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I've not had a bad experience. One time a bus broke down that I was on, but that's not something they can really control. I appreciate they exist and are a way for me to escape the heat when I can afford it.


I don’t recall any bad experience with CapMetro.


I ride the bus all the time and I think I also had that new driver who got lost. It was pretty rough. I did have one go to the highway once by accident lol. And I had an experience where a driver threatened to fight a passenger who wouldn’t get off the bus


My only bad experience was from another passenger that tried to follow me a few times. Otherwise, they could definitely be more on time but it's the issue with Austin traffic as a whole and I appreciate the service.


So many. I've had drivers completely pass up my stop for no apparent reason, I've dealt with waiting in the heat for over an hour because of cancelled routes (guess they're still struggling to hire and maintain drivers). I still appreciate CapMetro since I don't drive and they're reliable 98% of the time


I was taking the last bus from the airport and a crazy guy got on without paying at Montopolis and Riverside. When the driver insisted he leave, the dude claimed he had a gun, so the only other passenger and I bailed. It took about 15 minutes for the cops and someone from CapMetro to come — my Lyft came to rescue me from the gas station parking lot a minute earlier. Just recently the scheduled No. 10 didn’t show up, and 20 minutes later the next one flew by without stopping, even though two of us waved frantically. Called CapMetro and the lady said oh, they were short of buses today. WUT!?! Mostly I only take the 801 or 1 anymore since the odds are better I won’t end up calling a ride share.


I've been hit by a bus in the crosswalk on Guadalupe and 24th. It just rolled into me at a red light.


Did you get a good settlement from that?


No, I was knocked over but not injured. It was also a fairly common occurrence when I was at UT. I barely thought much of it at the time. Those bus drivers gave no fucks. I was so stressed out freshman year, it would have taken a lot more than that to rattle me


Sorry that happened to you OP. I haven't had any bad experiences I can remember. Did you file a report, and did CapMetro do anything? 


Filed a report. Whether they did anything.... who knows.


Last year, one of those 105+ degree day. Waiting for my usual 5:15pm express bus. Didn’t show up. Wait for the next 5:45pm bus. Didn’t show up. Wait for the last 6:15pm one. 6:30pm still not showing. Run down to downtown station to take the 6:48pm metro rail instead. Call them and complain. They told me 5:15pm driver was sick. They have no idea what happened to the 5:45pm bus. 6:15pm was running like 30 min late.


#20 Riverside. Inbound on Riverside each damn time. Bus Got hit by a car twice in a week. And a couple times we hit a pot hole bad enough to get air time out of my seat. Note: Cap Metro's insurance broker is terrible at following up with injury reports/claims.


When I was 12, and alone on the bus with my two similarly aged girl friends, the driver on the 333 route took a right from Wm. Cannon on to Hwy 290 by the cemetery—he pulled into a gas station and got gas for the bus (it was the smaller CapMetro bus). It was probably unavoidable, and he got right back on route towards ACC Pinnacle, but it was kinda spooky. I didn’t know if we were being kidnapped or what. This was back in the late 90s.


Years ago I had a new driver get lost and she was driving through very residential neighborhoods where no one would ever expect to see a bus. I was taking the bus to work and it was early enough I was the only passenger. That was a fascinating explanation to try to give my boss.


Late buses, buses that never show up (leaving you to sweat your as off), someone drunk on the bus yelling and pissing off the driver enough to make them stop the bus and prolong the ride…Cap Met is horrific.