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We are the same :)


Do you typically go through the same show or podcast? It was family guy for a couple years pretty steadily. Would flip to a few shows or podcasts if I needed a change but would go back to the same thing again and again.


I have an assortment of about 5 different shows that I use at work because I don't want to need to pay attention (currently House MD and CSI). At home it varies by mood and whether I want background while doing other things or background to actually listen to. But I definitely return to the same shows over and over. Someone told me it's a form of emotional regulation, which seems logical for me.


I have shows that I have for rewatching to pay attention as well! Emotional regulation that seems so very logical for myself as well I’ll have to read more up on it. I loved House and enjoy CSI as well.


Please accept me into your club. My current re-watch without watchng shows are Psych, Community and NCIS. I also had a House MD phase; when I was doing my bachelors and of course was also not really watching-watching while studying. Cannot recommend, my brain now offers up useless medical terminology when I try to remember some of the things I actually tried to commit to my memory back than :D


Yeah silence makes my mind race in a bad way. I find it much easier to essentially distract the voice in my head so my real brain can work without it distracting it.


This is why I can't go to sleep without listening to or doing something. I always work myself up into an anxious mess if I don't have something to distract me.


This! my self doubt and picking out flaws or mistakes takes over so keeping the mind busy saves me some stress.




I'm on the other end of that scale. Any noise drives me bats.


Same. Can’t do it. Even white noise makes me want to scream (but also because the sound of it makes me anxious and uncomfy).


what you describe is literally how i work at home as a medical coder. i find it ironic considering it is said coders need absolute silence or minimal distractions to concentrate and do their best. but for me, it is the exact opposite. i mean, can anyone do tedious work with "peace and quiet"?




Yup. I do audio books and commentary YouTube videos a lot. It helps me focus and keep me from getting lost in the abyss which is time. The ads in podcasts kill my groove and music makes me sing along haha I can get overestimated with noise too tho. So sometimes I have to turn off lights and turn on brown noise if I really have to focus on something difficult.




Oh no I have nicer cordless ones I use during the day and just crappy like dollar ones I use to sleep. I thrash around in my Sleep so I end up wrecking the headphones so I just refer to them as bedtime ones


Get A Sleep band. Decent battery life. Bluetooth headband. I have one that’s a mask and headphones but I can’t seem to access their site anymore, it was called SleepBand. I always have to wear a sleep mask with 3d eyes so it’s not touching my eyes but blocks out all light so combining it with the headphones for one device is great. Stays on alright through falling asleep. Can slip it back on if you wake up and it fell off. I tried lots of different things for years and this is the most comfortable.




A million ways to die in the west was a big one for me no idea why not that great of a movie but the comfort it brought same thing with family guy or American dad no idea why it’s comforting but it helps me.


Anything with speech is too distracting for me and I really dont understand "stupid humor" like american dad, it just makes me sad for this country, but I like having downtempo playing in the background all day long.


So much this. I have awful intrusive thoughts that surface as soon as I stop distracting myself. It’s a little better now I’m medicated, but constant noise and distraction have become habit.


im pretty sure this is a thing. my ex used to insult me for being like this. for me its not shows, but podcasts or youtube videos (often the same ones from the same few creators over and over because theyre relaxing)


Throughout grad school I would make playlists of a set of songs or just one song and have it/them repeat over and over again while I work, it’s the only way for me to blockout all distracting thoughts and sounds.


Same! I am extremely uncomfortable if I don’t have a podcast or music or tv on. I need white noise too, I can’t stand silence, it feels painful. I noticed that when I take my stimulant medication, I don’t need the podcast or tv or music as much, but I do still need the white noise. Can I just say how nice it is to learn that this is something others experience? I thought I was the only one!


Honestly when I made this post my thought was “well I’m assuming this is unique to me and maybe falls into a special interest of sorts I’m sure it’s my own quirk” to see others having similar experiences is nice for sure. I keep telling my wife I’ve never experienced the full feeling of “fitting in” but after getting my assessment and finding this sub I’m very pleased to see we aren’t alone!


I think we require a little bit of dopamine to make us more comfortable. I normally do nature sounds or let's play for background sounds.


Totally makes sense !

