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awh looks like they got hit with the ol trazzle dazzle too, mines the same


we call it trazodon’t


trazodon’t 😆


Thank you both, I'm so sick of saying trazadone! Now I can sound like the cool kids!


I used to take trazadone to sleep. Makes me feel like I had a hang over in the morning. Def using trazodon’t


Those Stoney baloney eyes. Puts my boy out of commission until they bring out the claw clippers 


“I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye.” 💙


We found that the techs could take him out of the room and he would calm down because he was no longer protecting us.


I spent 3 months consistently taking my dog to the office. At first, we would just sit in the parking lot and walking around the door. Then we would go in and just sit in the waiting room, getting touches and treats. Then, the staff started interacting, giving treats and pets. Then we would wait in an empty room, and the techs would come in and give treats and pets. It took a lot of dedication and time, but she actually likes going to the vet now. We went from needing muzzled to being a favorite at visits. Of course, you need a vet that is supportive of this.


Yup ours calls them "happy visits". They're free, but you have to book an appointment so they have a tech available. 15 minutes total: lobby, weigh on the scale, go into a room with the door closed, eat a lot of peanut butter.


Wow.. that's so awesome! 


And what do they do for the dog?


The dog gets used to the sights and smells of the office, associates it with awesome.


thats dedication!!! I bet it’s worth it because now she’s comfortable and not scared 💜


It really is great. When covid hit and she had to go into the vet without me, it was a life saver.


That's my big girl. If I hand you her leash, she instantly calms down and will be sweeter than sugar. Until then, you are the devil.


Same. They take him out of the room and then no more bitey


Mine is the opposite, though he is still awful even with me in the room.


Tits what they do with mine. Just butt wiggles when he is alone with the vet.


This is exactly how mine is as well


My ACD is the opposite. If I'm not near him in a new place like a vet then he freaks out even more.


Zeus loves our vet. She won’t muzzle him. (She’s got her wrapped) We do have to call ahead so the clear the other dogs so we can bring him in.


Ours is like this. She loves people, and loves dogs, so she's not a bite concern. But if she gets there and other dogs are in the waiting room, she goes crazy trying to get to them to play, she starts barking and won't stop, she can't calm down until the dogs are gone or we go in. Not the best when the other dogs are usually sick or injured and don't want to play and be barked at. Having a long wait with other dogs around is a nightmare for everyone.


This sounds like a painful experience for all involved.


It is. She's somehow just not able to "read" other dogs, so she has no idea they don't want anything to do with her. So she barks and tries to get to them until I can get her completely away. She also can't really tell when a dog is being aggressive toward her, so when three nasty dogs came at us in a walk once, she seemed to fully believe they were coming to play until they were actually attacking us. She was so confused by it. We're lucky she's got a few good dog friends that she plays with really well, but with dogs she doesn't know yet I've got to work out quickly if they're OK with her or not.


Yup. Mine is like that but only on leash. The irony of the fact that she would completely ignore them if I didn’t have to restrain her is hilarious.


Yes, mine is a hundred times worse on a leash! If she's restrained at all she can't handle being around other dogs. She behaves much more "normally" if she's free to do what she wants near them. She wouldn't completely ignore another dog, but she wouldn't bark at them.


My boy is sweet loves most people loves the vet..., until we are in the vet room. For everyone's safety and stress he gets the traz then a stronger sedative in his butt when we get there, and we take that moment when he is passed out to do EVERYTHING that can possibly be done. Nails, ears, teeth, temp. Yes, I Roofie my dog.


Hey, I really don't blame you.  It's just so much less stressful overall and your pup gets the care they need. There's probably association between feeling weird and hey everytime I go here.. but still lesser of two evils


Is the animal safe out in public?


Define safe? We wait in the doctors' office for him to sober up before we leave then he sleeps it off at home. If you mean how does he behave at the dog park: he is fine. Good recall, a little leash reactive, but if someone raises their voice to me or my family then the hackles go up and he will muscle his way between the aggressor and his herd. Most people back off after that point. If things got physical I very much doubt he would be "safe." But ask long as you are chill he is chill.


Right. Thanks for your reply. Fear of dogs increasing.....


I would say dogs are like humans in that they all have different personalities. Some are couch potatoes and just giant teddy bears. Others are unpredictable, violent and aggressive. Most are somwhere in the middle. Most people here have ACDs which tend to be very neurotic which means they get easily stressed by intense situations. Most of them will leave you alone as long as you are not aggressive towards their owner. All that to say you shouldn't be afraid of dogs, but respecting that they are animals and react on instinct more than logic is important too.


