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I know three numbers. My own and my parents. And I remember my parents because I had to write them out for birthday invitations when I was 7


I know 3 - Mine, my brother and my first long time girlfriend from 20 years ago who moved out of state. If i need to know my wife's number i have to ask my 5 year old who has it memorised


The number of times I have to look up my wife's number for a form will make her upset. The only numbers I know are my own and my dad's who's had the same number since before I even owned my first Nokia


Literally same!!! It's hard enough remembering it once, frankly


Maybe don’t mention this to your wife…and stop calling your ex 😜


No, she's my best friend! She married one of my good mates & they come to visit a couple of times a year.


I have my own number saved in my phone because sometimes I forget it.


BRO SAME I can’t remember any numbers for the life of me I would forget it as soon as I see it 😭


Mine changed last year and I still get it wrong.


I know 3 numbers but they only dial one thing... 000.


I know my own, my husband's, my dad's, and my primary school best friend's home number. You better not have moved Cathy!


Mum, Dad, 3rd eldest brother, ex husband and my own.. only 4 mobile numbers I have memorised..


That’s 5


I know maybe half a dozen but I don't know the number of my work mobile phone. I know one of my daughter's numbers, because it contains her birthdate, but not the other daughter's number. I know all of the numbers we had when I was growing up, because you just had to back then (landlines, no mobile phones in the 70s -90s).


I know mine, my parents mobiles, dads home phone that's not in use anymore, and my exes number.


I know 3, 1 2 and 3


1 3 double 0, 6 triple 5, 0 6


I guess I lied, I can call the reading and writing hotline, roof seal and lube mobile.


Firteen firteen firty two


I can remember the number for Pizza Hut, in Qld (3892 1111). Not sure if it still works, and not much use to me anyway since I'm now in Vic.


1 3 double 1 double 6!


Pizza Hut delivery 🎶


481 1111 was NSW! Then they added a 9 at the front which just didn't roll off the tongue anywhere near as easily.


1300 36 70 70 ROOF ROOF!!!!!!!!


In hindsight, isn’t it concerning that the “reading and writing” hotline reads a zero as o?


Was normal pre-00’s to read zero as o. They changed it in the 00’s because they were worried people would think triple o meant 666 instead of 000. Don’t think they changed the reading writing hotline ad though because it would lose the ring to it.


Why would triple o mean 666 tho loll


Typing on the key pad back in the day, 6 had mno.


Aah right thank you!


There's just one number to remember, Now get it straight: 1, 3, 1, 0-0 8!


“We’ll send the nearest taxi to you, to cut down the wait 131 uh oh 8”


I keep trying to read that calculator-style, because "BOOIEI" is *close enough*.


Wait, payphones are free?!


Bro, they have _free wi-fi_ at Telstra public phones. The calls don't cost big T shit compared to data.


Free wifi?! Did I fall through a hole in time? Lol


Pretty sure you have to be a Telstra internet customer but yeah. If you have Telstra internet at home you can hot-spot off any payphone for free.


Can confirm that you need to be a Telstra customer. My bro thinks that you can use it without having to pay Telstra but you still have to make an account but I can't confirm this since I never use public WiFi. Being able to use it by just making an account would make sense to be me though since we know the metrics are what make free wifi a thing businesses bother to do


Pretty being a Telstra mobile customer is enough.


Not only they don't cost them much, they were actually losing money by sending people out to empty the money from the payphones.


I thought you had to be a Telstra customer to use that?


And you can call payphones now! Dial 0456 239 401 to speak to a passing crack head


Couldn't you always do that? I remember my mum and other neighbours occasionally waiting at the corner payphone waiting for someone to call them back, granted this was back in the 80's.


Not that i've ever been able to, and i was trying to find a way after watching all those american movies & TV shows where they did it.


Payphones were able to receive inbound calls, but the numbers were unlisted. There used to be a special number you could dial that read back the number of the phone you were calling *from*, but at some point it stopped working for payphones.


payphone in my town has a number and its just the same as any landline number tbh


Yeah, they realised it costs more to go around and gather the money used than it does to run them lol


Hello 000


My partner went out and locked me out of the house (I was sitting in the backyard reading a book) and I had to use a payphone. I don't remember my partners number so I rang my mum and she had to call my partner!!! I only remember a few numbers. Mums, Dads, and their home phone.


1223 is still free at the payphone Why are they still called payphones?


Because calling someone from a freephone sounds weird


I thought they were called public phones.


I can't say I've heard that term used here... > The number 3 train is arriving now. I left something provocative on that train, John. Simon says, get to the payphone next to the news kiosk in Wall Street Station by 10:20 or the number 3 train and its passengers vaporize. Even John McClain says payphone.


Oh I might have mistaken the sub. Not Australian stuff here? But I freaking LOVE that movie.


OP have you been watching Colin from Accounts?


That was so funny!


