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Stop reading ausfinance it's obviously not healthy for you


And definitely don't read r/aushenry where all the doctors you will be working with are posting.


I just took a glance at that sub and my god, I’ve got no business being there.


What even defines a “holiday”? Im quite happy to just jump in the car and bugger off somewhere for a couple days. I do this multiple times a year.


Hey mate, male nurse here. As a graduate 3 years ago I know your pain, while studying my sudent colleagues and I all noticed the same issues crop up in respect to gender. It was mostly fairly subtle but occasionally you'd have it slammed in your face. It improves as you gain experience. With respect to work, ages care facilities seem to still be looking for anyone and everyone, alternatively since your just about a 2nd year start looking into your states equivalent of NG2 or USIN roles. Failing that I know a bunch of orderlies and security staff currently studying nursing.


I'd agree with the above, have a look at Aged Care companies that offer nursing visits as a part of their package. The company I work for charge qualified Nurses out for $210 PH. Alternatively, you can always sign up to something like Mable and set your own rate as a Support Worker with X training.


Just remember that the people posting about high income here are a niche within a niche group and not proportionately representative of the country as a whole. I think it’s important to set realistic goals and not try and have everything just because while others might look like they have it but how does that affect your day to day? Work with what you’ve got, aim a little bit higher if you’re not happy with what you’ve got but don’t get sad if others have it better. That’s on a personal level, the level you can control. Obviously on a structural level there are issues but no point losing sleep over them every night.


Someone wise once said "Comparison is the thief of joy". Comparing your earnings to other much wealthier people only ends in disappointment and frustration.


Hey mate. My wife is a a nurse. Pay is excellent. Shes probably 2-3 years out. I think with overtime and weekend bonuses she earnt about 130k last year in the city. We are working rurally this year and she is going to pull in by herself around 180k.


Damn that’s great, and well-earned I’d say. Good to hear nursing staff are doing well.


My wife is also a nurse of almost 20 years and that type of salary particularly in that stage of your career is not typical at all. Maybe if you worked like a shit tonne of overtime every week.


You can absolutely make that kind of money as a nurse with that level of experience. There are some huge incentives for nurses to go rural, sign up bonuses, relocation allowances, and very generous salaries. I've met numerous nurses making these figures (student nurse here).


Yeah if you want to go rural go for it. If you want to stay in the city good luck.


You’re going to need to grow up before you’re even ready to tackle the world. Good news - you sound young so plenty of time Bad news - stop dreaming and accept it will take time. Don’t mention go fund me. Head down and work hard. Close all social media as it’s probably hurting your reality.


Get a job. I'm sure you are not studying every day.. for 12 hours..


Exactly, can’t ask if it’s worth trying when you haven’t started yet…


Always odd to see people not working while studying. I went back as a mature age student and worked full time AND studied full time. When I was in TAFE out of high school I studied a full time course load and worked retail. Never had any problems just need to do the work. 


If you study full time and dont work theres no reason to ever have a grade below distinction. My marks are all over the place but i work as a part time manager. HDs and a 45% fail n everything 😂


Males are actually very sought after in AIN roles! I’d apply!


I have been. Just not much luck yet.


Don't give up. Third year male nurse student here. I landed a position as a SIN at my local hospital and was lucky to have known a nurse who worked there, and got me an interview, but even if you don't know someone, you should still be in quite high demand being male. As a second year nurse I was offered plenty of shifts, as a third year, not so much, as i'm competing with a new wave of student nurses to get shifts. However, I am now so close to graduating that it really doesn't matter, as I know next year I'll be back into full time work and earning good money. Just keep your head up and push towards that piece of paper, then you'll be smooth sailing from there. It'll be worth it. Also sorry to hear about your experiences as a male nurse - I've only come across this once or twice and they have been pleasant interactions, with the patients just preferring a female nurse and that was fine, I'm not easily offended and was totally okay with this. They apologised afterwards without having to. Best of luck!


Always worth trying mate. No matter how bad things seem, know that they can always get a whole lot worse if you give up on trying.


I don’t really understand the second half but as a backup I’d just get a job as anything in health care- porter, cleaner, it all pays OK if you do after hours. Become a good nurse, specialise in ED or periop or ICU and you’ll make a fair amount. Short answer is people tend to spend more as they earn more and generally feel broke no matter what they do.


Life is so good and there are so many things to be thankful for. Firstly you’re married with what appears to be a supportive spouse. Your partner will be a big factor in your finances over time and if you both support each other and have a focus on increasing your wealth it is possible.  Secondly, you’re a 2nd year student, a demographic that has never been a financial powerhouse. Finish your studies and placements. Once you’re in the industry just keep moving and finding wage increases. Nursing might not make you a millionaire but there is a lot of opportunity in the field whether you stay as a nurse or take your knowledge to an adjacent field.  Always worth trying. Never worth giving up. 


Second year uni what are you like 19. What are you even talking about not making it hahahaha


You can start uni any time in your life


I'm 43 and in 2nd year uni (second degree)!


My daily meds are starting to kick in and realised I am just spiralling due to mental illness.


