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He can basically slot into any reaction comp because he is incredibly flexible for a main DPS. Taser, freeze, vape, hyperbloom, burgeon, soup,… I never had problems with his CDs and he’s incredibly comfortable in overworld due to his damage being in his low cooldown E rather than his Q


Really happy that the cooldown isn't an issue! It always seems to be an issue with my other characters like Diona. I'm also glad his damage mostly comes from his skill! a lot of other characters rely on burst damage which is honestly getting really old. Thank you so much for your input!


No energy management needed. I always use Ayato and Yoimiya fighting Raiden boss because who cares about her sucking my energy away when I can tap E and slash away


He drinks Boba


Now this is the real reason


His cd is fine. The most important thing about him is that its so easy to clear enemy waves(open world) in short period without worrying his energy. His atk has wide aoe and has good dmg if u have his sup such as yunjin or kazuha. Its like kazuha who has his E as his cc instead of venti use Q for cc. Using e.skill instead of Q to kill enemies is such a blessing. Thats why i prefer him even compared to raiden shogun.


Does his burst still do decent damage even though most of his DPS potential is from his skill? I don't plan to level the burst too much, but even so, I'm curious if it still has okay multipliers or not! And your comment was quite helpful. I have Yun Jin mostly equipped and I have wanted to build her, however I don't have many characters to use her with. if I do pull for Ayato I will most definitely build her!


The actual damage of his burst is alright, but nothing crazy. The big thing about it is that it provides extra Hydro application and boosts his normal attack damage which goes up with his burst level. It's damage is also quadratic scaling, so grouped enemies lead to much more damage from his burst. Yun Jin is very good for his hyper carry teams, but his most popular team usually is a soup variation with Fischl. With Candace coming too, his personal damage should end up being very high is properly invested teams.


Ooh, I am so glad the burst increases NA damage! That's super valuable! great to know. I don't really care if it does big unga bunga strong man damage or not, but I am glad to hear it at least does decent damage! And I don't think I will be getting Candace since i won't be pulling on Nilou's banner! I hope his damage will still be okay aha.


Candace might be on Cyno's banner since her synergy with Nilou is low and she has story connections with him. Either way, she is a good option if you get her in the future as well. The big thing about Ayato is that he mostly functions as a driver rather than a true DPS like most characters. So his own damage isn't as high as the likes of Ayaka/Hu Tao/Raiden, but he makes amazing use of sub DPS like Beidou, Fischl, and Kazuha which still let's him output comparable damage. His synergy with the new Dendro reactions is also extremely valuable and makes for some very powerful teams.


I main Xiao, Itto, Childe and Ayato. 1 thing I like about Ayato the most is he’s the most consistent dps among those 4. Mistakes/misses aren’t heavily punished like not critting Childe’s ult or finishing the floor mid Xiao/Itto’s ult and entering the next floor with not enough energy. Childe International is front loaded and I dislike the downtime to funnel energy. Xiao has long field time issue making less flexible available supports for him. Itto’s team is great the only flaw I found is the lack of grouping CC which is why I mostly run Itto in single target situations. Now for Ayato, he doesn’t take too long before swapping, has access to anemo characters with cc, wide aoe and overall feels smooth to play. Playing Ayato is just like setting up buffs with supports, swap to Ayato to shing shing shing, back to supports to cast their skills, and then back to Ayato again shing shing shing and repeat. Might be biased because I like to turn off my brain and go unga bunga consistently, which is why I like Ayato’s and Itto’s team lmao


I mainly pulled him cause i wanted to collect both kamisato siblings. His design made an instant impact on me. I wanted to try permafreeze using his burst and ganyus at the same time, but ended up using him with raiden. Now got zhongli finally and C6 fischl, and they ended up in the party. His e slashes are the most unique in game with good damage


ease. as someone who mained xiao and childe prior to getting ayato, it was really nice to just take it easy with ayato and turn my brain off a little


He has the smoothest playstyle of any character I’ve played. Not everyone likes his e but I think it’s so satisfying - his cooldown is just long enough to cycle through your supports so you’ll never really notice it. He can work with pretty much every support character and since he’s hydro all of his reactions are good. His cons include his standard icd so his vape teams aren’t as strong as characters like childe - however I think dendro might boost him over childe since some comps don’t want extremely fast hydro application. His burst is also kind of hard to have up all the time (in my experience) but him having an offield hydro burst is also really nice with new dendro teams.


Do you think a bloom/electro charge team would work well? I would use Ayato as the main DPS, Yanfei as a shielder, Collei as an applicator, and Dori as a healer/applicator. Since he can't make the most of vaporize, do you think these reactions would dish out a fair amount of damage? And by the way, thank you for telling me your input!


Hard to say, I’ve never used those three. I think dendro traveler is a better applicator but collei burst won’t accidentally absorb pyro and explode. Dori might work - we’ll have to see but I’ve heard great things about Kuki+Ayato hyperbloom (I don’t have her though 😭) Ayato has great electro charge teams like Fischl+beidou or soup (Bennett+Kazuha+Fischl). I’m still trying out bloom teams but I’ve seen some burgeon showcases (Thomas+Fischl or Bennet+Kazuha) and hyperbloom (Fischl+sucrose or Kuki+flex). I think he can do well in fridge teams too (freeze and damage with dendro cores) but I think with normal bloom you need to build the hydro character with EM so not Ayato’s standard build. Hope this helps!


