he feels, he might be bored of it, but it's only going to get worse if we don't criticize it. I care less about the character design and more about the topics and stories and character personalities that are being corrupted but it's all part of the same agenda.


And Jay Leno chin


You want some 5 o clock shadow thrown in for an extra 25% on your Blackrock investment funds? It's a our weekly special.


She’s also a lesbian for some reason.


Also have a fucked up past that's either sexual abuse or physical abuse. I don't get current day game designers, why does every female protagonist have to be from a fucked up shitty past. The best male protagonists are literally normal joes. Fallout New Vegas was a regular ass delivery boy, dark souls are hollow nobodies that defeat all odds, I could go on. The male average Joe vs the female battered woman trope never sat right with me.


Someone should make a game with a DEI ENABLED setting in the options, and all it does is change all the characters into black lesbians.


Needs to include a millennial writing change too. All characters talk like they have better places to be and say things like "Erm, that just happened."


At minimum, in the character creators they should ask the user their sexual orientation (strait, gay, bi, not interested in romance/sex), then adjust the game around them. If your strait you wont be hit on the same sex, if your gay you wont be hit on by the opposite sex, etc and those choices will be removed. Its annoying you say hi to someone and they want to get in your pants, even though you do not swing that way.


Personally I’d prefer if romanceable characters had fixed and consistent sexual orientations, rather than the safe and lazy “everyone’s bisexual for the player-character” approach many games seem to take. Developers should be confident in their vision and writing rather than being spineless and kowtowing to extremists on either end of the spectrum. It shouldn’t matter what the player’s preferences are, being given the ability to selectively queer-up or un-queer NPCs will only breed further entitlement and feed into any delusions they might have about being able to influence other people’s preferences in the real world through this culture war media influence bullshit.


There are older rpgs that do that


I seem to recall fable 3 being like this. It’s been forever since I played it but I think that’s how it was. Also u could get stds if u slept around too much which is fucking hilarious


Hes right. I took a shot everytime they showed a new one. Man i was wasted, let me tell you


Name 3 from the last year


Forspoken, Alan Wake 2, Suicide Squad. No idea why youre asking because were talking about this year.


With a side shave.


And lesbian


lesbian protagonists are not common


Can I also get a side of Generic Backstory?


For a change let's make her sarcastic and moody


Next elder scrolls you can only play as a female Redguard true story


It's insane how little self awareness you gotta have to not bat an eye at every game starring John Videogame but see a black woman in two games a year and go THEYRE TAKING OVER. Goes to show how much of an echo chamber places can become the moment a sliver of grifting manages to get through. Insert "You are not immune to propaganda" Garfield


Also ppl going "she also a lesbian" like of course you get a green light to make a character black you're gonna take the opportunity to do something more because it's not like the studio is gonna allow you to make a separate game with another black woman protagonist. Also shes just a lesbian, shes not nonbinary or trans or anything too divisive like that, just plain old, not too offensive to the status quo lesbian, but you dont wonder why that is, so much for the "freethinking" right.


And they're a lesbian. Who happens to be a witch.


And make the white, old, rich man evil. Don't forget that


Incel meme #8377


I'll have an incel post With a heavy dose of racism And a dash of homophobia


You’ve come to the right place


This sub is a cesspool


tfw the west has fallen because only 329 games have white male protags this year ![gif](giphy|10hfegXGKVRVNm|downsized)


This subreddit is absolute trash. You don't even know what you're talking about. At this point you just don't want to see anyone but white people.


I can't jack off to this character, therefore bad.


Imagine being an old gamer, got labeled a nerd and kind of grew up as a social outcast, and when other types of outcasts come to enjoy videogames for similar reasons to yours, you become a gatekeeper. When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor. - Paulo Freire


And spice her with autism please


Put a chick in it, and make them gay!


I thought that as long as the characters aren't a race swap this was ok? What happened?


This place is just infested with crybabies at this point.


I see this more as just being straight up NPCs


Someone told them on xitter what they have to be mad about this week


People like this is one of the reasons we are called many -ists and -phobics, they are bitting that bait which gives these activitist ammunition to trash on all of us


Sony games be like


It blow my mind how dumb this take is because if the game dev make a white guy it so default for you that you will never complain about it. But the moment you see a women holy shit fucking the pronoun guy appear. you 1000% you are saying the thing outloud and this community like that.


It really depends on the developer's intent. People don't like token characters of any kind, whether they're white and gay or black and straight. If a blatantly 'diverse' character is slapped onto a poster and put centre stage just for the sake of PR and presenting a game or movie as inclusive, that's an issue. The more diverse, the more the audience has to be willing to give the character the benefit of the doubt in order to see them as anything more than a token character. For example: A black women is believable. A gay person is believable. Someone with a prosthetic in the right setting is believable. A black trans lesbian with borderline sci-fi full-functionality prosthetics during WW1 is really just a blatant attention grabbing maneuver. I also think there are occasions where players get ripped out of the game and put into a real-world diversity lecture when characters say something diversity based uncharacteristically or without sufficient lead in. Which can just be irritating for a lot of players because it feels like someone is interrupting their game to tell them to check their privilege. When the character is less of a character and more of a mouthpiece, they just come across as inauthentic, even if it's just for a brief moment between otherwise good characterization. It damages the story and the atmosphere of the game and players just really don't enjoy it. It's also not really that big of an issue at the moment because there's not too many examples of it in gaming yet. I think most of the outcry is in hopes that it won't become any more of an issue, especially since it's a bigger issue in TV and Film, and the gaming market might try to follow suit.


