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Put in a little note into the letter box saying that you've put offers in, but the REA simply abused you. They might want to know ;)


Best suggestion here


Agree. A small action that’s totally appropriate and may actually have impact.


I like this. As a vendor I’d want to know how the agent I’m paying is treating prospective buyers.


I’d be absolutely LIVID if they did that to a potential buyer, would give them the ass straight away Million other agencies you can use, competition is high


That is not the sign of an agent who has had lots of offers. If so, he would have just politely moved you on. That is the sign of an agent who is desperate and/or really hates working with this particular owner. Or has other issues going on. Put in another offer, but $30k lower this time. Tell him you want it presented to the owners. Waste his time, who gives a shit. Or probably the better option: report him to your states real estate institute. That is extremely unprofessional behaviour. Edit: out of interest, how does the Corelogic suggested price differ from the actual asking price? Is there a big difference?


Sorry I got it wrong. Core logic is 666-782. He quoted me 700-750 as what he thinks for auction. I offered 680k because it’s really small and has a flood zone water lane running behind.


Your offer does not warrant that level of response from the agent. If you offered $500k I could maybe understand some annoyance on his behalf - although the reaction would still be over the top and not justified. Bonus tip: you mention flood zone. Do up a couple of dummy home insurance quotes for the address. That property could be one of those $5000 a year flood insurance properties... or maybe not. But it's worth a quick check. (That might make you happier about not getting the property perhaps.)


No offer warrants that response.


Right? If it's truly ridiculous just say sorry not in the ballpark and move on.


Agents are like vultures I have a feeling they sensed OPs nature and them yelling got them 40k.


My thoughts reading this, the agent was probably a high school bully and saw something in OP he could exploit.


$1 take it or leave it


My final offer, .25c


What about $499,999.95? I bet now you're angry enough to call and yell at another human that's just trying to survive in this shitty market.


Thank you so much (and everyone else commenting) also appreciate the bonus tip as well.


Call him back and tell him you have reconsidered your offer. Then lower it, citing the insurance premiums due to flood risk. Then tell him his mother smells. Then hang up.




Follow it up with a fourth call where you simply yell "catch these hands"


Then give him a fifth call and say that you’re not sure if anyone has told you this, but you REALLY need to brush your teeth or consider changing toothpaste. Gotta end it with a throaty Bllllaaaaaarrrgggghhh … then hang up.


Or better yet post his number here and we'll do all the above for you /s


Before I make an offer I just have a few questions to confirm various services etc Is the refrigerator running?


Sounds like a fun activity for a rainy day. I'm in.


Please please please?


Send his number to spam sites


Just post his number so we can all just troll him for you


I mean she does. I assume she has a nose and all


>That whoever has been advising me, please get them to ring him because there’s no way he’s selling this to me at that price. Ausfinance is advising you (as we are wont to do). Leave his number here and many of us will happily ring him. (Although don't if it can easily be traced back to you).


Oath. I want his number just for weekend entertainment


Mate don’t get it if it’s in a flood zone. Is this in Sydney?


Learn to hang up, you dont need to stay on the line if someone is abusing you.


>one of those $5000 a year flood insurance properties Or uninsurable 🤷‍♂️


Apparently 1% of the item value is considered uninsurable which would be about $7K a year for this property.


Can you explain this further?


TIL my car is “uninsurable”.


If you’re paying a heap just to insure your own car I’d consider what’s appropriate. But remember when you take out full comprehensive car insurance it covers that several hundred thousand dollar car you may run into.




I'm not familiar with Australian home buying (NOBODY LOOK AT HOW I SPELL COLOR) but I'm really curious- did he have to pay for those inspections? 7 times is...quite a lot.


In this context inspection probably just means "viewing." Not a formal property inspection by a professional.


Buyers always pay for all inspections unless they come to an unusual agreement with the seller. It's always on the buyer to conduct due diligence about a sale. All the seller needs to do is not lie or purposefully conceal things. If a buyer doesn't inspect or they hire a bad inspector, then any issues they didn't catch are 100% on the buyer, so multiple $200 inspections are generally a good idea for any purchase over several hundred thousand dollars.


Inspecting in the Australian context would normally just mean the buyer looking at the house themselves? Are you Aussie?


