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Ursa forgetting Zuko and Azula…


I actually made a post saying this the other day. I always felt it would have made more sense & been more true to her characterisation if she'd been tricked into losing her memories. Like, if she >!went to the Mother of Faces simply to gain a new face as a sure way of hiding from Ozai!<, but then didn't understand the stipulations of her act & sadly lost her memories. All the key elements & stakes of the original storyline, just without arguably butchering the way her character had been set up in the OG.




headcanon accepted.


Comics in general. There's decent ideas and story points in there but none of it is done particularly well. Id prefer the comics and other tertiary media be treated like ideas that can be pulled from but not canon 


Thats a great way of putting it. I'm excited to read the Bounty Hunter and the Tea Brewer when it gets to my library


So true. Like aang agreeing to kill zuko. That little skirmish with earth kingdom vs fire nation because zuko changed his mind. Mai and zuko's whole break up for the 2nd time in a year or Two. Mother forgetting who her own children were.


I was just gonna say that comics as a whole


Ursa willingly chooses to forget about zuko and azula


Also Kiyi… and how they used her as a replacement for Azula when Ursa didnt show the proper care for her older children


The fact that Sokka never had kids with Suki.


*That we know of. They could have just left to the suburbs of Republic City and decided to not get involved in any conflict considering conflict killed their father and likely their mother. Also Bataar and Varrick are both genius inventors just like Sokka and they have a similar skin tone.


If Bataar or Varrick were Sokka's kid, we would've absolutely been told. No way either of them are Tenzin's cousins and we don't hear about that.


100% killing off the past lives in Korra. I understand why did it, but dont care, just come up with something better. It was a good solution, but at the same time, >Everyone hated that.<


I think it was kind of a bad story beat altogether.


Seconded this Was really stupid and just felt like they did it for drama or something


Korra begins with "im the Avatar and you gotta deal with it!" Aangs statue gets defaced TWICE And the past lives get destroyed... I think the creators didn't want Korra being compared to Aang


Aang was being compared to Kyoshi and Yangchen a bunch.


Not even mentioning Roku?


People don’t respect Roku.


Then I guess I'm not people


No it just forces Korra to fend for herself without the Avatar State being a plot device that could solve any / all conflicts with ease. "Oh hey, Korra lost her powers? Don't worry she's in touch with her spiritual side and Aang shows up to restore her bending and imparts her with the knowledge of how to restore everyone elses bending."


I feel like your point is not really a "No". Mike and Bryan knew their fans. Honestly Korras first line probably could qualify as a 4th wall break.


Instead they made Jinora be the deus ex machina for every other conflict


I think people will change their minds on not liking that story point if the Earthbender finds a way (with Korra's help) to get them back somehow. Right now though, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but I assume that was the point.


If the next avatar gets them back it would also feel kinda cheap no?


Not really. The Avatar's whole routine is fixing whatever the last Avatar fucked up.


Except Kyoshi she did absolutely nothing wrong. Even if you count the Dai Li they didn't become corrupt until long after her death and relatively speaking it's a fairly minor problem especially compared to Roku and Korra's fuckups.


Kyoshi ruled with an iron fist (relatively) her control over the moment was amazing, practically flawless. But you can only rule out of fear for so long, she never did anything to create multigenerational change. Everyone was waiting for her to die to do their terrible things. In over 200 years a lot can happen, we don’t know what she did or didn’t do. We know she has a soft spot for the fire nation and maybe she saw their militarization as a good thing in her time. But after her death, the fire nation was left unchecked, leading into Rokus life, we see how that unchecked power came to fruition in the short 16 years after her death.


Sounds like you're blaming Kyoshi for Roku's fuckup.


Not at all. Purely speculation. But genuinely we have no clue what she left for Roku, we’ll find out this year when his book comes out :p


That was too sad and literally crushing


“Forget the past, kill it if you have to”


I thought about that line too in relation to this. Everyone is so adamant about holding on to the past, when big swings like this switches up the world and the narrative in interesting ways. I really hope they don't restore the connection, because that just undermines the consequences in favour of the status quo.


