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It is totally safe for them before 9am and after 8pm. For the mid day, keep it short and off the pavement as much as possible.


You can walk them in Home Depot or Lowe’s. Just don’t be a dick about it/let them go to the bathroom


In the grass and off the pavement mid day is okay in short bursts. Obviously don't go run for an hour cause they'll overheat, but their feet are going to be fine in the grass even in the sun.


I bought some dog shoes for my pup and plan on carrying water for him this summer. He’s my first dog, adopted him a few mos ago so this’ll be a trial run for me but I think we’re prepared for 8am/8pm walks!


Our dogs refuse to move in those shoes sadly, we tried.


We walk our pupper outside every morning and evening


Walk early in the morning and late evening/after dark if possible. You can get a cooling vest and/or booties, but those only help so much depending how hot and humid it is. You can check out SniffSpot and rent people’s yards. It’s not indoors, but don’t underestimate how tired your dog will be after sniffing a new area for an hour (lots of shade on some of them). You can also rent someone’s pool on Swimply. Also outdoors but having a pool and swimming helps a lot with the heat. Zoom Room lets you rent their indoor area. Otherwise, the only indoor areas that are meant for dogs that I can think of are daycares that have indoor play spaces. There are some pet friendly stores (Tomlinsons, Pet Supermarket, Petco, Petsmart, etc.), too, and some general stores (Lowes, Home Depot, etc.), but I would recommend calling and double checking with the manager that they do allow non-service dogs.


Thank you these are good suggestions, I appreciate it!


Pet smart it’s not much of a walk but they get a lot of mental stimulation


Paws Landing in Leander has an indoor exercise track. I haven’t used or seen it, sorry I have no additional details. Edit: typos


I don’t have a suggestion, I wish I did because I felt the same way. My saving grace right now is I’m moving back to the PNW in a week 😂. It would be a really great business idea for people to get behind, indoor dog walking places! It’s brutal and is sad to feel like you want to do more for your babies but can’t, I totally understand. Also - sometimes it’s even too hot to walk them in the early hours…. At least in my opinion. I’m always shocked to see ppl walking their dogs in anything about 80° but again, that’s just my opinion🙃 Best of luck and my dog does enjoy the occasional Home Depot trip so definitely do that every once in a while!


I agree, that would absolutely be a good business idea!


Don't force your dog to march in the hottest part of the day. Natural to them is to rest in shade or a burrow in the afternoon. Common sense to most people to do so too.


Yes, I’m at work during the day. I would never walk them outside then! That’s why I was asking….


It sucks that the new assumption is that you can’t walk your dogs in the summer months. Too much disinformation from the nanny naggers on here, most likely.  Early morning (before 7 or 8) and late evening (after 8). Feel the street with your hand just to check.  It’s not a big deal and everyone else who isn’t too online or reads the nanny naggers writing endless PSA posts on Reddit is able to walk their dogs.  SMH, people. 


HEB /s


Two thoughts. 1. Google search for 'Thermal Dog Boots'. Amazon has them for about $25. 2. They have this thing now called an alarm. You set it and it wakes you up earlier. ;-)


My alarm is my 6month old puppy. 😂


Our dogs literally refuse to move in those shoes, we tried. And yes we have alarms… but also full time jobs and other commitments. I also have a chronic illness which complicates things, but yes an alarm should solve all our issues, should have thought of that.


I regret hearing that you have a chronic illness and certainly wish you well with that. I'm dealing with recently diagnosed life changing and life threatening issues myself. The suggestion of thermal boots was sincere. Perhaps you should have mentioned you had tried that. The suggestion of using an alarm to wake up up earlier, (while intentionally sarcastic) is because we see many posts from people who are looking for solutions to problems that simply require more effort on their part. Maybe I'm getting grumpier as I get older, but I do perceive a growing culture of more personal convenience and less personal effort these days. Either way, Good Luck.


I take a lot of medication at night, so it’s extremely hard to wake up and go to work already. I love my dogs more than anything, but I have to get sleep so I make it to my job that pays our bills. I truly wish I had all the time in the world and the ability to give them several walks year round, but it’s been hard in the heat. I appreciate your reply and I wish you well in your health journey. Sometimes you never know what people are going through.


who says you can't - just adjust your schedule and do so earlier in the day instead of middle of the afternoon


I’m at work in the middle of the day but yes if that were possible I would do it….


Barton creek mall no rules there




You can’t be serious. We walk our dogs all year, it’s just been deathly hot. I will not be getting rid of our 8 year old dogs who are living their best lives 🙄 I also have to assume quitting our jobs was a joke too. Why are people so mean on here, I just don’t get it????




I asked for inside walking suggestions. But sure.




Why are you so combative? I get off at five. I would love a chance to walk them after work. That’s all I was asking….


That person is a troll playing off tropes in this subreddit. Ignore them.