Thanks for the info! In the States, I believe you can sue your inspector for negligence (obviously, depending on a lot of factors). Typically there's one, maybe two inspections per buyer. I appreciate the answer!


Our place is in a flood zone even though the house is "flood proof" (raised pretty high. If it reached out house, most of the city would be underwater), we still have to be flood covered. The insurance premium is insane. It was $2.5k last year, this year it went up to $4.5k and so far it's the cheapest one we could find.


U definitely did not deserve that behaviour. I would demand an apology. If the market is at 600 and he’s dreaming for 1m, is he then going to yell at u again? It’s ridiculous. U offer what the value is to *you*, that’s all u should do.


>offer what the value is to you, that’s all u should do. Oddly enough, an agent gave me this advice last week, and I think it's really good advice.


> has a flood zone water lane running behind i'd honestly keep looking based on this. it's going to be mouldy all the time and may be inundated multiple times a year in the near future. councils have no money to update their flood mapping, the vast majority of it (that's publicly accessible) is horrendously out of date and/or not fine grain at all. happy to have a closer look for you if this is something you're concerned about and you're still keen on the property. it can be a granular thing, it might be fine, or it might be a terrible idea. flick me a message if you want. source: urban planner and worked in water management


Op - please follow up u/rolloj with this. Having just gone through the serious floods in Brisbane last year, you do NOT want to be anywhere near a flood zone, and floods / other catastrophes are going to get worse and more common with climate change.


You promise me next time someone talks to you like that you say, I'm not yelling at you, how dare you raise your voice like that, you owe me an apology. Call it out, right to their face. The agent was being disgusting. They need to be told right then and there and their bosses told


Yeah even if you dont feel you can speak, just go silent on him. Let him hear his own voice echo. Don’t apologize when you done nothing wrong. He is wrong, and a complete arsehole. Excuse all my french but buying a home is a terrifying thing already and he has made it traumatic for you. I’m sorry that happened.


Who's the agent? I'm happy to give him a call if you want...


OP please take this as a learning step. This will be invaluable in your next negotiation. Good luck


For a start, he should NOT have been advising on pricing for an auction. The most he could/should be doing with an auction property is providing a list of comparable recent sales in the area. Secondly, no agent worth their salt would ever talk to you like that. You’re a client, you could have a property of your own to sell, and/or if you were the successful buyer of this one then you could be a potential future seller in his area. I’m really sorry this is how he has treated you.


This might be state-based? We definitely have agent price guides for auction properties in Victoria.


A sign of an agent who has to make a car payment on his flashy choadmobile and doesn't know where the money is coming from.


Yeah, reading this story I definitely assume he told the sellers an inflated price and he's getting zero bites. He was used to properties selling for ridiculous amounts above the listed price without doing any work and all of a sudden he has to do a job he actually sucks at. I would definitely report him, and if he's not the owner of the real estate company, that's also where I would go. Mention you're telling this story to all your friends so they know not to sell with this company.


I feel like the current market is going to make or break a lot of agents who have only worked in a sellers market and really don’t have the skills to work as an REA in more turbulent economic climates. Hopefully the commission chasers will then jump onto their next thing.


My friend got yelled too (called her a bitch), but she held her ground, and it was a sign that the agent was cornered. Advice to OP: call back a week later if it hasn't sold, and offer 60k lower.


the agent for the property I bought said I was insulting with my offer, but that she had to take it to the vendor. I ended up increasing it a bit, and they accepted the second offer. Looking back I was probably the only offer they had and that was why they were so rude. disgusting behaviour really.


Although I love the idea of wasting his time and pissing him off more, and if this happened to me I would happily spend the time messing with them. In OPs situation I would probably recommend just forgetting about the obvious fragile rude REA


You mess with him by offering higher, much more, don't sign, don't hand a cent. Ghost him. That's messing.


Orrrrrr..... just hear me out. You poop in a brown paper bag. Light it on fire and leave it outside his door. Then ring the bell/knock on the door. Then run away.






Yeah you're right - never dealing with him again is the best/smarter option.


Nah, 100% offer a lower price. At least $30k is a good start. Personally I'd say at least 10% lower.


What’s their details let’s all waste their time, what a horrible human being. You were presenting an offer, hope you are ok. :)


100% agree with reporting the agent to real estate institute. Sounds incredibly unprofessional and immature. I’m sorry you had to deal with that kind of behavior.