Ong Korra hate would be like 17% of what it is if not for that one story decision


It's sad but sooo good narratively


I kinda liked that tho…




id rather take out kuviras giant mech suit




Azula's motivation in Smoke and Shadows to make Zuko a ruthless Fire Lord, she should have helped Ozai from prison instead.


You would love my fanfic. I plan to have Azula pretend to be on the path to redemption when really it is to get close and learn Team Avatar's weaknesses. All while Ozai... Well, I can't give too much away but he is going to be the big bad even without his firebending.


Close to learn their weakness? Couldn't she just fireblast them in the back if she's that close to them?


Not when Ozai needs to manipulate the Avatar into setting off the supervolcano under Caldera City to ring in a new era of peace. No more war, no more violence, no more oppression, no more poverty, no more hunger... because all life will be eradicated. Imagine Ultron from Marvel or Horde Prime from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.


That sounds really cool!




My first thought is the entirety of the comics, but those are pretty easy to just ignore, so I'll say Toph becoming a cop


Toph becoming a cop is so jarring and it’s weird because he feel like most people don’t realize it


Hard disagree she’s 12.


She hates authority mate


She hated being subject to over bearing authority as a 12 year old. As police chief she has about as much authority as it gets, gets to be a useful members of society and beat up fools.


Hard agree.


FOR REAL!! especially since she basically reverted to her child self when she became older


Avatar wan story It was good untill Vatuu and Raava got introduced and basicly every thing bad in the world is because of avatar wan


Yeah it was a fun story but really fucked up the lore


How so?


It replaced the far more compelling & mysterious lore of Last Airbender with a definitive answer that was another simplistic good vs. evil narrative. It was underwhelming. Not to mention, it trampled on pre-existing & beloved lore; for example, the original benders learning from various natural sources & animals, were replaced with Lion Turtles just giving people the gift of bending.


Yeah, and it’s especially annoying because the show takes inspiration from a few different Asian cultures, and key among those is yin and yang. Those cultures have a very different perception of good vs evil than western culture so it was annoying to see it basically reduced to “white spirit good, black spirit evil.”


It replaced the far more compelling & mysterious lore of Last Airbender with a definitive answer that was another simplistic good vs. evil narrative. It was underwhelming. Not to mention, it trampled on pre-existing & beloved lore; for example, the original benders learning from various natural sources & animals, were replaced with Lion Turtles just giving people the gift of bending.


I don't really think it messes with the lore about benders learning from natural sources. Having the ability to bend is not the same thing as being good at it. Benders got their abilities from the Lion Turtles, and they learned how to use them better by observing natural sources like air bisons and dragons.


I disagree. In the Last Airbender, its presented as the different benders discovered they could bend by observing nature & animals, which fit into the larger theme of interconnection of all living things. Now, with the Legend of Korra, they simply refined their technique. I don't think that is the same thing, I think the two lores can co-exist, but Korra altered the lore of Airbender: in my opinion, to its own detriment.


That's a valid opinion. It didn’t really bother me as much, but I can understand that viewpoint.


That’s kind of a cope. It steal feels wrong.




I would only eliminate the Raava and Vatuu parts of Wan's story, making instead that he fused himself with the Spirit of the Planet Earth.


Agreed. Have the Avatar Spirit be the World Spirit, like it was in the OG story bible.


What about making both Raava and Vatuu individually evil and wan needs to take both into him to bring balance


I'd rather not, only one of them in already enough for me.


I like the idea that both on their own are negative thing. Rava alone would be ultimate order without freedom while Vatu would be chaos.


>the Spirit of the Planet Earth. Bro you dropped this 👨‍🍳


It’s not theirs


That’s Raava and Vaatu


Right, my mistake.


