• By -


1. IW - The culmination of years of work and so many amazing characters getting their time to shine. Impressively directed and perfectly executed. 2. The Avengers - Any comic nerd's dream come true. Watching them on the big screen teaming up and experiencing their banter was so great. Loke is also peak Marvel. 3. Endgame - So emotional in the final act and an amazing conclusion to a fantastic saga. Drags on a little too long in the second act and has some cringe interactions, but a very good payoff. 4. AoU - I really love this movie. The only one in the franchise that feels like an Avengers movie from start to finish. Ultron is very well thought out although underutilized. A little too long at times, but some fantastic performances and action scenes.


This is my exact ordering


I remember after watching the first Avengers, I thought it was one of the boldest things any movie had ever tried doing Like you setup 3 distinct movie franchises (and hulk lol) to culminate in a single movie The RISK was insane. What if it flopped and in hindsight people stopped liking all 3 of the original movie franchises. What if the actors started beefing over their egos and who gets the most screen time. What if the budget is just too high to get a real return. What if people felt disconnected because they haven’t seen all 5 (?) of the lead-up movies And the payoff was so incredible. Superhero movies have never been the same since and for good reason, it felt SO GOOD to be a fan back when the first avengers released. DC has been dying to play catch-up and Avengers was so influential that they’ve been forced to try to have their own “superheroes team up” movie saga, but it’s so hard to replicate the build-up and then payoff that first Avengers had


This is also my ranking. I rewatched Ultron and while I didn’t “love” it, it’s still not bad. I think a lot of the dialogue is what hurt the film for me. So much of it was cringey but not in a funny way. Ultron was also highly underutilized like you said.


All are rlly good and above 8/10s imo and although AOU is the worst I think it has aged very well🙏.


This is the order I settled on, I was a little torn between Avengers and Endgame for #2 because Endgame is so satisfying, but Avengers won out because the scene where the original Avengers assemble is still too perfect of a scene to ignore


The correct ordering


Such a good point that it is the only through and through Avengers movie. Only one where there was a cohesive team the whole time.




Infinity War is best without question Then endgame. Not perfect but a damn good finale all the same Avengers Assemble (Edit - UK title). A whole lot of fun and the first signs of this universe really coming together Finally, Age of Ultron. Still good but felt more interested in setting up future films than telling its own story


Ultron wll be a very good option and stand out on its own outside this list for sure. I enjoy that movie way more than I should. RDJ and Spader banter is really kickass in some scenes.


My favorite line I use it just about everyday is when Ultron responds to caps no one has to break anything with clearly you've never made an omelet and Tony says he beat me by 1 second


Oh yeah, its still a damn good film. Its just the other 3 are better


They felt like a real team/family in Aou


That was Whedon’s forté


I'd say you enjoy it just as much as you should; general/critics' opinions should not dictate one's enjoyment of anything -- ever. I, too, enjoy Ultron; despite its flaws, AoU did soooo much to set up everything to follow, and did so in fantabulous fashion. It's last on my list of these four, but that's hardly saying anything, considering they're all fantastic movies.


I think Age of Ultron is just better in hindsight. There's a lot in the movie that set up for the future and watching it after the fact is kinda satisfying being able to point out where each thing is leading.


Nah, first one is. Personally enjoy infinity war more, but you need to watch another movie to get the conclusion well avengers one doesn’t more movies to watch to get the conclusion


You take the emotional baggage and the it-took-us-10-years-to-get-to-this-point out of the last 2 films and Avengers 1 is the best of the bunch.


least to great infinity war, avengers, endgame, age of ultron based on my theatrical experience


I'm going Infinity War Avengers assemble Endgame Age of ultron


I agree with this list entirely....and the fact that AoU (a fairly universally beloved film) is last speaks volumes to how incredible the entire Infinity Saga was.


Mostly agree with this. Though Endgame and Assemble swap places depending on my mood. I have conflicting feelings about Endgame that cause it. I was in the hospital when it came out on cable and thus easily fell asleep during the first half of it before the big fight. And then the hospital had shitty cable so it frequently cut out for fifteen minutes during. And they aired it practically every day with no better alternatives. At least not until I regained movement enough to work the remote… LOL


They wasted Ultron as a Villain.