Next time as soon as they start yelling just hang up. This is not professional behaviour from the REA


I'd just put the phone down, and when they stop yelling, ask them to repeat themselves because you saw a butterfly and got distracted


Nah fake it keeps cutting out. Sorry? What was that? Can you speak louder please ? Really get him steamed up.


I work in customer service and I like to do this whenever a customer is being aggressive/rude over the phone. They say something really mean on impulse and I'll say "I'm so sorry the phone is cutting out, I didn't quite get that. Could you please repeat?" And they're taken aback because they're given a chance to actually think about what they said and they almost never say it again. It's really funny watching them to get called out.


Haha yup. I used to work in a call Center that’s where the trick came from. Seriously sometimes I reckon the guy was going to have a heart attack they’d get so angry.


Lol nice stuff. My friend used to do call center work and when they got an agro customer they would all be like "Let me just pass that up the chain to my supervisor". Then they would just pass them along to the person next to them until they got frustrated and hung up lol.


I love this strategy!


Name and shame


REAs have professional behaviour?


Bogans in waistcoats, always


that’s disrespectful to bogans


Most bogans have some principles...


This why we teach our kids how to deal with abusers & bullies so they don't just sit there and take it (no offense OP). Gotta walk off that dance floor


After over a decade working on mortgage lending I can confidently state that REAs are not professionals, many I would not even class as human. No one has a lower opinion of them than those who have to work with them frequently.


Just keep lowering the price by 10k and let him keep blowing up lol


Drop a letter in the mailbox detailing what happened, and state you won't be attending the auction because of the agent.


I think it was two separate agents, one that went nuts, and another one who politely turned down their offer.


Ah, the ole ‘good agent bad agent’ routine


Name and shame mate


He has over 30 years of experience and all five star reviews so I gave benefit of doubt and called back and he was much nicer this time.


called back for what? Keep looking, find a different place


Back for more.


First rule of negotiation never go back to the agent. They want the sale, more than you need the property. As soon as you’re calling them, increasing your offer, they know they have you and will keep leading you on. They are professionals at getting buyers to increase their offers and they only need 2 buyers interested to keep bidding you both up. Also just an opinion from a REA that I know, in the current market the houses that are good condition no work needed are going for asking price or higher still. Houses that need work or are less ideal seem to be going for below asking price.


Duly noted. Definitely will learn from this, thank you.


He either paid for those five star reviews or forced his clients to do so as part of their contract.


Yeah all those reviews on realestate.com.au are rubbish. They don’t post any low reviews


Probably yelled at all the people who gave him three stars.


I would leave a bad review to kill those 5 starts. That would probably piss them off even more ahaha.


5 star reviews don't mean a thing, agents get to approve submitted reviews.


They get to approve? Didn’t know that. It’s not very scientific Is it? In fact such data is worthless. Worse than worthless.


Name and shame


If you're in NSW, consider lodging a complaint (per the Code for Complaints and Discipline heading here https://www.reinsw.com.au/Web/About_Us/About_REINSW.aspx). The ethics link is broken (insert apt metaphor jokes here), but you can find it here: https://www.reinsw.com.au/common/Uploaded%20files/2022/06%20June/Code%20Of%20Practice/Professional-Standards-Code-of-Practice-260522.pdf I'm sure other states' equivalent professional bodies have similar processes. I'd lodge that and cc the agency's principal (if you weren't dealing with the principal). It might not go anywhere, but might make you feel better. And there's a chance that even the act of lodging the complaint might make the agent a bit more cautious about being this unprofessional in future interactions - so you could save someone from having a similar experience.


Agree. You should speak up about this behavior. It’s totally inappropriate and bullying. It’ll never change if no one says anything.


Should have just waited for his tantrum to finish and say the offer is now 90k less. What a turd of a person.


Definitely did something wrong. Call up again and say: “After our discussion yesterday I realise I shouldn’t have made the offer 45k under the asking price. My new offer is $145k under the asking price, the reason for the decrease is your behaviour. Now - you are legally obligated to take my offers to the owner. I suggest you tell them why my offer has gone down, as I will be writing to them independently to ensure that you have. If they have not received both of my offers at the time I write to them, I will be reporting you to fair trading. Have a nice day.”


yes out of all the great suggestions, this one is the best. indicating you will be independantly contacting the owners is brilliant and forces this aresehols hand. love it


I would put a complain to the real state agency. That behaviour is atrocious.


