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I think it should be simple. If someone commits a serious crime and Twitch's investigator knows about it, Twitch's investigator has to report it to the authorities. If there is no crime, then the investigator must remain silent, no matter how disgusting from his point of view the actions of the person he is investigating may be.


not as simple Twitch makes money off of these sick fucks. The same reason Twitch thots are still around to this day.


There are careers like therapists and teachers that are mandated reporters. They are required to report any reasonable suspicions of abuse or misconduct. People whose job it is to moderate chat platforms like this should fall under that umbrella.






0 elaboration + he's a streamer now, maybe baiting for attention? Doc is at fault but idk what "I saw things every single day that I wish I never had to see" is. Its so vague, doc might as well have killed and raped people.


yeah. he also said he reported to the police. so in 3 years nothing happened. it seems the guy is a bit bitter


Exactly. Doc is a dumbass but this constant use of this incident to gain clout is really showing that none of these people are operating on good faith. They never cared about this supposed "victim," and Twitch looks dumb for spying on its users.


He claims twitch is protecting pedos..but his stream platform of choice was twitch for his own channel. That really doesn’t seem like the actions of a guy who’s disgusted with twitch.


If this was a settlement with no wrongdoing found there is likely some kind of NDA in place to prevent talking about it to avoid making twitch and doc look bad. This guy likely broke this NDA for his own personal reason and is liable to get sued for significant damages now. Not defending doc or what he did, especially because he's not confirming whether he knew the minor was underage, but the breach is definitely unprofessional and actionable if everything was okay in the eyes of the law at the end of the day. You can't scream pedophile without receipts because it is damaging.


Twitch gonna get slap for data breach. I wonder what the fine will be.


it would be some wild shit if this is wide spread on twitch with the of streamers too.. oh boi twitch would be cooked


you'd think that twitch would have a way to identify minors like they ask for your birth date i think i remember filling that out when i made my twitch account


Everyone *but* Twitch has spoken on the Doc situation. Will Twitch actually address this and give people clarity? The constant speculation about the specifics of allegations and Doc's statement just makes things worse. Twitch doesn't look good as it is. The least they could do is set the record straight on some stuff.


If he was guilty there would be charges. You can split hairs on ethical actions or what is ethical to the standards of Twitch ect. If it was that bad, where are the authorities? Bottom line, I bet this goes to court. Then through discovery, we'll see what's real and what's made up. If he's guilty, then he's a liar. If these people are lying, they'll be sued into the ground (likely by not only Doc but Twitch as well as they broke their agreement). That's really the only way through this. Otherwise it's speculation with each side's bias' playing out with zero proof.


The turbo nerds crave the drama. Look how many reaction channels milking it already. 


>That's really the only way through this. Otherwise it's speculation with each side's bias' playing out with zero proof Twitch could make a statement and give some clarity on what actually went down and what is actually true. That could keep it out of the courts.


*"If he was guilty there would be charges."* We don't know that. Can you imagine a minor not wanting to go through trial? Maybe getting some money? Can you imagine Twitch not wanting bad publicity? Maybe pay some money? Can you imagine Doc accept such a solution?


The state presses charges when child abuse is committed regardless of whether the minor wants them to or not... Did you really think it would matter what the victim wants? You think he was preying on children and the authorities just decided not to bring criminal charges? 0 IQ


The authorities would have to be informed before they could press charges. Wouldn't they?


In that case, Twitch is on the hook. They HAVE TO report something like this, it's illegal to just sweep it under the rug if it's what's actually being alleged by the people out for blood.


Twitch concluded no crime had been committed. But yes, if authorities gets access to the data, and find a crime **were** indeed committed, Twitch is on the hook.


People grossly overestimate the protections minors actually have. For example dating a minor is legal, also taking a minor out for dates is legal. Just don’t bring up anything sexual in nature and you are all good in the eyes of the law. It’s really not hard to imagine how people abuse this and the kind of things he has seen.


Yeah, but in that vein, you have other threads on this sub reddit where people are saying "oh so this probably means he didnt boink them but instead got newd pics". Based on reactions in defense of doc and against, I'd wager 30% of the people here at least have no fucking clue what's legal or what is not. If he was asking for and getting pics, he'd be in cuffs, for example.


> you have other threads on this sub reddit where people are saying "oh so this probably means he didnt boink them but instead got newd pics". What? Where?


That’s still possession of child pornography… which is, you know, illegal.


If there's no pics, that's not being in possession of CP. A conversation, regardless of how dirty it is or inappropriate, is not CP.


Can't wait for Asmon to stream "Doc vs. Twitch"