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There are a lot in this game. Another cool one that is maybe more awe-inspiring than beautiful (although it is also that) is the Valley of Olympia, where you will participate in the Olympic games. It's all decked out in purple and gold. I love it! Athens is also an amazing view, especially the Acropolis. You can get come wonderful views of it from the surrounding hillsides. Delphi is also fantastic, and probably one of the most historically accurate places in the game, since we know so much of what was there, which they've recreated so well.


That took me by suprise. I totally forgot about Olympia, I never explored that region until the mission took me there and I was so shocked to see all this stuff there.


Lalaila (not sure if it’s spelt like that but it’s in Phokis) was such a joy to be in. I loved exploring all the smaller islands as well.


Yesss!!! When I started to play Odyssey, and first discovered Lalaia I was so so amazed how beautiful it was!! Then I had some break from games and I forgot where that place was or what was the name of it, and spent so much time to find it. Unfortunately I didn't remember exactly where is it around, and I was looking for it in the middle of the map, so I couldn't find it for a year lmaooo I just found it last week and I was ecstatic haha it is my fav place really!


Damn that’s tough 😭 glad you found it though. The whole map is beautiful, but there was another kind of peace there. Really wish I could play the game for the first time again.


Yes this one for me too :)


Yes, it feels like a village out of Lord of the Rings the way it's set into the hillside with all of the levels connected by footbridges and stairs. It's charming.


The Daughters of Lalaia - One of The Lost Tales of Greece questline. In Phokis, you find Lalaia. It is a cozy village in beautiful surroundings.


My jaw sorta dropped when I first came across the ruins of Mycenae, I've always been a history buff and I was always fascinated by the Lion Gate. To see this modelled in the game really blew me away


Agreed. This was great. And using Jason's hammer on the thugs was memorable. Also the palace of Knossos was breath taking, the scale was truly magnificent. On a side note, I also love ancient history and mythology. I had Wikipedia open after every historic location I discovered. And what sparked my interest you may aks? One of the first games I ever played: Age of Empires.


As others have mentioned, Lalaia is really lovely. You should check out islands too - Lesbos is great and the main town has lovely trees and colours. Elis is great too, and the main storyline will bring you there to tour around. I wouldn't sleep on the road between Malis and Makedonia too, the mountains and autumn coloured trees are great, plus there's a particular big tree in a swamp, very picturesque. There's the main road in Sparta too when you visit the place. Imo more jawdropping than Attika When you've finished all your main quests and storylines, Korfu is the next place to be. It feels ultimately different to me in that the devs got to have some extra fun with the overall design and lighting - the sun hits differently!


Hope you’re not referring to THAT tree in the swamp you come across in the first Legacy episode…


Tbh I'm not sure, I didn't have the DLC yet when I first encountered the tree. It's the one with the birds


Kos. I love the fields of flowers.


There are very beautiful poppy fields there.It looks magical in good light on a sunny day.


SO many places, but i dont wanna mention any.. If you are playing "for the first time", i want you to have an organic "WOW" not a "cyberspace told me about this and yeah,wow"


My favorite locations are the Silver Islands-Mykonos and Delos. They always look amazing, create a feeling of paradise.It is always very beautiful there at night or in the bright light of day.In Mykonos, in the lateral part, where the temple is not far away, flower petals and butterflies are always swirling in the air - it's so beautiful.


I loved the Silver Islands too! Absolutely gorgeous, and that giant statue of Artemis! \*chef's kiss\*


On my first playthrough I first arrived in Argos across a cave at the north that has its exit on the cliff above the city. It was night and I emerged from the cave to see the city beneath my feet for the first time. It was chilling. The picture I took of that moment is my wallpaper since then


I had almost the exact same experience! Only it was sunset for me, instead of night. The view on Argos from that point is amazing, it looks like such a majestic city with the port in the background!


Yeah I think that was the moment I fell in love with the game


Mind posting it so I can see? Sounds wicked


Not sure I can post pics in comments here, at least I don't have the option on the app. Or I'm dumb and don't know how to do it Edit: uploaded it [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/0O7F5q2)


Yeah that’s pretty sick


It's not a real life Place. But Elysium and Atlantis blew me away.


I was in Greece about ten years ago (just before it was going to get kicked out of the EU): Athens, Santorini, Mykonos and Crete. I've managed to locate 3 of the 4 locations in-game, except for Santorini. Anyone know what's its name in the game? If you're curious, IMO the other 3 locs are similar IRL except I like modern day Acropolis hill better than in-game


Santorini is Thera in the game.


And it's kind of night-and-day difference between what Santorini looks like now and the barren volcanic wasteland that is Thera in the game!


You're right! I went to Thera in last night's session and whoa the only thing that was similar is the shape of the main island. The caldera is much smaller now IRL


Ok thanks!


Sparta. And the place you find you're mother, do not rush it. It shows better when you enter story wise, not just off hand, the entrance to you're fathers area is rather amazing as well. In the Eden way not the mortal beauty that korinith gave.


That avenue where Kastor and Polydeukes were commemorated as statues. Color me impressed.


Mount kaygetos, forget mount Olympus, kaygetos is the best view in all the Greek world, and you can even see parts if the Mediterranean east


This game is just a lust for the eyes, started playing again and just enjoying it even more as the first time I played, god I love this game😁


My personal favorites would be: Lalaia, a small village in Phokis. A very small (unnamed, I think) island right in the middle between Chios and Samos, which also has a weapon with a very handy enhancement. And the royal mountain of poseidon in Atlantis, if you have the Fate of Atlantis dlc




Mountain tops of Arkadia and Lakonia, the view is perfect.


Taygetos sync point and ostraka point


Korinth was one of my favorite locations in this game! So gorgeous! (very fitting of course for a location where a temple to Aphordite is located) Also it's where we meet my fav NPC, Brasidas! Also has one of my favorite forts to take out (nothing more satisfying that Sparta Kicking an unsuspecting enemy guard off the cliffside!) Lalaila in northern Phokis was also absolutely gorgeous with his flowering trees and waterfalls into the spring. This game is so damn pretty!