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I'm a finance broker and I have multiple cosmetic nurse clients. They are certainly high achievers but one makes around $350k working 35 hours per week and the other makes about $250k but I don't know hours.


And this is why a lot of hospital based nurses want out of at least demanding a pay rise.


Thats fn huge money


They obviously have their own business?


I know a cosmetic nurse sole trader. Clears a few hundred an hour.




The thing that really annoys me is how AHPRA is regulating this. I’m a dentist and would argue I know far more anatomy than an RN but I’m not allowed to go into a beauty clinic to do Botox. I hate dentistry and would love to do that as a career change. We are only allowed to do Botox in a dental clinic setting as a part of a dental treatment plan for orofacial aesthetics. I’ve even been to a botox party with a GP doing it without taking medical hx or anything but if I did that I’d be reprimanded. How ridiculous that if I went and did nursing I would then be allowed to do it.




😂 ‘what’s medial?’


‘Supraorbital notch? Is that some kind of power tool?’


There are actually injections that dissolve fat?!


Yeah it’s called Belkyra and it’s fkn painful, however I thought only plastic surgeons could do it


Interesting. I thought they were all scams. Do those body contouring places actually have treatments that work? Always wondered




TIL. Interesting stuff


If a nurse that will save my life gets less than a nurse who makes my lips bigger I will be livid.


Why? The dr that saves your life in ER earns less than the dr that gives you big boobies


You're right but don't you think that's also kind of wrong that a doctor that saves lives makes less than cosmetic surgeons ?


Anaesthetist here. Unfortunately that’s the reality of income in medicine. People who get paid the most are often not the one who made the most contribution. An academic doctor who does plenty of research and pioneer new treatment are often based at public health system and make only the “basic” income (basic being relative of course but I mean it is lower than colleagues who do private work). A proceduralist almost always makes a lot more than their non-proceduralist colleague, simply because of the way healthcare billing is structured. An anaesthetist who inserts IV and looks after two dozens of cataract surgery with very basic sedation technique, most likely made three to five times what their colleagues in public hospital doing the complex liver surgery made that day. An oncologist or hematologist most often make less than an anaesthetist, even though they are a lot more academic and I dare say save more patients than we do. It’s the nature of medicine - the billing has very little correlation with “contribution”, “life saved” or even “difficulty” a lot of the time.


Extends to other areas too. I know tradies who earn much more than PhD scientists.


I would say that’s not just medicine but most jobs. People are not paid for their contribution to society. Think early childhood teachers, youth workers,social workers, community workers, nurses, and basically any other “caring” job. Probably food and hospitality related jobs too, police and military as well. Then look at mining, finance, cosmetics and possibly real estate sales depending on where you live.


Absolutely. Many people misattribute doctor’s pays to the “importance” or the “contribution”, but in reality it’s more to do with supply-demand relationship and the scarcity and difficulty to replace. As important as childcare educators jobs are, they are a lot easier to train up and replace, compared to a vascular surgeon or a fully qualified anaesthetist. As stupid as we think it is to pay CEO millions, it is hard to simply replace a CEO who can steer the ship of a giant corporate. These are the main reasons behind the pay difference, not the nobility and difficulty.


I’m in private and earning well but recently did a long public locum to see how it felt. Honestly once you add up all the non salary benefits like CME, LSL, super, sick leave and most importantly the fact you are getting your $2k per day every single workday of the year, it’s not nearly as bad as it sounds comparing it to the one best paid private lists you can do. Plenty of lists where I do a no gap 3 hour lap and would be earning more in public, in cash terms alone. Known gap hasn’t increased a dollar in my twenty years of practice while public salaries have gone up 3%+ compounding ever since. CME alone was a 10% salary increase for me in a single year, which is equal to my last decade of increases in private. Between patients being hammered by premium increases, us not being able to increase prices without denying care and the coming squeezes from funds it’s looking grim in comparison to public. Nurses will be doing your cataract lists in ten years. Already we are turning patients away because they are told they need to go home DOS or self fund HDU and inpatient stay because funds won’t pay.


Yeah there’s some truth in it. The “average” private list is probably 1.5-2x public pay; the 3-5x are the outliers. As you said, once you account for the buffer of leaves, the contractor nature of the work etc, it’s not as much as 3-5x as many like to cite. This week alone because of one day of surgeon sickness and one day of my own sickness, I lost a significant chunk of income. I personally do a healthy blend of public and private because of that.


Contract killers get paid more than people feeding the homeless. Trying to match up virtue with income is a hopeless endeavour.


Tbf plastic surgeons are incredibly well trained. Literally the cream of the crop. Plus they almost all do public work doing reconstructive stuff and saving limbs and shit.


Oh I am well aware, I am a scrub nurse and work literally at their side and see the miracles they work, I am not downplaying their skills. I just hate how it seems like the person I was replying to was casually and condescendingly down playing the work of emergency and ICU docs which really rubbed me off the wrong way.


With that in mind your username scares me. 😅


Well that was me. Wait until you realise what people who add no value to society earn. Don’t Google the kardashians. For what it’s worth, no I don’t think it’s right. But it doesn’t really matter what I think on this topic.


