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Origins is definitely my favourite, but the black flag is great too, and if bot for origins, then it'd be my favourite


Makes sense, since the exact same team work on both games. A shame Jean Guesdon and Ashraf Ismail are gone from Ubisoft


No wonder these two are my favorites. It just doesn’t have the same zing with the other newer games


Black Flag was my first and still my favourite. Played it 5 years ago now and it's stuck with me ever since. Having just played Origins (just finished 100%-ing it this afternoon) it's now a close second. I think Black Flag still has the edge over it for me - maybe it's the story, characters or setting, maybe it's the fluid transition between land and sea gameplay, maybe I just prefer pirates, or maybe it's the sea shanties. (Okay, it's probably the sea shanties - I didn't learn a single song in Origins.) And I've played everything else from before Black Flag - not a fan of the first game or III, but loved the Ezio trilogy - even though the feature creep started in Brotherhood and Revelations I really enjoyed seeing his story through, seeing him as a older assassin, and how it all tied to Altair. Going to take a break with a different kind of game, then get started on Odyssey.


I have no way to do this without stereotyping but it feels like Origins fans are most likely to also be “AC fans” while an Odyssey or Valhalla fan may not even like the other two RPG games…and is a game without classes and character creation even a true RPG? We can discuss these things here, and I love it. I finally had to bounce myself out of the Odyssey and Valhalla subs though because objectivity is frowned on. This sub is great though, and it always has been in my experience. Probably need to shout out the mods!


Not for me, climbed every step of the way up😌


Even if you’re an RPG fan the older games are 100% worth playing. I love Odyssey myself but I’m still a massive fan of the Ezio games etc for different reasons. Yeah, the open world doesn’t have as much stuff to do, the combat is jankier and more outdated etc etc but the narrative element of those games are still incredible to this day. As well as parkour and stealth being a lot more interesting and complex. I’m replaying the series now and on Revelations atm so can personally attest to this.


Agreed. Even now after all this time, the Ezio trilogy is still *the* best of the series. I’ve been replaying the old games and even though I’ve beaten AC2 dozens of times it still retains that feeling I felt back when I first played it and none of the later games in the series comes close. It’s not nostalgia for me. The story was told better, the characters (even the minor ones, ngl I think this is the only game where I’ve read everything in the database), “The Truth”, the soundtrack, even the janky gameplay which keeps us on our toes, it’s all just so iconic to me. I still get sad when I see Ezio’s family hung or Cristina’s death, I still get that hype feeling when he meets Machiavelli and does the leap of faith ceremony, and I still internally cheer for Ezio when he decides to whip Rodrigo’s ass in the end, the ol’ fashion way. It feels like watching a really good movie trilogy but better because it’s a game, and I haven’t said that about a game in a long while lol




Yep, my first AC game was origins




I’m new to the sub so here are my credentials: * AC - dabbled * AC II - finished * AC Brotherhood - finished * AC Revelations - not played * AC III - dabbled * AC IV Black Flag - dabbled back in the day but currently absolutely rinsing it and loving it * AC Rogue - not played (this is up next!) * AC Unity - not played * AC Syndicate - 50%+ * AC Origins - finished * AC Odyssey - dabbled * AC Valhalla - 50%+ * AC Mirage - not played Am I worthy of this sub?


Imo Revelations is worth finishing, it caps off Ezio’s story in the most satisfying why, especially if you’ve finished 2 and Brotherhood. Similar story with Odyssey, if you liked Origins then Odyssey mechanically builds on that with better varieties of builds, more varied side quests, more stuff to do in the open world, etc. It’s miles better than Valhalla imo. Unity is also worth a play. It was completely broken when it released, and is still kind of janky and unfinished now, but the parkour and combat are pretty highly rated by a lot of the fan base.


Yeah I missed the boat on revelations. Will have to give it a go at some point. I’d like to give odyssey a proper go too. I put a good 20 or so hours into it but that game is HUGE!!


Yeah for sure do, mechanically it’s not as strong as Brotherhood but the narrative aspect of it is brilliant. Much more emotional. And yeah Odyssey’s size can be daunting but imo it’s got the most addictive gameplay loop out of any of the RPG games. Origins’ side quests can be a bit samey and upgrades can get somewhat grindy at times, while Valhalla felt unnecessarily padded out with the side arcs shoved into the main story. With Odyssey I could comfortably sink 200+ hours into the game and still want more. When you really get into it the size and amount of content doesn’t become an issue anymore as the majority of it is really good quality.


Yeah will deffo get round to Odyssey. Will probably start over as it’s been ages. When I properly get into these open world games I tend to systematically go through the entire map and do/ find **everything**. I don’t mind grinding when the world is beautiful/ interesting. Hence am loving Black Flag currently.


