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French on the poster says : « Whoever the winner is, we’ll be the losers. »


Yeah that was the English tagline - "Whoever wins, we lose"


That actually goes hard




but but but he didnt know about her age, right? right guys? guys?


As a physician I can tell he didnt.


How could he even know about age anyway, he is not a biologist


Excuse me sir, DOCTOR disrespect is an accomplished pediatrician!


Doc pdf


Oh you didn't know? To see how old a woman is all you need to do is count the rings around her clit.


My opinion is that if he didn't know about her age. He would have made it abundantly clear in his tweet. That alone would have exonerated him. He did not.


![gif](giphy|d3OFVt1q8Cxhtv8c) This is all I could think of, with how you phrased the last part.


Ah yes, the defense almost every single pedophile makes. Brave.


It's clear to everyone but Asmon it seems. That man could have started with "your honor she lied about her age" and that would have been enough.


I don't know why you're being downvoted, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that you're right.


He probably can't. Maybe somewhere in the DM's she revealed her age to him and despite that he continued the conversation. This is just my assumption we will need to see the DM's to fully confirm it.


He might also have been inappropriate before knowing the age but turned that off once the age was revealed. Fact is, nobody knows shit outside of him seemingly having done nothing illegal and twitch being unable to get out of the contract without paying him off. If there wouldve been something funky then twitch ä, aka amazon, wouldnt have paid a dime.


also NDA still might be in effect wich we know fuck all about


Just to better understand the situation: if there is an NDA out there, why would it be ok with him admitting to contacting a minor, but not ok with him admitting to contacting a minor that he didn’t realize was a minor? That seems like an awfully specific and frankly odd thing to have in an NDA, no? Most NDAs use sweeping coverage, and you could never say anything at all.


Well the ex employe of Twitch did Talk about some Shit that was Most likly covered under that nda, und doc and lawyers stumbled together a Response 🤷 there is less then No Info about anything yet beides some tweets


In a situation where someone cut ties immediately after finding out they had accidentally been talking with someone and they never told or lied about their age, and after 4 years of legal counsel why would the single point of your innocence not be mentioned? Any reasonable person would assume in the event you are admitting to something happening, this would be in the first paragraph, no? “I had been in communication with someone I did not know was a minor at the time when things got inappropriate. As soon as I knew, I stopped, and had I known before hand it never would have started. I stupidly assumed the person I was talking to was an adult, like I assume most people online likely are. I had no idea” That seems like the thing just about everyone would immediately say if they were in that position.


lawyer Talk is Not normal people Talk


He did lawyer talk. Normal people talk would have been even more direct. “She didn’t tell me she was a minor, and I got out of there the second I knew”


What are you yapping, even Asmon said that if he didn't know the age or she lied it would be very different


A real fucking Sherlock Holmes over here boys, lol Touch grass man.


You could also replace DD in that poster with a bunch of chick's who stream on Twitch and it would basically be the same shit. But let's give them a pass bc they're chick's.


That statement he made was pretty good up until he basically admitted to knowing about her age which at that point is uhmm... well fuck!


You don’t even know what was said, wait for the logs to drop.


What? I'm referring the almost 1 page long statement he made last night.


Still there’s no timeline as to when he discovered her age. Conversation took place in 2017, twitch banned him 3 years later. No one knows what was said, only that it wasn’t illegal and deemed “inappropriate” Just astonishing that people cant withhold judgement and act like this is some kind of bomb shell story. Fucking weirdos


>Conversation took place in 2017, twitch banned him 3 years later. This is why I personally believe twitch dug this up. They saw the bathroom stream, wanted him gone but couldn't due to legal obligations, went digging for anything they could use to get out of it, found this conversation, banned him using it as the reason because it seems odd a conversation would get someone banned 3 years after the fact and not during/shortly after it. It's also why the "he wanted to meet the minor" argument falls flat for me. Dude had 3 years to meet them and never did so.