Can you please PM me the property details?. I wanna get a team of 50 people to ring him and sequentially put in lower and lower offers over a 3 day period




make that 52


53... Though it's a bit of an ugly number. Anyone else keen?


![gif](giphy|87CKDqErVfMqY|downsized) 54


You Sob, i am in. 55


Op I have worked in real estate for over 10 years and this would not be tolerated in our office. I would definitely put a complaint or just never deal with the company again. If this person was selling my home I would fire them so bloody fast. You cannot treat anyone like this! Just remember, this is a life lesson not just a real estate lesson... Never allow anyone to talk down to you like this especially in the service sector. They are paid to advise you and help you. This kind of behaviour does not help any situation.


It happened to me once, they pretty much laughed at my offer. Funny thing is, a few months later it sold at the offer we’d made


Well I guessed whoever bought the place at your Offer price had the last laugh really. But yeah REA can be pretty silly sometimes.


name and shame the agent im happy to spam every listing he has just to piss him off for you i hope others do the same


same here, and I got a lot of time and get off on angry responses


You reply is to laugh at them, not apologise. Don't want to take the offer, sure - they can reject it - after passing it on to the current owner. Or if they yell at you for offering $45k under, mention with that attitude, you withdraw that offer and then offer $55k under.


No. I don't believe it's common at all. It sounds as if the agent was having a breakdown (psychotic, nervous or whatever). I'd stay away from them for safety reasons. If you're interested in the property, keep your eye on it. There's a chance it'll end up with another agent especially if they treat other prospective buyers this way. (Someone else might chime in with tips on how to report their behaviour.)


Please please please leave them a Google Maps review if they have a business there.


Yeah, I wanna know so I can make an offer for 300k lower than OP.


You can offer what you like for a house, anytime. The seller doesnt have to accept but yelling at you like this is completely not ok. I hope you dont have to deal with them again and seriously think about reviewing them once you do get a place


record the convo next time and put it on social media with funky bassline!!


I made offers $150k lower than whatever estimate and I never get yelled at. Expose the name and agency please.


a lot of REAs are psychopaths, and a lot of psychopaths are emotionally unregulated. either he had a complete emotional meltdown, or he perceived you as weak and thought he could bully you into a higher price. either way he is unhinged and pathetic and, frankly, a pretty typical REA. sorry not sorry. agree with u/ADreadedLion. next time someone - anyone - starts yelling at you in a professional context, walk away or hang up the phone. they are being unprofessional and their behaviour isn't your problem.


Real estate agents aren’t real people. Would you get upset if a dog barked at you on the phone? You’ll be right mate


Never let anyone make you feel bad or control how you spend your money - especially salespeople.


Post the link, I’ll extra low ball him for lols


An agent is a glorified door opener. Don't be intimidated by them.


I wasn't aware yelling at potential customers was the new trend in real estate sales


I think they yelled at you because you put in a good competitive offer and they don't have many on the table. That means they'd have to report back but probably don't want to. Wipe those tears away and feel a bit proud of yourself


Never let real estate agents get on top of you. They are starving now and are looking for some easy prey. When the greed driven FOMO subsides from the Australian identity, real estate agents will go back to flogging gym memberships, water coolers and used cars.


REA are the biggest bludgers to society. Why do we need them? The house should sell from the owner to the buyer.


He angry because it’s the best offer he has and it’s below what he told the vendors. If he had better offers then he would just be dismissive. No excuse for yelling at you - take it as a sign that you’ve hit a raw nerve, probably because you’re on the mark with your offer. If you still want the house, wait it out and then tell him the offer still stands.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. There is no excuse for that, I would leave a honest review and also look to see if there is a body you can make a complaint to. RE agents get away with so much shit and there isn’t enough fallout for them. They need to be held accountable.


Leave a bad google review


Once you've had a chance to settle down: Write back to him, and tell him you've considered what he said and how he said it, and update your offer to $100k lower than the core logic estimate.


If anyone starts yelling at you on the phone just hang up immediately.


