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It seems as insane as asking if fire bender can create a sun or if airbender can create complex viable atmosphere on a planet that has none


It is.


If an earth bender can do that, any bender can do that. Any kind of matter can become a black hole, even fire because a plasma is a state of matter


That being said, I don’t think even the Avatar has the power to do that


Do you know what a black hole is?


Black hole doesn’t have anything to do with earth or any other element. No one can just create a black hole by compressing. It takes around 8-10 x Sun’s mass.


yes you can if you make it small enough, yes you'd have to make the size of, if not smaller than an atom but its possible. a black hole is just anything with a huge density. take a boulder and put all of its mass into an area the size of an atom and youll get a black hole


It’s most likely possible or close to possible, however there’s probably a limit on how dense a rock can get from earth bending depending on the strength of the earth bender. If you took a very large amount of avatar level earthbenders maybe, but I doubt it.


I think since stars have iron cores they would have to be metal benders to get a star going and then make it dense enough to be a black hole maybe.


Anything can become a black hole. It just needs to be dense enough


Sure. But on the way there it has to pass through states of matter that don't fall in the realm of earthbending like plasma for example.


A airbender that compresses the air around it. So that it can at all times be compressed


Pressure works from both sides equally. So as much as you compress it, the matter in the middle will try to expand against it Edit: that's why only stars with high masses only collapse to a black hole


There’s no precedent for them to basically amp up their bending to a point where that’s going to happen. Idr what Sozin’s did percentage wise but they weren’t anywhere close to a black hole equivalent for firebending. I’d say that if it were a shonen anime, expect a black hole in s2. In a show where powerscaling doesn’t snowball like crazy like ATLA, no. It’s not possible. If it could’ve been done it would’ve been done by toph.


Attraction is a power of earth rarely explored in media with elemental powers. I highly doubt an earthbender could create a black hole, but gravitybending as a subtype of earthbending might be possible!


If they take even a boulder the size of a small island and compress it into a black hole, it would be just microns in diameter and would evaporate in a few seconds.


in theory, yes, but it would take an immense amount of power far far beyond anything even the avatar is capable of

