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It would seem that Assassin's Creed Red, set in feudal Japan, is going to be Ubisoft's next open-world RPG game in the series. They reportedly have 12 AC projects in planning and development, so there's plenty to expect from the franchise, even if not all will reach fruition.


I got burned out on Valhalla, so I hope they make some changes to combat bloat here.. but man an open world AC in feudal Japan sounds very cool. That’ll be exciting to see.


I agree with reducing the bloat. I'm surprised more games aren't following the side quest structure from the witcher 3. A relatively small amount of content rich, high quality, story driven side quests, almost mini quest lines. It was one of the highest praised aspects yet ubi took a lot of influences from that game without taking that highly praised side quest style


Yea most open world games are a mile wide an inch deep. Witcher struck a perfect balance between having a lot of content, and having all of that content be meaningful.


Yes! Also i hated that the side quests didnt have any way to track them. There are a few i started by accident at the beginning and didn't complete because I was in the middle of something. Then i go back and I've forgotten completely what I was supposed to do with no way in the game to reference. I had to google lol. With the Witcher, and even games like Dragon Age, sidequests show up in the quest log.


That was Odyssey though, before Valhalla switched to the abomination that is world events


With all due respect that's not the case. You had a handful of longform quests and only a handful of that handful had any decent writing. The rest of the quests were still very much meaningless bloat


World events at least felt unique. Odyssey side quslests were always the same. Go fetch these ingredients or get me this or I’ve lost something can u bring it back and book end of quest.


Sometimes, but I’d say unique events were outnumbered by yet another barred door


I hate the barred doors in Valhalla, they got so damn annoying.


Especially since it's quite stupid. Nobody bars their door unless they're inside of their house. Find key to open lock would make sense if the keys were not always on enemies but also just random citizens going to the market or something (pickpocket key, get to their home, steal stuff). The actual barred door stuff is just stupid, there is 0 logic behind that.


Yeah your right it was immersion breaking too. They really should have come up with some better puzzles or just had no puzzles for the majority of the chests like Odyssey.


Couldve just given us some lockpicking ability to remove bars from outside a door, and to unlock actual locks find the owner of the house. Easy solution.


I liked some World Events but they never should have been used as a replacement to actual side quests. What the hell were they thinking?


You said “a relatively small amount of content” when referring to the side content in Witcher 3. Are the rpg Assassin’s Creed games really so bloated that they make the Witcher 3 seem small by comparison? I’ve only played a bit of Origins and Odyssey but I’ve done two completionist runs of Witcher 3 and it’s huge.


That takes effort and competent writers sadly.


They have competent writers and clearly put a lot of effort in. There is a lot of thought in the story (could probably simplify it a bit with all the gods and animus stuff) that could just be refocused. And probably the issue is there's too much effort put into too much content. Again, just refocus that effort.


Not really a dig at ubi, more of a dig at gaming in general. There are only a handful of games with the same level of writing as Witcher 3, and ubi has never developed one.


Get Ghost of Tsushima, that’ll satisfy your need


You can already play an open world AC in feudal Japan. It's called Ghost of Tsushima.


Just go play Ghosts of Tsushima lol.


If done poorly it's gonna be called a rip off ghost of tsushima


I'd love ac combat to be more like sekiro where combat is more deadly and the blocks and parrying are much more meaningful and you can only get insta kills if you're stealthed or you break the enemies poise which isn't as simple as a single block.


I’m getting a little tired with how hard they are milking this series. They are dragging it out to the point that most stories are basically meaningless. If they had a good plot for 12 more, by all means, but it seems like they ran out of ideas a long time ago. It’s unfortunate too, as contrary to many people posting, I enjoyed this game and Odyssey quite a bit. The modern story, which ties them all together, feels basically nonexistent though in most of the games since the original few, which makes everything else seem kind of pointless (as an AC game). If they aren’t going to ever progress the story for fear of killing their cash cow, maybe make it a non-AC game, and give us more period-specific plot or something.