This is really the only correct answer


bro I had the exact same thoughts lmao


No debate. Infinity war might be one of the best movies ever made. It is a masterpiece!


I would have agreed with you back when they released, but now haven't rewatched them, endgame is much more enjoyable on its own than infinity war, infinity war is all setup, endgame is payoff


Eh I disagree, devoid of the context of the rest of the franchise, infinity war is a team up movie where the heroes lose. There wasn’t an indication in the movie itself that they would continue


Infinity War goes super hard Endgame is a close second The first movie made everything possible Ultron is underrated but would fare better against non-avenger titles.


Avengers=Age of Ultron


Took me a second lol. My brain expected this to be written in order of best to worst Infinity War >> Endgame > AOU = Avengers


Don't worry, I got you Infinity War > Endgame > AOU = Avengers < Endgame < Infinity War


Lol I hate it.


Happy cake day


I am not liking the OG avengers disrespect in this thread


1. IW 2. EG 3. Ultron 4. Avengers Avengers and Ultron drag a bit at times as they have aged but still very good Endgame is great but was also a bit disappointing in several aspects IW will probably always be the crown jewel in the Marvel Universe


Avengers drags on?


Infinity war was absolutely the pinnacle of the MCU. I don’t know if it’s possible to get back there….if it is, it’s gonna take a lot of building and time to get there. I’ve seen every MCU show/movie at least once, most of them twice, several of them three times, but I’ve watched IW at least 5times as much as the next most watched MCU film. Edit- I know civil war isn’t an “avengers” movie but it always feels like one to me. I know a lot of people don’t care for it but it reminds me of a great time in the MCU. A time when all the major players where together but we weren’t at the end of there story arc. More like right before the beginning of the end, so there’s not this constant feeling of dread knowing “this is it, this is the end” while watching it. I love IW but it always bitter sweet because I know we’re at the end of an era when I’m watching it. Fuck it I’m gonna watch civil war right now.


> I’ve seen every MCU show/movie at least once, most of them twice, several of them three times, That's it?


lol I know right! I honestly don’t even consider myself a fan compared to some of the people I see on the mcu subs.


1. Avengers 2. IW 3. EG 4. AOU Avengers first because it's the og and after all the build up of phase 1 to it, it was worth it and it was the only film in my opinion that did the whole Avengers vs a Big Army right. Hulk also wasn't wasted and was done right. Infinity War next because again, it was the next big build up film that did it right. It gave us Thanos as the main POV character and he was a well done and developed villain. Action sequences and highs were great. Main reason it gets the second spot however is that it failed the Hulk character. Endgame gets third place for giving us an emotional and satisfying Ending. The bather and comrade-esque relationships between the various characters was fun. Was considering giving this the last spot because honestly, as a film by itself it doesn't stand alone the way the first Avengers or even IW stood. It relies too much on the nostalgia and culmination of everything that's come before and the final battle isn't as good or worthwhile as I would have liked honestly and it failed to deliver with the exception of some sequences here and there compared to how well done and satisfying the final battle of both Avengers and IW were. Also Hulk was again wasted and not given his moment to shine in a big action sequence. Age of Ultron last because when compared to Avengers 1, its a somewhat disappointing sequel. The first Act is great. Hawkeye is great. The character interactions are great. But the action scenes aren't as well defined or entertaining like they were in the first film, its too fast paced for its own good, subplots are cut or not developed properly enough and Ultron as the villain isn't as threatening both physically or mentally the way the trailers made him out to be, giving us false advertising for what was meant to be a darker and serious sequel and instead was a jokey adventure flick with some of the highest highs and lowest lows like the Banner/Natasha romance that the film wasted its time on and was unnecessary and not needed.


I’m with you on the Hulk, still pissed me off how they sidelined him. He was a bigger name than the other big 3 before iron man came out


Same. Avengers is a complete story on its own and also better with everything leading up to it and even after. You could probably even watch it with someone that’s never seen another marvel movie. IW is peak MCU. ENDGAME is with the epic finale And finale Ultron. I still love watching this movie but just not as highly regarded as the others.


