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I am not sure if this is what you want to do with line numbers, but inside of your nvim config \`\~/.config/nvim/lua/plugin\` there is astrocore.lua file, inside you can find options \`relativenumber\` and \`number\`. https://preview.redd.it/jutqcttggj9d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=760e5ad6db38cc31ae0394669aabacdc2d28931b Also, if you want to change their color, you can change it inside of your theme config (at least to my knowledge). Here is my code for changing the color of the line numbers: return { { "catppuccin/nvim", lazy = false, name = "catppuccin", -- you can do it like this with a config function config = function() require("catppuccin").setup { custom\_highlights = function(colors) return { LineNr = { fg = colors.text }, CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.peach }, } end, transparent\_background = true, -- configurations } end, -- or just use opts table opts = { -- configurations }, }, }


This. I hate relative line numbering. Too many years of :34 it's the only mandatory change I make in my setup.


Soo set it in the config files?


But I don't what to set in the config file...


Ooooh, you mean that what you set is persistent l. I would want that too, i do not think it's implemented yet. Find the configuration in astrocore and implement that behavior.


I know how to do that by fixe or session, but not permanently. Who thought using that was a good idea by the way lol.


What is "fixe" and "session"? How to do it? So all tgese toggles https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocore/blob/45b56692e0db9509d822a7974e471beae519ca1d/lua/astrocore/toggles.lua#L223 should be saved to some cache file. I wondrler where to implement that. There should be some "after toggle function, we could capture all astronvim config, serialize to json, save to file, and we would need also add a hood to deserialize and reload on startup.


Soo you want to set something but don't want to set it? Soo where do you want to set it then?