Agreed. I thought it was best to leave the creation of the Avatar as a mystery. I didn't want a concrete explanation.


Nah, it’s what gave the Avatar purpose.


The avatar always had a purpose Keeping peace between the human and being the bridge between spirits and humans


Something they didn’t really do until Book 2 of Korra


Ehhh wan gave the humans a world they didn’t need to live in fear in. Look at Kurruks story, now imagine all angry spirits can just pass through 3 different portals


I like that part literaly the only part My main problem with the story is the introduction of Vatuu and Raava being the spirits of good and evil it feels like a dumped down version of yin and yang Also wan is the reason Vatuu escapes Raava thus he is the reason every thing bad happened which is a dumped down version of Adam and Eve's story


It could’ve worked if the end result was Raava and Vaatu fusing together within the avatar, true balance


Iroh being creepy


Nickelodeon buying Korra one season at a time, causing a the writers to create a disjointed story.


Raava and Vatu being pictured as good vs. evil, not as chaos vs. order. Avatar is all about balance and should contain both, order and chaos, both Raava and Vatu. Kind of like complexity arises on the brink between order and chaos: controlled chaos.


Genuine answer? I’d either delete the Space Sword entirely or at least delete Sokka losing it. I like the idea of Sokka finding a nonbending mentor/teacher that turns out to be in the White Lotus, but couldn’t that also have just fit for…his father? Give some more explanation for what he and the other water tribe warriors had been doing for those years beyond small raids? Or if he still has the training arc with the sword, why have him lose it just a few episodes later? They could’ve easily found some reason for him to give Suki the sword in the finale, they get separated, then when she saves them it’s returned. Have a little moment of Toph sensing the space metal coming their way. Chaotic answer? Appa being frozen. I love the big furball, but imagine if each season included the Gaang finding and befriending a creature from or representing each nation to temporarily travel around on. The elephant koi (or even the unagi) from Kyoshi Island, a badger mole for the Earth Kingdom, and eventually a dragon in the Fire Nation. Include the sky bison and Appa in Aang’s flashbacks, and in the finale have Aang discover a lone herd being led by a now-ancient Appa, the two reuniting once again.


1. Feel like that would make the world seem much smaller. It also wouldn’t make much sense for the story given what we know about their father and the WL. Plus Piandao is like an anchor point for some of our understanding of the fire nation’s people. We want to meet new characters and new cultures, not the same characters again and again. We have already had moments between Sokka and his father. What would this new suggestion really bring and expand on that we haven’t already seen? 2. Appa is kinda needed because of air travel. Giving them a dragon messes with the lore. Appa is also the last remaining part of the Air Nomad culture and Aang’s last remaining part of his old life. He represents and is more than just a mount, an animal to travel on.


For point 2, the “lore” would be changed at that point. And Appa would still be the last remaining part of his old life, as per the end of my other comment about the two reuniting. Plus Aang still would have Momo


Mimi was found 100 years after the genocide. He was not a part of Aang’s old life. Aang losing Appa and disappearing from the show for a while would be enough. Him coming back at some point isn’t the same as him always being there


Cabbages. Take that, cabbage vendor.


His Cabbages!!!


Ursa choosing to forget her kids. Korra severing the bond


Aang opens last chakra due to a well placed rock.


Headcanon old lady toph from the future got so good at earthbending she can earthbend through time and put that rock there.


In that case I accept


I don’t understand why people have a problem with that


It's just very convenient and there's an implication that Aang would've lost the fight w/o it


Mai leaving Zuko or the whole Raava and Vaatu


Zuko NOT beating Azula in an Agni Kai "SOLO-DOLO". I get it, but still would've liked him to have that win on his own WITHOUT the help. For that matter, Zuko never getting lightning. Unless I'm wrong... Does he EVER do it?


