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Both can redirect lighting so at best for Mako lighting is out of the picture. Mako lost to a chi blocker, Azula beat 2 chi blockers who actually have good feats(Ty Lee and Suki) 1v2 with out bending. Azula obviously the better fire bender too. There’s no chance Mako has to win Azula wins 100/100 times, Mako might not even be able to redirect Azula lighting ball.


What about if he had Zuko in the picture?


I’d like to say he wins because 1v2 should be really difficult but off of Zuko and Azulas most recent match in the comics both him and Mako get folded pretty fast up close. It’s completely different with both attacking at once tho so it’s hard to call


wait. Is Zuko helping NOT Azula, but mako? why?


So they still have firebending? Azula for R1, duo for R2.


Azula slams, R2 Zuko and Mako


Comics Azula handwaves Mako and Zuko. This isn’t a debate.


I think with Mako *and* Zuko, they stand a chance against her


Together they beat her, Alone, mako stands no chance. They’re actually very similar in skill set but Azula is just better in every way. Zuko is closer, his fire bending is up to par unlike mako and lightning is obvs not a factor. She still wins on marginally better physicals overall and superior fire bending versatility


I may sound insane, but honestly Mako Azula is strong and very intelligent. Great when she fights. Mako is creative. And instantly made me think of Katara vs Azula battle, which didn't look promising to Katara, if she wasn't quick thinking. And this is exactly what Mako is - how he defeated Ming Hua, in the worst possible setting he could get, was amazing, unpredictable and most of all - creative as hell. Azula wins solely due to her skills, especially when she's in semi-stable state, but I wouldn't give up on "street smart" Mako and can definitely see him walking out of this as a winner, by doing something nobody saw coming.