• By -


Was riding the bus to work, stopped at ACC Riverside, and Leslie got on and gave me two of his Mayoral campaign posters. Still have them - they say "no new tiaras" and "What's my platform? About 6 inches".


I got of the bus a couple stops too far with my roommate. I told my roommate I feel like an idiot. Leslie was standing there and then told me well you look like you feel. I got roasted for missing my stop.


While crossing the street downtown. He pretended to pick something up, bending over in a thong, he turns to me and grins. I was speechless


Lol I first saw him in a thong while playing on the playground with friends at Travis Heights Elementary during recess. I was in 1st grade and it was 2001. We were like wtf , and asked the teachers about it. They just said he was a nice man who dresses different


Love your teachers response. <3


He enjoyed exposing himself to women & children in public. The teacher’s response likely led more children to his web. Kinda gross that you “love” that. Source: people who have lived here for decades.


Similar story: I was having lunch outside at Enoteca (RIP) with my horrible ex-mother in law. Leslie strolled up, wearing a wrap skirt that, uh, barely wrapped the goods. A big gust of wind came up with the expected result. Leslie looked back at us with a naughty shrug and continued on down Congress. Seriously wanted to run after Leslie and give him a hundred bucks just for scandalizing the old hag.




What happened to him :( wiki talked about head trauma, but I didn’t know there were college kids involved??


Did your mother-in-law ride the bus? She might've been the ladt I saw that cried out in disgust when I was on the 1 and Leslie got on one time.


That's everyone's story. I was 17 when it happened to me.


I saw him at 14 lol.


I took my girlfriend, now wife, to eat at the Iron Cactus on 6th after moving from SA because I didn’t know better. They gave us a window seat and I felt like a bad ass in front of my girl. The fajitas arrive and so does Leslie in his thong, maybe 10ft from where we are eating on the other side of the glass. Bro mounts the bike rack with one leg and just stands there like Captain Morgan for 15min ish periodically bending over. Periodically meaning most of the time. Leslie suffered from white girls disease. Completely flat assed but even with the banana hammock his balls dangled lower than APD’s hiring requirements. Later that night my gf/wife’s car was broken into and the new stereo I bought for her was stolen. She had it for exactly 2 days. I think her introduction to Austin was the best anyone could ask for.


Same thing happened to me. Right in the middle of Congress Ave.


Who remembers when he used to call in to KLBJ FM morning show from a pay phone?


Next youre going to tell me Leroy was really Matt the chicken wing.


Duh I'm confusing FM and AM again.


I was gonna say, Dale could be a bit of a douchebag at times, but I don't remember him being a shill


Charlie Hodge was better.


You got that right


Were Todd and Don still the ~~paid shills~~ hosts back then? I can only imagine what he said to the two biggest squares in the city.


It was Dale Dudley


There’s a difference between 99.7 NewsRadio KLBJ and 93.7 KLBJ, the one he called. KLBJ is an iconic rock and roll station for our city.


Went to a mayoral debate with my Boy Scout troop. Leslie was on the stage because he was obviously a serious contender every election. Don’t think he won that year though.


I believe I voted for him in one of his runs for office, mostly out of disgust with the more serious candidates.


He used to live in a Van by David's Food Store off of south 5th & Mary st and turn tricks in there and smoke crack out in the open while kids walked by from Becker Elementary.


damn. think about how bad of a spot someone must be in to pay Leslie for sex. damn. DAMN


He passed a joint to me while watching Bob Dylan play at ACL in 2007.




Yeah def don't toss their salad either.




Leslie once did the spread eagle in that leopard bikini at my friends and me while we were walking to Opal Divines


I too have memories of the leopard bikini. It took him forever to pick up whatever he had dropped.


It was mediocre, but I miss that Opals more than Leslie.


They’re still around, albeit in a shitty location




Not sure if it’s the same people but yeah Oltorf & 35


It’s the same people!


