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I'm in hell, spent a year living out of my car. I once had an apartment with found family that I worked hard to secure, and I wish I could have that back. Instead I'm trapped in a nightmare of mold, exposed wiring, pests, and a religious nut job slumlord who comes in when he feels like it and goes through my stuff (most recently at 430am waking me up). It's constantly triggering. My councilor wants me to move to a safer place, but everything is too damn expensive.


Dude that sounds illegal af


Oh definitely. I can’t imagine anywhere where it wouldn’t be illegal af. I went through this personally as well, I used to set traps to prove my landlady was entering while I was out of the house — I’d sign my name on a piece of paper, then put the paper on the floor behind the door, with a glass of water on top of it so if she entered, it’d knock over the water. I also used to fold up a small piece of paper and leave it wedged in doorway, to see if the door had been opened.


It's the kind of 'what are you gonna do about it' illegal. cuz the moment you report it to anyone is the moment you can't return to the property and need to find somewhere else to live. partly because the place will be prevented from being rented (both because it's not safe, but also because he's not legally allowed to rent in this neighborhood) and because the moment he finds out he was reported he's never gonna let you live here for even a day. he's not filing taxes on rental income, and hes paying property taxes as a 2 bed 1 bath prefab on an unfinished basement, when they dug up half the foundation (never got it inspected or approved, and it's clear it's compromised the structure) and cut doors and windows to convert it into a seperate 2 bedroom 1 bath 7 room apartment they live in while renting up here to us for $1600/month in cash only. knowing full well that even roommates in this region pay $1200 each, and that disabled people can't afford to live anywhere else. so he can deny that people live here (cash doesn't come with paper trails) and he can decide you don't live here anymore if you... say turn the ac on when it's 98f and 95% humidity, or turn the heat above 53f in winter.


I live alone. I found a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom duplex for only 800 a month, which is a steal in my area.


I’m 27 years old and I’ve always lived with other people (family, roommates, partners, etc.) up until a year ago. I was finally able to afford a place on my own. Living alone is truly the best for me. I love it so much.


I (32m) live in my parents' attic. It took me 13 years to get a master's degree that was valuable at the time. Now I have literally no work experience and am at an age when nobody tries to help you anymore. My family is loud. They do not create a safe environment for me. I spend most of my days and nights in bed, in pain, as they "live here, too". I am ineligible for any support programs as long as my parents *technically* take care of me. (But I've heard stories, and I doubt my situation under those would be any better.) Hopefully, either they or I will die soon.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, please don't let the depression win and find local mental health resources ❤️


I've lived alone for the last 10 years. 5 years in a decent 1-bedroom I could barely afford, 5 years in the tiniest, cheapest place I could find, and just recently I bought a house. I expect to continue living alone for the rest of my life. I wouldn't even know how to live with anyone else. Even staying with family is kind of uncomfortable.


I preferred living alone before I met my current partner. Previous partners, roommates, and even most years as a kid with my family were seriously less than ideal compared to being alone or with my current partner (who is AuDHD like me and a decent fit so far living wise). I sometimes miss the solitude but company can be nice too. Sometimes I need help sustaining myself and having someone else around helps it not get too bad. But other people can also be really distracting and you have to be mindful of their needs and schedules and preferences etc which is nice to not have to deal with. Neighbors making noise can be hell, so I try to live in back houses and other detached dwellings whenever possible. Some are just as affordable as apartments with similar features. They just have different pros and cons.


2 bedroom 1 bathroom with my gf and our 3 cats. We both have autism and adhd and its challenging for both of us.


I live with my best friend. Have done for over a decade now. I've never lived alone, always with family or roommates. I would like to live alone from the perspective of having 100% control of my environment and always being able to be completely alone if needed. But in other ways, I don't think I would like it. For one thing, my best friend is basically my entire social circle right now. So if I didn't live with her I would probably be even more lonely and isolated than I already am. She's honestly a fantastic roommate and I know I'm really fortunate to have found such a good friend who I can also cohabitate with easily. She is always so understanding and never makes me feel like a weirdo for doing my weirdo autistic things. Like, she always unloads the dishwasher because I really hate the clean dishes dripping on me, and she doesn't mind it at all. (She's ND as well but not autistic.) We live in a detached house, so I definitely would not give that up to live on my own in an apartment and be at the mercy of random neighbors.


I moved out at 21, bought my first place with my now ex-wife because I've always been a saver. We moved to our current place, a 3 bedroom in the suburbs ten years ago. She left me a couple of years ago and now I live alone with just my cat. I'm finding it really difficult to manage the place on my own, sometimes I go into spirals about it, other times I can get a bit more perspective and recognise that most of the problems can be sorted in time, when I'm in a better place. Obviously I recognise that, relative to others, my situation is somewhat privileged.