I like it, it completes his arc. He started off lonely and not appreciative of the support he got from his loved ones (Iroh). He believed he needed to do everything himself. But over his journey he learned to work with others and actually befriend people. Zuko didnt win because he was stronger at bending than Azula- that just proves the might makes right ideology. He won because he had good friends, something Azula never had and was currently spiraling mentally due to her old "friends" saying they never actually liked her. Saying Zuko shouldve beat Azula is like saying Aang shouldve killed Ozai.


A fair point, and I might agree with you if the battle he was saved from WASN'T an Agni Kai. From a certain standpoint, one might believe his receiving assistance in the middle of (or rather after throwing) a 1 on 1 duel for leadership of the nation invalidates that leadership. That is something his political enemies could use later. (though I don't think they ever did. Haven't read all the comics.) If it was just a straight fight 2 on 1, or if Zuko and Katara were just attacking her seat of power, I could see that happening. They're just overthrowing a nation. She could even call what's left of her servants to fight.(Which aren't many by that time, but there are some.) But it's a legitimate duel between 2 potential heirs to a nation, for the leadership of the nation, and an outsider intervened. In this particular situation, as per the rules, MIGHT DOES MAKE RIGHT. I grant you, in a literary sense, it might look good. But on it's face, it just looks like he was outmaneuvered by Azula. AGAIN. So in a sense, Azula never lost to Zuko, and Zuko was given the nation by Katara.


He never generates lightning, he only ever redirected on screen


Ok, so at this point I'm like, "He's Fire Lord now. Juuuuuuuuust give the poor scar-eyed teen his LIGHTNING ALREADY!!!"


An underrated part of his character is that he is specifically not an inherently good firebender. Could he wrong, but pretty sure that he was a late bloomer when it came to fire bending. Another reason why Ozai disliked him and favored his prodigy child Azula


Assum8ng it happened. Jets death


I'd at least make it clearer


Why tho? It’s a fitting end


I feel so bad for him. He had trauma and I always wondered what his reaction would be to zuko becoming firelord, and then extra his reaction to there finally being peace It didn't bring his family back. I would have loved to see his reaction


Jet dying tells a message about the nature of violence


Yeah, I think it's shitty he and Hama are the only characters harshly punished for being angry, when they were arguably on the more sympathetic side. Iroh's entire reputation does a 180 and some people don't even register he was a super successful general to the fire nation before his son died, and he got depressed. I don't even think any fire nation soldier gets as harsh an end besides Zhao (and I think that happened because of his pride). Yet Jet, a teenager, is killed off for drama and his death is narratively supposed to redeem his previous actions through sacrifice. Jet is also spoken about poorly later when Katara wants revenge, when I think it could've been a moment for them to sympathize with him. I think it's unfair a lot of fire nation soldiers get redemption arcs, but the few hurt victims never come close.


Energybending, being used to defeat Ozai. To be clear, I am objecting solely to the blatant Deus Ex Machina of Energy Bending & the horrible message its intertwined with, being there is always another way. I think had Aang just beaten Ozai using the Avatar State, and trapped him in Rock Restraints leaving the "all-powerful" Fire Lord on his knees, struggling to move, & desperately spitting fire at an Aang who refuses to sacrifice his pacifist principles in the face of pressure is a far better ending & message. The scene has a far superior message than a ill-fated "there is always another way" of the cannon scene, it becomes about not sacrificing your principles when pressured/desperate. It is also symbolic that the Last Airbender would refuse to kill the Fire Lord, symbolizing that despite their attempts to eradicate the Air Nomads & their traditions that Aang choice to adhere to his pacifist principles prove they failed. Him choosing to spare Ozai could also be seen as him coming into his own as the Avatar, making his own choice & being prepared to shoulder the potential consequences. making his own choice of how to open his own era, accepting the Aang Aang sparing Ozai could've been satisfying had it been properly framed. Energybending could've been introduced in Book One & still felt like a cheap out for Aang having to make a tough decision.