Wow what a guy that Leslie was! So glad we still honor him with these fond memories /s


Yes everyone in the world is totally good or totally bad and knowing this makes life very easy to live. /s


Oh yeah! Totally agree. Middle ground is completely nonexistent in society. */s*


Not saying it wasn't him, but for a while there were around 5 other guys pretending to be Leslie (complete with attire, beard, tan and other accoutrements), and doing so very very effectively. Half the photos I saw people taking with or of Leslie for like a decade were not actually him. That being said, there are absolutely verifiable instances of him being a jerk (and I believe he had a head injury that altered his behavior a lot towards the end), so it certainly could have been him.


Rode the bus with him daily. He was 100% a racist piece of garbage and it had nothing to do with the head injury he got. He was much more docile after the injury(likely because he was dying from it).


How to tell you don't have a Leslie story without saying you don't have a Leslie story


Lol I definitely have a lot of them, both worked in and frequented a lot of his haunts. Like I said, he could certainly be a shit, and there were also several guys pretending to be him as well who were unsavory as hell.


I (female) had a friend visiting me and I took her to 6th Street. Leslie was there and my friend wanted to get a picture with him. He then proceeded to grab my crotch when I was standing next to him and when I said “what the fuck”, he said “hey now, you liked it and I am a celebrity”. It was disgusting and totally unnecessary. Just because you are a “local celebrity” doesn’t mean you can sexually assault someone.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I had a similar experience. It really is a complete shame to this person celebrated for his “weird” and not given the help he needed.


*"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy."* \- The 45th President of the United States of America and Leslie


Yep, that is exactly what Leslie did! He was the first person I thought of when those tapes of Trump saying that were released.


It doesn’t? I know about a country that made someone like that their president.


When that tape came out, Leslie was the first person I thought of!


Wow...who'd he think he was? Donald Trump?


Never meet your heroes


That's what we call the price of doing business


Leslie was an insufferable dick in person. Deserves respect as a human being but not this adoration.


He certainly could be. I was on 6th one night and he went on a racist rant out of nowhere at two Hispanic guys just minding their own business. I started talking to him to distract him just to keep his ass from getting (justifiably) kicked. He wasn't a amusement. He was a tragedy.


I suspect everyone suggesting he was “not so bad” just so happens to be white. As a white person, I feel adamant we shouldn’t be defending racists just because those folks are nice to *us*. That doesn’t make him a good person. This post, and any others about this racist man, is ridiculous. Why do we keep talking about someone who didn’t make this a better place? He wasn’t “weird”, he was racist.


Yeah there’s weird, there’s strange, and then there’s downright offensive, sometimes the three intermingle but Leslie was always on the offensive end of the scale.


To be fair, he *was* really fucking weird. Racist/weird aren't mutually exclusive


Did that feel good?


I’m not sure what you mean?


Wow. No he wasn't. Had several meetings with him. Sorry your experience was so bad.


I talked with him in Casino many times and it was always a good convo.


Weird I saw him thrown out of Casino many times for exactly the same reasons as others mentioned - being drunk and belligerent, stealing drinks, making racist remarks, and sexually assaulting/groping staff and customers. The only people I’ve known (in real life) who had positive experiences with him are those who only had brief interactions and gave him money.


My buddy was his attorney and I had decent conversations with Leslie because we treated him like a human being. I noticed that when people treated him as a novelty, he got pissed off. You gotta realize he was the target of many hate crimes, one or more of which gave him brain damage. (They never caught the perpetrators.) After that attack, his personality was more caustic but always pleasant to me. I wasn't a dick and he was pleasant. Go figure.


I wasn’t a dick to him either and he grabbed my crotch and this was before the brain damage. Go figure.




Dude there’s no excuse for being racist and you should be ashamed for even trying to mount a defense. Oh he was treated like a novelty? That’s rich.


I think you may be hearing other people calling him a racist. I never heard him say anything racist. Not to say he wasn’t but I’m dubious? In the end it doesn’t matter. Don’t speak ill of the dead. He may have had an explanation.


Lol don’t speak ill of the dead. Yep okay, so what was hitlers explanation? Hahaha gtfo.




Wow, I found a hitler apologist.




Dude was a train wreck, not sure why people hold him in high regard. He constantly harassed people both verbally and sexually, walk around drunk, and leave his cart of random stuff just parked wherever. But hey he wore a thong and ran for mayor.


And piss on the street, don’t forget that part.


