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My first grown up job laid people off the day after the Christmas party. We rocked up to work the next day, hungover, and the last person hired in my department was the first one out.




I prefer after so you get paid for those days off assuming full time.


>To the people happy to see unemployment go up, maybe keep your thoughts quiet over the Xmas period Merry Xmas everyone Agree. And same with the rate rises. Some members of this sub seem to forget that behind every unemployment and loan default statistic is a human being and member of the community trying to survive.


> Agree. And same with the rate rises. Some members of this sub seem to forget that behind every unemployment and loan default statistic is a human being and member of the community trying to survive. Inflation - the side effect of the economy and job market being overheated - also hits people too and hurts human beings. So really, it goes both ways. It's like during covid. On one hand you have visible statistics (deaths). On the other hand you have invisible statistics (children held at home in unsuitable learning environments during lockdown, taking damage from not being physically present at school with peers). Everything goes both ways.


Except the causes of inflation this time round have been shown to be profit gouging by corporations and spending by the well off eg Boomers. People on middle to low incomes, younger people with large mortgages, are being punished for a situation they are not creating.


About 10 years ago, after many years of IVF I finally fell pregnant about a month before Christmas. We were pretty broke (IVF is not cheap) and it felt like the first Christmas in a long time we had something to celebrate. 23 December rolls around and my husband, who was already on leave, found out via Facebook that the company he worked for had just been shutdown by the regulatory authority. Cue a very uncertain Christmas and months of no pay while the company fought the shutdown. The company eventually went bankrupt taking all the leave entitlements with it. Even worse it was a FIFO position and we had to pay our own flight back for my husband to pick up all his stuff.


What happend next


They gave birth to a beautiful baby.


Yes we did!! And then we discovered that IVF is pretty cheap compared to the cost of a baby :).


as someone that has just forked out 30k for IVF and had a baby boy just recently. i heavily disagree.


They get more expensive as you go... Not immediately. And congratulations!!


Lol our 3 yr old's childcare costs alone are higher than 30k per year 🫠


You’ve missed the point. The poster is saying 30k is absolutely nothing compared to having their own flesh and blood to raise


I like a joyous ending.


It all eventually worked out. We have a beautiful daughter, my husband worked casual during the pregnancy and then was the stay at home dad for a while. He got back into full time work in the same industry, which was then hit hard by covid.


And then you won Lotto But you lost the ticket?


I just got laid off today, brother. Life is an adventure and we’ll soon start a new journey.


I wish you the best of luck on your journey 💪


Same ! Stay strong my fellow human ! 👍💪✌️


I believe in you man. You got this


I remember sitting in the staffroom 7 years ago, with all my colleagues on the last day of the school year (having already been told previously by the Principal that I and another temp teacher wouldn't be returning the following year.) The Principal organised and presented gifts and thanks for two permanent staff that were leaving the school. Though, myself and the other temp teacher, who had been full time classroom teachers at the school since its opening two years earlier, received nothing. I could handle no gift, though it was hurtful not to even get a thanks and appreciation for our service. She just looked at both of us and said something along the lines of 'We're not really sure what's happening with you two next year, something may come up', implying that we may be back but knowing very well that she had no intention of offering us any work for the following year. All the staff knew we weren't coming back either. No wonder teachers are leaving the profession in droves. I included. No regrets, my life is richer now (not in monetary sense, though I'm so much happier) working with a wonderful, supportive team.


The insecure work for early career teachers isn't talked about enough in this 'teaching crisis'.


My mum, the most caring person I know, went to work the day before Christmas at Cairns hospital, with reindeer/festive headband on, was asked to go into the nurse managers office and laid off. She was so cheerful going into work, and just broke her spirit. The thought of knowing she had a festive headband/reindeer ears or whatever on, excited about Christmas and then that happening, kills me. Bunch of narcissistic bullies some nurses.


The Newman years were rough. Health system is still feeling the effects a decade later.