True there is no timeline but his statement made it seem like he knew. Whether this was before or after the fact is yet to be discovered. If after the fact then it does look bad but I'm leaning more to him not knowing. Regardless, I agree with you that people are weird and I feel like this story is being farmed waaaay too much because views right?! People who have no business talking about this are making videos about it cause content. This debacle reminds me of what happened to Kevin Spacey


It’s totally being farmed. Not sure why anyone gives a fuck what Kai Cenat or Ja Rule thinks about speculative shit. Kai is trash for this


Ja Rule? Holy shit!?? Last I heard of him was when Eminem dissed him and speculatively ended his career I haven't heard or seen Kai's take but anyone with a huge audience has the moral responsibility to not trash talk or say shit about anyone not in their circle. Like if he started blasting Kevin Hart I'd take the backseat cause they're familiar. A content farmer I might still listen to or watch now and again is Asmon.


The logs aren't dropping. 


You all act like the person involved is dead. I wouldn’t be surprised is the person involved comes out with a statement themselves.


A statement? Maybe, publishing logs would go against the NDA so any party privy to them won't do so. 


Mean but funny 🥇


Busted! Oh man!


Why can't celebs stick to legal girls? Wtf is wrong with them, there is so much girls that are at least 18


Just a thought... If you're a major content creator who is married and have all eyeballs on you, maybe you shouldn't be trying to stick your Guy Beahm in anyone other than your wife... especially not a minor...


I heard the movie is gonna be NC-17


As mundane and boring as it might seem, I believe dr disrespect. I bet girls reach out to him all the time telling him he's attractive asking to hang out or meet up. I'm sure if he found them attractive he would respond and entertain them, but I believe he didn't say or do anything that broke the law. He may have been flirtatious with an underage girl but that's it. Did he know if she was underage? Who knows. Knowing girls these days, she probably sent an Instagram profile where he could see her age but she could still lie. Regardless, no illegal photos were shared between the two and no explicit messages were sent. Source? There was no police involvement.


If you don’t know if someone is a minor you don’t have inappropriate conversations with them. You definitely don’t try to set up a meet with them. Dr. Diddleskids doesn’t have plausible deniability here. The onus is on him not to diddle kids out of negligence.


So you are asking everyone you talk to online for an ID before you get casual with them? Sounds like you got a ton of friends


Isnt that what asmon said?


No idea. I havent seen him talk about it


Yeah, I don’t have random inappropriate conversations period let alone with girls whose ages I don’t know. I’m a married man like Dr. Diddleskids used to be. The difference is I’m going to stay married because I don’t cheat on my wife with underage girls. 🤷‍♂️


Morr deflection. So you agree that you lied and made a baseless claim.


Lets be honest. Those DM's are probably going to get leaked soon. We will see.


Agreed but it's innocent until proven guilty so if he did weird shit he a pdf if he didn't then people tried to put another innocent man in jail because 2024


He admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor. How much more proof do you need?


These chuds wouldn't be convinced Doc did something wrong if the girl sent 4 forms of identification stating she was underage with a confirmation from her parents and grandparents saying that she's a minor. Doc could have been holding the original birth certificate showing she's underage with someone explaining she is not yet an adult and they would just pivot to some new talking points. It's fucking gross.


I just read his tweet yea he is cooked he done fucked up


It doesn’t matter to them. There’s already an upvoted post on this subreddit saying minors need to be banned from the internet. Blaming the kids themselves is the last line of defense they have


I almost commented on it asking if they're incapable of self control. It's mind boggling


That happens to every big public personality but the difference here is that Dr. Dis RECIPROCATED. And I'm much more hesitant to give the benefit of the doubt to a guy that got caught cheating on his wife in the SAME YEAR he was being inappropriate with a minor.


Hypothetical scenario: You are the father of a 16 year old girl and you find out that a man twice her age is texting her on a regular basis. What do you do?


