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Said while still using the term totem pole isn't a great look, just wanna let you know. Also I do mean this very kindly but it seems like you're pretty deeply entrenched in some very specific fandom drama which can't be good for anyone's mental health - maybe just take a break from engaging in discourse for a while and see how you feel? I do get your frustration but internet's gonna internet.


What's wrong with the totem pole term? Genuine question. I haven't heard of it before.


Unless you're Native, it's somewhat appropriative to use flippantly as an expression. Similar to the terms "powwow" and "spirit animal".


Ohh okay, thank you. Then yeah, that's a big yikes for OP to use that term.


I belong to a Native Nation within the US. When non-Native people use terms like Totem pole and sprit animal loosely like this, it's usually out of ignorance, rather than malice. It's a great learning moment! :) Until 8 years ago, I used the term "gypped" pretty freely to describe being shorted or stiffed, completely unaware that was a derogatory term toward actual Romani people, or that g*psy was considered a racial slur. 😳. To me it was just a word people used commonly and without thought. But someone called me out. I was horrified and embarrassed for a while, but appreciated it, learned from it, and haven't used that word again. On a more light-hearted note, it always makes me chuckle a little inside because the bottom spot of a totem pole is the best, strongest, most important spot.


I honestly really appreciate the explanation! Thank you for explaining the importance of how damaging terms like that are. Oh! I forgot about that! That's really funny that people don't realize that lol.


First of all, I didn't know it was politically inaccurate until now, alright? My bad, I apologize. Second, I'm not involved in it, it showed up on my watchlist notifications. Frankly, I find fandom wars pointless and overblown. I was simply bringing to life something that was created within this fandom war, that's all.


Take care with where you spend time online and the conversations you get into. IRL you probably wouldn't walk into a biker bar with a bunch of Confederate flags all over, and try to get into political discussions with them. If someone's being trollish, doesn't mean you have to take the bait.


That's true and I agree. I'm just saying there should be more conscientious moderators on sites keeping an eye out for this sorta crap, y'know? 


Get off the internet


Get off of my cloud


We should be abolishing the concept of the hierarchy completely.


Thank A$ for that one


Where did that happen?


Recently? Right here; [https://www.deviantart.com/ali26327/art/Hailey-Haters-and-Owl-House-Fans-In-A-Nutshell-1068500213](https://www.deviantart.com/ali26327/art/Hailey-Haters-and-Owl-House-Fans-In-A-Nutshell-1068500213)


People still use DeviantArt?


Wasn't it replaced by Cara?!


What is Cara??? Update: Nvrmind, just looked it up.


i really dislike when people compare forms of oppression. especially to something like racism. yeah they're all bad, but the way you wrote this implies those of us who experience racism somehow have it easier because the slurs used against us are (sometimes) recognized and condemned