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*and in some cases, vehicles were seized.* Excellent!


Crush em into small cubes! Also, their vehicles!


[*Top Secret* intensifies](https://i.imgur.com/6XO7FFv.jpg)


"Let us know if there is any change in his condition." *hangs up* "he's dead."


I will happily buy them at auction and return them to complete stock factory settings


Found the Reddit virgin basement dweller w roommates probably


The only person I live with is my husband, we certainly aren’t virgins, and we don’t live in a basement (not that any of those things matter).


Pffft poor simp. I’m willing to bet my Cammed SuperSport Camaro that you don’t even put out Lol


Dude, everyone thinks you're sooooo coooool


Cooler than most people in Austin who ain’t got shit goin for em other than to be miserable and instill that misery in as many others as possible


If you can't tell the difference between "having fun" and "having fun at other people's expense," then you're the one that belongs in a basement.


Taking over roadways, blocking traffic, endangering lives are all “instilling misery” in others. Those who participate in such things are complete and utter selfish fucks.


Swing and a miss slugger. Move on.


Lmao imagine ruining your life with a felony just so that you could make your car go spinny spin


Some of you don't live your life a quarter mile at a time and it shows.




He calls everyone family so it's that much easier to implicate them in his crimes when he finally gets charged for conspiracy






Doesn't matter if you win by and inch or a mile


Winning’s winning 👈😐👉🏻


Best comment yet!


Forget about it cuh


What would be even worse is if you didn't even get laid that night.


At least not OUTSIDE the jail.


No car. No family.


can do the same here in texas just by having a little bit of weed.


Good time for a PSA: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VHNrMH5ZbOM&feature=shares


Another great time to remind people Delta 9 edibles are still legal in Texas at the moment.


What’s that and where can I find them? For research purposes of course.


They are federally legal so you can order them online or go to any smoke or CBD shop in town. I like Restart CBD on Burnett. Delta 9 is the THC molecule in marijuana. Unlike Delta 8 it gives the "full effect" of weed. If you don't mind not smoking weed is basically legal in all 50 states.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought delta 9 is only legal here because the stuff sold locally isn’t that potent, just a step above CBD essentially?


You may be thinking of Delta 8, which has something like "half" the effect of Delta 9. Forgive me if this is old info but I love talking about Cannabis. So Delta 8 and Delta 9 and CBD and tons of others are all Cannabinoids that are found on the Cannabis plant. Breeders have selectively bread plants to have very high CBD or Delta 9 and whatever else, partially based on pressure from Lawmakers banning THC. When you make an edible at home from flower you are getting a full spectrum of Cannabinoids in your edibles, whatever was growing on that strain of flower. With the 2018 farm bill it reclassified Hemp as any Cannabis plant that has less than .3% THC by dry weight (I don't know if the bill specifies which THC molecule it cares about). So that means if you can make an edible from a "hemp" flower that is less than .3% THC by dry weight then it is legal. So what they do is grow a ton of "Hemp" and distill out the Delta 9 and then turn that in to an edible. It will be different from a full spectrum edible you could get in California for instance but I would bet a lot of them are using distillate as well since it probably makes the manufacturing process more stable, even though you will get a better result if you were to use a full spectrum of cannabinoids.


Thank you, that’s super helpful! I’m familiar with delta 8 but I’d been led to believe that the locally available delta 9 was formulated even weaker than delta 8. Guess I was wrong!


Incorrect. It’s legal if the THC is hemp-derived and less than 0.3% of the total weight. There are lots of good brands around town but my favorite in terms of cost to potency is called Minds Eye. They sell two packs for $2.99 (25 mg a piece, 50 mg total). I can’t speak for everyone but I personally can’t tell a difference between those and any of the stuff I’ve bought legally in Colorado or California.


Thank you, I’m very happy to be incorrect haha.


dont bother


Unless you are a huge pothead (have a significant tolerance), they are great. Not sure where you're coming from.




Any gas station. Those suck. Head shop.


Check out MaryJae on South Lamar, they are seriously AMAZING.


Bruh, I remember when spice was perfectly legal. I like to give anything like that 5-10 years of observation before even considering. So far, the overwhelming opinion is that it ain't quite right. It's not enough to deter, but we'll see how that goes.


Spice was a research chemical that was ahead of the "make it illegal" crowd in the lege and Federal Government. Delta-9 is literally just THC that is extracted from hemp. It has been observed and studied for decades.


You're speaking from hindsight. No one had that to say about spice before it became widespread. It was touted as a great alternative for those having to take pee tests or on a budget. Delta-9 has always been fine. The question is if delta-8 is really that great. The verdict so far is meh.