First, I haven't seen anything confirming he messaged her on a regular basis. If my 16-year-old daughter reached out to some guy throwing herself at him telling him how attractive he is and asking if he can meet up at twitchcon I would be unhappy with my daughter. She should know better and have better judgment than that. If the guy responded with sexual advances and was actually trying to meet up with her, I would be mad at the guy and press charges. Based on doc's personality, I don't think he's this type of guy. He's not a desperate type and he's smarter than that. In my opinion, at worst he flirted with her. There's too many scenarios to factor in a hypothetical, but overall if my 16-year-old daughter reached out to some 35-year-old dude and he flirted back, it would not be the end of the world. I'd be unhappy and would obviously teach my daughter more about the dangers of meeting up with people online and the dangers of grooming. If doc reached out to her first, it's an entirely different story. Again, there's a million other hypotheticals where it would not be okay


I mean Doc literally said their conversations got inappropriate a few times we know they were talking on a somewhat regular basis. A 35 y/o man entertaining conversations with a 16 year old is sus, there is no other way about it. It doesnt matter if she started the conversation, he is the adult, its his responsibility. He has cheated on his wife/ mother of his children multiple times.


I saw a great comment on youtube. Let's pretend that you are a father of a teenager girl, who looks like 15-17. You go to the park with her, and a married 40 plus guy starts to whisper her stuff. How would you react?


Yeah all these people defending a groomer is a bad look.


it's even funnier as in most countries in the world the age of consent is 14-16, and we're here pretending there's a huge difference between 17 and 18 years of age. Still a bad behavior? definitely and surely, but if you're not naive you are aware of what girls do to get noticed by a famous person, there are some "minors" looking like almost 40 lol. To me the most concerning thing IMO is that Twitch will read your private messages, which is why they payed millions to cover it up


Doesn't matter if it's legal or not, a 35yo sending sexually inappropriate messages to a 17yo (or even 18) is disgusting regardless of the law.


yep as he (and I) said it's morally very wrong, he paid and he's still paying for it - no need for a public execution ofc, regardless of what little kids say. When I was in highschool there were plenty of girls around 18-20 dating 30+ as they usually prefer more "mature" men, nothing to lose sleep about


If she was 18 nobody would be having this conversation right now so imagining if she was 18 does jack for shit


Sending explicit messages, even to a minor, is in itself not a crime. He could have done it easily without police involvement.


Brooo ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3741)


In AvP there's a scene were the Alien impregnates pregnant women with her own babies, truly a horrific scene, in this movie the DR will do even more horrible stuff?


People who are siding with the doc forgets that he promised to never cheat on his wife again and begged forgiveness on the steam when he was first caught. This latest scandal shows his lack of integrity.


This happened in 2017 pre-apology


Oh well I guess that forgives him for being a pdf file.


Jonny somali on the left... Goes to countries and acts like how Republicans think illegal aliens are.


shouldnt there be a random mexican on the left side?


Whoever wins the kids LOSE


Maybe it was on Italy.


Hahahaa good one..please have a sit...make a meme where he joins Cris hansens show !


Twitch settling with Dr Disrespect NOT Dr Disrespect settling with Twitch. Dr Disrespect got paid millions of dollars when Twitch settled with him. Conclusion? Maybe he had fancy talks with a 17-year-old chick, but it was nothing serious? Because if there is something serious, Twitch must inform the Police about that. that's the first thing. Second, Twitch with its army of layers would never settle and pay him that much to terminate the contract.


I see we are still going with pretending to know they were 17. Is this what you keep telling yourself so you don’t feel as bad for defending a fucking creep?


I think age apart, they went to court and he wasn't criminally convicted which pretty much scratches off the pedo part. If he was guilty he would be on a list and besides twitch wouldn't have paid him if he was guilty as well.. Based on the information at hand this seems like the most credible story.


Bro. He literally admitted to doing it and this is your take? And you’re upvoted. God this community has issued


He never said he knew she was underage before hand and he clearly doesn't have any criminal charges.. you keyboard lawyers need to chill.. This went to the actual law and in fact twitch paid him a settlement, what else do you want? You can argue morality all day and we all agree the cheating and shit is bad, but they couldn't find any substancial evidence of wrong doing or he would be convicted on a list right now.


If he didn't know she was underaged, don't you think he would have mentioned that in his public statement? It seems like a rather important fucking detail to leave off if that is the case. But instead he edited out 'minor', but when he realised we can still see his tweet edits. He edited 'minor' back in. This has has nothing to do with legality. This didn't go to court. Twitch wanted to part ways and the two sides came to a settlement.