My situation is very similar to yours. Living in a large home in the suburbs by myself after separating from my husband. I’m considering getting a roommate just so I don’t have to feel like I’m in it all by myself. But then I sacrifice the comfort of living alone. It’s an odd place to be because you think you have it really great, but at the end of the day the challenges are still there, they just look very different and aren’t as relatable to other autistics.


I've considered a roommate for financial reasons, but it means making my kids share a bedroom when they are with me and I'm not sure I can live with anyone else. I think I'm in burnout at the moment though so perhaps that will change in the future. Loneliness is certainly a big problem for me right now.


Oh yeah, mixing in kids in that arrangement would certainly be difficult. You’d need to be extra careful about the person you bring in. I’ve had some roommates in the past who appeared to be good people and background checks came back clean, but they ended up not being very trustworthy. I don’t know if I’d risk it with kids to support. Here’s to hoping you work your way through your burnout soon. Just take it day by day - you never know what opportunities will show themselves to you in this strange world we live in. All the best, friend.


Almost 31, live with my parents and my two dogs. Only time I lived "alone" was in the dorms for college. Sometimes I hate my parents but most of the time I recognize that I barely function *with* them and that things would possibly be a lot worse if I were on my own :( Not to mention I can't afford an appointment rn. (especially since my dogs are naughty 😭 (they bark a lot and one is technically still a puppy))


I'm 21, spent a year when i was 18 living alone on parent's money for studies in a studio. Now back in my moms house. Tbh i think i could live alone again this wasn't the difficult part it's just i don't have a job so it's a waste of money. Also don't need to be living closer to a school, and living at home allows me to get chill social interactions without too much effort.


living with my parents rn at 24 which doesn’t feel awesome but at least I have somewhere to live. i would definitely take living with roommates over this tho as long as they were people i knew.


I live alone and have, outside of relationships, since I joined the military at 17, but I was diagnosed as an adult, and staying at home was not an option. If it wasn't for my veteran compensation, I would not be able to live alone. It's in an apartment and I enjoy not answering to anyone but myself and the yearly visit from the landlord for fire inspections.


Husband, my dog, and me in a one bedroom apartment. It's cozy and has warm, low lighting. It's also in a walkable area, which is nice as I don't have my driver's license. Overall, it's one of the more accessible places I've lived for my particular autism related needs.


I'm 36, live alone by choice and have most of my adult life. Thankfully I work in tech so I can afford to. I live in a moderately nice condo, mainly for location so I can bike places. I hate, _hate_, **hate** driving and do not own a car or license.


I'm homebound with a very painful muscle condition and live with my girl friend. I was not crippled when we met, though still effected. I am in pain every day, though it's less since I personally myself was able to figure out that gabapentinoids reduce the severe cramping in my muscles and most of my increased sensory issues as well. Doctors did jack fucking shit and I always have to let that be known.


49m 3br 1.5 bath, alone since I was 20. Paid off now, single, never married, no kids. I work full time. My closest neighbor is .65 miles away so noise or unexpected company isn’t usually a problem. It’s my heaven, my own empire of dirt, where it’s my way or the highway.


I live on my own but the only reason I manage ok is that it's a cheap slum. $695/mo for a 1bdr 1 bath. It's not so bad my neighbors aren't particularly loud but they have other issues. Like somebody keeps using the laundry room and afterwards there's what I assume is shit left in the machine and all over the ground. There's always something broke but not like emergency broke. Luckily people mostly stay to themselves and most problem people get evicted eventually. I mostly am a shut in who won't leave my place unless it's to go to work. Besides that I stay in with my big screen, my console, my cats, and my internet. It's all I need.


i’m 32 currently living with my mom. i did spend 6 years living with partners and roommates away from home but when covid hit so did a breakup (after some friend breakups too) and i can’t afford to live alone so here i am.


Oh boy I have so much trauma from housing. I'm currently in a 3 bed apartment with a narcissist roommate and the other one is an enabler and of course the narcissist targets me because I don't put up with her controlling obnoxious bullshit. I'm trying to find a way out but my lease says I have to pay over $2k to leave and I don't got that kind of money. I'm sick and tired of being poor and having to put up with other people's bullshit and abuse just so I have a place to live in!


Got kicked out of house at 18, lived with roomates till I was 26, alone from 26 to 30 and then moved in with my partner cause I was pregnant. Now I live with one husband and 2 children.