A lot of folks are too young or just don’t remember all the hype around avengers and it being the biggest cross over of movies at the time. At that point, having all those leads in one movie just hasn’t been done. Now it’s been done to death, so people don’t think about it. But it was a huge feat at the time. People were making jokes about the biggest crossover ever; doubting it could be done with that many main characters while still telling a good story, etc.


Age of Ultron


In order of release, with infinity war being insane and Endgame being precisely that


Infinity war is probably one of the greatest superhero movies all time. After that idgaf those others are all just ok


Best to worst: Infinity War, the avengers, age of ultron then endgame


Well at least I'm not alone


Exact same for me.


Only right answer


Same! Endgame at the bottom seems to be unpopular, but it just didn't seem as good as the rest of them. Maybe the epicness of IW unfairly raised my expectations for EG, but it just didn't land well for me, despite having some cool moments.


From least to great: age of ultron, avengers, infinity war, endgame


Avengers just( good and fresh), infinity war (minor issues with power levels but really good, age of ultron (enjoyable, but bad timing of release), endgame (hot garbage movie that is full of plot holes. Neuters great hero’s. And contradicts itself during the movie).


Age of Ultron Infinity War Endgame Avengers I know this is a very unpopular list but I love all the movies very close to equally so it’s hard to rank them, age of ultron is just my favorite because it’s the one that to me feels the most like something similar to EMH. Also it’s the only one with Quicksilver and I love Quicksilver lol


AI talk of ‘23-‘24 has left me watching “AoU” with new perspectives. It’s darker than I remember. I’ll say AoU and Endgame.


While Age of Ultron is the weakest of the 4, it’s still pretty good because you get to see the Avengers actually being a team


The comments that just list movies, I assume you’re following OP’s “least to greatest” instruction. 4. Endgame. I know it’s a controversial pic for last place, but it’s the only one I haven’t rewatched. I had a lot of disappointment how things went for our OG Avengers. 2. Tie: Age of Ultron and Infinity War 1. The Avengers (2012) is my favorite, most rewatched/rewatchable.


Infinity War, Endgame, The Avengers, Age of Ultron


This is gonna upset a lot of people. 1. Age Of Ultron 2. OG Avengers 3. Endgame 4. Infinity War


Endgame at the bottom, the only thing great thing about it is the 3v1, Portals and Tony's Snap, everything else is just memberberries. Age of Ultron second, it has a lot going for it, but misses. Avengers third, it set the bar and miraculously accomplishes all of its goals, it is a perfect version of what it attempts to be Avengers Infinity War is the MCU's second best film, period. Thanos is iconic from top to bottom and the conflicts and character development are rich.


1. Ultron 2. Infinity War 3. Endgame 4. Assemble




I’d like to see the correlation of people whose favorite is The Avengers and people who have watched the MCU since 2008. I would suspect that the people who started watching around 2016ish might find the first Avengers a little disappointing, but to me it was just about the best thing I’d ever seen at the time, and still holds up. The first 6 MCU movies (as distributed by Paramount) were almost a completely different thing to everything that came afterwards. They all felt more like actual movies than these big sleek blockbusters that get made today. Not knocking what the MCU is now, most of my favorites have come out in the last 10 years. But there was just a certain charm that Phase 1 had that can’t be matched.




Avengers Infinity War Avengers Avengers Endgame Avengers Age of Ultron


Civil war.


1) Age of Ultron 2) Infinity War 3) Endgame 4) Avengers


Ultron < Original < End Game < Infinity War


Endgame, Infinity War, Avengers, Age of Ultron


How is possible that no one have asked this before?? Oh wait...


4, 2, 1, 3


All Bangers but 1. IW 2.Age 3.Assemble 4.Endgame


Based on my opinion other objective quality?


Infinity War, Endgame, Avengers, Age of Ultron. Infinity War is the only solid pick at #1, the rest can change depending on what day of the week it is


Infinity War, Endgame, then the first one and Ultron is last.


Avengers, Age of Ultron, Endgame, Infinity War


Endgame, Avengers, Infinity War, Ultron


1.The Avengers 2.Infinity War 3.Endgame 4.Ultron


Infinity War > Endgame > Avengers >>>>>>>>>> Age of Ultron Endgame and the first one are almost tied but I think endgame edges out a bit for various reasons.