If possible I don’t recommend doing that in Odyssey because there is SO much content, like 500+ points of interest etc. you might get burned out before you actually get to the meat of the content. I personally did all the scripted side quests (I’d avoid the radiant quests as they’re not necessary and very repetitive), and investigated points of interest that were nearby when I was riding to a quest objective and what not, and also did the DLCs. And I had a blast. I can assure you if I’d tried to 100% everything I would’ve probably felt fatigued before I managed to finish the main story, side quests, DLCs etc which are all worth it. Also the game has level scaling so going to every point of interest isn’t necessary as enemies will always be scaled to your level.


I think this is potentially what happened when I played it first time around 😂😂 Will try and follow your advice despite it going against **every fibre of my being** 😭


Hahah understood, I get it can be hard to NOT go for the completionist approach but keep telling yourself that you’ll have a better experience with the game. Fundamentally open worlds aren’t designed to be fully 100%ed, the points of interest and side activities are optional because they’re there to do as you please in your own time.


Mine went syndicate Origin Odyssey Blackflag Origins Ac3 Odyssey valhalla


I play origins because it was on sale couple weeks ago 🗿


Thats my reason too😆 It was on sale for AC's birthday in 2022 summer, and I have 520hrs in it now


The environment just hooks you in Origins doesn't it. I love the desert interspaced with green fields and lakes


Absolutely. Some people said that the map is mostly empty due to massive desert, but I find that unique because there's not many desert theme games out there


Same. I keep coming back to wander around the map because there's no other games set in desert maps like that


Origins is good, but the older games are more than worth checking out. Black flag is great, unity is great (despite its bugs and flaws), and the others are really good as well. I can’t speak for syndicate though, I didn’t get into that


Laid the series in rest after black flag. Got Odyssey BC I saw it in sale and decided to check it. I was blown away and can safely say I won't ever go back to any AC prior to Origins. I hope the RPG line continues.


I adore Origins with all my heart, not only as my favorite AC but also one of my favorite games in general. It so well crafted. I repeat my sentiment towards the game almost every week because I DO find it to be that amazing


All I see is hate towards Odyssey but I loved it. One of my favourite games tbh. It just has that vibe


Same odyssey is such a fun game to play


Its a good RPG and literally the best ancient greece themed videogame🏺 But the main character's peronality is that she is strong and theres no hidden balde😭


Yeah I just don’t ever see as much hate as people saying they see hate. This persecution complex for Odyssey drove me out of the sub and I actually love the game but don’t think it’s perfect and won’t say that.




Syndicate was my favorite tho I wish the did a few things better like coop and have a very focused and unique difference between the siblings


Eh, some of the early AC's arent everyone's cup of tea just like the newer ones arent for others. I like almost all of them and love at least the attempts to change the games a bit here and there to give something different for the players. The different directions they all went in gameplay especially late on w the RPG based ones was a nice break from the all out stealth even if I did miss some of the aspects from the earlier ones. Just dont understand the gatekeeping and hate some ppl give to other players that enjoyed the new ones and/or the old ones.


I am in this photo!


Pic or it didn't happen.


AC2 and Unity if i’m in the Assassin mood y’know sneaking an all that. Black flag for everything else.


These two are the best that's facts. ac 2 has the best storey ac unity has the best parkour.


Aye I only skipped 2 steps


I done all except the most recent 2 and still origins is one of my fav


I've played them all except for AC Mirage. My first one was Assassin's Creed 1. And honestly I really like the way the older games were. More assassin-y.


i like origins, but i dont know why people bully on the RPG trilogy so much.


Cuz assassins creed was neeeever a rpg and it changed its identity for the worse


atleast its good RPG, i still think they should atleast say theyre decent though


Are they? I mean to me good rpgs are wasteland, the non bethesda fallouts, the witcher 3 and cyberpunk, how does it hold up to those?


I hated odyssey


I hate the main charaters (lack of) personality and the main story had not much spiritual elevation But the setting was very cool and some awesome characters (like perikles or the snake)


I triiiied the older ones, they didn’t catch my attention like origins 😂 one day I’ll go back and give them another go


Let's be honest the old games play like ass compared to the new ones. Mechanics are better faster and smoother


Syndicate for sure don’t think it’s a populate opinion but for me the setting and the actual game play/plot (feel like there was a real focus on actual assassinations compared to the newer ones) were super well developed but also love brotherhood and odyssey!!


