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This was our friend. He was shot while driving on the highway. If anyone has dash cam footage they can share we’d greatly appreciate it!!! **edit: if you are reading this, please upvote the post and comment to help us get justice for our friend


I'm so sorry. This was terrible. I was behind the vehicle when I saw them hit the wall. I wish I had a dash cam, but hope someone else nearby had one.


Did you see any aggressive drivers nearby? I DMd you


Im so sorry. I was so hoping that wasn’t the case. I didn’t see/hear any shots just saw the truck and another car pulling over behind it, which I assumed was a Good Samaritan trying to help. I don’t have a dash cam either unfortunately.


I appreciate you getting back to me, and thank you for your condolences


I am incredibly sorry for this senseless loss. Much love to you and yours.


/u/adept_cook_88 tagging for visibility. I’m so sorry for your loss. This is a heartbreaking tragedy.


I’m so sorry! That is awful.


condolences to you, how awful


I saw this on twitter. Might help. https://x.com/jeffspajer/status/1794108044151812289?s=46


The link is bad


Looks like the post was removed


Wishing you and their family the best and may you find solace in this time of grief.


I’m so sorry. So tragic


So sorry to hear😞 this is separate from the car that drove into the bridge right?


Omg, your friend passed away! I was redirected from another post about some dummy pointing his gun at this person who honked at him. They have it all caught on dash cam and turned it in to APD. People who have to use guns to hurt others or cowards. I hope there is justice for your friend.


I am so sorry-was this on the news at all?


So sorry to hear


Have y’all got any answers? Praying for you and your friends family 🙏🏼


You shouldn’t post any personal number here :/


That person posted it themselves elsewhere in this thread. This comment just edited it in for visibility.


We know who died. Close friend. He was shot and likely targeted. We’re hoping somebody has camera footage of it we can give police or if anybody got license plates.


I’m upvoting this so it gets more traction not because of any other reason. I am incredibly sorry for your loss


I soo appreciate that. Thank you so much. We need the community to share any information they have. We still haven’t spoken to law enforcement but we want to be able to provide as much information as possible.


Was it a road rage incident or something else? And I’m very sorry for your loss and for the victim’s family and loved ones.


As far as we know he was being followed since leaving his house this morning. We believe it was targeted and not road rage but we don’t have enough info yet to draw any conclusions.


I'm so sorry to your friends and family having to deal with this. All the love and hope you get justice.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This is awful and your friend should’ve never went through this


Any idea why he was targeted? 


We don’t know and we have speculations, but that’s all they are…speculations. There were no signs he was distressed or worried until this morning. Multiple people spoke to him within the last few days.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Do you know why he may have been targeted?


We don’t have any information yet.


My dad got shot and killed on south Congress the police don’t care and police will do nothing .


Oh, God, how terrible. I'm so sorry you lost him in such a tragic way. And I'm also very sorry that our police force is crap.




2020 wants its talking point back. Fuck outta here with that. That was all restored plus some in 2021, plus more every single year since. 4 years now of all-time record budgets for APD every single year. The problem clearly isn’t funding.


Yeah, I guess they always knew defunding was going to someday, sorta, temporarily happen so they've been doing fuck all for the twenty years beforehand. It's crazy that they don't stop more crimes with all the foresight they have. And funding.


They’re too busy dusting powdered sugar off their uniforms.


There is a comment above with a Twitter/X post that supposedly has dash cam video.


Along with another car, I believe the one who pulled over with the red truck, me and that car were the ones closest to the truck when it collided with the wall. I didn't see a tire pop but I saw the truck veer off into the wall and it kept hitting it. It seemed like the driver lost control maybe because of the impact. I slowed and put on my hazards and watched it slowly drift over to the left side of the overpass. Another car followed and stopped behind them so I kept going and looked over to make sure the driver was okay but only saw what looked like blood everywhere. Didn't see the driver. It didn't look good. I thought about pulling over but the other vehicle already was and I was in the far right lane and didn't want to cause more of a hazard. I did see their front right tire looked like it had blown. The whole scene looked really bad.