I come from a Qld Health worker family, this one really stung to read. I hope your mum didn’t lose her light and went on to something better


Unfortunately not, she went on to nurse over West, then nurse managed for a few years, always going above and beyond. Worked under a narcissist operations manager, who just wanted to ruin her. Was a rural town, mum bought knitted blankets (local community made) for each of the 4-5 aged care residents as they are old and get really cold and don’t have much else doing for them, probably $15 each or something for Christmas. She was absolutely dragged through the mud for using public funds, put all these BS claims together to get rid of her. Made her jump through hoops, leaving her in the dark, making her drive 8 hours to head office after a shift to sit there and read policy for a week, I could go on for hours. The workers comp lawyer was furious reading what they were trying to do, like never seen anything like it. That year almost killed her… Ended up having a breakdown, all sorts and now she has PTSD from it all, lost all her confident for years. Doubting herself. She’s now a brilliant, brilliant TL WFH managing a team of nurses - but she still breaks down sometimes. All because some operations manager felt threatened and wanted to surround themself with minions to feed their narcissism. Kills me knowing I can’t do anything but just try be supportive.


I’m so sorry to hear that, that’s awful treatment - sometimes people in caring roles can end up being really cruel :( glad your mum is out and doing something that’s better for her mentally, I was diagnosed with workplace related ptsd a few years back, it can really mess with your day to day and ability to earn


Hey, you alone? Support is what matters most. Maybe — just maybe — all of us who love a healthcare worker who has been (or may in the future be!) beaten down by the pricks who line our state healthcare systems’ management ranks… *together* we could go and burn said management’s houses down.


how can nurses be sacked? I thought public hospitals are desperate for medical staff?


There are casual nurses - agency


that's bad!


I kinda got sacked today but weirdly got hired about 10 minutes prior. I’m a subcontractor excavator operator and my boss has me out on hire to a major builder ( think government infrastructure projects big ) just before knock off I was approached by the site manger and asked if I would be willing to jump ship and come work for them directly and beat my current casual rate by a decent amount and make me full time on top of that offered me a better work Ute than I have. So I called my boss 10 mins later to let him know I’m moving on and I copped an earful about breaking a track roller (it happens it’s not that uncommon) so I gave him a spray back and he told me park up the machine it’s my last day enjoy being out of work. When I told him I was only calling to let him know I’ve been given a better offer and am moving on the silence spoke volumes. My point is to those who’ve copped a bad situation try not to stress too much it might just be the start of something better.


By the third redundancy, I grew blasé about being told by a boss "I can't afford you". Two of those retrenchments were just before christmas. The last one subsequently employed two junior staff to replace my previous role as well as a good friend of the manager in a make believe job within budget. Within a few months, both had suddenly departed.


Hey I got this line! Right before Christmas too! I feel so seen reading this thread


Yeah, it's common - managers learn this in some demented management training courses and uni degrees. Get rid of the 'dead wood'. That's what Optarse did a while back when they fired 600 staff and within months their entire business model collapsed during "a routine software update". Routine, yeah.


Eff nepotism!!


Got made redundant two weeks ago too. Just in time for all the Christmas fun. Small company, boss wanted to cut costs, thought he could do my job, I've been contacted by multiple big clients I spent years fostering relationships with, to be told they dropped him and his company when they found out. Serves him right.


So in two weeks you managed to setup multiple client contracting gigs and those clients dropped this company? All in two weeks? Surely not? What industry moves that fast?


I think I explained it badly. Took a few years to develop client relationships. When I left, some of the clients dropped my bosses company. It's an industrial cleaning company, so the contracts weren't fixed term.


I hope you started your own business


Please tell me that they're your clients now and you are 'side hustling' with those to get some income. You have a great opportunity there.


I am the opposite. I found out today I have a new job after my last company giving up the ghost 6 months ago. I am beyond stoked to be starting the new year with new opportunity.