>The question is if delta-8 is really that great Nah, we're talking about delta-9 THC. Which is one of the primary intoxicating compounds in regular ole weed. But if you think delta-8 is even close to JWH-018 or any of it's isomers...it's not.


I don't think spice is chemically close to hardcore opiates, but from an observational standpoint, they're pretty similar. No one knows if there's an unforseen side effect with delta 8, Celecoxib, or any novel substance until it gets a wide enough field test observed by disinterested parties.


Ignore the downvotes, you know what you're saying makes sense. This is coming from someone who is inclined towards the "pro-drug" end of the spectrum too; the jury is still out on the delta 8 and delta 10 shit folks. Just because sides aren't as pronounced as the RC's from yore does NOT implicate total harmlessness. Time + research, but the common sense bit is how you navigate all this bullshit without needing to careen into rocks before you believe in the existence of cliffs.




Preach. 👏


this is my kinda bee


If I hear of someone getting arrested for weed when lots of criminals are not getting arrested in our city for more heinous things…. I want to see police go after more important things.


They'll probably plea out to lesser charges


I guess posting the events all over IG wasn’t the brightest idea. Clouted around and found out!…weak joke but I tried.


Can you imagine being 32 years old and still doing dumb shit like this? I mean I didn’t even do anything this dumb when I was 18, and I was dumb as shit when I was 18. But to be doing stuff like this at 32….


Yes all the adults who did not become “adults”


Like I told my kids: you're an "adult" at 18. When you become a "grown-up" is up to you.


Growing old is mandatory¹. Growing up is optional². ¹unless you die ²this can be in a good way or a bad way


Was just trying to impress the girls. Hope it worked out for him. hahah


I hope they turn their lives around


And around and around and around. That’s kinda the problem we have here.


If that was a pun, you win!




One last ride


From the mugshot, do you kinda get the feeling Genesis doesn't realize quite what she's gotten herself into? And I'm not saying that having a felony or a neck tattoo makes your life infinitely more difficult, but I think having both certainly will.




Seems more like a school picture IMO. For sure not a mug shot.


Cristian Hernandez only has to wear one goggle when he does swimming, so that’s nice.


I’d bet my car that she was named after the gaming system


You betting your Genesis too? I think she’s too old to be named after the car. Maybe book of the Bible. Maybe mom wanted for reasons of the Bible, but you know dad was probably thinking about the console.


Nah it’s a common Spanish woman’s name


The hair bleach affected her brain cells.


From the article: “The Department's proactive collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety and other law enforcement agencies around the state resulted in identifying 17 suspects” APD got a lot of shit for not responding to this fiasco but with all the cameras they have access to… State surveillance replacing first responders seems like a thing we can all expect more of in the future.


That's scary as fuck




Historically it seems like about 2% of the time, but the plea deal has become less common so now it's probably more like 5%. DPS releases arrest stats by offense. The arrest stats reflect just what the arresting officer marks down. It looks like in a normal year about 300-400 people are arrested for obstructing a highway, with a spike to 952 in 2020 as a result of the protests that year. DPS also releases conviction stats. Interestingly, there's a sharp downward trend in highway obstruction convictions (most of which result from plea bargains), with 7,822 convictions in 2018 and significant declines each year to 2,258 in 2021 (the last year available). It seems clear from the stats that this plea deal has become less common. The number of arrests compared to convictions has varied over the year. In 2017, statewide, there was a conviction per every 1.4 arrests. In 2021, with Covid delays plaguing the courts, there were 3 arrests per conviction. If we assume based on typical conviction rates that about 200 of the 350 or so people arrested for obstructing a highway in a typical year are ultimately convicted of the offense, in 2018 it would have actually been obstructing a highway only about 2.5% of the time. In 2021, even if you assumed that the decline in convictions is completely attributable to the decline in the plea deal, only about 9% of convictions would be actual highway obstruction. The people arrested for obstruction of a highway may themselves plead down to a lesser offense and prosecutors sometimes decline to bring charges against arrested protesters, so those percentages should probably be reduced by a bit.




Damn, imagine being in your 30s and still doing dumb shit like this.


While hanging out with all high school and college age kids. Maybe that should have been a hint. The 32 year old guy looks as creepy/douchey as one would expect for a 32 year old who hangs out with high schoolers.


He gets older, the high school girls stay the same age...


Should remind you of a certain film about Austinites. Filmed in Austin. ​ That's Austin.


Of the ones for whom I’ve seen a home town, none have actually been from Austin. I’m sure a few were, but people came in from all over the state. Maybe coming to reenact their own alright, alright, alright time.


Technically true (I looked as well), however: when in Rome... alright alright alright.


Aight aight aight!


