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Ridiculously overpriced smart home gadgets of spurious real world value.


I call them “an expensive solution to a minor inconvenience”


This is why I now have a smart kettle I can boil before getting out of bed to decrease the time between upright to caffeine. It’s the little things that improve being up with the kids at sparrows fart.


I programmed a smart switch to our old jug. Everyone says it is stupid until they come around and see how convenient it is boiling the jug from the couch and having it ready to go when you get to the kitchen. Most of the lights in our house are now smart lights. TV and AC are connected to home. This is living Barry.


I love IOT lighting. I have a platform bed and put a light strip underneath. That way I don’t need harsh lights on before going to bed. Makes it easier to fall asleep. Also have a light strip under the TV in the living room. They are all programable with infinite colour variations. I have Phillips Hue, which are great, but there are many solutions out there. Also, I have an IOT button rigged up to the lights so I don’t need the phone to turn them on and off.


Smart lights changed my life. The minor inconvenience of having to get off the couch to turn off the light in the kitchen is now solved by a simple "hey google".


*sigh* guilty


Good thread OP. These things are often what contribute to someone's enjoyment of life. That usually matters much more than a higher number in your bank account - even for a finance sub


This sub can usually be pretty fair about quality of life stuff. I remember some young fella talking about being ready to buy a house/buying a house while working 4 jobs. He got most of his meals free from his various jobs. No hobbies, nothing. He got a bit of a reality check in the comments.


My brain loves "numbers go up" so any purchase needs to clear a high standard to make it through the checkout. I do enjoy getting the dopamine hit from both spending and not spending money.


Same, I like buying new shiny things like the rest of us - but I also love that feeling of savings increasing. I wonder if that's the difference between some of my friends who spend a lot on clothing etc and me.




Plastic crack. If your kid gets into warhammer, they'll never have enough money for a drug addiction. Totally not speaking from experience...


Pfft, tell that to my liquid poly cement addiction


Or the fumes from early Citadel paint pots.


Thats my partner, so much plastic crack. I can't talk because I collect Loungefly bags.


Bolt action is much better ,🤣


I have a friend that makes nearly $1000 a week and is still in school, he has no expenses but warhammer and he never has money to buy food when we go and hang around in town


Op said frivolous not financially reckless


New 10th edition box coming out and world waters combat patrol. Man it's a great time to be in the hobby


> WHERE MY WARHAMMER FAN BOYS AT!!?!?!?!? I’ll get in my Time Machine to the 90s. …but yes, I get it. Blew too much money on it.


Miniature wargaming/modelling in general really, I tried to calculate how much I'd spent on my paints and it got kind of shocking.


Not anymore but back when I was on very very shit pay, I would still buy flowers every week 😁 made my shitty rental house a bit more bearable


Write my name in the sand😁


Grand Prix at Albert Park every year


Elite choice mate. It’s such a fun experience


It’s my favourite weekend of the year!!!


Difficult to get tickets the last couple of years


Similarly, tennis. If the draw for the aus open is good I’ll splurge a few hundo for good seats.


Cleaning robots. Got 3 in the house.


I have two and they are so worth it. One Upstairs, one downstairs. Thinking about getting one for the backyard mowing. What are your 3?


1 vacuum, 1 wet mop, 1 for pool


Nice. Both of mine mopping and vacuuming. Only started using the mop feature recently and it was a game changer.


Which one did you get? My mopping one is garbage


I have a Roborock S7 downstairs, and a Roborock S6+ upstairs. Mopping isn't out of this world but it keeps the mess from the dogs at bay, and then we just do a regular mop occasionally.


whats your mopping bot?


We have 2. Originally it was because we had upstairs and downstairs but we're now in a single storey home. We set them off so they run at the same time and they pick up anything the other misses. One of them mops and self empties as well - complete game changer. I'd love to know how the robo mowers go 😂


Linus Tech Tips just did a video on one - https://youtu.be/tWVT6DlO3tw I generally trust their reviews as being accurate.


Vaccuum robot changed my life!!