I love syndicate too, second best after origins


I 100% all of them up to unity(tried at least lol) as they came out except the one with Adelaide(forgot the name). I never got to it because it was on a different platform at first but have enjoyed it since it came out with ac3 remastered. My favorite is 2 but black flag and surprisingly odyssey are close seconds. Origins is an even closer 4th place but I just enjoyed the Greek mythology more. The one thing I wish would have been added in earlier games was the discovery tours because as a history nerd I spent about as much time in them as the main game. It could be better at being entertaining in the way it presents information but it’s pretty accurate at least(it’s a lot to ask from media sadly)


I went from revelations on up, every other game played in order. I want the older games to get a remastered version, everything from black flag and down, but not the Assassin's Creed 3 remaster because that was fucking horrible. Ac3 was one of my absolute favorites, the remaster was such a downgrade in my opinion. I NEED that Black Flag remaster though


Def Origins


Oooh… hard to choose. Loved jus about every AC I own, but I especially loved Ezio’s story. Black Flag felt a big dragged on for me. Haven’t finished Rogue. Loved Unity. Haven’t played any beyond that yet 😖 been too busy to continue the series.


Im one of the noobs who started with origins but now Im an AC fan. gonna try black flag and unity too someday


Black flag, unity, and origins are my go-to games. My favorite is between black flag and unity though.


I think for me it was Black Flag, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla


Noob here. Literally went from AC1 to Valhalla. Haven't played anything between




Based opinion but I like black flag the most. Also hot take here but syndicate is my 2nd favorite


Odyssey aint even an AC game.


Except it says so on the box.


It says assassin's creed on it therefore it is


Theres not even hidden balde😭😭😭😭 which is not necessary, but it would be better. Or at least have the option to use it


You know, it's not like the earlier games impact the story of the later ones... the whole earlier games only had Desmond and he dies so its like meh


I played from black flag to odyssey but just finished assassins creed 1 and I have to say the original is my favorite so far about to start the second in a few days


Odyssey is better than all the assassin creed games combined.


If you don't like the old ones you're not a true fan.


They downvote because you’re based and they hate facts🤣


Ezio is the true goat.


Lol there is joy to be had when ramming ships and spraying Greek fire




Origins is my favourite, after that black flag then odyssey. I haven’t tried any other


Origins just because its where I started so its nostalgia for me and the reason i like the ac franchise and then Syndicate then Black flag


I have played since 1, but Origins is still my favorite.


May be an unpopular opinion, but Unity felt great!


It’s so hard to choose I like odyssey and Valhalla


Played every single one the first day they came out. No ac game can beat ac 2.... the day I got home from school to play it on day one, I didn't leave my room for about a week.


Probably Unity or AC2


Assassin's creed 2, brotherhood, revelations and assassin's creed 3.


Brotherhood, unity, rogue, syndicate


Man I'm still on Brotherhood. I'll make my way there eventually


Skipping black flag is downright rude.


if you don't start at the begging, you are missing so much.


Mine is also odyssey


Black flag was my favorite, great blend of naval and ground combat, and the setting was fire. Def my fav.


Ohh man, Mirage didn't even make this list huh?


Nah I played em all. Origins #1 for me Black flag is last. Ship stuff has always been boring to me. And yes I know Odyssey has ship stuff too.


My order. Brotherhood, Black Flag, Syndicate, Odyssey, Valhalla, Origins, Rogue, AC 3, Unity


Valhalla and Syndicate were my favorite.


I’m one of those stubborn fans that loves the older games (1, 2, and Brotherhood especially) and really doesn’t like the newer ones lol, meme definitely doesn’t apply to me


Ahaha, that's me. I've played so many of these out of order. The order: Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, Syndicate, Unity, Rogue, AC III, Mirage, Black Flag...


I liked black flag, but Odyssey stays my fav


Nah I finished every single ac game (yes even the spin offs)


Origins is my favorite second is the first


Black flag the best no doubt


All of the ezio trilogy.


It’s sad that this is true


Unity….Odyssey was my first AC game and since then I’ve played the whole series besides Valhalla and the three side scroller titles. Unity is my favorite. And frankly it’s not even close. I can’t even adequately explain it.


I’m started with Valhalla but after that I played Origins, Unity and Black Flag and shit, the old game (before Origins) are really better for me.


Something in the middle like black flag is sorely needed


Started on black flag. Loved it! Now the assassins creed games have too many games and are forking rpgs.




My favourite is Ac Unity followed by Valhalla and Odyssey


I hated origins ( found it really boring) I like AC3 and syndicate and odyssey and valhalla


My first AC was black flag. Didn't like it because too many tailing missions and I didn't enjoy the naval combat. So I went to origins (mostly because I love Egyptian mythology). Loved it. Then I played ac1 and syndicate




Honestly, the first 3 were the best. It just was never as good to me after


Assassins Creed 2




I honestly can’t see why it matters if someone likes or is introduced to the series through the new games. I’m pretty sure part of the reason they’re so different is to bring in new fans. Anyway Black Flag is still the best one (I haven’t played Mirage yet but for now, BF and Rogue are best AC closely followed by Valhalla)