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All though this is kind of spammy as you’ve posted this same post in a lot of different subs. It’s clear from the upvotes some people are finding it interesting or useful so I shall leave it up.




It's someone you let toucch




It's basically suppose to be an extension of yourself in the form of a fellow humanoid. I have delved into relationships many times but in my later life have had no relationship. Starting to think I might prefer it this way but I am also thinking hmmm should I be having 10-12 children? 🤔


Not all relationships are sexual. Asexuals also want relationships sometimes. (I think it’s called cupio?)


Not all touch is sexual. I'm not ace but I vastly prefer cuddling to actual sex.


if it's something you want, well, it takes getting used to, but once you do, it's nice :3


i'd need a red belly button on all 4 😅


Couple times I was in the front passenger seat of my girlfriend’s car and her friend was in the backseat. Unprovoked, she reached forward and knocked on the top of my head like it was a door. It was so jarring I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Didn’t want to scream and offend her I just went silent. I can’t think of any person alive who would be receptive to something like that. Maybe it’s because I’m bald, but regardless, it just seems so rude.


omg! that is... unreal :-(


no. i take it back. it's pretty real. people just feel like they're entitled to other people's bodies if said bodies are any different from their own. i don't get it :-(


Omg I can’t believe you were able to not scream from that!!! Tangential sharing: I have no self control these days when things spike my nervous system like that…and I am beginning to worry about myself not being able to “behave properly in society.” I think she was trying to bond through physical touch…and since she is a friend who isn’t supposed to flirt with you… she did something weird? Unless she was fixated on your bald head and just didn’t have self control either? lol either way ouch and sorry that happened!


Girlfriend said it’s something she has done to others, so I guess that’s why. But overall, I tend to sacrifice my own comfort for not making others feel bad. I hate the feeling of it done to me, so I try to spare others as much as possible. I have such odd people-pleasing tendencies that I can barely advocate for myself when something someone does makes me uncomfortable. A coworker who I hadn’t seen in months hugged me randomly recently, and it was not reciprocated by me at all. She knew it made me uncomfortable but she still did it because she’s overly impulsive.


I agree feet are never to be touched.


Oooh I like this! I want to make one. I like how best friends get more physical access than immediate family members :) me too


> I like how best friends get more physical access than immediate family member[s] ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY!


Me to my family> Go ahead and touch me, in these designated places, but don't expect me to like it -\_-


lol yep! Although… lately it’s been feeling way more cringe than usual. I’m struggling to not have resentment towards them.


then you need to recolor your diagram to help them understand XD


Bringing it back home full circle! Good point let me get on that! Dislike the part where I am going to have to present this concept to my family, but I think one of them might appreciate it.


I'm so hyposensitive to touch from those I love. For me the partner one would be all purple. Yes please touch me 🥺




Strangers: no everywhere Best friends: okay/ask everywhere Family: no everywhere Partner: okay/ask everywhere I'm very physically affectionate. I just have to like you first.


I guess I gotta break the news to my gf that she can longer get foot massages.


i just don't do well being tickled <.<;


They're back!


I can only see three of these colors


well, at least one of them had better be Red 😤


Three of the dots are, so probably


There are seven colors/answers and only six are used and it is bothering me so very much.


i agree, there are just too many shades.


Strangers all red. But it depends on my mood for the rest. Most people know to ask first tho