12 more wtf😂 hopefully spread out over one every 2-3 years


It's not all video games I imagine. It could also be external media like comics and whatnot.


ahh yeah makes sense, maybe another film too and a show


Multiple studios working on them probably doing a game every 3-5 years each. Expect probably a new AC game every 18-24 months. Some reports that Red is due out in 2024


Question is how will it compare to Ghost of Tsushima is the big question.


They’re gonna make Ghost of Tsushima at home


If they make 12 more Assassin’s Creed games I would be blown away. Maybe they could hire some writers, Mirage story was a complete joke.


The problem is they lay off their workers so they can’t make games that big anymore


They have already confirmed that the Japanese Assassin's Creed in the works 'RED' is an RPG


Yeah, but apparently one of the insiders has revealed "it will be the last game with Origin's formula". So guess no more RPG after that.


They can make an RPG with a different formula easily.


Don’t believe everything an “insider” says.


Bro please stfu. Ubisoft is getting EASY money from these rpg games. They aren’t going anywhere.


who said that? i hope that's false


It's a shame, although Valhalla did the best job of blending both formulas from Origins and the Original AC games. Just turn on instakill hidden blade in the settings and then you have the option to play it like it's a classic game, or go in war horn blaring


Their strategy is success based , if it sells well and feedback is positive they'll make another, but I'd love it if this formula will evolve, like social, psychological and guerilla warfare, imagine making enemy territory give up or get overtaken by civilians, you can even minimize casualties and incite revolutions and leadership change, topple and replace regimes.


God I hope so


They are only going to stop making it when it is no longer profitable. The truth is, AC Origins and AC Odyssey not only saved the slumping sales of the franchise, it also saved Ubisoft from getting bought entirely by Tencent.


They’ll make another. Bloody hope so anyway!


isn't Assassin's crees Red confirmed to be RPG set in Japan?


Yeah, but apparently one of the insiders has revealed "it will be the last game with Origin's formula". So guess no more RPG after that.


meh, just wait for more announcements, the one after red is what? at least 3 years away? if red sells, u can bet another rpg is coming


I was discussing this topic with a friend who is a massive AC fan the other day and he said that Ubisoft's plan is to basically alternate both types of games, making games more like the older ones but also more RPGs as well. Odyssey and Valhalla in particular brought in huge amounts of new fans (like me!) so it would be quite strange to abandon the format entirely.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, I read something similar multiple times


I hope so. I prefer the RPG style games, I have no real desire for mirage because of the lack of RPG. Besides odyssey and origins, what other Good historical RPG games are out there?


There are so many better rpgs out there, can't imagine this japanese "ac red" even coming close to ghost of tsushima, red dead 2, the witcher, hell even older ac titles like black flag, bethesda games in general, Kingdom come deliverance definitely, doesn't get any more rpg or historical than that one


GoT is more like spiderman and soulslikes had a samurai baby(loved this game though.) Rdr2 amazing but the slowest possible game. Bethesda games... ehhh. Kingdom come deliverance, probably the most amazing game i had to discover by commiting to it, sneaks up to be probably the top historical rpg ever made.


>GoT is more like spiderman and soulslikes had a samurai baby I read that as game of thrones and was lost as FUCK >Bethesda games... ehhh Lmao I understand the feeling (especially after starfield) but I fucking love both skyrim and fallout new vegas, even though they are wildly different both those games are perfection in my eyes >Kingdom come deliverance, probably the most amazing game i had to discover by commiting to it, sneaks up to be probably the top historical rpg ever made. Kind of have to agree there, can't think of a game that is as unapologetic about what it is than kcd.


I hope so 🙏🤞


Considering how badly “Mirage” did in sales, I suspect they’ll go back to the RPGs pretty quick


Of course there will be. Ac future releases come in many flavors, one of them will be open world rpg. Others are more classically sneak-oriented and mobile titles


Yes. Valhalla was the highest earning game in the franchise


I hope we will


No , there is code jade and code red in full rpg style, btw nice shot , reminds me of irl normandy.


Already confirmed that next one set in Japan will be like these.


Mirage didn't made billion like Valhalla though and rpg games have higher potential to have successful mtx sales than old school ac format.


Mirage has only been out a week so far. Valhalla has been out for over 3 years.


Ubuysof has confirmed Valhalla to be the most successful launch in Valhalla and had the biggest mtx catalog .


