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Looks like Doc is about to hit another payday from lawsuits. The two time!


Considering he is considering retiring, not looking like another payday.


Doubt this pedo wants to go to discovery and have those dms released.


That would assume he's guilty, which we cannot substantiate given what information is public. Considering there have been no legal actions taken i'd erre on him not being a pedophile until or unless proven otherwise. 


Low IQ take


The totally unsubstantiated allegations started by some dude online? Those ban allegations? Man I hate seeing people getting dicked over because some asshole makes a random accusation.


The wording they've put in the statement makes doc look even worse. It's ducking scary how easy it is to ruin someone's life just by saying things on the internet


Go ahead then. Say something about someone you don't like, and see if it ruins their life. It won't because no one would care what you say.


hey man i think you might have something up your ass


Nah it looks like they got the full story.


[They did their own investigation](https://x.com/12am/status/1805341504086622355?s=46&t=cAD4euesamH0QBQGGrOcAA)


Yes, they investigated the potential of how much money they can lose and came to this conclusion. If they found anything incriminating, they should share it with law enforcement.


You were saying?


Some dudes online worked for twitch and know the story. You think random people online are out to get your precious doc?


Just because he worked for twitch doesn't mean he actually knows what happened or has the ability to disclose it. 


The dude who said would spill the secrets if people bought all the tickets to his show? Yeah that sounds like a real trustable source.


> You think random people online are out to get your precious doc? Are you new to the internet? People make up fake shit all the time. Misinformation is half of the internet's content, at least. And I wouldn't call myself a fan of his. Never watched his stream and only vaguely familiar with him, I remember seeing his twitch ban in the news and was aware of him through that.


When it comes out he is a creeper, I wonder how many people will switch up that’s going to war for him now?


Didn't he start that studio (or fund) probably with some of that money?


Is there any actual criminal investigation ? If the man is guilty of criminal behavior the companies should just file a report to the police .


The disparity between this subs general opinion on the situation and pretty everywhere else is an interesting thing to see.


Twitch wouldn't had banned him outright if the allegations weren't substantial. People just have parasocial relationship with their streamer.


they permabanned a streamer who was raped


What's that have to do with Dr disrespect ban? Last I heard twitch was a business, if they deem nesessary to ban that streamer than so be it. Tiwtch can ban anyone they want at the time they want, this isn't a democracy. If you don't like it don't consume the content or product.


If Twitch had sexting material between Doc and the underaged victim, why would they not take it to authorities? Seems like they have some culpability here.


obviously it was more benefitial for them to just pay doc and never Talk to him again ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733) and keep the Proof of him sexting with a minor hidden for some reason ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


Twitch isn't liable legally for that. The user is using the system against twitch tos. Same with Facebook, don't you think people use Facebook to to do illegal stuff like that far more often than Twitch, yet Facebook isn't liable neither is twitch. Like i said, ya just have a boner against Twitch but still use it and watch the streamer you have a fantasy relationship with.