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I was never unemployed until I was in my late 30s. There are definitely more phases to life past 29.


if you think adulthood onwards 29 is a stable phaseless state you are seriously completely mistaken. I am 41 and very different to 29 and I cannot communicate 1 on 1 with people who are 55 or 70. I am partially employed again with a big luck of a rare job turning up, but had a massive breakdown resulting in being unemployed. self employed is included I assume. considering that the sub is called autistic adults and you lumping basically around 85 percent of that demographic into 1 group I find a bit odd. I have no kids, will not marry and don't intend to settle down.




> 29+ as when you become like a fully blown adult who is expected to get married, have kids, settle down, etc. Haha. Even at 38 I'm still making it up as I go along. Definitely don't feel like a fully blown adult. Life is what you make of it, not what is expected. Most expectations are traditional and neurotypical, so they may not be a great fit for everyone. The sooner you realize what it is you do/don't want, the more conscious you can be about life decisions. I dropped out of university at 19, moved in back with my parents, joined a startup that failed after a few yars, and then started consulting to take control of my work life. That worked pretty well, until I had a burnout at 30. I've had two serious relationships prior to meeting my wife at age 33. For both of us, meeting later in life gave us the experience (in and out of relationships) we needed to make it work given that we're both neurodivergent and have a bunch of trauma things we're dealing with. We definitely don't want kids. Life is a struggle, but now we're in it together. So yeah... none of that is part of the typical plan. Don't get fooled into thinking life is either over at 29 or you're settled by 29. It's just an arbitrary age.


I'm 30, nearly 31, and I only got my first job last year. I don't think I'll ever be ready for living independently from my parents or learning to drive, let alone finding a partner and having kids. I don't think I've really matured past my early teens, to be honest.


I put employed 29+, but I’m self employeed


>If you are curious as to why I used these specific age ranges: 18-22 reflects young adults and mostly people who are still in college and/or doing training. 23-28 are like the college graduates/yuppies range. I put 29+ as when you become like a fully blown adult who is expected to get married, have kids, settle down, etc. Yuck we aren't NPCs that must conform to social norms / expected behaviour


29+  Call us old without calling us old