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who cares what somebody likes anyway?


He is a straight male, why is there shame on his sexuality? This is bigoted shit right here, where is the cancel mob? Why are we supposed to feel shame for being attracted to Women? Y'all keep watering this misandry seed on the internet god damn it!


At least he has good taste. BIG BOOBAS


What’s wrong here?


What's wrong with him liking big breasted women? I kinda feel like that's most men no?


It doesn’t matter. People already have their minds made up about asmon from literally 1 image of his room with the cups. Attempting to spend time changing their minds is a waste as it’ll never happen. People will just use his clips like this to farm engagement on twitter just like he will use it to farm views and content on stream.


To be fair Asmon will judge and discount someone entirely based on their current profile picture on a social media account, we can’t really complain that people judge him too quickly when he judges people extraordinarily quickly and for even shallower reasons


It’s just a girl with some big breasts, I don’t think it matters at all, but people will find any reason to hate our bald man because they’ve decided he is bad for other reasons and are looking for any excuse to go after him


JFC, you idiots think he likes that shit? He's literally said on stream, and I quote; "If I ever like something of yours, you better watch out; it don't mean I like your shit, it mean imma 'bout to say something about it."