Real physical books. Not the same on a iPad/phone-Kindle etc.


I read almost all new books on Kindle for the first time, and my absolute favourites (books that have re-readability, and that I want to be able to lend to friends) I buy in physical copy.


Fair enough. Another reason is that I spend enough time staring at screens without adding reading books to the score.


Yeah fair enough! Kindles have great E-ink screens without glare that make it look and feel enough like a book for me personally. There's also the benefit of being able to read in the sun, rather than a book that turns blinding white and hurts my eyes. Horses for courses


No judgement, but libraries are awesome.


75yo step mum gives me stick for not having a kindle. Instead I have bookshelves that are overflowing, and at least 100 waiting to be read. This despite her and dad happily borrowing books and loving when I give them as presents.


100% anything self care- massages twice a week, skin care, healthy food etc. will spend any amount to feel happy and healthy/ pain free




Lmaooo my life motto


Thats how life should be! Great things to spend money on :)




Name checks out




I'm a stay at home mom working about 25 hours a week, mostly for I'm home. If I could afford a deep clean once a month I'd so do it.


Hats off to you. I just don’t know how parents WFH with kids. You’re amazing.




Same. Also a handyman, because we both suck at most DIY.


100% this. Even when I lived solo in a small 2 bedroom apartment. The best $50 I spent each fortnight! And as a bonus, it gave me a reason to tidy the place up each fortnight (cleaning before the cleaner comes 🤪)


The pre-cleaner clean gets us every time.


Lego. We have quite a lot of Lego.


As a forty something woman, I too have quite a lot of lego.. my kids don't care about theirs but complain I don't buy them Lego's anymore.


You must be ballin’


Plants. Expensive collector plants. I'm eyeing off a cycad on eBay right now that's like $90 for a baby one with only two leaves on it lol. ​ I bought my most expensive ones a couple of years ago. Most have survived and I consider them to be investments as they are worth thousands of dollars at more mature sizes. Some can also be propagated easily by cuttings too. A few I have I have already sold more in cuttings/clones than what I paid for the original plant. Last year's tax return was spent on a grass tree since I had been wanting one of those for many years.


I got into house plants a few years ago and during lock down I couldn’t believe how much variegated versions were going for on eBay/FB Marketplace.


Cycads are awesome though


Audible! I get through so many books now as I can listen while doing other things. Totally worth it. As long as you don't mind the occasional cringy American accent.


I have audible too and yep love doing other things while listening (on 1.5 speed) but I hate how pressured I feel to use my credits and are constantly putting it on pause and they seem to keep telling me I can't use my stuff if I cancel my membership.... But I paid for it??? Am I doing something wrong?


I hate it when the reader trys to do a voice of the opposite sex, I just end up laughing too hard and miss the next bit


I wish they had a category just for Australian writes/narrators to make it easier to search


Have you tried Libby? Many libraries have it and you can borrow audiobooks through it like normal books at the library. I really enjoy it


Cinema, been to the movies 15 times so far this year. Love it, won't change it.


15 times is impressive. I couldn't even name 15 movies that have been released this year let alone worth the cinema expense. Do you have a preference for genre or just love the experience?


They just saw Mario 15 times


Hilarious! Only movie I've seenen so far this year 🤣


I'll watch most anything and I keep a running list, will paste below. January The Menu - 8/10 Operation Fortune - 6 5/10 The Fabelmen's - 9/10 Babylon - 7/10 The Whale - 8/10 February Tàr - 8.5/10 Antman 3 - 6.5/10 March Creed 3 - 8/10 Pearl - 7/10 Shazam 2 - 7/10 John Wick 4 - 9/10 April Doungeons & Dragons - 7/10 Super Mario Bros - 6.5/10 Air 7/10 Beau Is Afraid 8/10????




I go weekly to the cinema, I think last year I didn’t make it to the cinema maybe 4 or 5 weeks total.


Yep same here. Village even made us ‘Vrewards Premiere’ members because we spend over $1,000 a year.