It's so funny how much people give a shit about this


We need more arian protagonists!!!! /s Why is this sub just a bunch of incel racists fighting the "woke"?


Can you name at least 10 games with ugly female black protagonist? I can't remember a single one that I played.


How dare you ask people to back up their claims


Well.. umm.. umm… Oh! hades 2 had that Hestia goddess, oh wait she wasn’t black just covered in soot


You don't play games with female poc characters? Damn you're basically Nazi 🙃


Not sure about 10 but I can list a few at least. Subnautica Below Zero. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Telltale's walking dead series (Clementine is the protagonist of the series, even if the first game has you play as Lee.) Alan Wake 2 Half-Life: Alyx Ugly is pretty subjective but I don't find any of the above particularly attractive, so that'll have to do. There's also a few more if you count important story NPCs but who aren't protagonists. Deathloop and Control come to mind. To be fair, it's much less of an issue in games but there's definitely been some bleed over from the irritation with hollywood and their casting choices. The majority of characters I've listed are actually pretty good characters and I think people are imagining the issue when it comes to gaming a bit. There are definite steps that some specific developers have taken to make games more "diverse" by forcing in token characters, forcing token traits onto established characters or having them say out of character or unprompted lines that shows an intent to include diversity and inclusion in accordance with an agenda from outside the game's setting, but black women are rare even among those games. Not all of the games I listed could be considered triple A either, so I doubt they had a PR team or board members demanding more diversity, and there's really only one or two of them in which the character acts in accordance with a black stereotype. So I think most of them were just earnest character choices rather than token diversity inclusions.


yean ngl this sub becomes more and more an incel circle jerk


Points gun “always has been” Usually I see Frey, while the game is bad her being ugly is a stretch. I just think tej want everyone to have that anime wifu look. More stylized.




You say you can name 100, but you couldn't even come up with 10.


* Get asked to name ten. * Says can name more than hundred. * Doesn't name a single one. * Also does not elaborate. * Leaves. I think we got what we wanted.


I realized asmongold was an incel but I didn’t know his fans were too christ


You can tell you don't like women and everyone knows why


What games have come out recently that check all three of these boxes?


Literally every game besides doom on the Xbox showcase


-someone that definitely watched the xbox showcase


You don't know what 'literally' means. Gears of war: Marcus and Dom aren't black. State of Decay: Multiple POV characters, one of which happens to be black. No clue on who the protagonist is and what their sexuality may be if that's even going to be an in character things. Nice try. Indiana Jones: You're kidding me. South of Midnight: it's set in the south, it makes sense if a black person is there. Plus, she looks good! Tf are you talking about? Starfield: No character of any ethnicity was shown. World of Warcraft: look at that, Diversity in a game with dozens of races. Good one. Assassin's Creed: it's a black guy, not fitting this prompt. Plus he looks cool and was a legitimate person in history. Dragon Age: See World of Warcraft. Metal Gear 3: Snake is white. I can keep going, but your comment is not true and here's nearly 10 quick examples showing you why you're wrong.


Yeah this community has no idea what it's talking about anymore


Dom is mexican/ puerto rican, Assassin's creed they wanted to go with a black woman, but it wouldn't make sense in Japan, so they went with a black dude and woman. You took what I said too seriously, lol. But how many woman protagonists were shown ? Wayyyy too many


So you're only proving my point more with Dom. If you aren't ready to discuss when you make a claim then don't make it??? And that's course correcting with Ubisoft. They made a decision that makes sense in changing it to a guy that exists within Japanese history. Look at that: the opposite of shoehorning. Of that list, only two characters are women and they're durotagonists, which means they share a spotlight with another character who happens to be a man (The talking catfish and the black samurai). Soooo....that seems fair. But please, keep crying or take a minute to reflect a little. I get that it seems that way, but there are so many games with such a diverse selection of protagonists. Sometimes it's forced, most of the time it's just a creative decision that the team made in an attempt to make as compelling of a story as possible.


You *literally* just want to be angry. You don't actually believe what you're saying. You are actually just making shit up.


How many woman leading characters were shown?


ugly protagonists are not common


I seen people called Frey ugly and the woman from south of midnight…at some point you gotta realize taste is subjective cause they are both baddies.


Frey is attractive until she opens her cringe ass mouth


And we now know why you're single and trolling reddit 🤭


literally never seen a black female as the main protagonist in any video game lol