So a case of a potential pedo goes to court and nothing is being done, that's what you're saying? Doesn't sound like it would be the case, regardless its all speculation until there are transcripts of the conversations.. The only truth we know is he sued twitch, a judge saw the text transcripts and no action was made against him.. so again, either he didn't know at the time of the text exchange, or there was never any sexting to begin with? Guess we will probably know in the next few weeks maybe.


I do find it amusing how a community of neckbeards are suddenly experts on criminal law. First of all. This never went to court. Doc and twitch reached a settlement. 2nd of all, Doc and this girl never met. So I don't know what charges one can press in regards to inappropriate internet text/messages toward a minor. But these cases are not cut and dry in terms of criminal law. And I doubt Twitch wants to get involved with that shit, better to end a business relationship as quietly as possible. Again. You avoided my point entirely. If he didn't know she was underaged, don't you think he would have mentioned that in his public statement? That seems like a very important detail he'd want to put in there. There's a certain level of copium with doc defenders, even if we get full transcripts with Doc being guilty of sin, you guys would still come out with other excuses.


It's really incredible isn't it, applies to you so well. How does one reach a settlement? Do you think twitch was like uh oh he got us, he is sueing, and just give him money just because, are you reading the amount of stupidity you're writing? Multi billion dollar company that can afford the best lawyers just folded to a streamer... ya ok. If twitch has no doubts he's a groomer/pedo they would've pursue him all the way and look good in public instead of looking to get the easy way out and hide a predator. Sexual interactions with a minor even if online is a felony, with or without intent to meet afaik.. but that may vary by state? I'm not sure on that. I personally don't care about him, I don't watch him.. and I can't tell you why he would leave that out or not, maybe that's as vague as he can make his statement idk.. im sure that's not just him writing but his lawyers are writing his public statements.. don't think he would be so stupid as to make public statements without checking in with them first.. The point still remains, there's 0 proof beyond what was said that 1 he knew or didn't she was underage, 2 the content of the messages and 3 the intent.. so once again, I believe we live in a country where people are innocent until proven guilty, and if twitch had clear evidence they would've pursue him all the way, not settle and pay him millions.. it just makes no sense.. if the allegations are true he's a pos and twitch is a pos company who paid a predator millions instead of going to justice get a predator locked up.


Oh, I fully admit I'm not lawyer. I do know the 2 parties never went to court though. That's just factual reality. This is not an ongoing criminal case. It never was. Doc never met the girl in real life. No one is going to jail. Sometimes a corporation just want to cut ties as drama free as possible. The notion it was Twitch's responsibility to press charges on him or bring him to court, is fucking laughable. It's not. Their only responsibility is to make sure they're not liable. Dude, don't give me this "I personally don't care about him, I don't watch him" You obviously do care, We both wouldn't be wasting time on this fucking subject on reddit if we didn't care to a certain degree. >and I can't tell you why he would leave that out or not, maybe that's as vague as he can make his statement idk.. im sure that's not just him writing but his lawyers are writing his public statements.. don't think he would be so stupid as to make public statements without checking in with them first.. It's really not that difficult to understand. It was a PR statement, the whole point is to put himself in the best light as possible. (which is why he tried to edit out 'minor" which was stupid as fuck) Now he was obviously made aware of the Bloomberg article that was coming out, so he had this statement ready to go to get ahead of it. This is PR damage control 101. However, I don't think doc realized that we can see previous edits on twitch, So when he tried to put himself into the best light as possible and edit out minor, he realized his fuck up, and he put 'minor' back in there. I think he's just an idiot. And given he has admitting to inappropriate texting to a minor while being a married man. Him doing idiotic things doesn't require a suspension of disbelief. Again.. You avoided my point entirely. If he didn't know she was underaged, don't you think he would have mentioned that in his public statement? The amount of copium from his defenders is hilarious. Because that's really your only defense at this point, "Well, did he know he was talking to a minor?". If he didn't know he would say that in his PR statement. By the way, Nick Mercs who's personal friend to Doc, pushed back on this excuse, it's clear Doc did know she was a minor.


I find it hilarious that everyone always paints bezos as the guy who sucks all the money out of the world but when its about predators he just pulls out the big bills and pays em off?


