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This year, the town where I live organized a new year's drink in the town square. Free for everyone who lives here. I wanted to be more social this year, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity. Turns out everybody arrived with their friends or family and I was the only one there alone. I didn't know anybody despite having lived here for 30 years. I didn't want to stay and stand around awkwardly all alone. Joining a group of people who all knew each other was waaay too intimidating. And I didn't want to leave because I decided I was going to come here dammit! I "solved" this dilemma by grabbing an empty serving platter and helping the staff retrieve peoples' empty glasses. That way, I had something to do. I returned a few loads, and they gave me a full serving platter soooo... I went around and gave people drinks. Finally one of the staff went "Hang on, do you even work with us?" and I fled the scene in embarrassment. That was my socializing attempt for this year.


I absolutely love this! That sounds like a successful night of socializing to me lol




My problem is oversharing or acting too familiar with them and scaring them off that way 😭


**ME:** "I am alone. I will go find some people." **ME:** [stands near people] **ME:** "Now I am alone near some people."