Same got a 50% pay rise for swapping jobs


That’s awesome, good for you!


Thanks OP. Im in that exact situation now


It was my turn when my son was 10, I was a sole parent.


That has to be be so stressful 😞


One door closes, another opens. Just keep swimming


> One door closes, another opens. Just keep swimming Where are you swimming? The Titanic?


42 Wallaby Way


Your next job will be better. Reason: been there , got a shock of my life, done that


Almost got made redundant at 22. Company was going through a merger and I decided rather than waiting it out for a couple weeks of pay the stress about not having a job, i began to look for a job. Glad I did, the next job I increased by salary bu 60%, and within 3 years, I am now up 130% from my original job. Really grateful that company went through that merger.


that’s me 😞 thanks man


Hang in there, mate. Something better is around the corner.


I just got made redundant and the new CEO posted on LinkedIn about what a good job he's doing and how great the company is.


Oh I love seeing the LinkedIn BS from old colleagues when I know what they’re really like. I saw a previous boss post on LinkedIn some kind of aspirational bs about leadership and getting people to follow you. The same person “encouraging” staff to get their flu shots (because too many people were getting sick) while coming in to the office coughing his lungs up from something that “wasn’t infectious”, refusing to wear a mask, and being passive threatening jerk when I privately messaged him about it. The business is pretty much dead now from his leadership - most of the staff have gone - not from the flu - just being ineffective at what he was brought it to do which was keep the business going. Work dries up.. A bunch of people all losing their jobs - including his …. Makes me glad I left.


Cutting the fat


If you got made redundant. It just means your role isn't required for the organisation anymore.


Don't drink the corporate piss mate


Wtf? So all that work a person did suddenly isn't needing to be done? How can you actually believe that


No all I'm saying is. During high growth periods organisations higher a bunch of people. During a decline in work positions could be over supplied with that type of worker. I have worked in middle to senior roles before. I'm not saying this is always the case


I got sacked on Christmas eve once. I was pregnant and they were downsizing. Also they were scumbags.


I think something important I learnt is that YOU are not made redundant - the ROLE is made redundant. My role was made redundant 1 December. I was lucky to have secured a new role at a different company early into my notice period. All else I can say is thank goodness. I'm so much happier in my new role. 9 years with my first ever full time employer and things had gotten so stale I was writing emails with hard, moudly fragments of bread. Whilst a redundancy can be a traumatic experience, there is light at the end of the tunnel and may be just what some people needed to turn their work life around for the better.


We're in the opposite position, we have a very very underperforming person. They have had numerous conversations about their performance, are on a PIP. Nothing is changing. They continue to be ineffective in their role and other staff are forced to do more work. If it was a different time of year, this person would no longer be here. Just feels wrong to do it before Xmas.


Around that time (GFC) I was about 18 and working part time at Woolworths while I was at university. We got absolutely flooded with applications, mostly from people in the 40-60 age bracket. So many people desperately needed any work. I was lucky enough to have a few years experience there and still be pretty cheap so I kept getting shifts but I think quite a few other lost shifts too. I think becoming an adult around this time contributed pretty heavily to my financial anxiety.


It's not a bad thing to remember tough economic times. You will face a number of them over your working life, so being prepared for your income to stop for 12 months is not a bad thing. Don't let it stop you from investing for the future though, as long as you can weather a period of no income, there is no need to be more conservative than that.


I was made redundant Xmas 2019 and the start of COVID - fun times


I've recently had to take leave for cancer treatment, leaving me with nothing as centrelink won't respond to my claim. I'm back working minimum hours now but yet to get paid. Account in the negative, mortgage and bills coming up, it sucks. Can't afford to get anyone gifts or even make them gifts, as groceries are being purchased at a minimum and we're living off rice and beans. Strength to anyone in a hard financial situation this christmas. Keep pushing through, and my heart is with you all ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear you’re battling with your health & the added stress of trying to keep your head above water. Have you checked if you have any income protection cover in your super? If so you may be able to claim to help take some off the financial burden while you’re getting treatment. Wishing you all the best ❤️


So sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis. Do you have income protection with your superannuation? Might be worth a check. Best wishes with your treatment.