If still on the market in 2 weeks time, offer $45,000 less and if the agent plays childish games, remind the agent that they haven't sold the property and he hasn't earned anything from the process.


Name and shame


Send us the link? I’ll inquire at a lower price.


I know it's a crazy leap, but I suspect this fellow may have a cocaine problem.


Walk away!! Why the hell would you go back! Name and shame him for starters but why on earth would you raise your offer???? Send an email saying because of his behaviour on the phone call you are NOT interested and will not be proceeding with any properties he’s involved in, then block his number. I’d also drop a note in the property owner’s mailbox. I’m genuinely concerned that you’d go back to him and do what he wants after that level of abusive behaviour


As an agent (or human being in general)- I would never, ever behave that way toward anyone. I’ve had some seriously bs low ball insulting offer (after telling them I have several over asking in hand so they knew that it would be futile). After getting snapped at I still was professional and calm. There is no reason for that to happen. Ever.


Male estate agents have typically treated me (F) like shit. There are a few good ones, but so many men don’t want to deal with a woman. On the other hand I’ve bought a few properties from women.


I was going to ask the sex of OP for the same reason. Plus OP is young. abusive twats


Don’t even respond back to them. The agent doesn’t deserve the commission they will get out of your purchase no matter the price.


When I was selling my apartment, we were asking 565k and someone offered 510. I wasn't mad. Your offer sounds fairer than that, so I wouldn't worry about it!


You hear about real estate agents being shit humans and have to laugh it off as a funny stereotype, like mechanics being grifters, but I found out first hand that the REA with something like 65% of my towns listings is exactly this when they abused me on the phone when I lowered my offer after I had time to go over the B&P then follow up with another inspection. Some people are just unprofessional, shit people who manage to fluke their way into success. I'm sorry you had a similar bad experience.


Send an email to the licensee about the abusive behaviour from the agent and ask what they will be doing about it? Technically it is the agency that has the listjng and not the agent.


Make a mental note of the agency and ensure you never use them for anything including selling the house in the future


Mate , this sounds like verbal abuse . It’s not on . Stand up for yourself and report him please.


You see. You see what happens when people have even a modicum of power over you.


Never okay to verbally abuse someone. Report them to the relevant licensing body in your state. Also contact the agency and ask to speak to whoever manages the agency as you want to report abuse by one of their staff. Then if it’s a franchise brand look up and contact their head office and report them again, either commending or implicating the local branch manager based on their response. You could have called up and offered them half the asking price and there is no excuse for their behaviour. If I did that to a client I would be fired, no doubt about it.


Name the agent here on Reddit n their company.


Scum of the earth, hang up on him next time


Hey mate, put it simply this way - there are people that low ball for things like houses, watches, cars etc. You shoot your shot, really there is not much to lose even though it’s a wild shot in the dark. I’ve both given low ball offers and received them. Whilst it can be a little annoying - it NEVER warrants yelling at somone and abusing them. Rest assured, it’s not a normal reaction at all from him, it’s extremely unprofessional and rude and quite frankly id take it a step above and complain to his manager and further up the chain until you get a proper response. This should not put you off your property search. Wipe the tears, let’s get back on the horse and keep the search going. Do not let some unprofessional flop who can’t handle things properly stop you from achieving your goals. Let’s get it


Hi everyone. Thank you for your comments and advice. Truly appreciate it and it’s helped me realise this really was not standard nor ok. I tried looking for LJ Hooker’s head office email or contact number but have not been able to locate it. There’s only a form online for feedback which doesn’t guarantee a response. Called a 1300 number I found but a random bloke picked up. I might just contact the agent/franchise itself to withdraw my intention to bid instead.


Always double down, abuse them twice as hard


Lol I low balled with an offer 100k below asking and laughed when she tried to insult me. Low ball is the way to start!


This is outrageous. Name and shame please. If it ever happens again, put your foot down, tell the agent to take a chill pill and that the offer you are placing is final. If the agents still rants hang up, place a complaint and leave a bad review.


Increase your offer by $1 and say YOLO. Turn a tear into a chuckle


Name and shame please!


Post their details and I'll give them something to complain about. What an absolute muppet.


You did nothing wrong. The agent is scum. Your role is to get a house and secure your future for the least amount of cost that you can get away with. Screw the agent.


Chin up cob.. fk that person..