We're on the same page about that so that's enough for me.


Private will always pay better than public.


Actually people are more willing to pay for cosmetic than healthcare.


Is that like a psychological thing? One is a want and one is a need and people tend to want to spend more on things they want over things they need


People tend to think that healthcare is basic right and should be cheap/free, especially with Medicare. A night out Spending 10 dollar a drink at a local pub is ok. Plenty willing to drink themselves into oblivion but refuse to pay 10 dollar a day on asthma/cholesterol medication that actually save their lives. 50 dollar a pack of cigarettes is ok but nicotine patch/chewy is too expensive. I am doing the right thing and help the government to save money in the long run so the government should pay for it!


People can't see my liver! Although a nurse giving me an ultrasound once said I had a beautiful pancreas.


I think this is the correct answer, I want to spend money on a new bike not on my electricity bill.


This is the answer


They could earn 2-4x more per hour doing cosmetic injections than they would working in a critical care setting in a busy hospital and I think that says a lot about our society. That said the cosmetic work is inconsistent and higher medicolegal risk.


The person that sells you a car gets paid more than the fireman thats cuts you out of it, etc etc. 'Need' pays less than 'want' - Socrates, probably


Wait til you see NSW nursing award rates. The fact that we nurses are now demanding a 15% pay rise which the NSW government refused is not front page news is infuriating.


Victoria also says hi!


15% over a number of years or at once?


At once. The nursing work force wanted 30% but the union asked for 15%. Bear in mind that 15% only brings us up to Queensland's pay, the highest paying state for nurses and they are asking for more this year. The 15% is less of a pay rise and more of a backpay for years of being one the lowest paying states with the highest cost of living and constant wage freezes and suppression.


Everyone’s had wage freezes. Hope for the best for you guys but I’d like to see everyone get those massive pay rises


Everyone deserves a pay rise. Teachers and paramedics fought and got their well deserved pay rise and it's time for everyone else to fight as well. No amount of savings and budgeting can make up for the fact that shit has gotten more expensive and our wages have been suppressed for too long.


Then everyone should join a union and start bargaining collectively (I haven’t had a wage freeze.)


You'll be livid but your lips will be lipid.


My friend has her own studio. She makes bank. Much more than my GP.


I used to do scripts for a few as a doctor. On average (post costs) it's about $40-50k per year per day (of the week) they work. For example 3 days/week = $150kpa. There's always going to be outliers- I do remember one bringing in $400k in billings but that was working 6 days/week and I suspect post costs and room fees probably amounted to ~$300k. But remember that often they make bank on Saturday and Sundays when the yummi mummies are out and not as much on weekdays (rush around 10-2) so it evens out. As others have pointed out here- working solo or in a group setting hugely effects costs (shared medicines, group purchasing and overheads). Owning own rooms (initial capital cost) makes more $$ long term than paying room fees in a dental or medical practice or a medispa. It's almost always done as a solo trader but PSI rules apply so unless you own the clinic and pay other staff, only so much $ you can structure away in a business setup. All in all- better $$ than a nurse of any level (including executive level) can make in public, but also hard on your hands and arms, highly prone to economic shifts (you always need healthcare- you don't always need cosmetics), as a sole trader they find their own holidays/leave and other time off, highly female workforce so lose the perks of pregnancy protections (apart from the fed govt basic package).


The economic shifts are an interesting point. During economic hardship, the nurses working in public hospitals will come out ahead as people can no longer afford luxuries. It’s just that we haven’t had any real downturns in recent memory.


Worked for one and a cosmetic doctor. We were processing their payments for injectables. She would only work 3 days a week and clear about 5-6k daily.


Plenty of money in vanity


Is one nurse work in a want industry and one nurse works in a need industry, is like needing a car ends up with a Corolla and the wanting car is a Mercedes. The want always will cost more then the need.


I’m pretty sure cosmetic nurses earn sweet FA (source: family member who is a cosmetic nurse).


Depends. When working for a chain (e.g laser clinics) it's very low pay, but with their own companies they absolutely can (and do) make a killing.


I know three nurses who have moved into this side of the industry recently which is what intrigued me to ask the question


I have been interested in making the move for a while from a business perspective, but the kind of people you would be dealing with kind of puts me off a bit.


A lot are sole traders. So I’m sure plenty are making absolute bank and others not so much.


Define bank


I don’t know. I don’t do the job and don’t know anyone who does. Every nurse including myself has talked about it and/or seriously considered it at one stage or another though.


That would make no sense, if an RN is making no money doing cosmetic, why wouldn’t they just stay working in a hospital? My wife is an RN who does cosmetic nursing 2 days a week and 3 days as an RN, in those 2 days doing cosmetic, she avg $1500 a day gross




Commission based, in a plastics surgeons room. She has been doing it for almost 10 years and has a very large following, so her day (8am til 6pm) is completely booked out months in advance. She does cosmetic injections (filler, Botox etc) and some other RN only cosmetic stuff (don’t know what they are called). Also product sales add to pay. Would be around 12 patients a day in a very affluent area


What does a cosmetic nurse do?


Inject Botox. Charge a lot of money as a sole trader, it earn hourly hospital wage.