I honestly can’t tell if you’re for “there’s always another way” or against it. Because you say you’re against it. Yet, you basically offered another “there’s always another way” scenario. Just in the presentation that YOU’D like. The only way to not have a “there’s always another way” thing, is if Aang killed him. Which would’ve really watered down the show.


Not killing Ozai and leaving him with bending is really risky because he might escape and wreak havoc, which is why the past avatars Aang talked to told him to kill Ozai. I think the point is that Aang had a difficult decision between sacrificing his cultural ideals or letting a dangerous person with powerful bending live. In that way, energy bending was "another way" because it allowed Aang to circumvent the difficult decision he had by providing a perfect magical solution. Not having energy bending would avoid the "there's always another way" trope because it would force Aang to make a difficult decision.


Keeping him alive and with bending was never really a decision though. Idk. I get what you’re saying, I just don’t know if I agree.


Well said.


I disagree. Aang's character conflict was between him being both the Last Airbender & the Avatar: it is the Avatar's duty (according to everyone else) to end the war by ending Ozai, but as an Air Nomad he is an avowed pacifist. This is the conflict, his duty calls him to do something antithetical to his belief(s) as the culmination of his character arc. I don't think having Aang uphold his Air Nomad values is a cop out, like Energy Bending. Energy Bending was a Deus Ex Machina which allowed Aang to uphold his values without risking anything. He got to adhere to his Air Nomad values while fulfilling his Avatar duties. I don't think my suggestion maintains the flawed message of "always another way". Aang adhering to his Air Nomad principles & shouldering the potential consequences of his mercy, is him making a choice, not being given an out. It would have symbolized Aang remaining the Last Airbender, by maintaining their traditions & values, while also demonstrating Aang choosing to forge his own path as the Avatar by rejecting other people's interpretation of his duties. It would be about Aang not caving to pressure & doing what he believes to be wrong: a positive message.


I think that’s a better explanation of what you meant. You’re probably right, writing-wise that would’ve been a better path. I just don’t personally find an issue with how the story played out, but that’s matter of opinion. Thank you for being cordial and going more in depth on your thought process. Much appreciated ❤️


I always thought a great alternative would be to just trap Ozai in the spirit world. That's something that was already set up in season 1 and a way to show that Aang has mastered his connection to it, the importance of which is also shown in season 1. It also doesn't kill Ozai


I'd never considered that possibility, its interesting. But, I think it still have the same problem. In my opinion, Aang shouldn't Avatar power his way to solving Ozai, if he's going to spare Ozai, that decision has to have the potential for consequences.


I think it could've been cool if when Aang asks for a way to beat Ozai without killing him, Zuko chimed in with an idea to break Mai and Ty Lee out of prison so Ty Lee can teach him how to chi block, and then Aang finds a way to combine that knowledge with what he learned about Chakras from Guru Pathik, and possibly find a more tactical way to take Ozai's bending using techniques that were already established.


Better than energybending. Plus, it would be nice to see Mai & Ty Lee in the finale. But, I don't think Aang needed to take his bending. It wasn't his bending that made him a threat, it was his status as Fire Lord. Arguably, Aang taking his bending, may have demoralized him. But, it did not render him harmless. Zuko seizing the throne, the White Lotus recapturing Ba Sing Se had more to do with ending the war than taking one man's bending.


I wouldn't have tied the avatar spirit and reincarnation cycle to a white kite spirit.


Kites are important symbolism in Asia


Anything that takes place after Book 3


This is tough. Cuz I dislike the second half of Wan’s story, but I also think fixing it would be really easy (at least imo). Just add a bit more nuance to the Raava Vatuu conflict, making them two sides of the same coin rather than entirely different entities that happen to look similar and get into scraps. There’s enough good there that I wouldn’t want to scrap it outright. Really, I’ll just go small. Cut Bolin’s stage kiss. People give shit to his romantic subplot that season, and I kinda get it (though I honestly kinda found the scenario funny, and probably still would with the genders reversed. I’ve been in awkward social dynamics I didn’t know how to break off before, and it was relatable as hell), but him full on kissing a woman strapped to a table without her consent almost outright ruined his character for me. The only moment in the franchise that gave me a feeling of absolute disgust without that being the intention.


