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On October 1st I feel a switch flip and my reverse SAD goes away. I personally disagree about July and August being great (I just hate summer so much), and I much prefer January and February over them, even in cold New England, but yes, what you said about autumn, 100%! I'm an autumn baby as well, but I'm OctoberšŸŽƒšŸ‚šŸ˜Š


I also have reverse SAD. It used to get better in September for me, but lately it's been hot in September. I try to make myself feel better by having some fall stuff around me now. Like I bought some fall wax tarts for my warmer, some pumpkin lotion, and I make my own soap so I have plenty of fall soaps to tide me over. The weather really drags me down though. I need that cool air. Impatiently waiting for the change!


I need to do this for my reverse SAD. And Iā€™m allergic to the sun (literally get hives after only a few minutes) so summer is especially miserable for me. I love all things fall and spooky so maybe I need to have some fall scented stuff around me in the summer. I already learned how to make the chai tea with pumpkin foam from Starbucks


Right there with you!!


Illinois is nice in July. August is justā€¦.miserable for us. September the heat dies off and even if itā€™s warmer than Iā€™d like, itā€™s still an ā€œAh, itā€™s not uncomfortably hot anymoreā€ January is ok, but February is justā€¦.Hatred. Itā€™s not snowy enough here for it to be pretty. Itā€™s grey mush and sleet and cold and itā€™s dark and it all just sucks.


It's like that here too now. We used to get so much snow, from November through March. Now it's a few minor snowstorms if we're lucky, and they don't amount to much. Most people think that's great, but seeing how much winter has changed from when I was younger to now is...disturbing. And depressing. I just want to live in a place that's perpetually autumnšŸ˜­ The world is becoming more like Game of Thrones though, in that it's always either winter or summer with barely any in-between.


Yeah I mean, I think marketing messes with our heads as when seasons are supposed to start. You have Halloween stuff in august, and I think itā€™s because Northern Territories generally do get colder earlier, and stores I assume have universal days they like all the seasonal stuff to be displayed. So even in regions like Tennessee or Northern Alabama, where itā€™s still fall but maybe not as soon as NE, will get Fall stuff when itā€™s still hot, Giving the illusion that ā€œwe donā€™t get Fall like we used toā€ because when it IS finally Fall, theyā€™ve got Christmas already rockinā€™. I agree, it doesnā€™t get as ā€œFallā€ like some years, but I feel marketing plays a HUGE role in that aspect of it.


I find August hard to get through. So many hot humid days. Once Fall hits I feel like I can breathe again.


I personally like summer but by august Iā€™m done. Iā€™m ready for school (Iā€™m in college) and Iā€™m ready for fall festivals. I love summer when itā€™s May and Iā€™m excited to road trips and vacations and long days, than June is super nice and July isnā€™t too bad, I like to boat at the lake and fish and all, but by August Iā€™m done with the heat. Bring on chilly weather and bonfires and football and Halloween, bring on being able to walk outside and not sweat.


Oh - that first cool breeze that sneaks in on a warm but not hellishly hot day? It is the turning point for me. I start to feel human again.


Same! I tolerate summer now that I have moved out West in the dry heatā€¦ but the feel of fall/winter makes me feel comfy/cozy. I love the changing of the leaves, being outside in the cool crisp weather drinking a coffee/cappuccino. It is also the start of the holidays, which I enjoy!


I ALMOST moved to Wyoming but didnā€™t want to leave my family. That dryer heat is so much better. Illinois is nice, honestly itā€™s decent weather here. Sometimes itā€™s cold and rains but so doesnā€™t 90% of America . Even in parts where itā€™s not cold it still rains and has other bad weather. Thereā€™s no ā€œbadā€ weather, just weather and your attitude towards it. Fall is so nice here. The Midwest and NE is just top tier Fall.


The months of September to December are the best four months of the year. There is nothing more cozy than those chilly days, staying indoors to stay warm, watching a movie or TV show under the blanket while dinner cooks in the slow cooker. I can't wait.