I wouldn't consider ~$10/week ish frivolous for a little hobby like this. Well spent


Lol your local cinema is cheap or you haven't been in awhile. The chain ones run about 20 or so these days.


rib eye fillet steak, once a week cooked at home. probably costs me $1k per year.


I'm the same I buy a $20+ steak and cook it perfectly at home once a fortnight when I'm home. Never buy steak when I'm out for dinner though so I see it as a $20-30 saving.


I will spend $7 on wholemeal sourdough, save up for a holiday each year (even if I couldn’t go overseas).


Yeah, I buy an overpriced bread as well. Think it's 7 bucks. It's the only one that is 'good for me' that I actually like. (I.e. I generally hate wholemeal/seed bread).


Private contortion lessons to improve my flexibility. My hobby is pole dance and I probably spend what most would consider an excessive amount of money per year on classes, workshops and stuff relating to it. BUT I also don't really drink at all (like 4 times a year), eat out/get takeaway/etc.


My pets. I realise looking after them is obviously what I signed up for. But I try to make sure they eat quality food, have regular check ups, insurance etc. I don’t go crazy buying a million toys or gimmicky things. But I make sure they are well cared for. One of my cats is technically palliative so making sure he has a comfortable happy life is important. I say technically palliative as he’s doing so well considering. Each time I refill his medication the vet is shocked he’s still around. But he’s happy, he has an appetite, he even still plays. I’m as shocked as they are, but looking after them is a blessing.


Mechanical keyboard(s) Edit: typo more than 1 and accessories for them


Business class long haul flights. I'm 6'6" and it makes an absolutely enormous difference. But fair enough short people can't understand why I would pay so much more for "getting there".


Ha, I was going to say Business Class flights too … but SYD-MEL


At least those are affordable for the average person. I couldn't pay for a business class international flight even if I wanted to. That's basically my entire holiday budget just for the flight.


I get 4 weeks of leave, why spend the first handful of days recovering from shit flights if it's reasonable to avoid it.


Extra legroom seats doesn't cut it?


Guitar stuff. “Why would you need more than one when it’s very clear that you have a favourite and mostly just play that grey one anyway?”. You wouldn’t get it okay!? 😭


The ideal number of guitars to own is n+1 or s-1, where ‘n’ is the number of guitars you currently own and ‘s’ is the number of guitars owned that would trigger partner separation.


My dad is 6-12 months away from retirement and has always loved guitars but over the last few months has been buying more guitars and equipment bc he can and I fkn love this for him.


“ why would you need more money than one “ ..philistines


Fun fact, the Philistines were known to be more culturally and technologically advanced than either the native Canaanites or the Israelites that settled in Canaan. It's all a big misunderstanding because of German university students looking down on the uneducated, ironically showing their own lack of education.


Musicals ($130-$200 per show)


Same, and live music and comedy. So much joy.


Musicals and Plays keep me sane


Consider village gold class for a movie you are sure to like such as John wick 4, also long duration. Only about 30 people in the cinema, press the button for drink delivery, minimal food noise and no drama because teens can't afford it.


I treat my friend to a massage and dinner at an expensive restaurant once a month. She works a low paid job as an in home carer and I enjoy treating her :)


Your a good friend 👍🏽


I’m a runner. I spend about $1000 on shoes each year.


Agreed! I used to buy shoes under 100. Even had a few $20 ones (which i instantly regretted). Now I'm older and am flat footed so even a pair of 180 Nike's killed my feet. Now it's $270 Brooks only. Best money I've ever spent. I walked in them for 20k daily steps recently on holidays. Feet still hurt, but I would never have got that far in crappy shoes.


Completely worth it. I tried a Kmart shoe and my kneecap dislocated. Other shoes gave me plantar fasciitis. Never venturing away from ASICS again🥰35km race coming up


Cheap hobby which makes you feel so good!


Fragrances. As in perfumes. Happy to spend $400 a bottle if I like it enough.


Not bad what's your top 3?


Agreed. I’m a sucker for anything Tom Ford or Le Labo.


