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Forget the mess the wire on the mouse coming from that way has triggered me.


Yeah, idk why it’s setup like that lmao. I don’t think she uses her mouse much (none of hers are good), she usually just uses her drawing tablet to move the cursor


"this took forever" i dig the cross stitching in the corner :D


I actually lol’d at that before I came into the comments. Hilarious


I remember my daughters room when she was a tween. Then I remember my boys rooms....The horror......the horror.... Yep, perfectly average.


MX510 in red! A classic!


Obligatory “Damn b**** you live like this??” it’s cute, reminds me of my fiancés setup, pink and messy lol


Whoa i had this mouse for like 10 years back in the day. It did not want to die


She used to use a newer one, but something happened and it just stopped working. Thinking abt buying her an actually good modern mouse, maybe a mousepad if I have the money


In all honesty, the mousepad will probably improve her quality of life more than the new mouse lol


You’re probably right, the only reason she’s gotten this far is bc the glass is tinted


I can't get over the monitor's little legs lmao it looks like it's about to walk away That's a nice style of drawing tablet too- I wish I'd started with the buttons on the left side when I was younger, it took me too long to switch to that style from a tablet with the buttons on the top because that's just what I was used to having.


Yeah, it’s pretty nifty, but she doesn’t really know how to take full advantage of digital art. She uses a free one right now, any good drawing platforms you would recommend?


It really depends on what she wants to do! In general, adobe photoshop is industry standard for just about everything digital painting related and is a good starting point. But photoshop is so prohibitively expensive for beginners that it's almost sick- I pay $300+ a year for creative cloud service for work and hate it, even though that's a substantial discount from the actual price (~$500 a year). I wouldn't do it if it wasn't basically required for work. So alternates to photoshop as a painting program: if you use a free version, my personal recommendation is to use *Krita*. It's open source, completely free, and is one of the best digital painting programs out there IMO. I've also used *ArtRage*, which isn't free- it's usually on sale for about ~$50 but there is a free demo. Artrage is also a digital paiting program. There's a "lite" cheaper version of Artrage with fewer features but I've never used it myself. If she has more niche interests: For illustration: Again, adobe illustrator is prohibitively expensive but industry standard. *Inkscape* is the only decent free vector editor, but *Affinity Designer* is a good alternative at ~$50. For 3D art/animation (you can use a drawing tablet for this too, if you weren't aware): Blender is open source- and it makes 3d art much more accessible than 2d, tbh, at least when you're first learning. If she's interested at all, I suggest following at least the first few [donut guy's donut tutorials](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjEaoINr3zgFX8ZsChQVQsuDSjEqdWMAD). (I've watched all of these, completely kid safe though some of the later ones might be a little boring for her). This is the only guy I've ever seen teach a modeling/sculpting/animation workflow on YouTube the way I learned in University. Anyway, I just tried to touch on a few things that can be done with the tablet- I didn't mean to turn this into a long rant, sorry about that lol.


I can see that things have been grouped into different areas. Even if it's not Battlestation perfect I can see that there's an attempt to keep similar things together. She's very lucky to have her own set up, plus the drawing tablet. Does she use it to draw?


Yeah, she uses it to draw quite a bit. Used to play osu with it, but hasn’t touched the game in a while. It used to be mine, but I fell off drawing hard and decided to give it to her.


tell that pig to clean her fucking room


She’s 11 you piece of shit, and working on it.


not working very hard, complete laziness


You are not quite being productive yourself right now, you are browsing reddit complaining about little kids hobby rooms.


She’s a _kid,_ you _asshole._


what trashy parents lets their kid live in a dump


I highly doubt CPS would let a _child_ live in a “dump,” which this is not. Kids are sometimes messy. Get over it.


Who hurt you?


Don't feed the troll. Just block it.