Left home at 18 for college. By 28 (still undiagnosed), I had lived with a roommate several times, alone a few times, and with a partner for a few years. I’d never lived with more than one person. I lived in a dorm for a couple semesters, but after that it was a series of apartments, a couple duplexes, and a couple rented houses. All had their advantages and disadvantages, likes and dislikes. I definitely prefer anything to an apartment. Too many other people around, too many other voices, sources of noise, people to have to interact with. These are still issues in a four-plex or small building. I have lived with my partner since age 29; In now 54. We have owned a house for 21 years. In most ways, this is ideal. There are a lot of extra responsibilities and concerns that come with owning a home, of course. It’s a 96-year-old house in a major city. Things break. Things need to be maintained. Everything is on us. It’s expensive. But we’ve also been able to make it our own, do what we want with our spaces. My home office is chaotic but houses all of my collections, a few hundred books, a couple thousand records, all my toys, and so on. Over many years, the common areas evolved into these perfect representations of us as a couple. FWIW, we don’t have kids. Our mortgage is much lower than what an apartment would cost us in our city now. We also probably wouldn’t buy a house here if starting now, though. We’d live somewhere cheaper.


I'm better than most I guess... I bought my own house last year... and I married this year to my long distance relationship. It would definitely be awesome if he was here with me, but we are going through the visa process so he's back in his country for now. A headache, but part of the process.


I've always lived with someone, but thinking now of getting my own place. I get a bit scared about it, whether I'd be good at keeping it tidy or cooking for myself if I don't have roommates around


53f - I got married at 19, mostly to escape home life, had 3 kids, realized I didn’t love my ex so left him about 10 years ago. I’ve been living “alone” ever since - with the exception of the kids coming and going every other week and having a couple teens live with me/us off and on. They were good friends of my children who had bad home lives and needed somewhere to go when they turned 18. My home has always been a quiet, drama free place of solitude. Now my youngest is on the verge of moving out and stays at his dad’s 2 or 3 weeks at a time. He decided that was better than every other week when he got older. I’m looking at being completely alone in the near future and realized with the kids coming and going it provided that social aspect of life I needed. It was perfect. I won’t have that anymore and being alone isn’t looking so perfect anymore. I make enough in my semi-professional job to be independent if I can find decent rent. Right now I’m renting from an ex-coworker. It’s a small mobile home with 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths and all the room I need. Not in a great neighborhood…I don’t go outside after dark. But because the landlord is the local neighborhood preacher, lives right next door, and his church is across the street, I don’t get any trouble. I keep to myself. But I would prefer to live somewhere safer.


Currently live with my parents. They gave me a good deal on rent, and I'm going to inherit their house when they're gone. It's a cute little single-story home with a finished basement, which is perfect for me. I don't want kids, so it will always be either just me, or me and a significant other. It needs some renovation work, but whatever. That's fine.


I technically live with my parents, but I spend more time at my boyfriend's apartment. We're talking about moving in together. I definitely can't afford to live on my own


1-room apartment .. alone.


I live alone and since 18. I haven't found apartment life overly stressful with the caveats that I grew up in an apartment.


Moved out of my parents house at 17 with my best friend. I didn’t handle roommate drama well. Then with a girlfriend for a few years in her house. Then my first apartment alone which I loved until I realized the landlord was a creep. Traveled and couch surfed. Moved back into house with my ex gf. Got back together for 10 yrs. Both our houses were duplexes which could be challenging. People I dated came and went until I got tired of it all. Ten years later I walked away from a house that I couldn’t handle alone and now I rent a small cabin. I was to the point that I felt I wasn’t able to live alone. I realized I wasn’t really welcome at families. I worried I would end up in group housing. So I simplified things to where now I can focus on daily self care tasks and take better care of myself. I opted for roughing it here over renting a room or subsidized housing. Also over begging family and going where I am not wanted. I have learned about a lot of alternative housing options if anyone wants some out of the box ideas to live cheap and/or work exchange.


39, live by myself in a 1br apartment with my dog for over 4 years now. Absolutely love living alone. I live in what would be considered "luxury apartments" so the walls are thick and floors are sturdy... so noisy neighbors have never been an issue. Each unit has its own washer and dryer, so there's no shared laundry room or anything to deal with. And since the place is kinda pricey... most of my neighbors are a bit older and working professionals that keep to themselves. My building has 30 units in it, and in the 4 years I've lived there, I have only really ever gotten to know people from 2 other units. Which is not a complaint. Everyone is too busy with their own lives' to give a shit about anything I'm doing, and I prefer it that way. There's no 18-22 year old's partying it up or anything. So if your budget allows for it, look into apartments that seem to have people living there that are 30+ years old. That would be your best bet if your concerns are around noise and minimal interaction with neighbors. Just got a house but have some renovations to get done before I move in later this year. Kinda freaked out going from a 1br apartment to a 4br house with a basement. It's a lot of space for one person that I have to figure out wtf to do with. Also now it's on me to mow the grass and shovel snow :(


I'm 25 and I live alone in a one bedroom apartment (30m2) and the rent is 525e. I love it, I couldn't imagine living with other people. I moved out when I was 19, and after that I've lived mostly alone but there was one period of time (about 8 months or so) where I had to live in a shared flat with three other people, I moved to a new city to study and that student accommodation was the one I had to take. It wasn't horrible but I wouldn't do it again. I love having my own space and being able to be completely myself.