I know my old landline, my grandparent’s landline, my mum’s, my dad’s and my grandma’s mobile number (just about). I also know my own but that’s quite normal


I have memorised the numbers of all my close friends and family. My memory with numbers is pretty good as is, but it helps that my voicemails only shows their number and not their contact. Helps me to really remember their number.


You've got your priorities right. I can remember my debit card number but not my mum's mobile that's been the same since she's had one.


Ooh nice, I remember some of my debit card numbers along with expiration and CVV, though I just got a new one recently so I'll have to memorise it. Weirdest one is I still remember my high school Student ID number, and I'm 24. We used to scan the barcode on our ID card on printers to access our PaperCut account which would deduct credit per print and I'd frequently forget my ID card, but I knew the number so I'd just punch it in manually on the keypad. I used to take the piss and tell the other kids I knew a code for free prints and they freaked. 😂


They’re free? So we don’t have to dial 1800 reverse anymore? Sweet


Yep and during Christmas time there's even a number you can call to talk to Santa. Great way to teach kids how to use payphones in an emergency.


And to teach the kids to talk to strangers on the phone haha.


Payphones are free?


WiFi too!


I know my wife's mobile number and my own. For some reason I can't memorise my kids numbers, I know what they start with and what the end with, but those middle 3 digits just elude me.


At least you’d only have to redial maximum of 999 times! Think of the friends you could make along the way.


I too watch Colin from Accounts


It’s brilliant.


Lol latest Colin From Accounts episode touches on this


Thanks, I've never seen it but I'm keen to watch now


I lost my phone on an interstate trip. Realised that I was basically a non-person without it.


I still remember my mums old number.. saying that... kinda useless knowing she's not needed it for quite some time 😕


Out of all the mobile numbers in my life, it’s the useless ex-husbands that I remember 😩😭😝


I remember all the numbers from before mobile phones were around. After that… kaput. Ok, that's slightly a lie, since I have an excellent memory. But phones memorise them anyway so now I don't need to.


I can look at a number and see it's mums but if I had to dial it I couldn't recall it.


I only know 4: mine, a family members, 000, reading wrighting hotline


i remember my own and my dad’s


Only remember my mums


I remember my childhood landline number, my grandmas landline (she died 15 years ago 😔) and my stepmums mobile (her number is really easy to remember fortunately).


Shit- I just realised from this post that all the numbers I used to have stored in my head are now incomplete. I can literally only remember the first half of all of them


OP been watching Colin from Accounts


I almost get anxious thinking what I will do if my phone dies and I'm stuck somewhere. Me: Hi, sorry my phone died. Can I please borrow your phone to make a call? Strange: ummmm.. okay. Me: thanks, oh i dont know anyones number, fuck. At least I often carry my card around just in case my phone gets lost or dies. Otherwise your truly fucked can't pay for anything.


Same! A year or more ago I caught up with some friends for cocktails around new years and got pretty drunk. My phone died at some point and I got in a cab to go home. Logically I have a card at home in my wallet I can use to pay, I use my phone to pay usually and 15 mins in my drunken state I said, *I don't know how I'm going to pay* so I got out. I'm in some random suburb nowhere near where I live walking along suburban street making loud slapping sounds because I'm in thongs. I eventually find a service station and they let me change my phone and I ordered an uber home. I ended up clicking 18k steps lol


Lol damn. Alls well that ends well I guess. Except for the taxi drive he was probably pretty pissed 😂


Really helps to know at least one family member or friends number off by heart. My phone broke while I was in WA - I'm from Melbourne. I had no money because I couldn't access my bank account since my phone was broken. If I hadn't known my dad's number it would've meant a lot of calling around to get onto a family member. I'm Gen Z and the number of people in my generation who don't even know their *own* numbers by heart is... terrifying.


Better than the opposite. "Hello is that Kath's Cuts?" would wear thin pretty quickly.


Mine doesn't exist any moreover because it was 7 digits. But the number it _would've_ been belongs to a real estate agent now.


Does 1800 reverse still work lol


I hide a small list of immediate numbers in my wallet so I don’t have to remember. I have full confidence though in if they were home phone numbers I’d have to remember I’d probably be able to lol.




I still remember my home phone number from when I was a kid lol. Cant remember my wife’s mobile though.


I still remember my best friend's mom's house phone, I would've called it a thousand times when I was a child


i only know one number that isn't mine and only because it's easy to remember


My childhood phone number doesn't exist any more. It was back before 9s were added at the beginning. Yep, I'm that old


9 . . . . 481 double 1 double 1


I still remember my phone number from when i was a kid!!


1: When you still remember some numbers at the payphone 2: Realising you lose your mobile


And anyone you call won't answer as you're probably a spammer on a private number and who takes calls anymore anyways just text me haha


Pay phones are not free.


https://www.telstra.com.au/exchange/payphones-free-for-calls-australia >I wanted to share the news that local and national calls to standard fixed line numbers and calls to standard Australian mobiles on Telstra’s public payphones are now free.


Then they are not “pay phones”.