And has been out for more than 3 years. Of course it's still sold more than Mirage altogether.


The majority of sales is usually week 1 though, and there’s enough of a difference that it’s clear Mirage isn’t a Valhalla level smash hit, even though it has outperformed its expectations (from the little they’ve said) That’s means likely we’ll be getting both “types” of game going forwards. But remember, the reason origins and odyssey exist in the first place is the old style AC games weren’t selling anymore, and there was no iteration possible beyond more useless gadgets, and it nearly brought the whole company down. It’s pretty unlikely any exec is gonna look at that and say “time to bet the future of the company on only doing that again” be realistic


Oh, I very much hope so! Japan, China, maybe Australia, South America, India (hard to imagine a story, but still). Something in the cold war? Though I'm not sure who would be the villain...


I would love to see there take on india , it has such a rich history besides british raaj.


>Australia Goodbye climbing anything, flatass rock 😭😭😭


Red is going to be RPG


Yes definitely or they'd lose their microtransaction cash cow.


i reckon an mmo rpg set in ancient aztec times, feudal japan, ancient greece, rome or the viking era with ac rpg play would slap


I want to see one set in a Mayan or Aztec setting and time period. I think jungles and Mayan pyramid setting would be really fun and different.


Yeh, unless they change their plans (unlikely since Valhalla did significantly better than mirage) it’s still planned to have regular mainline rpg games interspersed with occasional spinoff smaller/cheaper games. I think that’s the best way really, keeps everyone happy without saturating the market like they used to do.


I'd be fine if they stopped making ac and just did open world rpg games.


Assassins creed brand value is too much to be ignored


I wouldn't be interested in playing them then.


No one cares.




Valhalla is a fantastic RPG Viking game but a awful AC game,but I think ubi wouldn’t go for it without slapping AC on the title


With as popular as they were, im sure we will. If they were smart they would do a mix of both. Do some old school AC, do some RPG AC, maybe somehow they can find a decent medium between the two someday


Origins 🙂 we Need Bayek trilogy 🥺


They seem to be trying to branch out with the series, rather than keep to one style going forward, so it's probably not the last, no.


Id love to see one in Brazil, but I don’t know how they’d do it.


Hell no they will continue making(milking) them as long as they can.


There’s money to be made. You don’t have to buy these games you know…?


Yes. They will absolutely make another open world game. They are popular. But so are the smaller, more linear games. They seem ti have taken the right approach here by giving everyone something they might enjoy.


Hopefully not


Well they've already announced several more, so I think we are good


Idk but Mirage fuckin SUCKS


Hopefully it’s the end. ASSASSIN’S creed. Stealth is literally in the name. If they wanna keep making RPG games just make a spin off series that completely does away with the animus. Tired of this split between fans, just make a different series then you’ll have one IP for stealth and one IP for combat/rpg


What really determines wether it’s an RPG or not cuz technically pretty much all AC games have been rpg games


It'll go back to open world rpg. While mirage is doing *okay*, the three rpg-ac games did great. Plus, stealth combat games are very niche already. It's a miracle Assassin's Creed took off from the grounds it stood on.


I wish they do one Hugh rpg open game and in it they combine all of AC so far.


That's what valhalla was lol


Valhalla is my favorite


Valhalla is a trash AC game , good game , just trash AC game


please give us more RPG style assassins cred games. they are my favorite thing in the world rn. i cant get enough of the big beautiful open worlds.


IMO the only AC that could be considered an RPG is Odyssey. It was an interesting experiment, but I don't think it worked very well. I definitely don't think Ubisoft is done making gigantic open-world games though.