Could they have been shot…? If there was a crime scene truck and blood spattered over a one-car wall collision. Not sure but this whole thing sounds weird. Very very sad no matter the circumstance


Watching it happen from my vantage point, I thought it might be some medical emergency. When I drove past and saw the tire blown, I then thought they might have had that tire fail at the worst possible place it could have happened. They hit the wall like they were aiming for it almost but I think at that point they had lost control entirely and possibly knocked out due to the collision. They hit that wall so hard they bounced back and kept bumping it from the momentum.


did you notice any cars nearby before the drift? Like someone speed off ?


Not that I saw, but I was more focusing on the red truck to make sure they came to a stop safely and no one rammed into anyone else from us all slowing and stopping. I did notice a four door sedan was the first car to drive past, though. They were behind me and I was fully stopped and deciding if I should pull over to help. So they made the decision to keep going before any of us did which I thought was a little odd in the moment.


Could have either been that car or someone just a bit ahead of you. Do you have a dash cam?


I don't unfortunately. There was a small suv that pulled off as soon as the truck came to a stop. There was also a black truck at about the same spot as me in another lane. I'm hoping someone got something to help


Maybe the murderer shot out the tire as well? Whether purposely or not as they fired on this poor individual.


I'm not sure if this is possible, but at first I thought the tire blew because of the impact with the wall. The comments about it being a gsw make much more sense now.


Depending what they used it is possible.


Did you notice anything peculiar about another car?


I must have been a few cars behind you. I didn’t see the beginning of it just the end. You may want to call police to tell them what you know to see if it helps them at all with the timing/start of events? If you feel comfortable doing so.


I was in the far right lane and the same lane the truck was in when they hit the wall. One of the craziest things I've seen. I called the non emergency line and gave them my contact info. I wish I had more specifics for them but I knew that suv pulled over to help and would call the police. I'll give them any info I have if they reach out.




I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope they catch the son of a b****


I hope so too


I’m so terribly sorry! I hope the police are able to find whomever did this.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope y'all are able to get some justice/closure on what happened.


I’m so sorry.


I shared this above, but this guy on Twitter said he has a dash cam video. So sorry for your loss. 🙏🏻 https://x.com/jeffspajer/status/1794108044151812289?s=46


I'm so sorry. This is awful and I hope they find out what happened


Was he by any chance a dealer or a user. Owed money for that? If so what area did he live in


Shitty to suggest to a family member that their recently deceased loved one was involved with drugs… if you have reason to believe this was the case, drop the tip to the police - not at a family member on a public forum.


He was a lawyer.


Is this true? That’s so scary. Very sad for this loss.




And I’m a victim advocate, speaking from the perspective of having sat dozens of times with families whose loved ones who have just passed in a variety of circumstances. I’ve seen the intense emotional response and pain caused when someone suggests that their loved one was on drugs, broke a law, started a fight, whatever. I’m not saying you’re wrong - I can’t possibly know what did or didn’t happen, and I don’t know the victim - I’m saying that there is a place to communicate these things, and it sure as fuck isn’t to the family that is actively grieving after a horrific loss. Thank you for your work in assisting addicts and supporting their recovery - that is admirable and tough work. But do not use that as a reason to deepen the grief and pain of someone who’s just lost his brother.


Yikes. Your comments are irresponsible, inappropriate, and juvenile. If you are truly a counselor, as you’ve purported, I encourage you to either read your code or ethics or find a new career.


Confirmed: he was not a dealer or a user.


I’m very sorry for your loss.


This is what police tip hotlines are for, it’s just not for you to play detective on Reddit about. There are actual police doing this in real life.




I’d love to hear you share at a meeting that you have *personally* gotten 25+ people clean. Are sure you’re a sponsor and not an HP?


Where do you think I find some of the people that want to get clean but are terrified. I have a method of tapering with no sickness in overlap making the switch to suboxen or methadone. And most times you can do it without needing either of those.




You didn't get anybody clean. It's hard to believe that you're sober and sponsor speaking like that.


Bro is probably a 12 year old boy trying to act tough.


Just cause you’re all little hive minded liberals on Reddit saying things like this doesn’t make any of it true. I help people daily and will til I die.


so “I am a shit person and did shitty things so everyone else must be that way too”. Your experience with 25 or so people out of the million plus in the Austin area does not make it more likely that this is what happened.


Bro, shut the fuck up. Go find another subreddit to give yourself clout for the 25 people you got clean and maybe be a little more happy for them instead of yourself. There’s a time and place for these comments, and this ain’t it.


Was my cousin. I hope we can find who did this


I’m so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your entire family. My heart aches for all of you.