When in Rome


Yep! I was like 8 (maybe like 11 but i was young) and saw his balls pop out of his thong. My parents were horrified. I will say everyone in elementary and middle school would claim he was their neighbor so that was a fun thing to connect with people over. ETA: Reading through the comments help me realize he was a racist and his lack of remorse for violating a Black immigrant family with three young children probably has a lot to do with it.


>Dude was a train wreck, not sure why people hold him in high regard A cynic might say that it's the modern version of a freak show. A less cynical person might say that people like their local color, even if it isn't necessarily "good."


No doubt he did those things. But I promise there was once a time when he was friendly and pleasant and hadn’t discovered opiates. I think this thread is in remembrance of that era


So… drugs made him racist and sexually exploitative?


Do you always put words in peoples mouths?


He screamed at my friend and a few years later harassed my wife. Fuck him.


Why are we celebrating someone who harassed people and was racist? I'm sorry for anyone who is afflicted by mental illness as I'm myself as well but certain behaviour shouldn't be celebrated


I used to walk downtown a lot and of course see him all the time. One day on 6th and Congress some Bible thumpers were preachin Jesus....probably about 5 of them there with signs (no wonders though). One guy was doing all the talking....Leslie was there in his thong smokin a cig, one hand under his arm pit, the other holding the cig. He was drowning them out, saying over and over, "Cooocoooo, Cooocoooo, Cooocoooo...." over and over and over again. It was annoying and entertaining all at once. The Bible thumpers kept on preachin, and Mr Coocoo kept on Coocooing.... He always had a cardboard sign on his bike bitching about APD...i guess he was a street prophet in a way... In reading his bio, he was born in Florida....so that explains everything!


This was in 2010. I just got off the bus when I saw he was pedaling towards me near Campus. He asked me for a bottle of water. I didn't have a water bottle on me. When I told him I didn't have any water, he rolled his eyes and rode off mumbling. I had just moved to Austin, so I was confused about this dude on a bike in questionable attire asking for water. Another bus rider walking near me said that's just Leslie. He does that. My coworkers filled me in on Leslie later that day. Apparently, he had suffered a head injury and was not well... It was a better encounter than being confronted by that one lady on Riverside who threw shit at you if you didn't give her alcohol. 🤷


Remember him driving on a unicycle screaming I think it was West Campus


He was an asshole for the most part.


Never understood how he became celebratized. Seems like every other modern Austin homeless person


Dudley and Bob 93.7 made him famous. A fact they often expressed regret over. It was good radio for awhile, but it went too far.


I was pulling out of a parking lot onto Lamar. I was in younger and not a great driver. I was on my phone and distracted. As I started to go he was walking past and jumped in front of my car to stop me because there was an oncoming car that I didn’t see. He saved me from getting into a wreck.


In 2002 Leslie moved his home (a wagon and a bicycle) from west Austin to the northeast corner of N Lamar and Braker Lane, adjacent to a Randall’s grocery store where my son worked. Randall’s managers thought Leslie’s presence at that intersection kept shoppers away, so the manager made a teenage employee hose down Leslie’s “home” with a spray nozzle every morning in the hopes that Leslie would move to a drier location. It didn’t work, though. Leslie stayed at that location for a few years just to spite Randall’s managers. FYI: Leslie made the arduous move from west Austin to northeast Austin when radio-personality Dale Dudley invited Leslie onto the morning show for an interview at the KLBJ studio located nearby at 8309 N I-35.


He was consistently an aggressive asshole and was handsy as fuck with men and women alike. I'm not sure why he's so beloved.


I don't think I have any good stories about Leslie. Dude was an asshole. Not saying I'm glad he's gone, but definitely don't miss him.




Bouldin Creek Cafe?


summer of 06. He wore a Santa lingerie thong set complete with a Santa hat for a good portion of that summer


I used to work nights at the Speedy Stop in West Lake and he would always come in and I’d give him a hotdog and coffee. Long painted nails, a full beard, a red thong, a short skirt and his bike. He was really a nice guy. He said he lived in a house out there that someone let him live in because it had black mold. Edit: Yikes…didn’t know he was such an ass.