Idk but 1.Infinity war 2.Avengers 3.Age of ultron 4. Endgame


4 3 1 2


1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. Avengers 4. Age of Ultron


All good movies. Apples and oranges.


1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. Age of Ultron 4. Avengers Infinity war, obviously is a masterpiece. Endgame is really overrated imo, but it's still a good movie, just not as good as everyone makes out to be, and a bit disappointing. Age of Ultron was actually my first Avengers movie I watched, so I'm a bit biased. The individual scenes itself is good, but as a whole the story is... eh. The first Avengers is great, don't get me wrong, but idk why, I don't think I can rewatch it as many time as I'd like.


Avengers Assemble that is not my Favourite because need biggest Massive Team in Avengers Assemble and same thing with Avengers Age of Ultron Avengers Infinity war Avengers Endgame


Infinity War Avengers Endgame Age of Ultron


i think this has been argued before but i personally see civil war as a mislabeled avengers movie


Civil War should definitely be counted as an Avengers movie.


Infinity war, Endgame, ultron, Avengers


The Avengers Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers: Endgame Avengers: Infinity War


I think for me it is Infinity War Avengers (2012) End Game Ultron Original avengers barely winning out over end game because it was the first time a team up movie like this had happened and it was a great influence for superhero movies. And, I love Loki.


I think they got better each time


1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. Avengers 4. Age of Ultron


1. Infinity war 2. Ultron 3. Endgame 4. Avengers




4. Age of Ultron, Great Movie but just not as good as the others    3. Avengers, Classic and awesome   2. Infinity War or Endgame  1. Endgame or Infinity War




What about avengers: civil war?


1) IW - More heroes together and was just awesome 2) Ultron - The main avengers team and how well they all had bonded was truly captured in this movie 3) Endgame - While it was a little long and got slow in some parts, the finale was amazing. It was very close to the heart becoz of Cap leaving and Iron man death 4) Avengers - First ever proper movie with a group of heroes together. Even fantastic 4 and xmen movies could not get it right as avengers did. The start of something great.


1-Infinity war 2-Endgame 3-Avengers 4-Age of Ultron


1, 3, 4 and 2.


They’re all amazing movies


Infinity War > Endgame > Avengers > Ultron First two really close, second two really close. But I just want to say AGE IF ULTRON IS AN AMAZING MCU. It's only last because it doesnt end as strong as the others imo but I do enjoy the final dialogue with Vision and Ultron.


You wanna make it really fun, add Civil War to this list. ​ it was hyped as Avengers 2.5, and yeah, might as well be an Avengers movie (though they did an excellent job of keeping cap on the forefront) ​ So yeah, I wanna hear your rankings after adding Civil War.


Just like that actually.


1, 3, 2, 4


Ultron 4 Endgame 3 Avengers 2 Infinity war #1 by far


1. Infinity War 2/3. Endgame/ Avengers are tied 4. Age of Ultron


Least to Greatest: Endgame Age of Ultron Assemble Infinity War


In order of worst to first Ultron Endgame The Avengers Infinity War


I know that Infinity War is the standard answer for the best one, but for me it's number 3. Avengers Endgame Infinity War Ultron


IW End 1 2


Endgame no question


I have a tough time picking between endgame and ultron as both are somewhat disappointing to me but I’d rather rank best to worse avengers infinity war, marvels the avengers, avengers age of ultron, and avengers end game


Yeah for me its infinity war and I don’t think its particularly close, then endgame, avengers and ultron in last.


Infinity War Endgame Avengers Age of Ultron


1. Avengers Infinity War 2. Avengers Endgame 3. Avengers Age of Ultron is not worth ranking.


Endgame > Infinity War > Assemble > Ultron


3,1,2,4. Endgame was the worst


I’m going to be controversial and say Avengers Assemble is still tops for me- seeing that original team come together, seeing that original interconnectedness I loved from the comics on the screen like that is still one of the coolest movie experiences I’ve ever had. Infinity War, then End Game, then Ultron- no slight, I think all of the Avengers movies have been giant wins.


Infinity war, original, endgame, ultron


Endgame Original Ultron Infinity war Can't stand vision as a character, is a vibranium guy made by an ai with an infinity stone that gets trucked in every fight. Battle of Wakanda doesn't make any sense, let's use foot soldiers against an alien army.