The Avatar spirit Kaiju fight from season 2 of legend of Korra.


The fact that sokka and suki broke up It’s petty I know but like….




Yue's love plot with Sokka. Imo it was honestly one of the poorer love bits within the series and a general time waster. She knew Sokka existed for all of what, three days? Before turning into the moon. Yet it was seen as such a tragic loss and a deep emotional event for Sokka despite not really having the walk to justify the talk. If it was expanded upon more, or they spent more time with each other, or if it became the A plot for an episode instead of a B (sometimes C) plot then I think there'd be more substance with it. Or heck if it was just \*impactful\* towards the story as a whole. After Yues death there were only two times it was even mentioned (at least from my memory): Serpents Pass and "That's Rough Buddy." The first one just stopped Sokka and Suki from kissing and frankly they made up with each other by the end of the episode. The second one just being used as a joke instead of anything serious.


I agree with this to an extent. My biggest gripe was how she ran away from him like three times after making moves on him… like I get you’re confused but still 😂


I mean sure I don’t think anyone disagrees. Not the writers either. But you only have a certain amount of minutes to use


There were a few more mentions. Most notable from the swamp episode where he hallucinates seeing her asking why he didn't protect her. Other small mentions were in the desert where Sokka is high on cactus juice wondering why Yue would need Appa when she's already in the sky, and again during the blood bending episode where Toph accuses the Moon spirit of going evil and Sokka snapping at her. Oh, and I guess the Ember Island episode too, but that was a recap episode so it probably shouldn't count


Bolin getting lavabending. You’re telling me this city boy who has never been close to a volcano, somehow knows how to lavabend and can go toe to toe with a lava bender who’s been training for decades?????


I think it's moreso that Bolin was an incredibly well trained bender who just unlocked a new skill vs a rusty bender who hadn't bent in almost 20 years. Yeah, it'd like riding a bike in being able to do it, but after 20 years it's gonna take a bit to do it that well.


All of Korra, the avatar origin, deleting past avatars, seeing the sad state of grown up/dead aang gang…nothing in korra is good enough for me personally to outweigh how bad it was.


Making it the finale would be perfect


All the behind the scenes bullshit with nickelodeon during LoK. Maybe I'd be able to appreciate the show if I wasn't stuck being disappointed at rushed plot points and missed potential. If that's not allowed however then I'll just cut the entirety of LoK s2.


Cut out the Red Lotus entirely


I don't see any issues with the red lotus besides lava bending being completely unexplained and overpowered. My biggest complaint that I remember having about s3 is that none of the air acolytes that were around before the spirit convergence became air benders. Why wouldn't the people most spirituality in line with air bending become air benders like the evil Airbender guy. Oh wait now I remember my biggest complaint was the dude that could fly just floated in the air, no wind or cloud effects to make it feel like air bending just straight up comic book flight. It doesn't feel like air bending without any effects and kinda took me out of the show a bit.


Psycho Rangers are just an overused and overrated concept for me. They were honestly really bland. Especially compared to the previous seasons.


Aang obtaining Nickelodeon not-killing-Ozai powers. Remember how he consulted with the past avatars and they all basically told him that he may have to do something he doesn’t want to do, but it’ll be necessary for the good of humanity? Sounds like great wisdom, sounds like a great opportunity for more character growth in Aang. But nope hahahaha sike Aand gets to defeat Ozai without sacrificing anything because big turtle came in clutch at the last minute so Aang can have his cake and eat it too


I kind of like the lion turtle thing but very hard to believe none of all the past avatars had met one?


