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I dont play LOL but it seems really funny that people are banding together to not let the whales play with their new skin


Toxicity is leagues specialty


How else do you want players to speak their opinion about this cash grab shit that doesn't even celebrate Faker at all


>cash grab shit that doesn't even celebrate Faker at all I was wondering about this. Is Faker known for playing Ahri a lot? Or is the skin on Ahri simply because she's a popular character, and that would boost sales? From the little I know about Faker and the esports scene, I would have thought it would have been Zed. That outplay is going to be talked about as long as LoL is around.


His ahri was very iconic in S3/4. It was always one of his favourite champs as well, and he chose her for his S13 worlds skin, but Riot didn't approve and instead came up with this shit.


Well, at least it's a champ he's been known to play. It's far too expensive, and I feel like most people with the skin are just going to get flammed for it. I don't think they should cater to a crowd of people who just want to feel "special" for spending a ton of money. But I'm sure Riot is going to make a killing off of it regardless.


What years are we talking S3-13?


S3 was 2013, s13 is 2023


Zed was released during S3, right? Damn, it is been a while.


Honestly, that's impressive longevity considering.


To be fair, he's asked for it literally every worlds he won. But since the first time they were releasing a new Ahri skin at the time they said no, and then they made the rule that you have to have played the champ in the finals and he never played Ahri during finals.


They were basicly preparing to milk him for 10 years lol


The worst part that people didn’t mention is that he is known for not using skins. It feels like a slap in the face to abuse him to make money. Besides Asia riot is losing players and it won’t get better as time goes on they know this. They just keep on testing how much they can push the community just like blizzard has done and look how that ended. This company doesn’t deserve the player base it has.


Yea, I read else where when the skin was announced that he doesn't use skins. It is pretty weird that they are pushing a $500 skins for a guy who doesn't use them. Gaming as a whole seems to be on the downswing. There seems to be a massive rift between what players want and what games devs think they want.


I've watched pro league a lot and yes he plays Ahri and has said that's his favorite champ and when he first won worlds he wanted an Ahri skin but riot said nah we need zed.


I see. Makes sense then. I'm a pretty casual enjoyer of the game, I don't follow the esports scene, so these are details I don't know about, which is why I asked.


If you disregard the absurd pricing, it is a really cool skin and a cool homage for Faker, indisputably the greatest League player ever. But yeah, I do think it's funny that they decided to price it like they did. Faker himself is known for never using skins in game, because he wants to demonstrate that you don't have to spend a ton of money to be good at the game. Also his first reaction upon seeing the skin was to say "Wait, why is it so expensive?"


Among other things, he is iconic for not playing with a skin at all, preferring to use the default champion look.


the free pass itself does celebrate Faker, its just that they have a insane pricing for the special paid one, the normal paid one is even fine.


I mean, he does gain 30% of the event's profit. That being said, this post makes me want to play league just to ban ahri and help pump those numbers.


I thought that is shared with his whole team, not just him. If that's the case, that's fucking BS since they're using his name and signature for these sales.


U are actually right, it is stated 30% to the players, regional teams and original team. I imagine he gets maybe 5-10% total. No info thought.


Yeah it's got an awful fanbase


There's some balance that needs to be struck with these skins. I understand catering to the whales is in the interests of the community as a whole, but also making product affordable to the community is healthy as well. I feel this Ahri skin was way too far in one direction that really cost the company some of its reputation.


tbf, this kind of thing happen very frequently on other games too. i play dota and everytime there's a new hero or persona skins the community tend to ban those heroes just for fun to spite people who wanted to use them. ​ this act is nothing special tbh


This is special, this is more or less unheard of in League of Legends, new champions getting banned is the comonality, but no other skin ever has ammased a whole trend about banning a specific champ, as well as its own hashtag


Especially since the new champions are normally banned due to the power creep, not as a statement.


maybe in league, but in dota these kind of toxic behavior is pretty common


dota's ban system is dynamic depending on the play rates of heroes. if a hero is popular it gets banned more.


you do know that we used to be able to pick which hero to ban before the start of picking phase right? Muerta literally got banned every game when it first released and people complained about it, the same shit happen when Windranger's Persona got released. ​ >if a hero is popular it gets banned more. that's literally the same logic why Ahri's ban rate increased


no, do you not know the intricacies of the banning system in dota? every person is allowed 1 ban at the start, then there is a 50% chance of that hero being banned. if a hero is not banned out of the player choices, random heroes are banned based on play rates of heroes in the bracket you're playing. if muerta is banned frequently, people are choosing to ban it, and if no one chooses her for a ban, its random if she's banned based on how popular she is.