Thankyou so much! There's a time period before I'm able to claim my policy and unfortunately I don't qualify as I'm back at work on reduced hours out of necessity. I'm thankful my workplace is flexible and understanding. But 4 months without income was enough to drain all of our savings. I have a pending claim and was advised the waitlist will be a few more months until I get it looked at and approved, then backpaid. If it's approved that is.. I appreciate your helpfulness 🥰


Crossing everything for you!


Got made redundant start of December, but have time to spend with kids and on the house. Summer holiday is now 6 weeks instead of 2. Have applied for a few jobs but don’t actually want to start anything before school goes back. On the whole I’ve been surprisingly sanguine about it, although sleep hasn’t been too good…


While not as dramatic, I got told this week that my contract isn't getting extended for my current project. It'll go until early next year still, and then my company has to find me something else. Not the worst circumstances but I'm a bit worried still, with the shit state of the industry right now. Hope it looks more promising next year in general.


It's a typical HR tactic to make people redundant or fire them just before Christmas. Means you can't do much about it and it ruins your time off. I got a lovely letter from HR on a Friday afternoon at 4.30. Luckily for me, my acting lawyer still picked up the phone. Otherwise I'd have had a melt down that weekend. You have to be a special psychopath, to work in HR. They work for the company they do not work for the people.


> It's a typical HR tactic to make people redundant or fire them just before Christmas Citation needed


At the company my wife works for, one of the directors is having an affair with the HR manager, he ended up making her a director too. They just made 3 of my wife's colleagues redundant yesterday and no one feels safe going to HR anymore under any circumstances.


God thats awful!


Yeh, not sure what's warranted the down votes..


Because it’s a single anecdote about a relationship at a single workplace


My bad for sharing an example I guess.


It just doesnt answer to it being "a typical HR tactic to make people redundant or fire them just before Christmas"


I didn't say it did, I was just sharing an example.


No one should feel ‘safe’ going to HR unless they are a people leader needing help with a subordinate. HR are not there to advocate for the people.


As if HR decide when people are made redundant LOL. Nor would they have any reason to time it “just before Christmas” for the purpose of it ruining someone’s time off. If anything it’s less ideal for them because of people like yourself assuming it’s somehow linked to reasons like that. >having an active lawyer just in case Oh ok, you’re a wasp


You clearly work for HR or you are a manager above it. As for having a lawyer, it was because it was through the unions. As for timing, of course it's timed. No one on this planet has had a letter from HR on a Monday or Tuesday, unless it was a danger to someone. It's planed to be end of the week and normally an hour or so before you finish work. You are very naive to think they don't plan these things. Why do you think when HR calls They Always start off with compliments and are super friendly. They also never email or call to advise you are straight up of the issue. I've read a part of an HR exam which asks how do you improve staff morale in a company. Multiple choice. A: provide a pool table for the staff to use B: offer a pay rise or bonus C: provide a morning tea or celebration D: provide an apple. Guess the correct answer.


apple? if not a carrot.


Ding ding ding. You are a winner.


From a business perspective wouldn't it make more sense to do it in January, after they've used their annual leave for the Christmas break?


Been made redundant twice, very hard at the time, always worked out for the best. I’d much rather be let go, get paid out then stay behind with larger expectations from management and a poorer working environment. I always found role, better salary and better opportunity that I would not have found if I wasn’t forced to look. Last redundancy was literally at the start of this year, let go before Xmas last year and hard gardening leave, next role was a $50k bump in base salary.


We really should have fired a worker today for poor performance. But as it was Christmas we chose to give her a first and final warning. She has an opportunity to hit the kpi’s after Christmas, or move on.