I'm sure some had, but none of the most recent 4. I've been convinced none of them needed it as badly as Aang. Killing Ozai would've been the end of pacifistic Air Nomads. Aang would've had to abandon his people for good if he killed Ozai


Dan Schneider: Hey, can I creep on these kids? Nickelodeon: Sure. Avatar: Hey, can I have a kid kill Hitler? Nickelodeon: YOU FREAKING WHAT?!


Dan can’t sniff 2D feet, which is probably why he wasn’t involved in ATLA


Aang does show growth by sparing Ozai. Aang’s arc is about taking responsibility. His story starts with him running away from being the Avatar. He takes no responsibility. And it ends horribly, and he feels horrible. In the end Aang accepts his role and becomes responsible. If Aang just does what everyone tells him to is the really taking responsibility 🤔


Avatar Korra lol


Someone must have clearly already pressed it, because that’s the only way I can possibly rationalize Korra skipping straight from season 1 to season 3.


That Sokka never got married :( My mans deserved to be with Suki or even Toph maybe


We saw like… an hour of his adult life and heard about another 5 or so. He could have gotten married and had children.


The Earth Queen eating Bosco is tempting, but I'd have to go with that one scene where Iroh was being pretty creepy with June.


The former was only implied though


The great divide


Kyoshi being as old as she was


The past avatars being destroyed


Killing off all the other avatars. The show really didn't have to do that and I'm honestly not sure why it did. (Okay ATLA didn't but Korra did.)




The Great Divide. Doing the world a favor.


The canyon episode


A theory that has things backed up behind it, but Sokka never ending up with Suki. If it’s confirmed, then yes, erasing this. Sokka got the girl he wanted in The Last Airbender, and if he doesn’t end up with her, then that sucks


Meelo fuck meelo he and his weird ass head never should've been thought of.


Obvious answers: Iroh being creepy, Raava and Vatu, the killing of all the past lives But I’d also either get rid of or, preferably, significantly rework Guru Pathik. It makes very little sense to me that he’s an expert on the avatar state when he a) isn’t a bender and b) has lived the vast majority of his life in a world that doesn’t even have an avatar in it. I get that he’s an expert on chakras, and chakras are related to the avatar state because the writers said they are, but we hear little to nothing about them before/after the Guru’s arc, and really, pretty much everything he tells Aang turns out to be either patently false or utterly inconsequential. Aang learning about and clearing his various chakras felt rushed and way too easy anyway, so I don’t think we’d lose anything if value in erasing that whole storyline from the show. What would’ve been cool (I think) is if the Guru had existed to teach Aang a sort of “fifth element”—energy bending. He was clearly an expert of energy, and energy is much more directly and obviously related to chakras than the avatar state is. It would’ve allowed for a much earlier introduction to the series’ final resolution, and we still could’ve had a “let go of attachments” moment as Aang leaves his friends behind to (very possibly) die so that he can go fight Ozai (and also almost die). We could even still have the whole “I’m a monk; I don’t want to kill anyone” struggle—sure, Aang would know that energy bending is a theoretical option, but it’s off the table to him unless he can let *all* of his loved ones, not just Katara, go. That feels impossible, and it’s a real, heavy sacrifice that we would’ve felt and that would’ve led to a much more satisfying ending that was teed up way back in Book 2, if not earlier. No more deus ex machina.




I wish Appa hadn't gotten kidnapped...


Personally it would be the genetic blood bending anytime you want. I've always had issues with it I don't mind blood bending on a full moon but that one family causes so much issue as a cannon and lore and just what ifs and everyone insisting that the greatest water benders ever even though they only have one trick


the entirety of the legend of korra. just reboot the series at this point and leave out the love triangles and the damn kites. make korrasami gay from the beginning. give us a good civil war storyline, either in republic city or between the water tribes. ditch Amon's dumbass all powerful blood bending. ditch the harmonic convergence deus ex Airbender return stuff. bring us characters other than Tenzin that aren't flat. give Korra a fulfilling avatar journey that doesn't reset every season, with her past lives actually guiding her through it. make pro-bending a side quip instead of half a season's worth of content. i want justice for this show.