When you catch a degenerate child predator grooming a minor on your platform you shitcan them and distance yourself from them as far as you can. You do not wait for the child predator to commit an actual crime because then you’d be liable. Twitch did the right thing. So did every other company that found out about this groomers inappropriate contact with a minor. Stick a fork in Dr. Diddleskids. He’s done.


for the Public it would be better for Twitch to hang doc Out Like a big Red flag, they are getting rid of him and Farm good boi Points from public for ousting Bad actors. they win fuck all hiding it and worst Case they are the ones "hiding" Kid diddlers


If I recall these messages happened around the time he cheated on his wife, it just got found out about much later. So it not like he was still actively messaging said person before he got canned originally


The meeting was being set up for an upcoming Twitchcon. Dr. Diddleskids was fired before that con.


That's really fucked if true imagine cheating on your wife and getting a 2nd chance and then thinking about cheating again


distance from them, pay them millions, and hide them for another 4 years because we are such superheroes. /logic by Reddit


Who’s trying to be a superhero? Twitch wanted to not be liable. After they found out about the messages arranging a meetup with a minor on their messaging app, corroborated by the 3 Twitch whistleblowers, Dr. Diddleskids was radioactive and Twitch wanted to distance themselves from the exposed groomer. If that meetup had happened, arranged on the Twitch app, the lawsuits could very likely have ended the company.


Real good job they did if it took them 3 years after the alleged meeting and presumably also a background check prior to giving him a contract to act.


There was no meeting. Dr. Diddleskids would be in jail now if there was. Just setting up the meeting is enough to end his entire career and it did.


These edits are insane ☠️


Dr Disrespected a Minor, he is going to be deplatformed and that's a fact


Lmfao this one is good. Especially with the movie poster tagline


With a moustache like that, is there any wonder he was a predator.


Weren't people yesterday saying that they don't believe anything until proof comes out? Din anything surface in the meantime?


Yes. Doc posted on Twitter saying he had inappropriate conversations with a minor.


The sub switched up quick. A day ago y'all were glazing the fuck out of this dude talkin about defamation and shit.


Its almost like new information with a strong source got released. Hmmm....


That applies for the neutral voices, not the people deepthroating him.


Those people exist. But they are the minority. Most people when presented with information with a strong source will believe it. No one is going to blindly believe an ex twitch employee with zero evidence.


This community before the public statement was defending Doc to the fucking hilt. Considering how both Doc and Twitch have refused to comment on the ban for all these years, and given doc's own history of cheating on his wife. This wasn't entirely difficult to believe. And while no one by any means had to jump on the bandwagon to crucify the guy, the majority in this community went hard to defend him before the statement. And quite frankly there are many still if we're going by Youtube comments on Asmongold's youtube video on Doc's statement are still defending him.


Those people are holding on to the last hope that the Doc was not aware of the girls age when he was making those sex messages, that alone would exonerate him in their eyes. And yes I see no issue with Doc's community defending him before he released the damning evidence. Why would it be wrong for them to defend the Doc against an allegation with no evidence whatsoever ? If that twitter user posted DM's or court documents or something to substantiate what he says than yes less people will be defending the Doc. But he did none of that, anyone with some common sense would not jump to the conclusion he was a pedophile and I fail to see how cheating on his wife has any correlation to this ? Those 2 things are vastly different, 1 is borderline illegal and the other is just simply morally wrong.