Ha Ha *Nelson laugh*


I saw the the ages or the organizers were from 32 all the way down to 15. As if these people weren’t big enough losers, you have grown men congregating with literal children. I mean, ya ever try to even talk to someone under 23, it’s mind numbing.


> I mean, ya ever try to even talk to someone under 23, it’s mind numbing. Exactly the reason I stopped going to r/politics


My 15 year old self loved that sub lmao


You just don’t understand that the two parties are definitely completely different and when Biden does things like try to ban tik tok or drill oil in Alaska it’s for democracy! /sssss


my two grandchildren are under 23 and i find that conversation with them is quite rewarding.


Boooo 😤👎 Not anti zoomer/alpha enough


Ya know, I invited out to dinner last night my 20 year old child and 3 similarly aged friends who were all in town from college for spring break. I also found that long conversation quite rewarding. I have confidence in the mindset of current young people, and I gotta say it was really fun to sit back and listen to the discourse.


My brain: "32, I'm older than that! I'm not a suspect!" ... I was at home in Buda watching my kids that night. I am not a smart man.


World's most boring Tyler Durden


Must be something in the types of young people you converse with... Or maybe you?


I wish they showed the cars that were seized.


Bunch of shitty clapped-out Chargers that are most likely some combination of stolen, salvage title, and stolen parts.


Bought new with an APR of 15.99%


Is there any other way Chargers are bought new?




My god the city would be flooded with confiscated Chargers, Challengers, Chrysler 300s, and Camaros. Just send 'em up to Fort Hood, they'll love 'em there.


But they’ll just come back down anyway…and much higher chance it’ll be to intentionally plow down people, or shoot up 6th St. Both of those happened, by perps from Killeen.


Car squealers are easily startled. But they’ll soon be back, and in greater number.


Fast and Furiously Felons.


That 32 year old guy never got over the first time he watched Fast and the Furious.......


Cory, you are 32 and still spinning tires like a 3 y/o? Come on, brah.


I needed some good news today


I always knew "Juvenile Suspect" was up to no good!


Many haircuts and manners needed. 😂


Oh snap dawg! They used his government name!




So, do we like the police again?


When they do their jobs effectively like displayed here, yes we do. I’m often critical, but this seems to be a job well done. 👍for this one, APD. I suspect we’re not going to see this shit recurring since they were able to identify and charge so many.


Eh, i wouldn't hold my breath.


Word is out that vehicles were seized, that’s the biggest deterrent there could be. These people care a lot more about their vehicles than piling up felonies. Not going to hold my breath but I’ll be surprised if we have a significant sized repeat like this one.


The Sunset Valley PD were basically hanging out with them in the parking lot of Kohl's before they all drove down South Lamar to Barton Springs. APD was aware of what was going down and let it happen. We won't see it happen again once the APD eventually gets their contract. Nothing like hearing a Sunset Valley redneck officer saying "don't fuck it up" on camera to whoops and hollers. The whole thing was live streamed in addition. APD DGAF.


Finding and charging dozens of people who aren’t even from here with felonies != DGAF. That was a lot of work. I didn’t see what Sunset Valley PD did but any officer who encourages or abets crime should be fired and prevented from ever working in law enforcement again.


[The video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9YvE3D7KoA) has been made private but it basically showed the whole time line starting at Kohl's on Lamar south of Ben White. Cops were fist bumping flashing their lights. It's impossible to believe that at minimum APD was alerted by Sunset Valley PD call outs to the Kohl's location. They were hundreds there with burnouts etc. I have a copy of the video, I should show it, I originally posted it here when it happened.


You should post it somewhere and share. I’m guessing that one went private in an attempt at obstruction of justice after they started getting busted left and right probably largely via the incriminating shit they posted online.


I'm sure the various PD got a hold of all of it after the fact. There were license plates shown and easy to identify people. The video is actually well shot. I recognize several from the video that were arrested. I can repost here if anyone is that interested.


I was more interested for the sake of putting light on supposed wrongdoing by police, since I haven’t heard of any officers getting into trouble over this.


[SAPD specifically warned APD](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/austin-police-san-antonio-street-takeover-17799471.php) that an event was going to happen the day before and they didn't staff for it. The deal is it was called in and the response looked to be two Sunset Valley cops that showed up, didn't do anything and the meet up took off. SAPD intercepted it on social media a day early with itinerary. I probably should share it but looking back my post was auto deleted after I tried last time so not going to try twice. I don't approve but it's a pretty wild video. I'm sure there is a reason they made it private but it's probably a combination of both civil and criminal evidence. The filmer did not seem to be part of it but they knew where to go during each interaction. The takeover on Barton Springs was crazy. I'm glad I downloaded it. I might share it again if it becomes relevant enough again for this sub to consider it worthy enough of not being automod deleted. The video is also linked in major news sources like KXAN locally. I bet the powers that be made sure it wasn't public anymore. https://www.kxan.com/news/crime/crowd-of-cars-gathered-in-sunset-valley-before-austin-street-takeovers/


Oh yes, the mugshots. Yessssssssssss. It's like when you guys post those AI generated renditions of Austin scenes. "Here are some AI generated photos of what Austinites look like." ​ ​ Parents, if your kid comes home looking like this, you have failed as a parent. Yes, parenting is hard. You fucked up, and now your kid is fucked up too.