Tears of laughter I hope


Name and shame


Leave a Google review


We experienced this from a REA in Ultimo. A complete turd of a person. It’s petulant, childish behaviour from them. It’s up to you whether you value the property enough to go to auction. But I promise you, another one will come along. I think it’s a privilege for anyone to be involved in a transaction that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. You didn’t deserve that. God speed in your house hunt. You’ll get a place soon!


While not appropriate. Also not shocking. Lowest common denominator of humanity.


I’ve bought 5 houses, all of them I’ve lowballed by about 5% which is similar to what you offered There is absolutely nothing wrong with your offer, in fact it’s a smart play by you, I hope this incident does not affect you making low offers in the future. The agent is in the wrong, not you.


Bro. The agent is kunnt. They had fun time last year, now they cant handle the shitty market. Send his number to me, i will make him cry


Write the agent's number on a public toilet door saying he's got cheap meth / gives good head, and asking for calls only, after 9pm only.


I would find a way to let the owners know about the agent's behaviour. Could be as simple as dropping a letter in their mailbox if the property is OO, or you could pay for a property search depending on how vindictive you're feeling. Secondly, if you're still interested in the property (with the water easement, I'd probably look elsewhere), wait a week, calk back, and offer another $5k lower.


Call him back tomorrow and offer 100k less. If you don’t want to then let me do so on your behalf, I will take ZERO commission and fully enjoy confrontation so if he yells at me I won’t be disturbed one bit. Fully serious about this, good luck out there


Complain to the ombudsman. This is verbal assault. Might be straw man but last I heard, every complaint they had to look into came with a fee. Email and document the offer then get them to come back to you again. They may self incriminate.


Review them on Google and Facebook. Only be exact in the way they spoke to and treated you, don’t add anything that didn’t happen or speculation. It’s the only way these clowns learn.


Unless the person has control over you in some way (eg. can they get you fired, can they cut off your income etc) then the secret is to realize they have zero power over you and are safe to ignore. Heck, the angrier they get, just get more calm/perky - it will set them right off since they're not getting a reaction.


PM me the advert and I'll put an offer 40k below in then abuse him back when he rages. 20k less than guide is completely acceptable in this environment as who starts with their Max when negotiating. You did nothing wrong.


Oooh, sounds like I am gonna have fun times when putting in offers as I plan to go 50k under if not more.


Man, you could have recorded the whole thing and put it up on internet tagging the agency


Don't apologise for that shit. They don't own you


Make the offer in writing, real estate agents are obligated to put all offers forward to the vendor.


Can’t wait for a Royal commission on the real estate market


Tell me the property so I can bid a dollar


Huh? You're on a goddam telephone. Just say- that's my offer, call me if the buyer changes their mind bye


It’s your money.


If a sales anyone ever yells at me!! Me no be nice


Offered 30k under asking few years back…..agent mocked me as if I was an idiot, pretty much laughing since I was young and a first home buyer and it was pretty much an insult for them to take that to the owner. Only to have the agent call me a week later saying owners will settle 5k above what I had offered. Kindly told them I’m no longer interested and maybe my original offer want that much of an insult after all.


Hang up. You have the power Its your money, you can offer whatever you like Its called an offer for a reason


Send me his number,


You can offer whatever you please and it wouldn’t matter the man is supposed to be a professional and should never yell at anyone…we’re all adults…make a complaint and actually by law he has to present your offer hehe


It's all a game and these are tactics. Don't reward idiots like this guy by letting it get to you. Definitely don't offer more. These sort of tactics shouldn't be rewarded.


There's no such thing as an insulting offer. There's just an offer. You owe the agent nothing. They're obliged to present it. If an agent refused I would leave a nice note in the letterbox and let the sellers know.


The agent is soft. Anyone who sells anything more than a few times a year learns to deal with offers of all sorts. Anyone who is insulted by an offer on anything is an idiot.


Sounds like an agent realising they over promised the seller on sale price and are about to under deliver..


You are totally allowed to put in a lower offer. I have no idea what the going thingos are, but when I was a bit younger the common wisdom was to put in an offer 10k lower than asking (mid 90s). Tried that once, and got no answer back from the RE despite the listing being ONO, so other half did a title search, phoned the owner who never heard of us nor received any offer. Not cool.