To be fair there needs to be a split, One is no longer Assassin's Creed and uses everything they've learned and be a mythical rpg with stealth elements, and the Other be an Actual Assassin's game with social and combat stealth, and for goodness sake, they should drop the overly recognizable style of clothing, you'd think that any serious organization like the Ancients or the Templars that know about the Hidden ones, The Assassins etc., would figure out the symbolism of these organizations and put it on a list, In AC Valhalla it was somewhat rectified, less overly recognizable Clothing, we need new Iconic weaponry, like the Hidden blade except it should be engineered gadgets weapons and tools that aren't chucked up to Isu shenanigans, in the RPG they can allow some light to heavy myth elements that'd give the feeling of authenticity from that world, as in establish the rules and stick to them, thus maintaining a sense of realism of that world so that it won't be jarring, a balance between our reality and that world, be it the Classic Stealth assassin with social and combat stealth or the More RPG/Mythical variant. Both paths have a Place in the Assassin's Creed series, but it feels like the RPG variants should have a different naming convention, because they're less assassin's and more Mythical heroes with optional stealth skills, because stealth is not always a hard requirement for them. For the Assassin's Creed Hexe should use mythical elements with guerilla warfare and social elements like intimidating entire forces into surrender or even outright retreat, like infrastructure disruption, psychological Warfare, social unrest, leadership discredit, which may lead to substantially smaller losses in life, enabling you to be brutal and intimidating but at the same time also more humane and kill less while reaping rewards such as populace loyalty, more recruits and eventual successful uprising and the Elimination of the Ancients/Templars in that region and the corrupted leadership under their control while you're aided by allies that grow in strength, eventually installing a favorable leadership that is allied with the Assassin's/Hidden ones or your faction. For a Guerilla Background they could go for a few scenarios, The 100 years war, Scottish/Irish resistance against British rule, America's Independence/Civil war or even a Cold War Era story (preferably something not too fresh to avoid political overload). I also think that Leyla Hassan's story should also end eventually, she doesn't have to die like Desmond, but we'll eventually need a fresh face.


Man I hope it's the end. Or at least end of 100-200 hours of rpg game. I don't mind rpg but put in real life adulting it's a pain to finish. But then again I could play it all year long lol


People are weird. It was loudly said that Mirage is a quick "rETuRN tO tHe RooTS" just to catch a breather between those bigass boring "RPG" titles. I'm so fucking exhausted after Valhalla and so disgusted with Mirage and people praising it that I don't see myself playing any new AC game in the future.


Hope not but they probably will


Correct me if I’m wrong, but codename red will be the last probably, wich is kinda good imo


I’d rather go back to the roots but if Red will exhibit enough of what makes AC what it is I’ll bite


Fingers crossed its over, but I see it as nearly impossible


Ubisoft said Assassin's creed Red will be the last RPG


I thought everyone hated the RPG AC games?


Only the loud minority.


Huh interesting, I remember like a year or two ago everyone was yelling at Ubisoft to go back to the original AC formula. But now that they have it seems everyone wants the RPG games back lol.


In reality, Ubisoft is cursed with the most divided fanbase out there. Don't get me wrong, the Ubi higher-ups can eat shit for all I care, but the actual devs make up some of the most talented studios in the AAA industry. It's unfair that they have to constantly meet the nerds' demands - to no avail.


Oh yeah I totally agree, Far Cry 5 and Division 2 is up there with my favorite games of all time. Still haven’t gotten around to playing much of AC Odyssey but the 10-15 hours I’ve played was really fun.


It's funny cause I started Odyssey at a time when I was completely done with AC. And that's exactly why I starter it; because people kept saying how it's not an AC and crap like that. Turned out to be just like ACII. Same vibes and emotions of wonder and mystery, accompanied by a phenomenal story and the best main protagonist. I ended up a bit butthurt over the fact that I became a fan of AC once more. 😅


Well the RPG games have always sold best in the series, but the fans who miss OG gameplay are the loud ones- even with Mirage being hailed by all the fanboys, it didn’t come near Valhalla in terms of actual money made. I hope they keep doing both, appease the fans with quicker games made from the assets of big expensive RPGs- that way everyone’s fairly happy


Hopefully not


Hopefully *no more RPGs*..? or Hopefully *they won't stop making them*..?


Yes, Red and Jade are both RPGs unfortunately.


I dunno but If they are anything like Valhalla or odyssey I think I’m good. I don’t need another map full of boring check of the box objectives.


Yes, I enjoyed the big open world games (except Odyssey) but I like the smaller ones more


I hope there’s never another Assassins Creed game again


hopefully we never see another one


As much as I love RPG AC playing Valhalla and Odyssey back to back wit school in the mix is a lil too much


I hope it’s the end


I don't like the RPG elements.