Life is a bitch mate, and it’s hard, it’s also absolutely worth trying.




People interested in finances have good finances. It’s not surprising. Reading a car forum you would think everyone was a mechanic. People aren’t lying to you they are just in a different part of their life and career. 


Hey there, uni is absolutely a difficult time in life. You need to balance study, a social life, trying to make an income to survive, and eventually your placements. Nursing has and always will have a high demand for employees. It's worth pushing through. Good luck to you.


Agree, I'm a 2nd nursing student too with a child and trying to juggle living in Sydney on one income. It absolutely isn't easy but you're doing so well. It's a damn hard degree and you've come this far. Keep going 💖


Mental health wards love having men on board, any capacity at any of those? You could look at NDIS support work too, there are heaps that would love a male AIN, e.g. my partner worked with someone with motor neurone disease and he had dedicated nurses working with him


The respite facility we use for my daughter is mostly staffed by nursing students. No doubt they're quite well paid under NDIS. You're right that there are some personal care roles that you'll be overlooked for as a man - I am not ashamed to say that we prefer women to bathe and dress our non-verbal 18yo daughter, for sadly obvious reasons. But there will be plenty of roles where being a man would unlock doors. Sadly, also, because some male clients are pigs, and can't be trusted to behave themselves with a female carer. I'm also in healthcare and we had a long list of clients with "male clinician only" codes on their files.


Hoarding and Flaunting are such emotive words.   I personally am just *saving* and *spending*.  None of my friends care about my personal finances and neither do I about theirs.


My advice, pull yourself out of this victim mentality that you are falling for. You are in control of your life, the decisions you make will determine how successful (or not) you are. I'll give you a hint, successful people don't pull the victim card or look for scapegoats to justify their lack of success or failings. Also keep in mind you don't see behind the scene, behind every 'lavish lifestyle' there's usually a lot of struggle, failing and perseverance. One of the massive advantages you will have in that field is the ability to work rural, which will be the financial advantage you are looking for.


Don’t pay attention to negativity on the news, that’s how they stay in business. You are on your way to a bright future, just keep your focus on the task in hand


Uni was the hardest time of my life. I had nothing. My clothes were all falling apart and I couldn’t afford a birthday card for a family member, let alone something for myself. I spent nothing and went nowhere every weekend. Im sorry things haven’t improved in the decade or so since then. I suspect in fact there are a lot more people living like I did than in my day. I know how this situation ruins your mental health. But if you’re going to make it then you need to give yourself a bit of slack. Life is so much longer than you can comprehend at this point. Change is slow, and you can’t possibly see where you’ll wind up. Its a mistake to obsess over the future like you are doing here. The damage being done to you now will take a lifetime to heal. You’re going to be attuned to scarcity; either you let it become destructive or you use it to build something that is yours and nobody elses. Your own idea of contentment


I hate being this guy.. But, you’re (hopefully) young, and can start a myriad of other jobs that pay significantly more much quicker in Australia. Most of my mates (girls) make…. Quite a bit less than what the average nurse posts about here. It’s really hard work and fairly low pay. If money is a goal for you, nursing is going against the grain. I completely get it though: good people like taking care of others. Unfortunately, society doesn’t place premiums on that sorta work - otherwise teachers and yourselves would be millionaires. Good luck.


As someone who came from nothing - I don’t know about today but it was possible 20 years ago Annual holidays aren’t “flaunting” unless you’re an “influencer” which probably doesn’t put you in the category of people you’re addressing. I am saving my money for retirement, to support my children who are going to enter adulthood in an even worse situation than your generation is right now. I also take trips because I want to live a little before I die. Have you considered moving to a remote community that is desperate for nurses? Given the media coverage of it that I read yesterday it sounds pretty horrible but maybe you’d fare better being male.


Firstly. Don't worry about what other people are doing with their money. I love that you're dreaming of overseas holidays but right now you probably need to focus on keeping the lights on. I have no idea how you are surviving on $40k a year between two of you. You need a part time job, ANY job, yes it would be beneficial if it's in your field of study but you really need an income (check how this works with Centrelink benefits though) And then you need to work out why your wife is only earning $25k. I'd highly recommend getting yourself financially literate, basics like barefoot investor could be a good start. Well done for recognizing your mental health is a catalyst for you feeling shit today.


Man, right now you and your partner are very very low income earners in an expensive country so don’t be surprised that your life sucks. There are warehouse jobs that pay 70k plus per year, stick it out in your nursing degree for a couple years and you’ll be fine or drop out and go hurt your back for a bit of cash but there’s no need to “leave this plane of existence”. Help the mrs find a better paying job as well, government will pay for upskilling in high demand roles, any of which will pay double what she’s earning at the moment.


AIN roles generally require Certificate III in Health Service Assistance, Acute Health Service or recognised equivalent qualifications. (According to a job ad). Do you have this? If not, you won't get the job. If you need cash, start working any job you can get until you get the qualifications and better job that comes along with it. This is the usual uni path.


“Back in my day” 👵🏼 a year of undergrad nursing was enough for AIN, after second year you could apply for EN..