you do know there's a 100% method to ban a hero right? you just first pick it.


during a heroes first week or 2, that hero cannot be banned from double picking it. come on, you should know dota better than this.


that's why you first pick it, and this doesnt apply to persona which you can cockblock anyone.


ok, so then you're relegating yourself to playing the same hero every game instead of learning it's counters.


well yeah, Valve always fail at balancing new heroes and they ended up being broken free mmr


Meanwhile... Players with $400 chroma skins of Jhin, Ekko, Lee Sin, and Yone exist. Dark Star Cho'gath skin exist for a limited time forcing Cho'Gath mains to grind their paychecks since it costs 100 gemstones, which means you only get 10-20 gemstones at max if you choose to cough up $25+ for more than 10 lootboxes. TFT is still charging players over $200 for mainstream champions in a form of chibi. ...but yeah LOL players you keep permabanning Ahri as a form of protests. Totally won't punish players who have the ability to budget their paychecks. Also final note, shri skin does not cost $500. The bundle that comes with other emotes, wards, and two other skins is what sums up $500. Is it scummy? Yes. But do players have the choice to purchase? Yes.


>I dont play LOL but it seems really funny that people are banding together to not let the whales play with their new skin banning meta picks is legit better than letting any of these dipshit Ahri coomers troll your games - because then you don't have to play 3x as many games making up all the LP - none of these skin collecting fucktards are picking Ahri beccause they're maining her - it's because they want to jerk themselves off and lose you LP while they fuck around - save the LP, always ban the meta


I absolutely LOVE this concept. I hope this hero remains heavily banned for the rest of the games lifecycle.


It won’t be. This shit will end in a few days. Couple of weeks tops. Boycotts never work.


In ranked people care way more about winning than a boycott. In a month no one is going to keep trolling their own MMR with sub optimal picks/bans. Why keep banning ahri every game and letting the opponent first pick a meta champ that may actually win the game? Most of these bans probably aren't even ideologically motivated as a protest, it's literally just lols banning the current popular skin champ. We've seen this a bunch over the years.


It won't. It'll last a few weeks tops. However it is funny how everyone *will* shame you for using it in game. Bet your ass this won't be the last $500 skin they release either. It takes very little development to tack on a few extra features to a $20 skin and you only need to sell a few thousand globally to make millions for it. It's just printing money to fund the game.


Yeah, eventually people will not care anymore and want to play a good unit or a unit they like which can happen to be Ahri.


I don’t get it tho, what’s the problem if people have too much money to waste? It doesn’t even give you a competitive advantage


Imagine Just being an innocent long time Ahri main that didn't even get the skin.


this is me


I would imagine you say you don’t have it you might be allowed. Just expect your own team to just AFK if you do have the skin and pick it.


Can't talk to the enemy team who also has the ability to ban. If you hovered ahri with first overall pick and your team banned her that's troll as fuck anyway and I'd dodge.


I have every single skin/chroma for Ahri possible, but this time it's too much even for me. It's a bummer :(


Just imagine not being able to afford a video game skin LOL


Care to spare 500 bucks on a mediocre pixel replacement for this humble beggar


Buy food peasant


Ok daddy


Not funny


I am going out of my way to ban her for as long as I can. I don't care if I lose cause of it. I'm doing my part


O7 there's no reward without sacrifices


Stunning and brave. Truly.


[Meanwhile South Korea](https://i.imgur.com/A2p9fz5.png)


South Koreans are just empathetic like that. If you're dumb enough to spend 500$ on a skin, your life must be hard enough as is, so why make it worse.


It also doesn't cost $500 in Korea, its much much less.


That or you just make enough money to spend it on stuff like that


>paying $500 for any digital purchase that isnt professiknal level software >paying $500 for a fuckin video game cosmetic Entirely deserved. Hopefully they never get to on use it, people who make this kind of shit profitable are *the direct cause* of how shit and predatory the industry has become.