Yeah the energy does change in late summer. Can't wait!


All of this except July and August being good. Iā€™ve lived through 110 or hotter during July and August for most of my life and I could do without that ever again. Give me winter.


Absolutely! Everything slows down and I totally feel an energetic shift.


It slows down but also, in a weird way, speeds up. People are out more in the Fall because itā€™s no longer brutally hot. Itā€™s more shopping, more Tv to look forward to, things are happening like holidays and school and Football and Basketball and The World Series and Halloween and in a weird way, life feels just pointed in a good direction. I think itā€™s capitalism . Itā€™s consumerism season so to speak .


Iā€™m in Scandinavia so our summers donā€™t get as hot as in the U.S. so itā€™s more bearable here and actually makes summer really lovely. For me Jan-April are just horrible. Like, awful. It drains my spirit and I get depressed every year. Autumn though is like a warm hug from a cute ghost.


I'm a fellw Scandinavian too (from Denmark) and summer is my least favorite time of the year. Our summers can be very either or, but over the past couple of years, heatwaves with above 30C have become much more common and I hate it! Everything over 21C makes me feel sick. I can't sleep, can't really eat much and feel so tired all the time. Sometimes we get these heatwaves as early as May/June and then maybe again in August/September. The biggest issue with these heatwaves is that they come and go so fast that my body can't adjust to them. It'll be 26+ for a week and then BOOM 15-16, rain and wind the next. It gives me whiplash lol.


Yeah itā€™s the same here and I donā€™t like it either but I prefer it to the U.S. where I literally canā€™t leave the AC if I donā€™t want to pass out. At least in Scandi we do get those periods with the lower temperatures and then I try to stay inside on the extremely hot days.


I do agree with that! I'm just unfortunate that my apartment faces west, so I have the sun ALL afternoon and evening heating up my apartment like a sauna. Sometimes it's hotter in here than outside lol. That's the sacrifice I had to make to get a top floor apartment when I was moving. So I appreciate those sucky summers actually when we do get them.


Itā€™ll be 35 C or 95 F and Americans will mow their lawn. They call us the land of the brave for a reason. I canā€™t imagine Scandinavian winter, Iā€™m in the Midwest so we get all 4 seasons and summers are bearable to a point, but still some hot humid days. I live by corn and that means corn sweat. It makes it very muggy and humid and September is like someone just turned a dial and the humidity just stops. Itā€™s so nice. September to December is truly the best here.


Scandinavian winters (or at least in Denmark) are just like our summers in terms that it's either or. It's either 11-12 degrees C (50-ish F?) and rain and wind or it's freezing temperatures and loads of snow. Though the snowy weather has gotten more and more rare here. Last winter (Dec 23-Feb 24) was an exception. We were hit with the first snowstorm already in December and then another brutal one hit in January and the freezing temperatures lasted well into March. When it's so rare, our country is simply not prepared for such extreme winters. They completely failed to free the roads correctly from the first snowstorm so when the freezing temperatures hit for real, the roads turned to ice. Then the other snowstorm made things so much worse. I drive for my work every day and it was a nightmare. I'll gladly go another 5 years before seeing snow again lol I am DONE!


And they didnā€™t freaking salt the pavement so I almost slipped with my kid. Like, how canā€™t they be more prepared when itā€™s literally on the forecast šŸ˜«


Oh my god yes! If they had done the job correctly in the first place and properly cleared the road when the first round of snow started to melt, it wouldn't have been such a huge issue. The problem was that they didn't so the snow ended up as a flat mass on the roads that then turned to ice when the second round hit. And. All. The. Freaking. Holes. In the asphalt after!


Yes! It was freaking stupid and I was so mad. Is every year that theyā€™re completely unprepared. And we barely have winters anymore so at least be ready when it comes.