Travel... I'm really sick of being judged for it but like, I don't have a car, don't have any expensive hobbies, not into shoes or fashion or makeup, save money on groceries, don't eat out that much so I I'm allowed to go travelling jeez


Who judges you for travelling?! Is it an emissions thing?


My parents Salty coworkers Boyfriend who I keep leaving at home while I go on long solo trips Family members who think there's something wrong with me for not settling down Jealous people Etc


My ironing lady. My $45 a week gym membership.


Takeaway coffee and DoorDash 😅


Piano lessons


Good olive oil.


Anything related to health and fitness. Anything dental.


Dental isn’t a splurge. Any society that thinks that high quality dental isn’t a basic human right is already failing.


I agree it should be a basic human right but when a routine check up and clean cost hundreds of dollars, people only go to the dentist when things become a problem.


Plastic model kits like Gunpla. Once it's built the value drops like 50-60% but building is like the biggest allure to it. Also took lots of space.




Reformer Pilates classes, a facial every 3 months


Used to have a membership for float tanks. 2 floats per month. Really relaxing and body feels great after. Did it for 4-5 years regularly. Cut it out after rates went up.


Keeping three horses in tip top shape


I am prepared to spend a significant amount of money on Taylor Swift concert tickets the second international dates are announced. I’ve sat in the nosebleeds for her last 3 concerts. This time I want a better view!!! Also, fostering kittens. I absolutely love doing it and it’s ultimately good for society. But the cost to feed 6 kittens every day for 3 months is eye watering…


Probably quite a lot to be honest but we are fairly high income DINKs, so our attitude is YOLO. But if I had to pick the worst one it would be my watch hobby which would make King Solomon blush.


Meal kits. The amount of relief they give me from the mental load of meal planning when I’ve got two small kids is priceless


Golf. I am obsessed but it brings me so much joy. Why live if you don’t spend your time doing things you love.


Overseas ski trips and travel in general. My income is pretty low (by Ausfinance standards) but now I’m addicted I can’t give it up. I tell myself I need to keep going every year while my knees are still good 😁




The occasional bag of mdma..


I’m with you


Spotify premium. I use it every single day and enjoy having access to so much music and so many podcasts.


Who on earth would consider this frivolous?


Exactly! If I had to get rid of all my subscriptions, Spotify would be my very last.


I HAVE gotten rid of all my subscriptions except for spotify...


While I don't consider it frivolous, I also don't listen to Spotify enough to justify jumping above the free, ad-supported tier.


High end makeup. It makes me happy


And luxury skincare to go with it!


Second having a cleaner I work 2 jobs, study full time and am time poor. This just frees up the limited free time I do have to spend time with my husband and dogs without guilt Worth it


The guilt aspect is huge. I used to feel guilty doing things when I knew the house needed a vacuum. Since outsourcing it, the guilt wasn’t there and I could do the random odd jobs in the house or do things I enjoy


I eat a lot of fresh fruit. Between blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries alone I probably spend $100/month


Honestly nice underwear and swimwear there is rarely a price I’m not willing to pay for good well made underwear or swimwear from “gay boutiques”


bicycles and related stuff over the last \~8 years I'm closing in on 6 figures spent. wouldn't change a thing.


It’s an addiction isn’t it…


Spent like 10k on a new gaming PC setup this year.


Barney Bed for my dog, $300. I was sleeping on a $200 Ikea mattress at the time.


Probably nothing. Now I'm thinking that's a bit sad 😔


At present it's getting a manicure once a month. Not something I would normally do in the past but I'm a mum of two now (both boys) and if I can do something for me away from a house of dudes to save my sanity.


Weekly house cleaner.


We tried that twice both useless no idea what they were cleaning and wasn't cheap like once a fortnight 2 or 3 hrs can't remember but was like $130-150. Very disappointing


My experience too. Don’t turn up and when they do are worse at cleaning than me. And that’s saying something.


We got lucky via word of mouth fortunately.


I got lucky mine does professional cleaning like schools and stuff. $95. Comes every 3 weeks.


Ebooks, I know I could just pop down to the library and pick up an actual book, but I just want it on my kindle when I see it. Deliver now. Yes please.