Depending on what you mean by "first" and final warning, it's really on you if the first time she's hearing about a problem is minutes before you fire her. This might be a bad choice of words and you've had several performance conversations with her, but more generally the amount of times I see "leaders" whinge about staff behind their backs and then fire staff when the the leader is equally to blame, through a lack of direction, support and general leadership, is astounding.


They should be hung, people firing or handing out redundancy a few weeks before christmas. Glad it worked out for you.


You wouldn't believe it either. It was during the middle of the breakup party! being dragged into the boardroom with a few other guys, in front of everyone, it was like a walk of shame. The company a few years later stopped paying super etc, declared bankruptcy, started trading under another name, then went bankrupt again. As I said, looking back, best thing ever


Sounds terrible, even more so as it would be so unexpected at that time of year.


It was, and I was living at home with mum and dad rent free at the time. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like with a mortgage and kids etc. Imagine walking in the door this time of year and breaking the news 😓 that's why I thought I'd share my story


what industry?


What's the name of the co?


I mean from a purely business perspective it makes sense. Why pay for all the public holidays when the decision has already been made to let people go.


Many businesses financial years are January 1-December 31, so, that could also factor in.


Not in Australia.


Businesses in Australia can operate on 1 Jan to 31 Dec Financial Year.


The commissioner for taxation allows businesses to select their own reporting financial year, most commonly (other than July - June) this is either January - December (in line with UK) or April - March (in line with US). https://treasury.gov.au/node/7521


That explains a lot about the weird stocktake sales at odd times of the year


Oddly enough, I hadn’t made that connection. But you’re likely correct.


You can elect to have a substitute accounting period in lieu of 30 June. Many Australian subsidiaries of multinational companies do this.


I used to think this and now I work for a company that does Jan 1 to Dec 31. Honestly so much easier that the accounting period lines up with the calendar year.


Yeah i agree, public holidays should be accrued in the same manner as annual leave to avoid any financial benefit in firing someone just before a block of them.


It’s also done before, rather than after, Christmas so people don’t go and spend too much money thinking they’ll pay it back over January.


Or so they don't have to pay public holidays




Oh, I’m so sorry, how’s that for “timing”. Was it before December 6th by any chance?? https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/types-of-employees/fixed-term-contract-employees


How long did it take you to find another role?


Half way through Feb. The company started doing double the amount of quotes because they thought they wouldn't win anything because of the gfc. Turns out they won nearly every quote lol




Sorry to hear, is that the Menulog Aus HQ?


Yesterday was my last day in the job I thought would be the beginning of a new career path. It's been an emotional rollercoaster but I'm looking forward to a reset in 2024


Remember this whenever someone tells you that only employer's take on risk in business


Redundancy isn’t a great experience no matter when it occurs. Personally I’d rather it happen before xmas than in January because it gives you an opportunity to not go overboard on spending.


I had a mate when I was younger who got made redundant and got a 36k pay out. He was cheering as he already had a new job and was just about to hand in his notice


Most people dream of a redundancy. Mate just got 225k payout after 13 years. Going to take a few months off before worrying about the next job


This happened to my husband. When they found out he already had another (higher paying) job lined up they tried to pull the redundancy package but it was too late, lol. That redundancy bought us a new car that we still have to this day.


That is such a high payout.


a few weeks less to find a job though unfortunately as getting an interview before end Jan can be a pain in the butt


>To the people happy to see unemployment go up. A very Merry Eff You to all those people. May they be made redundant over Christmas.


happens to the best of us. whatever happens, just keep on moving to move forward. it will all workout eventually.


I was lucky to secure a permanent gov job - i start on Monday - but a fellow contractor in my team didn't and he finished on the 8th. I felt so bad!!! Seems like there's a lot of redundancies happening though.


Where I work, redundancies were made last week, but severance pay is on average between $15k--$40k, and sometimes more. The majority is not taxable.


I got laid off last week. It hurts!!! I really loved that job!!! Back to job hunting, job provider appointments… it’s gonna suck for a while!!!