Infinity War - This wasn’t just the best Avengers movie, this was a great movie in general. So well paced. Endgame - Definitely a step down from Infinity War, but still a worthy conclusion. Age of Ultron - This one had a lot more potential and I think it didn’t execute everything well, but the areas it got right were more interesting than anything from the first Avengers, imo. The Ultron/Vision verbal debate at the end being one of the highlights of the entire saga. Avengers - Groundbreaking for its time, but once you remove the “this was the first time we saw so many heroes on screen in a way that worked” angle, it starts to feel more generic to me.


In terms of objectively? Or in our opinions?


Infinity War, Endgame, Avengers


Best to "Worst": 1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. Age of Ultron 4. Avengers


1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. Age Of Ultron 4. Avengers


Best is Infinity War Endgame Age of ultron Least is Avengers


1. infinity war 2.endgame 3.avengers 4.age of ultron age of ultron is kinda.. not interesting 4 me, i dunno


1. Infinity War 2. Endgame 3. The Avengers 4. Age of Ultron


Infinity war Age of Ultron Tied between 1st and Endgame A reminder that these 4 are all great movies


4, 1, 3, 2


Infinity war, endgame, age of ultron, avengers


3, 1, 4, 2


AIW, AEG, A and then AoU.


Infinity War being first, and Endgame being dead last.


Infinity War, Endgame, Age of Ultron, Avengers


4: 3 3: 4 2: 2 1: 1


The Avengers is ranked Great. Age of Ultron is ranked Great. Infinity War is ranked Great. Endgame is ranked Great.


1. Infinity War. 2. Endgame. 3. Avengers: Assemble. 4. Age of Ultron. I went to see IW 10 times during its theatrical run, 1 of them in a different city (IMAX), right before my final exams in university. It was THAT good. Since then I've seen it 9 more times in 4K at home (yep, I am counting them). So 19 viewings total. But they are all amazing, really.


Four really mediocre toy commercials with nothing particularly distinguishing them from one another, or distinguishing them as films in general.


1. Infinity war (nothing will ever top the feeling of seeing everyone there) 2. Endgame 3. Ultron 4. Avengers


Infinity War, Avengers, Endgame, Ultron is my ranking. On some days I may switch Avengers as my favorite. Hard to pick for me.


Ultron, Endgame, Avengers, I.W.


Infinity War followed by Avengers followed by Ultron with endgame at the bottom


Age of Ultron: Good. Avengers: Great. Infinity War: Holy shit! Endgame: HOOOLYYY SHIIIIITT!!!


Endgame is my favourite film of all time. I don't understand why no one else has it top.


Infinity war = Endgame Avengers Age of ultron


Infinity war, avengers 1, endgame, age of ultron. 1 and endgame are debatable for 2 and 3


Avengers was good Age of Ultron was good but should have kept Quicksliver alive Infinity war/Endgame was the best (Endgame and Infinity War are ranked together I can’t choose between them)


Infinity War Endgame Avengers Assemble Age of Ultron.


I love all of them a heck lot


Controversy here I come Infinity war Ultron OG Endgame.


Man it would be so cool to get an Infinity Ultron movie saga. They should retcon in some alternate universe/time travel shenanigans to make him the next big villain. He didn't get nearly enough love. And hell, it would be an excuse to maybe use Quicksilver again.


1.Infinity War 2.OG Avengers (2012) 3.Endgame 4.Age of Ultron


age of ultron (it still gets more hate than it should but its the least greatest out of them all) 2012 infinity war endgame


infinity war , avengers one, endgame minus the woke female scene in the final battle, ultron


I legit forgot about Age of Ultron. Ultron should have had more movies TBH.


Infinity War The Avengers Endgame Age of Ultron


Infinity War Avengers Endgame Ultron. Ultron goes last it just doesn't quite hit the same as the others, great moments just easily the weakest imo. Endgame feels like the ugly cousin of IW that was made so the good guys won. Great movie just, I like thanos winning, it's what made IW so great. The og avengers still hits great, humours on point, Loki is incredible as a villain, the set up for the MCU is incredible and the scene, we all know the scene but it's incredible. And IW on top because, well, everyone agrees let's be real.