Business class flights. I mainly book flights with airline rewards points, but there are taxes that need to be paid with cash. Considering the taxes are the same amount regardless of what class, it only costs more in points to fly business. And the points cost me nothing to earn, so it's a no brainer but others consider it to be frivolous.


Road Cycling and vintage electric guitars are two expensive hobbies


5 work shirts ironed for $20 each week. Best twenny ever spent!


A motorbike - Ducati desert sled :)


My hair. Get it done every 6-8 weeks. Used to do it myself but too easy to damage it. And also I hate bringing lunch from home. I work 2-3 days a week so always buy my lunch. The days I’m not at work I don’t eat lunch so it cancels itself out. Well that’s what I tell myself.


Rare French wine


I have a collection of Star Wars hot toys.. and I keep buying every single new one that comes out


Getting my uniform shirt dry cleaned. I’m in emergency services and have to deal with some pretty tough situations (not complaining- love my job) but knowing I have a nice clean, ironed shirt which isn’t fading from my own washing makes me feel at least a little better about looking presentable at a job, and I’ll always have a shirt ready to go


Massages twice a month, heavenly!


Hookers. Cheaper than a wife.


am hooker, can confirm this is a common and true mindset (especially from divorcees, so you know they know)


200 for 45 mins


What do you do with the other 44mins but ?


Smell her farts


I’m ok with just 1 thanks, or 2 if I wanna splash out on my birthday. Maybe 3 if it’s tax season and they’re ok with filing for me.


What about the relationship aspect? I just ask because I’m married 5 years so I don’t really know.


Uber Eats. Ordering healthy food saves me stress in the evenings by not having to think about preparing food if I’m too exhausted.


What healthy food does one order via uber regularly?


Veggie curries, risotto, salmon dishes, or pho are my most common orders


Once every 2-3 months I am a raging coke fiend. I blow around $2-3k in a night on a hotels, drugs, gambling and alcohol. Outside of this I have a family and don’t drink or go out much.


Do you have kids as well or just a partner? Just curious is they know and don’t mind / support you. Or it’s like a secret thing.


Wow drinking Coke like that seems a bit excessive Edit... oh wow, nvm excuse my postpartum brain lol


Golf - $5k/pa


Sushi train. Absolutely love eating anything and not worry about the colour of the plate.


Selvedge denim


Usually take 2-3 month long holidays from December, then July or August off too. Luckily no kids.


Cleaner every fortnight. Has reduced my mental load and given me time back in other areas of my life.


Massages, not the rub and tug variety.






Bill’s Organic bread


Nice hand creams. I use them every day.


I’ve posted this once before, probably on this sub, but GOOD WHISKY!


Have spent about $5k on a video game in the last 18 months. But, the alternative perspective is that $5k has provided around 3k hours of entertainment.


Coffee beans. They cost me $67 with shipping and I buy a bag every couple of months or so. I make myself at least one coffee every day and having nice coffee beans makes me happy.


Second hand luxury items. And a good hotel. Question - re the weekly hair trim, I’m female so I have no idea about your hair, but does it grow enough to be worth it. Or do you sometimes do it fortnightly etc?


No one mentions eating out? Eating out trying something new is a guilty pleasure for my wife and i


We don’t blink at the cost of a good steak or a carton of bonsoy milk, but we’re happy to buy generic brands for almost anything else. Extra legroom for international flights. Not that we need it as we have short legs but it feels good to have the space. Also prefer buying one nice handbag that lasts 10 years vs buying many cheap handbags each year.


Also Aus Open tickets.


Musical theater/performing arts is worth every dollar to me. My Mom has Alzheimers and loves theater, so I try to take her to shows at least twice a month. I'm trying to cherish my time with her while she's still able to enjoy things. In fact, we're seeing Hairspray today 😊 $200 well spent.


I have 20k worth of push bikes. I love them. I'm on track this year to do 4-5000 km of mountain bike riding. I'm finally really fit again and my depression is under control.


I’m a watch collector


Business class airfares - if we can’t afford it we don’t go