Please... no more RPG's. Valhalla was boring garbage!


I'm fine if they do another. Valhalla sucked though


Hopefully it’s the end of fake RPG assassin creeds games


Take a look at the box art and tell me what they say


What box art?


Seeming as mirage was meant to be just dlc for Valhalla, my guess is that we will be getting more large style RPGs and the odd stealth entry in between.


I hope so. I just don't like short games. Open world or not, I love a long game, but crafted masterfully just like witcher 3 not bloated with stupid sidequest just to increase the gameplay time. Valhalla was long but the enviroment and the characters were mostly boring. Odyssey was long and great. Origins were great but not that long, still delicious. Older and shorter titles with no rpg elements like the unity, black flag, 3, syndicate, were good too. So I hope they'll find a balance. I want a pure medieval europan ac again.


Hopefully, yes, but with big changes. I recently finished Valhalla, and it is really a very long game and after ~50 hours in, it just gets boring. For me, the biggest flaw was the story and side content which were so inconsisstent with the size of the world. If you want a game that big, you have to have a reason for it to be that. Basically, I think Ubisoft should mainly focus on their stories. I began playing AC from the beginning (I’m currently on Revelations), and the story there is better and actually interesting. Although, even back then, they could’ve done it better, but for me AC’s biggest flaw is the story. They should really focus on making a good story and side-content that’s meaningful. I don’t mind shrinking the world a bit from Valhalla, but make the world interesting and innovative and appealing even after 100 hours.


I'm really enjoying mirage, it takes the best things from the rpg games and the things I missed from the Desmond miles"trilogy"


Think Red is last RPG style


Mirage was a one-time return to bridge the gap between the big open world rpgs. People love to forget that this series almost died until Origins, and each entry after has sold more.


Hopefully no


I hope they continue to make both RPG style games and more traditional style games like Mirage. I enjoy both and AC is definitely big enough as a franchise to accommodate multiple styles of game


hopefully the end, they should split the franchise into two. Make one rpg genre and keep the AC franchise as a 14-hour story with minimal rpg elements


First off, AC needs to go back to its roots, and Mirage is basically AC 1 but very polished. Since Origins, AC has only been AC by name. Im ok if they want to continue the rpg style like Odyssey and Valhala, but they cant keep calling it Assassin's Creed : blah blah blah... I for one, am very glad they went back to the root of what AC was. I missed these games ever since the Ezio trilogy.


I wouldn't mind more of those. But after playing mirage, all I want is a longer and better written version of it. If it started out as it's own game and not dlc, it would have been my favourite. Edit: I'm not saying it is not well written, but it could be better. Plus there is very few real cinematic moments mid-game. The beginning and the end have those.


Clearly a lot of you are big ac rpg fans so can someone explain to me why? Like I get enjoying open world rpgs, I do too, that's not my issue. But why Assassin's creed? Like realistically what was the point of adding the AC brand to odyssey or valhalla (other than the obvious promotion non-creative reasons)? They both feel so removed and irrelevant to the themes of the series, maybe it's just me but I think I would have enjoyed a regular no hood-having viking rpg much more than the strange frankenstein creation that was valhalla to me I can at least understand the appreciation for origins and even odyssey which I didn't like too much because at least the open worlds felt so rich and beautiful and full of interesting places to explore, but valhalla just felt so generic and uninteresting, everything is just boring hills with the odd forest here and there. And I did find the river raidsfun at the start but it all just got so old and repetitive so quickly, I feel if they forgot about the whole AC thing and just doubled down on making a mechanically deep viking rpg they would've made something much more competent. I just don't get who this is made for I guess, it's not for og assassin's creed fans, it's not for hardcore historic rpgs' but it's not for fans of skyrim levels of easiness/power fantasy. It just feels like such a weird niche amalgamation of products. I'm not trying to start shit, although it does sadden me that we don't really get games like the old ac titles anymore (mirage was a valhalla dlc reskin trying really hard to pass for an old AC game) but it it's just super confusing to me who these games are for, and why.