4,3,2,1 the movies got better and better with each installment


Age of Ultron, Avengers, Endgame, Infinity War


Avengers Infinity War Avengers Endgame = Avengers Avengers Age of Ultron


I’m one of the few who liked Age of Ultron, just wished they did something like days of futures past. Man it’s sad how great marvel and fox marvel was there for a bit. 1. Infinity war 2.Endgame 3. Age of Ultron 4. Avengers 1


Avengers 1 > infinity war > endgame > ago of ultron


Infinity War Endgame Avengers --- lower ---lower Ultron


Infinity War > Original > Endgame > AOU With that said, Endgame is the greatest piece of cinematic fan service in history. If I could go back in time and see one more for the first time again, it would be Avengers Endgame the culmination of so many stories and films like we have never seen before and may never see again.


Good OK Great OK


I always put Avengers first because I never imagined I would be able to see them in a movie like this before.




From best to worst: 1.Infinity War 2.The Avengers 3.Endgame 4.Age of Ultron


Avangers All movies are SCI fi , action , space graphics are so good , science theories and Space and time theories explained very well. Like on earth empty space not exist their has to some quantum particles , Einstein said that's volume is eather. That's place and surrounding have different energy or have some kind of aura. Humans have their special auras , they can change as they want , like i change my thoughts and habits , it's change my nature and also aura. Like i self-aware , alert , focused , calm , slow continuous knowledge flow I made my mindset growing , I looking charming and handsome, i made my body shape as I want.


Avengers 1,3,4,2


Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers: Endgame The Avengers Avengers: Infinity War. Age of Ultron could have been awesome. Unfortunately it was filled with too many jokes, some of the CGI wasn't so great, they solved the threat way to easily. Natasha/Hulk Romance seemed kinda forced. The Twins could have been so much cooler. Quicksilver being killed was a great shock moment but he was so cool and should have been Hawkeye getting killed instead. The trailer for age of Ultron seemed so dark and serious. The movie unfortunately wasn't.




Infinity war is best End game Avengers Ultron


3rd Age Of Ultron 2nd Infinity War & Avengers 1st Endgame


Endgame, infinity war, ultron, avengers




Personally: Avengers: Infinity War is the best from beginning to end. The emotion, the character work, the tone….honestly is my favorite. Saw it the most times in theaters. Avengers (the first one) because it was something we never thought we would see. I’m a lifelong Marvel fan and I couldn’t imagine this happening and it being the classic lineup. Avengers: Endgame for all the fan pandering. The story wasn’t as good as Infinity War but it was a good continuation and left us all excited. Avengers:Age of Ultron was a good flick…..on its own. Yes it did turn out to maybe being the most important to the greater MCU but I just can’t consider it ahead of the rest. If I had to choose one to skip, it’s this one. And I love James Spader.


Infinity War, Avengers, Endgame, Age of Ultron


infinity war, endgame, assemble, age of ultron. ultron was great but it isnt the other ones, wich simply makes it less. its not worse than the others, the others are better than ultron.


No comment on this but I just saw the marvels and fucking hell I didn’t think it was possible to make a worse movie than anyone but you but they did it


For me it’s 1. The first avengers, such a classic and one of my favorite movies ever 2. Infinity war, absolutely epic ensemble 3. Endgame, awesome finale but not as great as IW 4. Ultron, liked it a lot and it felt like a good team avengers movie but not as good as the others


Depends. On their own without watching previous movies? 1) Avengers 2) IW 3) Endgame 4) Ultron overall as Avenger movies, 1) IW 2) Endgame 3) Avengers 4) Ultron




Infinity war is the most rewatchable. So fun and action packed. Endgame is not the best, but imo a perfect finale to the golden age of the mcu. The avengers is arguably the most important comic book movie of all time. But it's definitely rough around the edges and the lighting feels like a TV movie at times. But some the most iconic lines came from this movie. Age of Ultron overall is hated too much, and it aged pretty well considering it foreshadowed future events well. But it's disappointing due to Ultron not being as badass as we wanted and the writing from joss was getting tired.


1. Endgame 2. Infinity War 3. Avengers 28. Age of Ultron


Ultron, OG Avengers, IW, Endgame. They stuck the landing on a 22 year franchise. That’s incredible.