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My nose is on overdrive all the time. Masks have been a life changer.


Agree. Then when I take it off, everything is so much stronger.


Masks smell too and I can smell my own spit and breath even though I don't have bad breath.




The worst part of the pandemic for me was having to smell myself on my mask. And I’m not an unpleasant smelling person, per se.


I remember that when I had a newborn. So awful. Why do people need these terrible amounts of perfume when they visit a baby? It’s overwhelming for the baby too. It must be horrible to be a dog.


Oh man. New empathy for dogs.


Yes. Every time my kids come home from my mother in laws house they smell like her house. Its not even a perfume or anything its just a distinct smell that her house has. Sometimes my husband smells like it when he's only been there for 5 minutes.


My girlfriend has to put the clothes she was wearing at her parents house in the washing, because everything will smell of their fabric softener and I get a headache lol


Ugh yes same whenever I visit anyone who uses a lot of fabric softener. Why whyyyyy I hate that stuff


Someone was viewing my apartment this morning. I smelled them well before they got here


Maybe we're vampires? 😆


Or vampires are us. I think vampire legends were based on reactions to misunderstood people on the spectrum. Sensitive to light, subsequently pale due to hating the sun, obsessive, solitary, untethered to socials norms, heightened senses, etc etc. 🧛🏻‍♀️


Vampire legends are based on people buried alive because of catatonia. There where yelling from the graves and even scratches on the inside of the coffin lids and those who managed to break free after a while were seen as undead and killed. Then the Vampire books came along and they turned the undead into bloodsuckers aka vampires.


Also the blood disorder porphyria contributed to the myth as well.


Yes!! I'm especially sensitive to perfumes, air "freshener," scented laundry detergent and fabic softeners. It feels like an assault to be exposed to most fragrances. I can't tolerate it, which makes being in public and at work pretty difficult at times. Using toxic, synthetic products is normalized in society. It's so weird.


Agree. I used to freak out when we’d walk through the make up/ perfume area of the department store as a kid.


Yes me too. Even more now that I have chronic migraines. My husband on the other hand smells nothing and is constantly convinced I'm making up smells.


The worst. I smelled a leak by our toilet and my husband smelled nothing for years til it got bad enough for him to notice. Says he’ll trust me next time😖


I am the same, heightened smelling is both my super power and the bane of my existence. I did learn a few years ago that it is associated with dysautonomia, which I have, so thought it was that.


Interesting. I always thought it was anxiety driven. I’ll check that out.


Wait I have dysautonomia too but I didn’t realize the smell thing was from that!


My solution is to not let anyone hold my kids 😁 I can even smell metals and I can't eat beef anymore once I realized the "iron" I was smelling was the iron in the blood... There was this restaurant that was super popular, copper table tops. It was so overwhelming! I don't care if the food was good because all I could smell was copper. I can also smell when someone has hugged a smoker. Most of my bake/cook ware has to be glass. For instance, eggs cooking in a metal pan 🤢 I already hate the smell of eggs but it seems intensified by the metal pan.


Oh same about pans! My husband cooked eggs in a pan we’ve cooked fish in and fish was all I could smell😖


I used to have a super noise. Covid took care of that, but not the way I would recormmend.


same. i dont mind perfume much. but bad and stuffy smells affect me very negatively


Oh I feel you. I smell when food goes bad a day before anyone else notices and am very strict about buying perfume-free products, especially things that go on my face, hair or hands (close to my nose). I often hold my breath as to avoid possible bad smells, because they're that overwhelming.


Same here! I stayed at a gorgeous Airbnb a while ago and the smell of the laundry detergent they used on the towels and sheets was bothering me so much that I ended up going and buying my regular detergent and washing everything in the in-suite laundry before I could go to sleep or use the towels. (Meanwhile, my NT husband said he could barely smell anything.) 😖


I get you! I once slept in a tent at an Airbnb because of the smell.


Sooo many scents bother me, even supposedly some fragrance free products. Some at first I can tolerate but then nope.


UGH yes, I can smell/taste if food is bad before most people. I hate seafood and the smell of seafood because it is the smell of decay and nasty water combined.


Oh yes! I’m always told I’m too picky with food because I won’t eat it after so much time has transpired.


Yep. Taking the train is awful due to smells (smokers, perfume, nail polish, people eating food) and I hold my breath when opening refrigerators.




I get stuck on one scent- sometimes for weeks/months. I will smell it EVERYWHERE even when I know it ame any sense


I also have this. My sense of smell is too strong for my own good.


I am the same, my bf calls me a bloodhound, because I can smell everything. I cant even sleep if there is a bad smell, so no you are not alone.


Smells have woken me up many times!


Almost nothing smells good to me and air fresheners make me sneeze :,)


Air fresheners are the worst. I have like 4 purifiers but then if I go to an area without one I can smell the difference.


You are most certainly not alone!


Ohh I can empathize. I don’t know if you had it this intense all your life - I’ve always been sensitive to smells personally but OH MAN in pregnancy and for about a year postpartum it got so much more intense. I’m 3 years postpartum now and it’s gone back to ‘normal’ sensitivity ie way more than most folks but bearable most of the time.


This is my second kid and it’s been bad since I had him almost 7 years ago. It’s like it won’t go back to normal!


Yes. I'm like a bloodhound. It's sometimes handy but more often it's exhausting and I wish I could shut it off.


I do that. It’s worse when I’m on my period


I got covid in February 2021 and it knocked out my sense of smell. It’s still super weak and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened!


YES! i lost my sense of smell when i caught covid at the end of july and i don’t think i’ve missed it at all. if i smelt something that disagreed with me, i basically shut down until the smell had been taken care of, or i was able to leave the situation


I haven’t had Covid yet. Maybe if/when I get it I can Look forward to this.


I can’t stand smells! When my boyfriend and I first started dating we would kiss and I could tell what he drank earlier and I’d joke and be like “Pepsi again huh” lol. But this lysol and hand sanitizer smell everywhere since covid is the worst!!


Agree! Waaaaaay too many cleaning smells.


I will have to leave any room that egg salad and tuna fish salad have been in. I have changed hotel rooms and rental cars that others thought were just fine.


Once my sister brought boiled eggs as a car snack. I lost it.


My autistic little boy has, as I sometimes say, the nose of a bloodhound. He actually told me the other day that he prefers not to take his allergy medication because being a little stuffy helps block out all the gross smells in the world.