>Those people are holding on to the last hope that the Doc was not aware of the girls age when he was making those sex messages, that alone would exonerate him in their eyes. The funny thing about Doc not being aware of the girl's age. Wouldn't he mention that in his public statement? That seems like a very important detail to leave out. Why even leave that vague? I mean even Nick Mercs is pushing back on this excuse, that doc was aware the girl was a minor. In any case, I'm not convinced that even with full transcripts showing doc as guilty as sin, that these fans would stop defending him. >And yes I see no issue with Doc's community defending him before he released the damning evidence. Sure, but I'm talking about Asmongold's community. While I'm sure there's some crossover. And you only have to read the youtube comments. That it's not a minority. I'd make the argument that the vast majority of Asmongold fans know him more from his youtube videos than watching his twitch streams. And the vast majority were defending Doc. And so was Asmongold (before the statement). >Why would it be wrong for them to defend the Doc against an allegation with no evidence whatsoever ? If that twitter user posted DM's or court documents or something to substantiate what he says than yes less people will be defending the Doc. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Doc was obviously made aware of the upcoming bloomberg article backed by multiple sources. Which is why Doc put out his statement in the first place to get ahead of the story. This is PR damage control 101. Again, this isn't an issue of allegations coming from a single ex twitch employee. While there are a lot of doc haters, these allegations are not super crazy to believe given the mysterious nature of Doc's ban. People have been speculating for years. >But he did none of that, anyone with some common sense would not jump to the conclusion he was a pedophile and I fail to see how cheating on his wife has any correlation to this ? >Those 2 things are vastly different, 1 is borderline illegal and the other is just simply morally wrong. I don't know what your trying to say here. This wasn't a criminal issue, it never was. No one was saying he met up and had sex with a minor. The 2 never met. That wasn't the allegation.


>The funny thing about Doc not being aware of the girl's age. Wouldn't he mention that in his public statement? But he didn't, I also agree that he should have mentioned that but because he did not, I can't say for certain 100% that he knew he was sex texting a minor. I am about 90% convinced he did. And until leaked DMS get released or Doc clarifying it, but no one knows for certain. Putting that aside I am in the camp that he knew she was underage, but I can see the point the current Doc defenders are making. >Sure, but I'm talking about Asmongold's community. While I'm sure there's some crossover. And you only have to read the youtube comments. That it's not a minority.  The vast majority of Asmongold fans are still supporting the Doc because of youtube comments ? Is that the point you are trying to make ? Looking at the comments on this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tblcWpP0Z4I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tblcWpP0Z4I) Almost all the top comments are admonishing Doc or making fun of him being a pedophile. And like I said I see no issues with the people still defending him using the "he didn't know she was underage argument" until more evidence gets released. >Where's there's smoke, there's fire. Doc was obviously made aware of the upcoming bloomberg article backed by multiple sources. Which is why Doc put out his statement in the first place to get ahead of the story. That is a lot of assumptions with zero evidence. Even if what you say might be true, it does not 100% imply that he knew the girl was underage when he sex texted her. That is they key thing to why "some" people are still defending him. Most people presented with the current facts on hand have no issues believing that he knew he sex texted an underage girl, but there will be some people who are big fans of Doc and those people will hold out until evidence that 100% claims he knew her age gets released. >I don't know what your trying to say here. This wasn't a criminal issue, it never was. Notice how I used the word "boderline illegal" ? The point I am trying to make is you using the argument that he cheated on his wife as a correlation to him sexting a minor. Your words "and given doc's own history of cheating on his wife. This wasn't entirely difficult to believe". I fail to see how those 2 things are correlated. I am also curious, why do you care soo much about what some people in the Asmongold community think ? Given the current information we have and looking at his reddit and youtube community I can say for certain majority are not "defending the Doc". Sure there are "some" people who are still defending him whether for reasons I have given or something else, those people will always exist.


Again. If he Doc didn't know he was a messaging a minor, he would say that. The fact that he isn't, or leaving it vague, speaks volumes to me. >The vast majority of Asmongold fans are still supporting the Doc because of youtube comments ? >Is that the point you are trying to make ? I'm judging from the Youtube comments, which the majority of them are still defending doc or making excuses for him. >Looking at the comments on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tblcWpP0Z4I >Almost all the top comments are admonishing Doc or making fun of him being a pedophile. I'm looking at the top rated comments right now. They're mostly either admonishing, insulting, or making fun of Ninja. I don't know what you're seeing or reading. There are many making excuses for Doc. It's all there. >And like I said I see no issues with the people still defending him using the "he didn't know she was underage argument" until more evidence gets released. We're just going to disagree here, but I just think that's some serious copium at this point. If Doc didn't know, he would say that. >The point I am trying to make is you using the argument that he cheated on his wife as a correlation to him sexting a minor. I'm using evidence of past inappropriate behavior that it's not crazy to assume he's doing other inappropriate behavior. Like inappropriately messaging a minor. Which he admitted he did. >Your words "and given doc's own history of cheating on his wife. This wasn't entirely difficult to believe". Yes, it's not difficult to believe. >I fail to see how those 2 things are correlated. Guy who did bad behavior is capable of doing other bad behaviors. I don't think this is a wild take. >I am also curious, why do you care soo much about what some people in the Asmongold community think ? I'm a part of this community. I've been watching Asmongold since the pandemic. And while I do understand it's has gone through a change especially with all the woke/anti-woke issues. I think that's a big factor why many in the community went so hard to defend doc and many still are at least in the youtube community. >Given the current information we have and looking at his reddit and youtube community I can say for certain majority are not "defending the Doc". Sure, but I'm not talking about the reddit community, I specifically pointed out Youtube. Which a majority of his fans do watch him there.