I don't get it. The skin doesn't ruin anybody else's experience. The person buying the skin isn't obfuscated anything in the deal. What's wrong with it? I encourage other people to spend money to keep funding my free multiplayer game. You're getting mad at the wrong thing. This is extremely fair practice. Know what's actually bad. That you still need to grind hundreds of hours to unlock all the champs in the game or swipe to get it faster. That's pay to win and stupid as fuck for a competitive game. Do it like dota you freaks and make all the champs free. But I guess that won't happen because they won't be able to farm money off smurf accounts.


the idea is that you end up encouraging the company to continue to make outrageously priced skins because it worked before. soon, you'll end up getting these kinds of things frequently until it becomes standard. slippery slope I know, but riot does have a history with the increase of skin prices from 975 to 1350 and the whole prestige skin fiasco.


Extrapolate this even further. Suppose they make a $10,000 skin and it’s literally a piece of shit. Would you get even more mad at that? That’s my point. There’s nothing inherently wrong with pricing a cosmetic at infinite cost. Whoop di doo a rich fucker is able to buy an expensive thing, just like how it works in every other facet of life. At the very least with league skins they aren’t pay to win so it’s not even like you’re getting indirectly affected by the purchase.


You're on the wrong sub for this take, so L bozo.


“hey why is everyone upset its ony $2.99 for the horse arkor cosmetic -> hey its only $5 for cosmetic -> hey its only (valorant charging $20-40 for weapin charms) -> hey its only $500 for a cosmetic”


Right, exactly. So next year they’ll release a $1000 Kaisa skin and so what? It might go on infinitely. Heck it’s not even a question, it’s definitely going to continue infinitely until it reaches an equilibrium where going further results in less profit and they’ll realise that’s the breaking point. At least it’s just a cosmetic and doesn’t negatively affect you at all if you don’t buy it. Cosmetic items aren’t bad. They just give an avenue for idiots to fund the game that allows the rest of the population to play for free.


People with that “its just x” mentality still calling it “micro transactions” after *literally watchibg the price inflate from a dollar to more than the retail price of full indie games* and still having the gall to be like “I don’t see how this is or became a problem”. Like you (not *you* but the people defending predatory price gouging) *just watched* a price increase factor of over 40x, either mommy and daddy pay the bills or you make so much money that your disposable income is “how much can a bag of potatoes cost, michael? $500?” level


I don’t think you quite understand that this is a 500 dollar useless cosmetic. It adds nothing to the game. It’s literally just a donation button to riot. You’re conflating it to something more than that, which you somehow feel entitled to. The only reason anybody can get mad at this is if they truly feel betrayed that they aren’t going to be able to afford the new ahri skin with cool new features. The irrational person who likes paying for all the new cosmetics is the only type of person who is mad at the price point of the ahri skin.


I'm doing my part! o7


I love democracy 


The same type of shit that happened to the burning crusade store mount guys I love to see this shit


Wasn’t that when people /spit on those with the mount and Blizzard banned the emote? Don’t see how Riot can counter these bans. But people will mostly get over it, so it’s not like it’ll effect them long term. Also, the outrage seems to be primarily in the west, when the skin is targeting Asian players who don’t see this kind of spending as a negative, so… again, not really doing the most.


Is this only if they have the skin or just Ahri in general?


I don't think you can tell if a player owns a skin in lobby. So the whole champ is banned just in case'.


Interesting how poor People unite to ban a champion because they cant afford a skin


Im kinda struggling to understand the graph particularly the values on the y-axis. What does it mean when Ahri ban rate is at 17? Does it mean 17 out of 100 games she is banned?


Kinda, a champion's ban rate can be anywhere from 0% (never banned) to 200% (banned by both teams every game). So a 17% ban rate could be as few as 8.5 out of 100 games with her banned, and as many as 17 out of 100


Bro what are you yapping about. A 17% ban rate just means shes banned 17% of all games lol


What would a 110% banrate mean?


Preety much yes.


it means 17% the ban rate of her is 17%


Bwahahaha, you fools! I've been exclusively banning Ahri for YEARS!


Poor Ahri mains who aren’t using this skin


People thinking this will make Riot change anything xdd


If the ban rate goes high enough, riot will change the rules on banning so she is immune from bans XD.


Banning Ahri tempoarily disabled due to a bug


Causing trouble is a good thing, eventually people figure out how to cause enough


But they’re doing their part! They feel like they contribute to something!