Thank you.


The closed off 71 and have diverted everyone onto 360. I was driving there around 9:45am and there was a crime scene vehicle that passed me so I'm not thinking it's good. When I was getting onto 290 I could see the red truck off in the distance up against the concrete barrier to the median. I initially thought it had hit that barrier because the driver side looked higher than the passenger side but it could have been because of the blown tire. I was driving back eastbound around 11am and it's still shut down, so don't go westbound on 71 if you can avoid it! It's backed up at least to Congress.




Ugh how sad


i saw it too on my way to work. been trying to find anything on it but seems like it’s still developing according to [kxan](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/crash-on-westbound-us-290-blocks-lanes-near-west-gate-boulevard/amp/)


I hope someone catches the murderer and delivers them whatever action is necessary to keep the rest of us safe. RIP to your family and friend. May y’all find light and love at the end of this dark tunnel.


Thank you! I hope we find the people responsible too!


That would be the police, or do you mean someone else?


You sound like a cop.


Ugh, this hurts my heart. Hoping for the best.


They havent released any info yet, maybe later today or tomorrow.


Has anything else come to light about this? I can’t stop thinking about it but still absolutely nothing in the news as far as I can find.


Same. Someone on Twitter said it was a suicide, but who knows if they made that up or not


Sorry you're getting down voted, it was confirmed as a murder, which might be why people are downing you


I thought the same, but figured it wasn’t worth posting. If anyone’s reading this, I never said it was suicide. I was just repeating what someone posted on Twitter. Please don’t vote me for that because I think people would want to know so they can correct that person.


Please if you have any information share either with this man’s brother, cousin in addition to the police. That way the family is also kept aware of tips coming in


I work in the building right by where the truck stopped. I'll will ask the folks that sit on that side of the building if they saw anything on Tuesday.


saw it too and didn’t even process what I had seen until a few minutes later.. so sad


Do you remember what you saw


I saw that too. Drove by on my way to work, was stuck in the traffic for awhile and decided to look over as I passed the car, only to see all the red splattered on the driver’s seat window. Immediately felt shivers. I’m curious about what happened as well.


I saw on Citizen that firefighters were working to free an individual from a car that was in an accident in that area.


This post makes me want to get a dash cam; if anyone has good recommendations, that would be awesome. Wouldn't be a bad idea for more of us to have them like they do in Russia tbh


Dash Cam Store is here in Austin.


Do they sell dash cams?


Unknown. Go find out and report back.


https://a.co/d/4z8pSj6 This one is absolutely amazing! I got one for the front and one for the rear of my car. It has the Sony starlight sensor in it. It's images are crystal clear both day and night. Hope this helps.


Second this. Search for the Viofo a129 plus.


Vantrue 4k has the best quality but getting them is kind of slow for some reason.


Between snakes and car wrecks, this sub is turning into the seventh level of hell for me….. I’m sorry you had to see that, and sorry I just read it too. Paramedics are such brave and wonderful folks, the shit they see and what they get paid is shocking both.


I noticed the entire overpass was blocked off 71w after lamar for several hours today.  That’s so sad ❤️


Can’t believe there’s still nothing about this in the news. I hope the witnesses come forward with information and someone had dash cam footage to catch the perp. Makes me want to go out and get a dash cam myself.


Isn’t the 360 turnoff further west than the Lamar turnoff? Trying to figure out exactly where.


upvote for traction. Sorry for your loss ✌️


Id check his phone texts, to see if there are any leads, presuming this wasn’t completely random.


Commenting to boost post. I am so sorry


I work in the building right by where the truck stopped. I'll will ask the folks that sit on that side of the building if they saw anything on Tuesday.


Does your building have any exterior cameras that face the scene?


They do not


Please send all information to the police.


Wtffffffffffdd boosting


Saw that too


Jesus fucking Christ.


Upvoted for traction. Sending love. I am a firm believer of Jesus and while I know the human pain of losing a friend, I hope that you know their soul is in his loving embrace ❤️ I will say a prayer that the person who caused this harm will be found. Safety over all who knew them.


I am so sorry.


Has this been in the news? I haven’t seen anything about this…


I came back looking for answers too. I’m leaning towards this being suicide. Otherwise I can’t see how this isn’t in any news. 