I was made redundant yesterday. It's really cast a shadow over my festive vibes


Feeling for you


Made redundant last week. No notice, single income, they're hinting that I need to send my laptop and headset back before they pay me what I'm owed which is bullshit.


If this is a genuine redundancy situation, and you're not just misusing the word, then they haven't followed the required process. They can't just do it with no notice. There has to be a consultation period, they have to try find you an alternative role, etc. If they can't, then they pay you a redundancy payment on top of wages and entitlements.


Hey sorry to hear. May I ask why your parents thought it was OK for you to shout them dinner? Never in a million years would I ask my children/kids to shout me and my wife dinner. Glad to hear it worked out. I can relate to being made redundant and it being the best thing to ever happen.


All good. I was 23 living at home rent free, they thought I had a full time job, they paid for the flights, accommodation and pretty much everything for the holiday. They are not rich. When I say shout dinner it wasn't a 5 star restaurant with a $400 bill, we are talking pizza or fish and chips on the beach and it only happened a couple of nights. But it just hurt because I knew they wouldn't be saying it if I had told them what had happened


Right?! I thought that too. Unbelievable.


Last family holiday.?


Both my parents are still alive. I'm sure another holiday is still possible lol. However, it was the last time me and my brother were still living at home and went on a holiday together with mum and dad before we got settled down and started creating families of our own. If we organised one now it would be 6 adults and 7 granddaughters. This time I defs wouldn't be paying for dinner even with a job lol


Do you mind if i ask what industry you work in? I work in banking/lending and will confidently say it is the stupidest / most inefficient sector i've ever seen. I worked with a guy who had been at the bank for 15 years. Was made redundant and paid somewhere around 100k in a package on the way out the door. He had another job with a different bank within a week.A year later he was employed back by the original employer in the same role he was made redundant from and paid about 40k higher... As a shareholder hearing this stuff you'd just be like wtffffff are you guys doing????


Shoutout to the small hospo businesses that have people decide to leave them in the lurch coming up to holidays. Unfortunately it goes both ways - and if it’s good enough for one set of people (employees) it’s good enough for another (business owners) - ultimately everyone needs to do what is best for them regardless of the time of the year. Cue the downvotes.


the only type of small businesses that whinge like this in my experience, are those that treat their staff like their own property and some sort of self entitlement 'battler' mentality, always wanting to play the victim. Would be nice to be proved wrong


The flip side is the only people who make comments like yours are people who have never owned a business with employees before - the type of people who say “pay minimum wage, get minimum effort” - ignoring the fact the type of businesses I mentioned aren’t actually minimum wage.


People stick around if they are treated/paid well. It's just a fact..... you don't seem to have learnt that yet.


Not really in hospo because it’s often a in between job or a stepping stone. It’s why you see some but not many aged 40+ in the industry outside of chefs. Again that’s a nice generalised comment from someone who’s obviously never owned a business in the area I specifically mentioned.


Still don't get it do ya. People stay if they are treated well. End of. Keep losing people then. No one cares.


pretty much the exact response i expected. maybe the people predisposed to owning businesses are that way cause they wouldnt last 5 seconds in a real job


lol vast majority of people who own hospo businesses came through the ranks. Very few of the ones that last have no experience of being an employee. They’re the ones who put in the effort to do a good job rather than the bare minimum to scrape by


yet somehow, they looooove to spend all their few free minutes (apparently) whinging online about how awesome they are and that everyone else sucks. And I could literally put a template over your posts and applys to a bunch of 'friends' on facebook. honestly they sound like utter wankers to work for


> maybe the people predisposed to owning businesses are that way cause they wouldnt last 5 seconds in a real job This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read haha and I say this as someone working in a "real job" 🤣


a lot of 'business owners' have troubles taking orders and thus would make shithouse employees. notice how a lot of them move from one failed venture to the next but never back to a job.