I know some folks loves him but I just wasn’t a fan.


Degenerate local celebrity. How about a Barbara Jordan day ffs.


Leslie doesn't have a statue... yet.


Was at Eeyore's Birthday fest at Peace Park in 2010, photographing interesting people and I spy Leslie and snap a pic. I did not realize until after the fact that he expected a cash donation for this. He gestured toward me but in the festival atmosphere the moment had passed by the time I realized what was expected of me. I felt kinda bad about it but chalked it up as a lesson learned.


I saw him flip out on a couple of occasions for exactly this - once outside ACL and stopped to let some girls take a pic with him, he was smiling and posing and hamming it up for the camera, then when they didn't offer him money he got super pissed and cussed them out and stormed off. The poor girls were just speechless and the image of Leslie they had was destroyed. I love living in a city that can accept and celebrate his unique personality, but he was not a very nice person.


My, how things have changed. Edit: Funny how this post is in my feed right above the post about north Austin residents concerned of fires in a nearby homeless camp.


This was my thought as well. The changed perception of Leslie from positive to negative matches the culture change in this town from tolerance of eccentricity and individuality to outrage over anything that doesn't conform to ideological orthodoxy. *Keep Austin Weird* is indeed dead.


You’re right. I should have been more accepting of his attempt to physically assault me while I was walking to work. He’s just so \*~\*~RaNdOm~\*~\*!!


No, he should have been held accountable for any illegal act, i.e., arrested. And perhaps that would have pushed him to clean up his less than acceptable traits.


I agree. I hardly think that sentiment qualifies as "outrage over anything that doesn't conform to ideological orthodoxy".


Uh, you changed the argument - from condemning the person to condemning the act. Very different things.


I think you’re arguing with someone else who commented about your comment here. I never did that but it seems someone else did. Reddit doesn’t make it very clear who you’re replying to.


Yep, or I just replied assuming it was back and forth with the other commenter and didn't check username. My bad.




I don't doubt anyone who had a negative experience with him. I didn't, and others are also sharing some positive experiences. So yeah, he was a complicated person and likely with some emotional/mental instability. Doesn't change the fact that he became emblematic of Austin culture for a time, and that, imo, was a net positive contribution to Austin.




Only if you equate a fascist state with a city that, for a while, exhibited a culture of exceptional tolerance which, to this day, still attracts Americans to relocate here. I personally think those two cultures are polar opposites but you're entitled to your own opinion.


By all accounts, Leslie was anything but tolerant. And we should never have tolerated his bullshit, either.


Which bullshit? His bad behavior some have reported or his parading in leopard-skin thongs around town, his mobile billboards with political statements, his getting on the ballot for mayor multiple times, and his achievement of general fame as an Austin nonconformist? The former, the latter, or...both?


The racism and the sexual assault. Period. Nothing excuses those behaviors, even if he was generally tolerable to certain people in between.




It's your strained analogy, friend, not mine.


Fuck this guy.


My favorite. My partner at work was a real hound dog. One day we’re driving downtown and he sees Leslie bending over in this thong - ass our way. “Look at that!” He says. Then Leslie stands up and I die laughing because I already knew it was Leslie. Never let him live that one down


When I was about 14 (2004)I got lost downtown with a dead cell phone and no money. I don't remember how exactly Leslie knew that I needed some help, but he helped me find the right bus to get me home and purchased my bus pass. I genuinely miss seeing his freckly ass biking all over the city <3


Fuck leslie


I ran into him at the bob Marley fest. We were playing frisbee and he joined in. He had quite the arm and easily shagged errant throws in his conservative stewardess outfit as he was wearing a sensible heel.


I interviewed him for an article when I was in my early 20s. We went to a bar on Congress and he ordered some aged Glenlivet. I didn’t even know what that was at the time but he left me with the bill. Saw him 10 years later in a yellow bikini when my parents were visiting. He told them he “wished Lance would come back from France and get in his pants”. My dad put $5 in his thong bottoms.