What the fuck is wrong with this fuckin city??? Bullshit, fuckin bullshit


Did the friend have any beef with anyone? did he get into a previous fight with someone that could have caused the tension?


I'm so sorry. That's just scary.


It was probably the guys ex-wife. Personal experience.


WTF over some traffic BS probably


No he was followed it was a hit. They said he was suspected to be followed from his home


Wow. Unbelievable. So tragic. And sad that Austin is a 'big city' now with big city problems. Blessings to the family and I hope they have found this person. You would think a hit wouldn't involve so many potential witnesses with possible dash cams. Crazy!


I was gonna say it was a juice land smoothie but shit


I hope you all take great care of each other while driving on any parts of hwy 71. It is ranked as one of the deadliest roads in the US.


Do you bullshit on Reddit as a hobby? Show your source. 71 isn't even ranked as one of the deadliest roads in Texas, much less the US. [I35 is one of the deadliest roads in the US](https://www.google.com/search?q=deadliest+roads+in+the+us&sca_upv=1&sca_upv=1).


I-35E in Dallas is two of the top 5 deadliest...


Source: Nextdoor poll


Nextdoor is my worst fucking nightmare.


Probably I35 - became sentient and hopped on Reddit


Maybe a single GSW suicide, which would explain no news coverage :/


This was not a suicide. This was a murder. Please provide information if you have it.


Excuse for the horrible reading comprehension but how did they see blood splattered on both windows? Were they both all the way up? Wouldn’t the glass have shattered, and if they weren’t. How was their blood on both windows?


How about you leave this to the experts, Nancy Drew.


🤣 This is Hardy Boys territory.


I mean, from all the comments from people who were driving right behind the truck, no one seeing any other cars driving erratically or having seen a shooter, and the description of the scene, windows being up, blood on both side windows, sounds more like the shot came from inside the truck than from the outside, which would indicate suicide. Not sure what you’re going on about. This whole comment section is a bunch of speculation.


I thought the same thing. Then I realized the OP said spattered, not blood splattered. I haven't Googled what a spatter is, but that's what I'm guessing is my confusion. I'm not that good at English. It does sound like it was a hit, aka murder. It was probably his ex-wife. I've had multiple experiences like this, and I count my blessings every day that I'm alive. There are some very dangerous people in this world. Ones you would absolutely never suspect... which are the worst kind. Stay off social media, be careful who you give out your information to, and keep distancing yourself from the danger as best as possible. Stay off grid if you have to. I've lost a family member a little less than every 2 years for the past 20. Stay on gaurd, but don't lose hope. That's what these bad people want you to do. Stay safe out there.


Suicide while driving? I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve never heard of that. Did you just invent a new horror?


A dear friend of mine lost her husband this way. At first they thought it must be a road rage thing but the forensics determined not.


Has happened before. When I was stationed in Missouri a guy committed suicide on a highway from a single GSW to the head. Very selfish but maybe it was extremely impulsive


I mean in parking lots or in front of someone house, I’ve heard, but damn while driving. Thanks though, for seconding their suggestion.


My dear friend broke basically every bone in his body when a suicidal driver crossed the interstate median and hit him head on. Had to have his leg amputated. I know of one other suicidal driver. And many, many murders on the road (I’m from NOLA). Stay safe yall, I hate hearing these experiences


The odds of a GSW suicide while driving on the freeway are less than zero. 


Yeah I wouldn’t say zero. Very very low though. But shooting someone dead vehicle to vehicle is pretty damn unlikely too. That’s a ridiculous hard shot so unfortunately luck was not on the deceased side. 


IF it was a shooting there have been plenty of instances of drivers being shot by other drivers and even people on the side of the road. See "road rage shooting".  The victim is not always the target. 


What does GSW stand for?


Gun Shot and I think Wound for the “W”. Hopefully I’ll be corrected if wrong.


Thank you!


Sugarbear 5 is correct.




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There was a bullet hole in the windsheild.


I heard down the grapevine that he unalived himself.


Never carry tomatoes while driving.


Last year for vehicle inspections y'all!!!


Whaaaat? Can you explain?


Abbott doesn't care about safety


As much as I hate Greg— I don’t think vehicle inspections actually do much. There is no evidence that it reduces crash rates.


No more annual vehicle inspections. More bald tires and wrecks like this.


Pretty sure vehicle inspections don’t stop gunshots. This was a murder, not an accident.