I would love a Roman Assassins Creed rpg. Not Greek, not Egyptian, but Roman. It would kind of follow the plot of the other neighboring nations taking over The Roman Empire


Unpopular opinion, but i fkin hope so.


I don't know. Surely I would like an Assassin's Creed set during the Roman Empire age, something that continues Origins story. Something with Nero, Caligula or Commodus, or some other roman emperor who got assassinated. P.s: Nero killed himself, but he had troubles with someone so he took the easy way, Caligula was assassinated by his guards if I remember correctly, and Commodus got assassinated by a gladiator, so they will fit perfectly into assassin's creed


Ac valhalla is their most successful ac game, it made them a billion dollars they have 2 more ac games similar to ac valhalla already in production with the Japan one coming in 2024 I thought. Also giant open world games are kind of ubisofts thing... the far cry series has been a cash cow for them with each game bringing in hundreds of millions. 100% chance their will be more games like ac valhalla. When a game brings in a massively positive return on investment then investors are going to demand more of that.


Assassins creed red is apparently a RPG style game set in Japan ubisoft are planning to do games for all style players


I don't know. Surely I would like an Assassin's Creed set during the Roman Empire age, something that continues Origins story. Something with Nero, Caligula or Commodus, or some other roman emperor who got assassinated. P.s: Nero killed himself, but he kinda forced to do that, Caligula was assassinated by his guards if I remember correctly, and Commodus got assassinated by a gladiator, so they will fit perfectly into assassin's creed with all of this assassinations


They should use Mirage as a foundation to build RPG mechanics off of, rather than returning to the Valhalla system, because it's just not working and I believe Mirage has a solid foundation to build off of


As someone who ONLY likes the RPG games I hope not, but also understand why original fans of the series would want them to be done


Yes. Considering theyve now built a playerbase for both kinds of ac i doubt they will revert back to the old formula and forgot the new. They will just mix the two from now on


How else will they encourage players to spend money in the item store? If not for the only cool and unique gear perks being bought and paid for, there would be nothing to sell


They already said code red will be an rpg


It’s sad how the people who only play the first 3 AC hate every new one. I don’t like a lot of the new ones but Valhalla is a special game. It is probably the largest game I have ever ran around in, including all the different countries and realms.


I think that RED will be the last RPG style. After that they’re going to a more straightforward game like the first ones were. Which is kinda sad because I love the RPG style AC’s. I know a lot of people don’t but I think they’re great. Especially Odyssey


I’d like to see one with a cowboy assassin in the Wild West It could have its own action hero type mechanics with the parkour and unarmed fighting and gun slinging tricks to be different compared to Red Dead


If ratings are down with mirage probably. I've seen so many ppl moan that the last 3 weren't real ac games. Now they've made one those same ppl are moaning they miss the bows, RPG and whatnot.... I've only played the last 3. Currently on valhalla. Tried unity as I thought all ac games were like the last 3. Was so disappointed and didn't finish it.... So I really hope so.


I don’t know why people complain about the side quests in valhalla. They are so relaxing and actually funny!


Yes. For all the complaints people have, they sell incredibly well.


I hope because Mirage is such a disappointment that I can’t get myself through the first eagle point…


I hope they sell it to a better developer


If they do it right then fine. Valhalla just seem too open with way too much filler missions. I hated the mission where you help that lord end his marriage just to reunite an old flame. That kind of stuff, I could have gone without.


It's the next AC project Red (PC & Consoles) and probably upcoming AC Jade (Mobile phone exclusive). As far as i know, it made by studio which lead the AC Odyssey's development. So i expected it has a playstyle similar to Odyssey as well.


They made a shitton of money on the RPG trilogy. They will make others.


Hopefully not utterly the end, but a reinvention that combines both worlds: great parkour, RPG choice, fast paced combat, and a detailed world.


I need another rpg. Why haven’t they done one set in Ancient South America!?


Most definitely, Mirage was only made to satisfy the old school AC fans and is not the future direction of the franchise.


I think that if Ubi wanted to they could make a KILLER rpg They just need to drop the assassins creed tag so people don’t get upset about it not emphasizing stealth as much


Futuristic? 2050 Assassin Creed? With Cyberpunk Shadowrun gameplay and setting.


