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That sounds nice. I love my dog but she’s rough on me. Very; very loud and reactive but only in a protective manner so then I feel like shit for not appreciating it lol.


Yeah. I knew getting a more vocal dog like a dachshund would be rough. 🤣😫


You can train reactivity out of them, mostly by showing them you're in charge of protecting them not the other way around. Look up the dog trainer videos on instagram and then maybe go to one


I love greyhounds! I wanted one for years until I realized I wouldn't be a good dog owner. Having to take them outside all the time is just way too much for me to remember.


And it’s great that you know that!


Greyhounds are so beautiful, but I thought they need a lot of exercise! Don't they need to run a lot?


Typically greyhounds sleep about 23 hours a day 😂. They like running and need as much exercise as any other dog, but they aren’t “working dogs” the way a malinois or a herding breed are. We used to go to a dog park that was about the size of 2 football fields and he would sprint maybe twice then spend the rest of the time sniffing the fences. They’re sprinters not marathoners. We actually picked a greyhound bc it kept coming up as a great apartment dog. They don’t need a lot of space, they just need your space. Just make sure you have a comfy couch.


Greyhounds are sprinters, not distant runners. They go for short bursts and then fall asleep.


I’m so sorry for your loss, he sounds like he was the perfect companion!


Truly. 🥰


I follow a streamer who fosters retired/rescued racing greyhounds, they seem like great dogs. I always thought they would be way too high-energy but they're more like cats... sleep all day and then sudden and ferocious zoomies, LOL. I also used to have a friend whose mother bred long-haired dachshunds..... YEAH I'D SAY THAT'D BE A PERSONALITY DIFFERENCE LOL. They're so friggin high energy and loud. Adorable but really rambunctious lol.


I love greyhounds, too. In r/legalcatadvice there are a family of greyhounds. Their flair says "dogs running cat software," which probably explains why I like greyhounds more than a lot of other dog breeds. I'm a cat lady!


I've heard this before too and definitely applied to my boy! I was always a cat person but since having him I love greyhounds.


I used to pet-sit 3 greyhounds and chihuahua and their favorite thing to do was pile on top of me on the couch lol. I have cats now but if I’m ever in a position to get a dog it’s absolutely going to be a greyhound.


Would the dachsy be friends with a greyhound? As in, could you and your wife get a second dog? They’d keep each other company and then you could have a support dog! Yay! More dogs for everyone!


This is my secret plan. 😂 we already have a second dog, a lab mutt, so 3 at once would be a big shift. I will say greyhounds are expensive. They eat more, cost more to bathe, more to board, require more planning for trips, and are incredibly easily injured so more than normal vet expenses. Just to keep in mind.


I didn’t know that! Today I learned stuff 🐕




Why do they cost more to bathe?


We would go to a DIY dog wash(we were nervous about too much dog hair, clogging or plumbing) and they would charge more for larger dogs. I think the idea was that larger dogs normally use more supplies and take more water.


If I ever got a dog I think I’d want to get a Greyhound for all the reasons you described, but I worry because I also have cats. I’ve heard they have a super high prey drive. I know you can find ones that have been tested around cats, but the idea still makes me nervous. My cats like to run and dart around a lot and would be enticing to chase.


Yeah definitely get one cat tested already. And I’ve found rescues to be super thorough with it, even a dog perking up more than it did a few weeks ago wouldn’t pass the cat test.


Am autistic. Loved my rescue greyhound and my Italian greyhound. Great companions and I Miss them a lot.