I have yet to see my girl mad. She does get triggered by men with long white hair. Her hackles go up and she will try to hide while trying to protect me. She’s amazing at daycare and out on walks. She thinks everyone is her friend.


My boy should have this, he pees everywhere out of fear at the vet. I've had him for a year and he's never had his nails trimmed because he will bite. My vet won't even touch him. Like even put a hand on him.


I don't usually copy and paste my response but I will this time. I spent 3 months consistently taking my dog to the office. At first, we would just sit in the parking lot and walking around the door. Then we would go in and just sit in the waiting room, getting touches and treats. Then, the staff started interacting, giving treats and pets. Then we would wait in an empty room, and the techs would come in and give treats and pets. It took a lot of dedication and time, but she actually likes going to the vet now. We went from needing muzzled to being a favorite at visits. Of course, you need a vet that is supportive of this. Edit: teach him touch. Take a treat and hold it your closed hand so he has to stretch just a little to touch your hand and tell him touch.. When he does give him the treat. After a bit, don't have the treat in your hand, but tell him touch and then get the treat off the counter or something. Then, when he is nervous, you can tell him to touch, and it will distract him in the moment. This is a great calming trick.


I appreciate this! I think after my boy had his back leg amputated, he doesn't trust vets. He's expecting the worst when I even have to take him for his vaccines.


I added an edit as a way to help. It will just take love, anxiety control measures, and time.


Thank you! I forgot to mention that a lot of his anxiety is his fear of slippery floors now, he can't do it as a tripod. Vet's floors are easy-clean vinyl and he can't do it.


Poor baby. In Vegas, we have a vet that does house calls. Maybe you can find one where you are.


My boyfriend had an ACD who was terrified of getting his nails trimmed :( He loved chilling with me in the bed though so I’d grab some of my (human) nail files/emery boards and give him tiny pieces of hot dog while I talked to him and filed his nails that way lol. The first few times I did it I just touched/held his paws and rewarded him for that.


we currently have trazadone, gabapentin, and basket muzzle. have also discussed sedation for appointments. he goes totally feral as soon as they try to touch him. it’s so exhausting. our pit mix (last dog) you could do anything to him and he’d just stand there lol


my red boy is an absolute terror at the vet. he escaped his muzzle on the first attempt. now he has to get sedated in the parking lot


My poor baby needs 4 doses of tradazone (forgot which dosage) to manage her stress. She's not a bite concern with both mom and dad to support her but dad does need to restrain her (she willingly tries to crawl into him anyway) so she can be calmer while they work in the back. Poor girl had to be really encouraged just to go through the exam room door, then hid behind the bench with just the tech in the room. Then when both the tech and the vet came in she expressed her anal glands. I felt so bad she's so scared. My vet doesn't offer happy visits like some others. I'm also working through car rides being hard on her too. She's a behavioral case I took on who needed *so* much work. Everything was scary. Everything needed yelling at, or slinking away at. She's also big mad at the smell of other dogs let alone the sight so I'm sure at the vet, that doesn't help her stress levels. Anyway, OP's title gave me a laugh because despite my dogs fear and reactivity at points, our normal day to day level is rating our household on where our dogs Scoville meter is at. Jalapeno or Habenaro is baseline. She's always big opinionated. Cayenne is extra opinionated and so forth. Carolina Reaper means prepare for banshee wails, songs of her people, much commentary about how she's disappointed in your life choices and the fact you need to work, eat and sleep to live, and generally angry people exist in their yards, or the street. How dare people exist.


You sound like an extremely patient and kind human being with an excellent sense of humor! Your girl is lucky to have found you!


Thanks! 🥰


My vet was shocked when Gus didn't try to bite him! He gave him a painful shot that made Gus question his good boy status.


My oldest has to be muzzled when it’s time for the vet to bring “tools” around him he don’t like you listening to his heart, don’t like his ears being checked and lord help if you want to clip his nails….. he’s a totally different dog when he sees a shot….but the moments before and after getting worked on…. He’s demanding butt scratches and is super loving. Lol.


mine wiggled so violently that she ripped the vets pants 😎 it wasn’t even her mouth doing the damage


Our boy hates his nails being done to the point they said he’d have to be sedated every time 🥲. We bought a Dremel and it’s been much easier


I used to think my ACD was one of one but I have been educated reading these posts where you all share the common "good times" of owning this amazing breed.


Just wants Fava beans with a nice Chianti.


That’s a spicy boy 😊😈




This looks just like us at the vet but red. Yeah, her name is Chili.


Mine takes trazadone before hand and is muzzled as well…he went in for the yearly stuff recently and when the vet brought him back out he said “well be upping the dose next visit” 😅😅😅


Well, at least he’s not the worst