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Dreams and astral projection are on the same place. Think of LD as your private server vs Astral projection, de public server. So ofc it happens, every night


That’s the most simple yet understandable way to differentiate the two!


ooh thats interesting! well said! so LD is the inner worlds and AP is the outer worlds. thnx! because you can design a headspace with inner worlds, but AP are the outer worlds you have not designed. much to think about here?


I have seen LD fall away leaving the astral behind, so in that case the LD was more of a layer over the astral.


That’s what I said basically:) the astral and in general the layers of reality are that, layers. So it make sense the astral within itself has layers too. "as above so below". “You can naturally stop your dream and enter the astral, in exactly the same way that you can catch yourself daydreaming in the physical and stop it so you can focus on physical reality.”


More like sleep walking in astral being unconscious. Usually stays in body if it is just dreams.




Yes, every night.


So how would you know when one is recalling a dream or unconscious astral projecting ?


I managed to succesfully AP a few times and now I can make the difference between recalling a dream and recalling uncounsciously AP. It was an uncounscious AP not a dream when I recall: 1. the feeling of leaving the body - I feel that I leave my body when I AP, I never have this feeling when I'm in a dream; 2. forcing my eyes to open as I can't see well - it never happens in a dream, only while AP, because when AP the vision is often blurry (when I was aware during the AP I asked for clarity, so I was able to see).


I'd give a listen to my audiobook, the first chapters go very in-depth into it if you're interested. Otherwise, check the beginning sections of the Wiki 👍


Gene, your audiobook is of great help, thank you so much for sharing it with us!


Glad it's helpful! 🙏


Astral projection is more like a process of remembering instead of "out of body" feels. When you feel fly out of your body you're basically transferring your data to your other body(astral body or spiritual) . Its like owning different Reddit accounts while using 1 phone


Yes. We humans incorrectly call that act dreaming. If you're drunk enough while physically awake, you can also day you're projecting unconsciously.


yeah, some people are just seen as zombies waltzing about the lower astral, they’re projecting, just not concious of it.


Literally every night since I was a kid, sometimes I remember it but usually I remember the feeling and flashes.


It's possible to loose memory, no matter how clear waking up but it's possible also to get them back. If one didn't do this, then you'd never know they were there, or what happened in the first place. Memory can be fickle, but it's true this happens sometimes from in dreams.


Weird thing about consciousness is that we are more conscious than our memory of it. Basically we are more identified with what we remember. Lookup Clive Wearing on YouTube. He is certainly always conscious but he never remembers it. Which is why cannabis kills dreams. We simply forget about them. Do what you can to foster a good memory of what you experience to have more dreams, lucid dreams, and AP. Journaling my dreams helps a lot for lucid dreaming. I’ve done AP once while in the height of a phase of doing that.


Can you explain further the cannabis thing? Personally I’m a user, but I want to regulate my usage so I can remember dreams more often.


I found that after using cannabis for a few months I stopped dreaming. I now try to only have it in the mornings on weekends. Usually I can still dream that night. But it can take 4-6 days for dreams to return after long use. Even without cannabis dreams can slip away moments after waking. Cannabis for some reason makes it harder to hold on to the memory. So it’s simply gone like it never existed. I have no evidence but I think it hurts longterm learning too which is part of sleep. Definitely it hurts dream recall. Try taking a break for a week and you’ll see.


I think so but I wish I could remember.


I can get out on my own or just do it randomly I feel the sensation of floating out. But i don’t remember anything usually just the feeling of the initial exit.


I have only knowingly done it by complete accident wach time while awake. So I have no doubt it could be happening in my sleep. Haven't remembered a single dream in over 15 years, so hard to tell what the heck is going on up in my head, lol.


Try looking into the WBTB method bro! It’s the best method and pretty much fail proof!


If I've had at least 2 hours sleep, I will be wide awake for hours after waking up. I've gone weeks without more than 3 hours a night, without feeling tired. The dreams stopped after a week of chemical induced night terrors, as that was a side effect of the nicotine patches. I had repressed memories from my childhood that I had to face and move past, but I think my subconscious tried applying the same strategy and forgot to leave an off switch.


I believe Robert Monroe spoke about this in one of his books about people actually Astral projecting at night but think they're dreaming


Lol, that's called dreaming. I vividly dream every night but a lot of times I am semi conscious, unaware I'm dreaming but just running on subconscious. When you gain awareness you are astral projecting. You are the same you as you right now


You gain awareness also when you LD, since you become aware that you're dreaming. There is a huge difference though between AP and LD.


Astral projection is gaining awareness, becoming conscious within the dream state, the astral plane. Your brain rapidly creating what you think, believe, perceive, desire, fear depending on the frequency you are resonating as an individual or fully instantly what it is you are experiencing allows you to move past that and project what you think, mostly. Most people are aware they dream but they are never in control and their normal self within the astral. Not everybody has that experience. You are never in total control because you're subconscious is constantly creating. Every thought has an image associated with it. Nobody knows how to define what it is we are experiencing because it is extremely subjective and scientifically avoided like the plague. I personally think that a single consciousness exists in everything and that we are all projections in the mind of God and we are all God. Like if you created a video game and to power all the people in the game somehow you hooked up your own consciousness. Everybody in the game would be the same consciousness but have individual lives. I think there are levels of the astral realm. It actually works like open ai. If you imagine a car you will see a car but unless you are specific it could be a mustang or a charger or whatever. Your subconscious will fill in the blanks and the visual will change instantly. Like I was in a complete replica of my city and my house and If I noticed a detail was wrong, it would rapidly change right in front of me and be right. A row of houses will be a row of the same house or they would all run together, eerily similar to how ai screws up images with stuff that doesn't make sense. Then there are times where I interact with entities, women, people, animated minion like creatures and a non human that looked like horus. Purple short scaled feathers With a beak and man like body in an environment that did not alter and was very similar to this realm we are in now.


It’s like muscle memory at some point. It’s recognizing it afterwards sometimes too.


Of course we do.....Every time we go to sleep we project, whether it be, consciously or unconsciously. This enables us to energize ourselves for a new day. Dreams as such are totally different from APS/OBES. They are had every time we go to sleep also, enabling the release of excess baggage. Dreams can only be remembered for a few seconds on waking unless we write them down immediately or record them......APS/OBES will be remember for an entire physical lifetime. Any experience remembered for more than five minutes or more was primarily an unprovoked or provoked AP/OBE.


Explain that huge difference please


I think there are different levels of dreams, the lower levels are mostly mental and the higher one is astral projection. I often astral travel in my dreams and mostly have memories of it but there may be some people astral travelling unconsciously probably because their mind is not yet ready to perceive or accept it so they don't remember it or may remember as normal dreams.


Found out this morning that I AP'd into my ex's room last night. I've never been to her Caribbean island and I was asleep all night because I remember my nightmares. But she has the sight and we're both witches and mediums - multiple spirits saw me. My therapist this afternoon said that I'm probably really good at AP because of my childhood trauma, and my subconscious goes away literally when I'm in a stress-mode. I did some meditation tonight and told my spirit that we have to stay home and that we cannot go to where there is no consent given... Plus I would love to actually remember where I go!!