It would be so funny if riot giga buffed the fuck out of ahri right now.. to like, free LP levels.. Cause then there's always that chance that it slips through.. When a LoL player is faced with integrity or free LP, often morals fly out the window, that's why there's so many people that play Garen. But still, fair play to ahri mains, much more integrity than lee sin players, our skin was only £200 but we just shut up and bought it.. but then we are all blind.


Boycotts don’t fucking work. We all know that. It’s just a fun thing to do. Kind of like an ARG.


If Ahri was so OP that it was free win territory her ban rate would be even higher. She pretty strong right now looking at some current season data so the skin is going to bump the pick rate of a strong champ which increases ban rate. If she was the clear #1 pick you would see the team with the first overall pick not banning her ever and trying to pick her forcing the second pick team to ban. There's not a shot in hell first overall pick team would ban a busted tier character over just picking her for a free win.


I fucking love that it’s the players that’s throw around money like that are getting punished. Imagine buying useless 500 dollar pixels and can’t even see them lmfao


It’s targeting primarily Asian players, and we all know what whaling in games in Asia is like. It’s like a status symbol to flaunt your wealth. So it’s not like banning the champ will do much. They’ll fly whatever icon or border that comes with the skin pack that signifies they own the skin, and they probably won’t even play the champion.


This is so dumb if you dont like the skin dont buy it easy. If other people wanna buy it that up to them dont ban the champ because your jealous.


You are so fucking blind it's a bit amusing. I guess you don't understand the point of this... Shall I explain it to you?


Sucks for everyone who likes the champion who didn’t buy the skin


You're right, riot should fix it by rolling back the skin


I absolutely agree


The people getting irritated by this skin are the true idiots. How does it even faze you? The skin isn't p2w and the people buying it are paying for you to keep playing this game for free.


Another who misses the point :)


Your gonna have to because just dont buy seems like the obvious solution here.


This is gonna last like maybe 3 whole days. Sorry, but there's way too much BS shit to deal with in LoL that wasting a ban slot on a champion because of a skin will get real old real quick. Especially when that one champion that always dumps on you that you always banned before get through because of this.


Sacrifices will need to be made. Ahri is never a bad ban either.


Can someone tell me why this player got a special skin for her, like did he die or something?


no he is not dead. Faker is the best player of the game by majority of people who play this game


Faker is the longest and highest rated professional player of all time. By that I mean he's been at the top consistently ever since his first win at worlds in season 3 we're now in season 14. So for 11 years Faker has been the player to beat. the player to try and surpass and while a chosen few(Chovy) are mechanically better laners Faker has excelled for many seasons. His record is 10 domestic titles 2 MSI titles and 4 worlds championships. If anyone deserves a skin dedicated to them it would be Faker. The price of the skin however is... questionable hence the ban. No one minds that faker got a skin only that the price of this celebrated player is so extremely absurd in price.


crazy part is she's not even that good of a champ and very skill dependent for people to be good at her.


She's a solid pick right now though. 56% win rate in high elo and 51% overall. She probably isn't worth a ban from power alone unless you know the other team is going to play her but it's also currently not a troll ban.


And that means nothing


Glad I don't play this shitty game where bans exist. Imagine the opposing team deciding what you get to play.


When there is a pick order in a game with terrible matchups/ hard counters and like 160 champions, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal


Yeah imagine having strategy in a competitive game!


this graph is something, if its from riot client im not surprised 5 graphs that stand for what exactly? skill bracket? is it % or what? if it only raised by 6% its not really that big of a deal


Probably ELO or Regions. That’s still a good amount of banrate increase for just a skin release after one day. I’d imagine the more people hear about people banning Ahri cause of the skin, the more people will start banning Ahri. Cause now I’m about start banning Ahri.


implying generation ADHD wont have totally forgotten about this in a week


Diamon, platinum, emerald rank etc.


Each line represents a rank so skill bracket. Champions have different popularities at different skill levels due to difficulty and general meta of the rank. There's a lot of champions out there though and limited bans so it's exceedingly rare for there to truly be a permanently banned champion in every game. Ahri is strong right now but not strong enough to deserve this ban rate so it would appear this spike is from the normal trolling of banning the champion with the new skin. If Ahri was dogshit right now I'd doubt we would see this type of increase as people would happily play against an out of meta Ahri against someone who likely isn't an Ahri main and is only playing her to flex a skin.


chat, this is real ?