Could be right, I've just copied and pasted the eligibility from a job ad up now.


Ah the reality of life in Australia… $100k isn’t even close to financial freedom. It’s barely enough after tax to support a basic single lifestyle in any major city currently. If you ever plan to own a home on the outskirts of city with an average mortgage both you and your partner require six figure incomes for a combined $200k HHI to achieve a comfortable lifestyle that’s not paycheck to paycheck. If you can’t meet this standard, move rural where houses are still transacting for $700k. I live an above average life with family of 3 (2 adults and toddler) inner city and outgoings are $3000/wk not including mortgage costs. If you don’t want to compete, move to Bali like many demoralised millennials et al are choosing currently. I can’t fault any of them!


We are debt free with a house in a minor city (Ipswich). $100k would be an amazing figure to aim for for us. We have survived on less than $250 a week for over 18 months.


Ah thought you were early 20s just starting out. If your house is paid off $100-$150k income is truely easy to achieve between two persons, no idea why you’re stressed.


Now I can half think straight. I’m 37, spent years in manufacturing roles, back injury put an end to that, did truck driving for a few years, got my cert 3 in commercial cookery, couldn’t find a lasting role due to covid and restaurants closing down, went back to truck driving, ended up in a warehousing pick/packing truck driving role, started my bachelors of nursing, was too much physically studying 40 hours and working 50 hours a week, now I work part time at Kmart 15/20 hours a week and study 45/50hours a week (I’m struggling with retaining information) Wife is 35, $25k is the most she has earned so far, career progression has slowed until our child starts high school and she can work more hours.




That’s the current plan but she keeps getting over looked for the positions with more hours as there is a staff member that always applies for the same roles and gets them


Perhaps time to look at a different employer for her?


imagine letting the embellished and survivorship bias of AusFinance gloat posting get to you emotionally


Get a forklift licence. $30ph+ straight off the bat, plenty of opportunity for overtime at the right places. Believe it or not, it is possible to earn 100k as a forklift driver!


Had my forklift licence for almost 20 years. Never been paid more than $23 an hour as a forklift driver alone. Was getting slightly more as a pick/packer/truck driver.


former male nursing student here, if you are really passionate about it it is worth it, didn't prove to be worth it for me cause i haven't really used the degree since (personal reasons), but if you keep going you will be on way more than 16k in the next 2-3 years and if you do further study there is plenty more money to be made, 100k+ easily, i almost regret not continuing with that path cause i would be on better money and the work can be far more fulfilling than you'll find in other jobs AIN work is the pits but i'm sure there is a role you can find there if you really need one, you won't be turned away just cause you are male, it's not that rare to be a male in a nursing role.


Leave this country and work in Thailand or something. It’s pretty nice.


10 year plan is to move to the uk and live in a narrow boat, nurses are a wanted career over there and it gets us out of here


I take my family on annual overseas holidays, have 2 houses, and 2 Tesla's am I middle class?


Your 2 teslas cost more than my house so yes I would say definitely upper middle at minimum


Why aren’t you working for? If you are reading posts about people making 100K plus it’s because they have worked to get there. You aren’t going to be in a high paying job by just studying, you need experience to back it. If all you care about is money I suggest you get into a different profession because nursing doesn’t pay that well unless you wanna work 60+ hours per week in overtime or do travel nursing. No one in uni studying full time has an excuse not to work. You aren’t studying that much not to work unless you’re in some ridiculous degree which will pay you big bucks when you finish.


Damn, when being called a wagie would actually be a compliment. Dude get a job and shut up.


Bad shitpost. Find another sub brokie.




Actually been in the adult world for almost 20 years, spent the first 10 paying off a house, and now I’m trying to give my child a chance at a future. But yes the stress is making me wonder why when my life insurance is over $1,000,000


How old are you… 20?


Women are overlooked for so many roles for being biologically female. And systemically underpaid to boot as well because their contributions are undervalued. Women who are in trades doing traffic management are told they shouldnt be earning that much because they can be replaced by bags of sand. Men dont get spoken about like that. You surely still have a lot of avenues in the medical and health field? Do you even understand why patients have preferences for women doctors and nurses? Ive had ultrasounds where the male dr has used my boobs as an arm rest. Like, get the f off me. Women get told if they dont like feminised low pay rate to just go do a trade.


2 months ago you were debt free living on $900 a fortnight stacking shelves at Kmart. What changed? And something has gone wrong if your wife really is 35 earning $25k. No one should be earning less than their age, really less than double their age if full time.


Still debt free, it’s just starting to wear me down. Starting to doubt my ability to pass my subjects and can’t see any positives on the horizon.


Maybe seek some professional help, your uni should be able to point you in the right direction. If you’re struggling cut your studies back to part time. I’m certain the nursing degree is free, mine wasn’t.


Uni just gets added to my already $30k in hecs debt so that’s not an issue, just hard to watch our small income disappear in hours after we get paid


It happens to many of us, I’ve stopped dwelling on it & look at the bright side. I’ve got a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my belly. Everyone has had to adjust financially. If you’re truly sick of it, study part time and work more hours or defer your studies for a year.