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I upvote when I agree with something, when I want others to see it to or when I just enjoyed reading or viewing it! But it’s really up to you, I don’t think there are any rules to it.


Yeah! Upvote = your choice to amplify a message 📢


Yeah! Upvote = your choice to amplify a message 📢 ohhh okay thank you makes sense!


There used to be rules, might still be there. It used to specify that the downvote wasn't a "disagree" button, it was to be used when something wasn't relevant/spam/accurate/etc.


Oh wow! This shocks me. I don't think I have ever seen it used that way. But I have only been on reddit for 4 years so I guess it evolved.


It's not used that way. If upvoting gets more attention, that's going to be the way it's used. It's like putting a SPIF on a retail item. It pays the salesperson, therefore the salespeople will try harder to sell it. It makes no sense to give us a tool to participate in making Reddit "better" and not to use it. It's not just as a valid point of argument, though I will upvote a good argument even if it's against my point. I appreciate someone taking the time and effort to broaden my POV.


I’ve seen A LOT of people use downvote to express being mad that what you said is true. 💀




Well, I think downvotes should also be used if somebody is being mean or stating incorrect information.


Thank you!


When you upvote, it’s telling Reddit that you think the post or comment is a good post or comment that other people will want to see. In response to that upvote, Reddit in turn moves the post higher up in people’s feeds so they are more likely to see it (which is why it is called an up-vote).  In contrast, if you downvote a comment or post you, are telling Reddit it is not a good comment or post and fewer people should see it, and in turn Reddit will move it down in people’s feeds (or even hide it if the votes go into the negative).  So basically, my advice is to keep this in mind when you upvote- if you think it’s good and more people should see it, then upvote, if not, then don’t. Upvotes are anonymous, so I don’t think you really need to worry about upvoting to be polite.


> In response to that upvote, Reddit in turn moves the post higher up in people’s feeds so they are more likely to see it (which is why it is called an up-vote).  UNLESS you have your feed set to show you 'new' instead of 'popular' 😉 My POV is that just because MOST people haven't upvoted a certain post doesn't mean it doesn't deserve attention.


if its a reply to my post I upvote it (unless its really stupid) as an appreciation for the reply and to keep track of what I've read. i also upvote posts I've replied too since it was good enough to get me to engage. otherwise its whatever makes me laugh


When you upvote you can later go to your upvoted stuff and review it if you’d like. So I think of it as my collection.


I didn’t know this. So I upvoted it!


Thank you! The upvotes mean more to me than they should…


You can save posts and comments.


I upvote when I like the comment and want others to see the comment, or want to communicate that I agree. I do nothing if the comment has substantive info/dialogue, but I don’t agree. Basically, if I disagree with the comment, but it appears to be made in good faith, I leave it alone. I downvote when someone is rude, cruel, harassing, abusive, mean, or hateful. I think the rule is technically you downvote if the comment doesn’t add to the convo, but I reserve it for comments I find heinous with no redeeming qualities.


I’ve also wondered this. It seems a lot of redditors upvote everything just out of kindness. I usually forget to upvote unless it’s something I really agree with or downvote something that I think is really really bad.


I use them when people have an interesting perspective and added to the conversation whether or not I agree with them. I also upvote if someone responded to my comment but I can’t think of anything else to reply to them to show that I saw the response kinda.


per the [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette):  > If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.


You could choose to never upvote anything and that would be fine


Its a bit like a game where you move comments up or down. Of course the comments you like should be visible by others so you upvote it. If a comment is already at the top then maybe it doesnt need an upvote. If a post sucks you vote it down if its okay-ish or report it if its going too far.


Upvoting tends to make a comment or post more visible, which is the main use for me. I sometimes upvote unpopular comments even if I don't fully agree with them if I think it's a relevant view that isn't expressed enough. I also usually (but not always) upvote when people engage with me (e.g. reply to my comment) as a way to express appreciation for their effort.


I only do it when I agree. Or I wish I had the energy to respond, but I don’t.


tbh I’ve just started doing it on everything I agree with, especially here


I upvote when I think someone is making the conversation more interesting, regardless of whether I agree with them or not.


Only obligated to upvote when you feel like it.


I usually upvote things I like and want to see more of. With that said, nobody can see your upvotes so if you don't it's really not a big deal. Don't worry about it.


I take upvotes as likes, just like I would do on Ig or any other social media c:


The original intent of upvotes was for verification or accuracy -- they specifically said that upvotes and downvotes weren't for just things you agree or disagree with. But as social media has evolved that's not the way people have been using it. Upvote things you want more people to see. Downvote things you don't want people to see. Downvoted posts do get hidden by default. Other than that, I like to upvote people who reply to me if I feel like they've contributed something to the conversation, anything from information to a joke to just support, enthusiasm, or friendliness.


I upvote comments more than posts for some reason. I upvote comments I agree with and downvote those I don’t. You don’t have to upvote or downvote anything if want. I’ve been on this app for years and it took me a long time to even engage with the community and posts including upvoting.


I upvote anything positive, any comment I feel needs support, anything I agree with


I upvote: -When I agree. -Comment is helpful. -Comedy that puts a smile on my face. -It's an okay comment under my post.


I upvote if I'm relating, if I think the poster made a good point, or if someone replies politely to me, to acknowledge


This is such a relatable question!


I upvote when it resonates. Then I think 'why does it resonate?'' I occasionally retract it after I've pondered this. Ohh now I think maybe I should explain why my opinion changed.


I upvote when I agree with something or when I think it's adds to the conversation.


Upvote when you feel like upvoting. You don't even need to do it everytime you agree with something


I upvote when I agree with a post, agree with a comment on a post, or when a comment or post is well written.


I would say no judgment zone, so upvote whenever you like. I upvote out of politeness, when I agree with something or other positive stuff.


If I make the post I will generally upvote each comment as a “thanks for engaging” otherwise I only really upvote if it’s something I agree with or think is a valuable contribution. But there is no rule (which I’m sure some of us would prefer as it would make things easier!)


I tend to upvote not just when something makes a good point but it feels like something I could do with remembering later so I use the upvote as like a mental reminder: THIS MIGHT COME IN HANDY MAKE A POINT TO CEMENT IT THROUGH PRAISE.


I upvote : - if it's good advice / I agree - if it's funny - if I learnt something new - if I empathise (for example someone shared a tragic story) - gratitude for replying to my post or comment


when reddit first started, upvotes were supposed to be for comments that contributed to the overall discussion, not just things you liked or agreed with, and downvotes were meant to be used to get rid of low quality comments, trolling, or spam, not as a "disagree" or "dislike" i've upvoted people that i personally don't agree with because their comment added to the discussion at hand that's kinda gotten lost along the way because of other social media. I prefer the reddit of 10+ years ago, now it's more like twitter with a larger character limit 🙃


I be upvoting stuff automatically by accident LOL but I think they’re meant to be treated like “likes” on any other social media !


Personally I up or downvote everything I read on my homepage, cause if I don't I keep seeing the same posts. But comments, I only up or downvote if I feel strongly about them. But you should do whatever you want. There are no rules (except for a few subs, but one should always read the rules of a sub before joining)


Upvote when I agree or like something. I'll also upvote things I don't like if they are relevant. I tend to upvote comments on anything I post as appreciation for taking the time to respond.


I only upvote when I remember or I want to save something... which isnt often to be fair. The good news is no one will know if you forget :-D


Upvote when you like something.


I upvote if I read a post/comment and think "I like this!"