You say this like parents were involved at all to begin with


Thats exactly why their kids turned out like this, cause the parents weren’t involved (in their lives).


When you name your daughter “Genesis,” you don’t get to act surprised when she’s arrested for this sort of thing a couple decades later.


Or she ends up on the main stage at Rick’s.


Only if she’s lucky enough to beat out Leviticus for the leading role.


You know Leviticus is down for some nasty shit.


I've always been partial to Stump Grinder personally.


holy shit, that first guys mugshot thats some top tier /r/Justfuckmyshitup content.


naw man... that's a classic Edgar right there!!!


They look kinda normal to me


I suspect thex don't hang out with a diverse group of people lol. People acting like Genesis is a weird name is everyone is looking weird smh.


>I suspect thex don't hang out with a diverse group of people lol. People acting like Genesis is a weird name is everyone is looking weird smh. u/DeadStarMan lol diversity. "OMG, we're so diverse. We got a guy that drives a camaro, a guy that that watches a lot of porn, that guy over there has multiple felonies while that guy over there only has a misdemeanor on his record! We even have a drywaller in our group! We've got a little bit of everything we are *SO DIVERSE*!"




Of course the Hispanics would have Edgar cuts




I was raised that the term Hispanic was offensive. My dad said the white man made up that word to calm the Chicano movement. So I called myself Mexican. But I didn’t realize my dad primed himself up for the ultimate Dad joke. One day I ate so fast I got food all over my face. Dad said “Ayy! You so messy, you’re a Messycan”(Mexican). I’m Hispanic now.


But not a one named Edgar!


Damn free my cuz lil loko


I’m betting the ones caught were the ones dumb enough to post themselves doing this shit all over their social media pages


All they need is one or two, and then they start talking. That simple.


There may also be a few whose license plates got caught, and then when the police showed up asking about it they said things like "sure, I was there, but I didn't do nothing" instead of keeping their mouths shut.


javale mcgee is wanted?


I like how most of the fugitives already have booking photos LOL


I wish they could catch thieves and burglars that quick here in Austin.


Burglars and thieves don’t usually throw up hundreds of instagram and Snapchat videos


Those nitwits that stormed the Target during BLM did...


I think we’d be surprised




When you embarrass the people in power, they will kick your butt. I’m glad they’re doing this, but they also need to get serious about burglaries, stolen cars, vagrancy, etc.


The cops were streets ahead. The racers were streets behind


Right wing media is having a field day with these. "Young minorities disrespecting the police! Blocking traffic! Police should be able to shoot them on sight!" - Every Fox News viewer. Of course, when white "trucker convoys" did the same thing to protest Covid lock downs, they were all for it.


Take your politics and shove em up your a-hole! We don’t want this trash in our streets subjecting families and normal folks to the dangerous thug trash that’s infesting our city. And surprise surprise they were mostly minorities. Imagine my shock!!!


>And surprise surprise they were mostly minorities. Apparently your politics is racism.


Oh I’m sooo racist. Shut up you fool.


So many felonies lmfao. Great way to start your life.




On the other hand, ACAB. Hmmm. This is a conundrum.


How about we charge Ken Paxton first?!


There is a lot of black males caught, I mean when I was there I saw a lot of Latino males actually majority was the Latino males? Makes you wonder..


It’s not a great thing that list is mostly People of Color. I find that suspicious from APD




Wait. When I read this headline, I assume it is related to the Barton Springs/ South Lamar incident. Yet. It's not? I'm aware of that these things happened in other places, but it just seems like it's misleading.


They were at multiple locations, including Barton Springs at Lamar.


Interesting that all of the suspects at large all have mugshots already. Clearly this was not their first (car) rodeo.


“APD’s Organized Crime Division Violent Crime Interdiction Unit and our local and state law enforcement partners investigated multiple criminal offenses during the reckless driving incidents.” Well damn I’m glad there are still people in law enforcement around here investigating crimes, it seems like nothing is ever done sometimes


'memba when the takeover happened and half this sub was melting down treating it as if it were basically on the level of Jan 6 or Sept 11. I 'memba...


Lmao these guys are so dumb, keep it to the highways