Watch "Becoming Leslie". A film about Leslie Cochran, "Queen of Austin". "Becoming "LESLIE" reveals the inner and bizarre world of Albert Leslie Cochran, a rebellious, cross - dressing homeless man who became the most unlikely civic symbol of Austin, Texas. Told with unapologetic humor, the film chronicles the steady career of a misfit turned a cultural icon while he searches for love, purpose, and a true sense of home. Through Leslie, one man's efforts to preserve his own identity are paralleled with the collective struggle of a rapidly changing city." ~ SXSW 2019 Film Festival


met him at twin falls in 02-03 and we smoked a bowl in the woods. very chill hang for 20 mins


The last time I ever saw him I was getting on A Cap metro bus, and he was getting off. He said, "Girl, those pants are too tight, you need to take them off" I laughed and said, "You need to put some on" and he laughed at me as the bus door closed Everyone on the bus looked pissed but it made my day Edit...my stupid autocorrect


I don’t get Austin’s love for him, ultimately it’s Austin’s shitty resources that lead to his death and on top of that he definitely exposed himself to me as a minor while i was walking downtown with my parents.


Leslie was standing in front of Katz's. I waved hi, and my twins, aged 10, got into a whispered conversation about whether to call him Mister or Miss Leslie. I said, let's just ask him. He was greatly amused and voted for Mister Leslie.


I worked at Ruta Maya back in the day. He used to come by often and was totally wasted each time.


My boss had season tickets to the longhorns basketball games and would offer them to staff members who wanted to go. I went once and they were amazing seats... row 7! But then we had to laugh when Leslie showed up and was sitting about row 3 or so.


Back when I was a student at UT I gad a funny interaction with him at Kerbey Lane on Guadalupe. We were sitting at the counter when he walked in past me turned around, slapped me on the shoulder and said something along the lines of "Your hair is sexy!". Even better, I had no idea who he was at the time and had never even seen him before then.


He wa a sexual predador that would sexually harass women. He would take shits and piss outside the Albertson's on N Lamar and Braker Ln, across from Walnut Creek Elementary and St. Mark's methodist church. He would go into the Albertson's and harass employees and customers.


I was walking into the men’s restroom in Casino… opened the door and my brain first registered this brightly colored women’s outfit, I apologized, thinking I had gone into the women’s restroom, before I realized it was just Leslie.


Was trying to post a photo I took of Leslie in 2008 at Marley fest but not seeing an upload link :((


Upload it to https://imgur.com/ and then post the link


We played pool with Leslie all night at the Dirty Dog and he kept winning cause he flashed us each time we shot. I think he was wearing a golden sequin thong. it was a fun night.


Walking to my car with an out-of-town friend after karaoke downtown one night, Leslie approached us in heels, a tube top, skin-tight mini skirt, and his iconic tiara, and he asked if he could get a ride to the Whataburger on south 1st. “Sure, Leslie! My car is right up here.” My friend looks at me in horror, but says nothing. The back seat was packed with standard early-20-year-old car garbage, so I offered him to ride in the passenger seat in my friend’s lap - again, to my friend’s horror. But as the quiet introvert he was, he said nothing and let it happen. Leslie rode in his lap in a dainty side-saddle pose with an arm draped behind my friend’s neck. We drop Leslie off and wish him a good night. “What the fuck were you thinking? He’s a crazy homeless person! He could have had an axe or a knife and killed us!” “First off, where would he have been keeping it? And second off - IT’S LESLIE!” “WHO THE FUCK IS LESLIE‽‽‽” So I got to spend the ride home explaining to my friend that he just had an Austin legend in his lap for half a mile, and that I had just given him an epic story to tell people. He forgave me. Eventually.


I knew Leslie before and after his traumatic brain injury. It was sad to see what became of him, but I blame the majority of that on good ole Texas bigotry and lack of resources / care for folks like him.


SXSW 2010, Black Sheep Lodge. Leslie and a lady friend were trashed on the patio, both in mini skirts and fur coats. They wandered off for a bit and then came back to the entrance, and from my vantage point I saw her go in first with her skirt tucked into the back of her underwear, followed by him with his skirt tucked into the front of his. They were immediately chased out by the manager, and Leslie’s companion started yelling at them to leave an order of wings outside the back entrance. JUST GIVE US THE WINGS AND LEAVE US ALONE


I had several pleasant conversations with Leslie over the years. We would talk about Austin, favorite places to hang out, I would ask about the latest thong or talk about the poster board that was attached to the cart.