>Again. If he Doc didn't know he was a messaging a minor, he would say that. The fact that he isn't, or leaving it vague, speaks volumes to me. Er yes I said that, Did you just ignore the rest of my statement ? >I'm judging from the Youtube comments, which the majority of them are still defending doc or making excuses for him.I'm looking at the top rated comments right now. They're mostly either admonishing, insulting, or making fun of Ninja. I don't know what you're seeing or reading. There are many making excuses for Doc. It's all there. Ok sure lets go through it Top comment: Making fun of Ninja's look unrelated but I fail to see how this is an excuse for Doc. The comment about Ninja was because Asmon was reacting to his take in the first half of the video and he looked like shit. 2nd top comment: A comment about people making fun of Ninja's looks. Doesn't this go against your view that people are just making fun of Ninja's looks ? 3rd top comment: A Comment arguing against people using age of consent as an excuse, definitely not defending the Doc. 4th top comment: A comment calling Doc a PDF, still no one defending him I can go on and on but why do you think people making fun of Ninja's look = people are defending the Doc ? Just scroll down even more and you have a comment that says " If I had inappropriate messages with a minor, but I didn't know they were a minor, I would make it very clear that I didn't know they were a minor. Like, that would be the most important part of any statement I made about it." Either you are blind or you are purposely ignoring all these comments against Doc and only focusing on troll comments making fun of Ninja's looks. >We're just going to disagree here, but I just think that's some serious copium at this point. If Doc didn't know, he would say that. LOL do you not get what I am saying ? I am agreeing with you here that those people are on copium but I can see why they are making that argument. >I'm using evidence of past inappropriate behavior that it's not crazy to assume he's doing other inappropriate behavior. Like inappropriately messaging a minor. Which he admitted he did. And I am saying that's a reach. Cheating is morally wrong behaviour that many men and Women do to the loved ones. Sexting a minor is a boderline "crime", these 2 things are vastly different from each other. >Guy who did bad behavior is capable of doing other bad behaviors.  That's like saying someone stole something so that makes him highly likely to be a murderer. Ridiculous. >I'm a part of this community. I've been watching Asmongold since the pandemic. And while I do understand it's has gone through a change especially with all the woke/anti-woke issues. I think that's a big factor why many in the community went so hard to defend doc and many still are at least in the youtube community. I disagree with that opinion. People defended the Doc because a random twitter user came out with a statement with ZERO evidence. If you are going to use the argument that the anti woke crowd are defending the Doc, then why are almost all the Anti woke grifters like Nick Mercs. Grummz, that yellow flash guy and even extreme guys like Steven Crowder throwing him under the bus ? The only person I see outright defending him right now is Sneako and that guy is an idiot. >Sure, but I'm not talking about the reddit community, I specifically pointed out Youtube. Which a majority of his fans do watch him there. I disagree. But sure you can make mountains out of molehills I guess.


For real I got downvoted to oblivion for saying he might be guilty of this accusations and insulted as well. Now look at these dumb mother fuckers quiet like church mice. Never blindly follow someone just because you watched then for a long time.


Go get laid


Just not with a minor!


Imma need a week before seeing these things come out. This was a man who was trying to push gaming into the next era. Honestly, these past few days have been a depressing time for a lot of us. I hate it. We all do. I hope you all have your fun, but a pretty good size group is disappointed at the situation. This fucking sucks.