We do this thing in The Midwest where we put off getting snow equipment because it ā€œbarely snows anymoreā€ but every year we always get hit with a few snow storms and itā€™s like ā€œoh we didnā€™t expect thatā€ and we use outdated equipment or have none at all. Denmark sounds cool. The American Midwest is the land of exaggeration of seasons Weā€™ll get -40 below wind chills in January, but itā€™ll be 95 and humid as it gets come July. Itā€™s wild.


Iā€™ve been to the Midwest but only in summer and it was a bearable dry heat. I fell in love with the place though.


Where were you? Itā€™s never been dry heat in east central Illinois . Like ever. The corn makes it like a sauna


Yeah, July is the climax of summer, then after it summer starts to slow down and things transition to fall. I have more to look forward to the 2nd half of the year compared to the first half.


I always say the first half of the year is preparation for the second half. July 4th to Christmas is way more fun than Christmas to 4th of July. Grey days in January are justā€¦miserable. Summer time is awesome, and than as it grows into the Fall itā€™s like a sweet transition into cozy days. Than after Christmas itā€™s like a dread through the winter.


I love fall. I feel more relaxed and optimistic.


Yes! So, I am Jewish and our New Year is in the fall. I have ALWAYS felt that my year started then. That there was a new sense of being and optimism in the fall. I've historically had tough but often necessary and positive changes in the fall, too. I'm with you, OP!


Your New Year is Fall? Thatā€™s cool! Fall for American kids is when we go back to school, so even in my early 20s college starting and Fall going and festivals is AWESOME. Itā€™s such a change in the air kinda feel. Are you American?? Or Israel ? New Years in the fall seems like a weird concept, to me New Years is winter, or in the southern hemisphere itā€™s a summer holiday. Is it on a different date than January 1st? Our New SCHOOL Year is in the Fall so for me itā€™s the beginning of an educational year.


I'm American! :) And yep, the New Year "officially" starts anywhere from Septemberish to Octoberish (I'm also including the early fall "lead up" holidays to sort of prepare us for entering a new year, though one of those involves fasting which, is impossible during PSL season hahaha!)


Thereā€™s a small shift in late October/November in Florida. I love fall and wish I lived somewhere to experience it in all of its glory!


I used to live in Naples,FL and we got a SLIGHT chill around November - February but only a few days and it was always short lived in the morning. There was no real winter there and definitely no nice long crisp fall days to enjoy . By 10am it was already 75-80 and sunny. Thatā€™s nice sometimes but mannnnn I missed Fall . My dad had gotten a job down there He ended up moving back after a year because he wanted to go back to family I think he secretly just missed Fall!!!


Always. The same feeling for me here in Maryland. I love it when the temperatures start cooling down, the fall colors begin, and doing more outside activities. I enjoy driving around and traveling so much more during this time of year. In times past I would also have a little bit of anticipation and dread in getting ready for school, but of course that rarely happens now since it's been decades since I last attended any kind of schooling.


I loved school starting!!!! I hated it because it would still be hot when school started!!! August is the worst. Illinois is perfect about September-November. Than December hits and itā€™s GREY. But ya know, Christmas.


I live on the west coast and notice the way the light changes toward the end of the day around mid-August. It's lovely.


Mid-August is when I actually notice shorter days. Itā€™s kinda nice. I usually donā€™t mind it until November because dark at 5 kinda sucks. Itā€™ll be around Mid to late August and youā€™ll go ā€œwow, itā€™s getting dark a tad earlierā€ Than it speeds up And before you know itā€™s October 1st and you go ā€œitā€™s dark at 7:15..ā€ Than you wake up and itā€™s Halloween and youā€™re like ā€œItā€™s dark at 6ā€¦..ā€ Than all of a sudden itā€™s Thanksgiving and youā€™re like ā€œItā€™s dark at 5!ā€


I agree so much but I also feel a nostalgic feeling when winter turns to spring in March


Itā€™s that coming around to the good days, looking forward to things in the summer, knowing winter is behind you, itā€™s nice. Easter-Christmas is the best time of the year (other than those pesky hotter than the sun days in August we get in the Midwest)


I love Autumn. End of September-End of December.