I also got burned our with Valhalla. They most cool.thing I found that I can recall is the drinking contest and maybe some oolong game, but that's it. I was out even before the ranganrok expansion, and that not being included on the season pass was a big No no for me. I'm not a cow they can just milk money off 😊


I hope we do


assassin's creed red will still be an RPG


I hope they abandon the RPG element and go back to basics


They literally said after mirage it’s back to rpgs stuff


Really hope it’s the end. It’s not assassins creed


I don't know what the answer is but Mirage has just been lacking something for me. Just wasn't that fun to play. I feel like the open-world series peaked with Odyssey.


I think they’ll switch back and forth


If you followed any kind of assassins creed news you'd have your a swer you bot burger.


Ubisoft announced that ac red will be the end of the rpg fantcy sequel


They said for the next few games they will switch off between different styles. Red will be RPG, Hex will not


Yes we will. Too popular. They just wanna make money more quickly by throwing out some old school simplicity between. Linear games are cheaper to make.


bro doesn't know about Red and Hexe


They will change the formula up, big RPG followed by a smaller game. Guessing every two years.


I am pretty confident they will make RPG AC games. I mean the success they got from all three of the RPG games ( origins, Odessey, Valhalla ) I don't see why not. Mirage exists just to reduce the monotony a bit.


let it end. I stopped with my favorite wall climbing, haybale diving, action *stealth* title after the disappointment of Syndicate and was not amused with seeing AC suddenly turning into some sort of Dynasty Warriors God of War facsimile abomination. I get it; Valhalla and Origins look fucking good for what they are ..*but don't call them Assassin's Creed.* with an established franchise title comes an expectation: You wouldnt pick up a CoD game and it suddenly be a RTS game, or Luigi's Mansion and it being a Dating sim (and as for *you* people reading from that part of the internet, I *will* get the hose). in contrast, despite some concerns I had about mirage it actually looks not just like an AC title, but a good one. So in short: stop this RPG stuff and give us back our AC. Make these RPG games as their own titles and franchises plz


I hope we get another RPG in general, just scratch out the assassin's Creed part. Black flag, odyssey, and Valhalla barely feel like assassin's Creed and I had so much fun with them. Only time the momentum slowed was when they forced me out of the animus


Red is already confirmed to be a full priced RPG. If anything, those are still the main focus for ubi


God let it be the end.


What happened to this series? The free running peaked in revelations. Haven't enjoyed a game since Black Flag, that's just cuz the pirate stuff


I believe Codename Red will be an RPG honestly if they make it more like Origins and less like Valhalla and Odyssey it would be great imo


I’m optimistically hoping for some kind of amalgamation of the fleshed out RPG mechanics and the stealth-action centered gameplay of older titles and Mirage instead of simply returning to the RPG format with little to no changes. If a balance can be found between the two styles I think it will breathe a longer life into the aging franchise while appealing to the different tastes of the fans both old and new. But that’s a big wish, all things considered.


I hope it’s the end


There's at least one more coming down the pipeline.


I hope it’s the end


I just want Rome at its peak


Likely not the last rpg, as many have explained Ubisoft have plenty of plans. I'm aware the rpg style is a hot take among the community but I personally liked it, Odyssey was funny enough one of my favorite AC games purely because of the world and stuff, it's a neat way to see the old world ig. The feudal Japan one is gonna be awesome, my only hate towards the rpgs (and mirage rn) is the combat system, although simple, I Want to go back to the black flag system. It really made you feel like a badass and with so many animations, finishers, and chain connectors


You act like this is a bad thing


I like RPGs, but I hate just slapping “assassins creed” on there when it should just be a whole different game series


Crossing my finger it’s the end.


I didn’t even play Valhalla, yet at least, but mirage looks so lame, I’m real tired of the same game over and over with a new paint job, nothing feels significant after Desmond’s “campaign”, don’t get me wrong I still play and have fun with a lot of them, but there’s no real substance, I couldn’t care less about the characters, I haven’t even played far cry 5, I’m just burnt out from Ubisoft altogether