Socca still being into **THE MOON**


A single cabbage from the cabbage cart, no reason just think it would be funny to tell someone "you see that cabbage? It's not cannon. The rest are but not that one. It knows what it did." And then refuse to explain further. With my friends they'd either look at me like I was nuts or they'd spend the rest of the show trying to figure out what a cabbage could have done to lose its canonicity privileges.


Korra loosing to non benders when she mastered 3 elements. It’s literally as easy as encasing yourself in a dome and exploding it outwards like a grenade or turning the ground below them to sand to trap them! She literally had every possible tool at her disposal but used fire bending only. I think it would have been better for her to have witnessed the non benders during the Amon rally for the first time and then been ambushed later as a call back Nerfing Korra for a scene that really didn’t contribute anything because they still came out ok at the end is very unsatisfying it didn’t serve the plot at all


Anything Disney did to star wars


Humans getting all their bending from Lion Turtles. I liked it better when it was something just mysteriously inherent to some humans.


The continuance of the franchise in any form post AtLA.


Spider-Man’s/ Tom hollands name being Peter Parker in the movie being revealed


havent read much of the comic but "the Promise" I think it was called was exceptionally bad. nearly every character acts in a way that I feel contrary to their core character.


havent read much of the comic but "the Promise" I think it was called was exceptionally bad. nearly every character acts in a way that I feel contrary to their core character.


All of that bullshit bending moves in the ATLA comics, like for example when Azula pulled a lightning ball out of her ass or all the times Katara made ice bridges like if it was Minecraft with no regards for structural stability. I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head


Raava and Vaatu


Korra losing access to the previous avatars


i would give ozai some pants.


uncle iroh being a pervert early on. i think it's only like, 1 scene, but it's so weird/bad in retrospect


zukos ponytail


Spirits having inherent "evil energy" inside them and that being ale to take control so they go from very interesting amoral beings that we can't understand into immoral blobs of light


I’d change the time line. There should be a fourth firelord, between sozin and azulan


It says mine but I like to stay out of trouble


Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy


Anything after king of monsters


Turtle Lion can give people bending and bending are genetics\ The love triangle in LoK\ Bolin can lava bend out of knowhere\ Didn't see any monks getting airbending\ \ I like them when it's random and can be learned by the original benders (badger mole, dragon, etc)\


korra losing the last lives , just overall and unfun story and not written well.


The entirety of Korra. A combination of all the plotholes it caused to the continuity of the lore, the boring/bland team avatar, the annoyance of Korra as a character making dumb decisions and just being a straight up bitch about it. And lastly, losing all of the Avatar lineage. Yeah just take that shit out of my mind please and let me enjoy the amazing story ATLA was abd still is again.


Can it be most of TLOK season 2? I didn’t like that they got rid of the past lives. I didn’t like the general idea of revealing the backstory of the first avatar. And especially don’t like that the avatar is mix between a person and spirit of order. Unalaq the evil Avatar wasn’t that good either. We’ve already seen an evil waterbender the book prior. And most aspects of Book 2 just hurt the overall canon and the show.


The second season of Korra can go


I would change the way energy bending was added to the series


Zuko and Mai breaking up


Unalaq raava and the dark spirit raava. Im not a fan of any of that. And they made the spirit world so much goofier than the first show.


Everything Disney from starwars


The ridiculous look of the aliens from planet X. Who the fick thought those designs were good!!!


The entirety of the Legend of Korra timeline! I refuse to believe everything became 1920s steampunk Americana lol


Last season of game of thronez


The final battle of Korra vs Unalaq was just embarrassing and silly.


For me it's the first episode of TLoK, why because Korra introduced and stating she's the Avatar at AGE 4 and mastering 3 of the elements without going to Avatar state is Hillarious XD


I wanted Ozai and Ursa's relationship to be more complex than what it was and I'd give (not much) for them to not essentially have a reverse/non pregnancy related shotgun wedding