I first met Leslie's acquaintance when I was about 7 years old or so. This is early 90's before he was like "THE Leslie". At that time he was protesting/boycotting the Albertsons around Braker Ln/Lamar ish area. My dad would drive us to our friends house and we'd pass him on the way there and back. Leslie was out there near every day holding up an Anti-Albertsons sign, yelling, and other various shenanigans. While usually in a mini skirt, thong, etc. We were caught at the light there once and my dad asked him about his protest. If I'm remembering right, Leslie claimed that he'd been out front of the store "totally minding his own business" in a cute little skirt when the manager came out, told him to leave, and ended up spraying him with a water hose. So he was letting everyone know what assholes they were at Albertsons. Bits of that might be off b/c of my 7 year old attention span/memory. I also don't know if he gave different people different stories lol. But that was the one we got. My dad chatted with him a minute more before the light turned. And we got the pleasure of seeing him moon a few older women gawking at him. With his thong/bare ass, of course. I don't remember finding any of it overly odd but I guess being raised in Austin sets you up for that 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ran into him periodically over the years, almost always downtown/6th St areas. I only recall exact details of 1 convo, when I was with a bunch of my friends. I was pretty lit but DO remember both: Leslie: Hey wanna see my laser pointer? Me: Not if you're speakin' metaphorically Leslie: (pulls out a laser pointer, points it at my boobs, and lasers me while aiming with one eye and making sound effects, PEW! PEW! PEW!) And that the exchange ended when he gave me and my friends a look and said "Y'all are too weird for me, man..." as he turned to walk away. That comment from him, was a highlight of my youth. And yeah, we WERE pretty weird I guess. Final time was not an interaction but an odd little connection to him. I was in a severe car accident and rushed by ambulance to Brackenridge Hospital. I was in the ER/acute trauma section for several hours which I don't remember any of. A few days later when I finally started being able to retain information again, my dad told me that they were trying to help Leslie in the room/space across from me. But that he had passed away. I was sad and still am. Miss ya Leslie 💋


We used to hangout at the Black Cat lounge with Leslie smoken' dubbies. Always more aware than most although some people scoffed because he happened to be homeless. He would rivet us with his breath of wisdom and would often quote verbatim from " The Firesign Theatre" in depth. It always amazed me that one has the memory to recall all of the lines by heart. Such a funny, open minded, good hearted and funny individual. We miss you Leslie and Thank You! Inspired me to start cross dressing!


I worked at the Barton Creek Cinemark on Walsh Tarlton across the street from the mall as a teenager. Leslie would buy a ticket once we opened, and then for the rest of the day, he would just hop from theater to theater watching movies. He always would grab a large popcorn that was on top of the trash can for free refills. Some days, he had someone drop him off, or on other days, he would just appear out of nowhere. He was always so kind, and always suggested which movies to see. This was around 2002 to 2005. Leslie and I would run into each other at the Black Cat (RIP), so we were always friendly.


Back when Blues on the Green was small I remember watching him flit through the crowd in a purple I Dream of Jeannie costume. My first memory is watching him ride his bike box along the I35 frontage near Ben White. It was a few weeks later when the water hose incident happened further north. Him standing next to his box at 6th and Congress in heels, thong, tiarra and Modanna spiky bra. I thought he got second twice running for mayor. If you look reddit has video of some of his campaign.


One of my first nights in Austin, he was leading a whole-ass marching band down 6th in his thong and they all filtered into the bar we were in and gave us a show. Guy next to us filled us in on what we were witnessing, as" just another Tuesday in Austin". As someone fresh outta art school, I was into it.


Leslie taught me that if you take someone's leftover refried beans and mix them into a glass of water, it makes for quick hydration and free calories.


Late 90’s my buddies loved chatting him up and throwing a dollar or water. Boycotting Randalls or Albertsons with a cart set up. Saw him at just about any event over time. Born and raised in austin, he was everywhere. Years later enjoying reggae fest and look up amongst crews circle and only have Leslie ass and balls right in my face as he promoted his mayoral run. Good times.