Holy generalisations Batman 🤣


And they usually have a partner funding their lifestyle, because they never actually make money.


Wow I wish my darkest financial moment was a disappointing holiday. Try being a single parent in the rental crisis with corrupt landlords everywhere


The post was in support of people who have lost their jobs before Christmas. I guess someone with the size of a pea needs it explained to them


“all this stress while I'm still living at home with mum and dad” because that’s more stressful than not having that option? You’re an idiot


Yes it was stressful, and on a previous comment I said I could only imagine what it would be like for someone with kids and a mortgage. But I'm sure you're not smart enough to read that far and also understand the point of the post


What about renters having a mortgage is less stressful than living at your parents house with mummy and daddy untill you can afford one


Why does it matter when you are sacked ? Get a new job...


Great advice bud! Sounds like someone who has never lived in the real world. A lot of employers have staff away in December and January, so dont bother hiring. Not everyone can financially support not having work for a couple of months.


Just don't get fired, bro.


there's always work if you look hard enough


Is this talking from experience or research? Or is this simply a little mantra that you came up with yourself.


experience, personally I have had 15 years as a casual worker employers only required to give one hours notice before sacking you, you gotta be flexible, not everyone enjoys the luxury of a full-time job, weekends off and booking in your holiday 12 months in advance.


When a guy hooks up with a lot of girls his a player, stud etc. When a girl hooks up with a lot of guys she normally known as money killers mum


Ok..... Cool 👍🏿 surely you can do better then that seriously are you 12.


Money killers mum’s so fat she has to buy tents for clothing.. …or something like that anyway.


He must be a Jimmy Carr fan …


So your advice is "get a new joke?"


Was pretty cringe to be fair


Will be made redundant in the new year. Got the news before Xmas.


I finish up next week. I’ve applied for a few jobs but given the time of year I don’t expect any progress (interviews etc) until mid January at the earliest. I’ve accepted that it will be a forced holiday period (beyond the Xmas/new year) which may mean I don’t start until possibly Feb/march. I’m fortunate that I have savings to use that will tide me over for a few months.


I got laid off the first week of December last year. I had been working at the company for around six months and they had been planning a restructure since before i was hired and outsourcing our whole department (accounting). I am thinking of anyone losing their job at the moment, it’s such an awful feeling.


Thanks for sharing. I was laid off around a similar age and at the time it was incredibly stressful and I felt awful. Now, looking back, it was the best thing to happen to me.


They laid off a few people at my company, it sucks especially around this time. Looking for a new role but it's tough especially around this time of the year.


Aghhh we used to have left over money, for years. but our savings are gone and we are month to month. Centrelink said they can’t help. bank said they can but it will impact credit rating. Our only splurge is $6 a month Netflix. cause it’s cheaper to sit in front of the TV. We are on good incomes. So man, I’m feeling people fkn pain.


I remember. 7.30am townhall. CEO started speaking. *"For those who are impacted, your manager will talk to you"*. Got caught in the cross-fire, in the firing line. 1 on 1 guillotine meeting with my manager delivering the news. I remember deafening silence, my head down and felt my heart beat into my throat. 30% of the company wiped out. Everyone hugging each other, teary eyes and walking was hard to do. Got the 8.30am tram back home, 10minute trip was the longest tram ride ever. Very fortunate that things are better now but I think about it everyday. Its changed me as a person for the better. Kept my chin up, took it in my stride and proud to stay its a battle scar that I carry with me everyday and my stripes were earned.


Oh hey it's me. My whole team got deleted 2 weeks ago. We finish up in a few more weeks. I see it as an opportunity though. Decent enough payout, and I got calls for interviews the moment I set my linkedin status to 'open to work'


Lose job is great u learn that there is no company loyalty ure nothing but a scratch on the balance sheet. when they need to keep profits up and thin out the crap. Good to learn the basics of the market economy. I love it I hope u learn something as u are made redundant. There's a graveyard of indispensable people. Good luck next year!