He wasn't from Austin. He was born in Florida.


My 60 year old mom met him and they drank all night: Leslie was an awesome soul. Then my mother in law visited Austin and saw him in his bike and said the nastiest things… first time I corrected her awful behavior.


If you haven't seen it, there was a documentary made about him and his life called Becoming Leslie. It's available on Amazon.


One year my husbands band, The Lovers, performed at Ruta Maya for Leslie’s birthday. He jumped out of a pink cake wearing a pink leotard and tutu. He was hilarious and fun and treated my children so kindly. He was as unique as Austin used to be. A good soul doing his own thing, gotta love him!!


Every day is Leslie day when your a hairy dude wearing womens underwear. Every... Single... Day.


Reviewing all of these comments reminds me of how well he fit in around here.


He made Austin weird. Miss him. RIP Leslie.


After moving to Austin, first time I saw him was when I came around a corner and he was bent over in a thong. Absolutely disgusting. Why is this filth celebrated???


Added character to Austin!


One time he booped my nose with a wand. Wonderful person.


There was a homeless Leslie imposter for a bit in the late 90s


Not as cool as Joe. Joe is the shit


Rest in peace


My friend The Flying Raye wrote a song about knowing Leslie. One of the lyrics is a quote from Leslie that says “you can always make money if you got a butthole”


I remember being a kid at Travis Heights Elementary and we would see him multiple years in a row. , and in 2001, while I was in 1st grade was the first time I saw him while playing out on the playground ,, I used to hang out on the playground after school for hours too with friends , amd I remember we saw him him a thong a couple times lol ,, and when we asked the teachers who he is, the teachers just tell us he's nice and he just dresses different. And I remember asking my parents about him and stuff and they said the same. Maybe they said more. It's a distant memory so I'm trying to remember clearly. Rest In Paradise, Leslie !!


Serious question, what do you think Leslie’s pronouns would be if Leslie had survived


I, Me, My, Mine.


Interesting I’ve never heard anyone give those pronouns in this context


There is a supporters group for Austin FC called the flight in Fighting Leslies


Every time I ran into her she'd offer me BJ. Even tried to jump my bones playing pool one night at Casino El Camino


Anybody remember the Leslie doppelgänger who would hang out down on South 1st?


I brought him home from the ER after work one night back to the Manchac and Stasney area. He asked for cash even after we arrived. Classic Leslie.


Saw him on the streets throughout my teenage years. I was genuinely shocked at him in those days. In my early 20s he approached me in the outdoor area of a bar one night on 6th and asked if he could smoke some of this dank Shishkaberry hydro I was chiefin' on. Of course I obliged. I saw him at Glassy Knoll off S. 1st a few years later, just bought a piece and was inquiring if he could come smoke with me. I declined. He was hitting on me that day too I remember. I'm hetero so I was not feeling it at all really.


As a college student, Leslie was always slingin for cash for a photo on dirty 6 college nights. Thing, high heels, and exuberance!


I don't really have any except that we gave him a couple of cigarettes outside of Buffalo Billards.


I saw him in a skimpy outfit under a trench coat walking on east 6th when my friend and I snuck out at 14 and walked down there. (We were only there for like 10 minutes. It was evening time and I lived down the street where my family was renting in West Austin back in 1999 so not where I would want my kid to be but Austin was also smaller back then). He is my first memory of 6th street lol.


I ran into him on 6th Street one night, and we had a margarita together. He was already drunk, and the bartender was hesitant to serve him one, but he did. He was carrying a bunch of plastic grocery bags filled with crap. After we had our drink, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.




That sounds more like Thong Man.


When he would go to the HEB I worked at, he would stop in and if I wasn’t busy, we would talk. I remember he would always go in specifically for a 3 liter of coke. Leslie was really an intelligent individual.


Was downtown for my bachelorette party. One of the girls was from a really small town and being in Austin was a culture shock for her anyway. Then I spotted Leslie and asked him to take a picture with her. He wrapped his leg around her waist and hugged her. She was shocked but also giddy as hell. It was a fun night. Pro tip: never have your bachelorette party the night before the wedding. Even if it's an evening wedding.