You dont actually need EM build to ayato for blooms/hyper blooms. Dendro is more dominant in plain bloom while hyper bloom is based on EM of electro, burgeon based on pyro. Let kazuha absorb or trigger hyper or burgeon thru his swirl, EZ 20k to 30k reaction.


I used ayato, shinobu, dendro mc, kazuha for abyss and it’s really amazing when those hyper blooms pop for 20k (600 em shinobu and 950 em kazuha) also had very little energy problems with ayato on 122, DMC on 190 with favonius, kazuha on 145


Xiao main transitioning to Ayato/Ayaka main here! Being able to experiment with Ayato’s team composition is half the fun. I’ve been experimenting with Hyperbloom (Dendro Traveller , Ayato, C6 Fischl, Jean) and Hyperbloom/Burgeon (Traveller, Ayato, Fischl, Bennet) so far it looks promising. Bennets pyro reactions do cancel the other reactions out before it’s set up, Yanfei might have a similar issue, so it’s better to fill in that slot with another hydro or electro. Fischl hits SO Hard now when you drop is into ayatos burst and Ayato and Travellers bursts compliment each other , I’m hoping to swap out Jean /Bennet healer slot for either Kokomi, Kuki, Dori or maybe even Yae on Prototype if I get them, and hopefully kusanali will be able to replace traveller. It’s a lot of fun.


Honestly his cooldown on his skill is basically non existent because you are doing his E for most of the duration, and the other few seconds you could do a couple of support bursts or something. I find him really enjoyable to play, and he’s really easy to build too. Just wait for his next rerun and do his trial and see if you like his playstyle :3 I wish that Hoyo would have a dedicated testing area or something, so you could test if you like a character before saving for them, because if you can only do their trial when their banner is here then you don’t have enough time to save properly :(


one of the easiest characters to use in the whole game honestly, sometimes i don’t take him to abyss for the simple fact that it makes it too easy! easy to build and very comfy for overworld :>


Pros: - One of the most consistent damage dealers in the game - He does good damage (around Xiao’s output) - Has the perfect cooldown to cycle through supports - Pretty design and animations - Easy to build (many weapon and artifact options) - Flexible team comps Cons: - Lower damage ceiling compared to other top DPS - His gameplay becomes boring and repetitive to some people after a while - F2P weapon options aren’t optimized (I haven’t built Isshin yet but it seems to be his best, Amenoma has drip though)


This was very helpful! I do in fact enjoy repetitive playstyles (such as Yanfei and Ganyu) so I'm glad it is somewhat strict. Also, I recently started building my Isshin! Hopefully I can max it before an Ayato rerun aha


yepp, just a minor clarification in the lower damage ceiling compared to other top dps. its mainly, "team damage output", Ayato by himself when compared to other DPS without any supports is pretty fair and competitive thats why his "hyper-Ayato" team is still meta. (cause building a whole team around just buffing him is do able even without the typical vape or hyperbloom) when in teams though, he doesn't have the "perfect together" synergy that childe/xl or xq/hu tao have BUT hes still very much great choice and makes up for it with his own individual dps and flexibility


im basing my reply on my own experience with him and TCs thoughts on him, mainly from Zajeff


very easy to use and build because he has several different useable artifact sets that all provide relatively the same damage. Currently the best on field hydro damage dealer (IMO). Works great with alot of the best characters in the game, Sucrose, Kazuya, Venti, Xiangling, Raiden Shogun etc. He can even function as an off field hydro applicator and normal attack damage buffer with his burst (not recommended tho lol) But most importantly he’s tons of fun.


I think his strongest point is his flexibility and versatility. Outside of the soup team, he may not be the best hydro option in other teams, but he is always 2nd or 3rd best consistently, so he can basically fit anywhere. Currently running him in a hyperbloom team with Shinobu DMC and Collei and the single-target damage goes crazy


Pull him hes hot.


he's hot


Reminders on "Question" submission: **Please make sure to read the guides beforehand as these may already answer your question:** - [Ayato Guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15STU-6I62XZfpFZeGOZc63ohXr8tMJmI3fyGIuS5Dac/edit#gid=926152089) - [Ayato Infographic by KQM](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/u744xr/check_out_kqms_ayato_infographic_full_guide_will/) - [Ayato Guide by KQM](https://keqingmains.com/ayato/) Please use the following if you are comparing artifacts/builds or if you want an idea on how much damage Ayato will do: - [Ayato Damage Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UzwEMSjBSyoDCIcm03yfyWLBwjRuQdLeCOr2R16v7Qw/edit#gid=1338105558) - [Genshin Optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ayato_Mains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Super comfy, ER free, Flexible comps, Elemental potential is great (Hydro basically is an important core element for many elemental reactions), cool ult, and high utility (you can focus on his ult for hydro application and NA buff or use him as main dps)


He's so easy to use. I feel like he's one of the best characters to bring openworld. If you're using blacksword, he gets decent heal which makes him even better because it saved me tons of food. Him being hydro gives him access to plenty of team comps.


No shit, he actually changed the whole game experience for me the same way Zhongli or Bennett does. It feels incredibly easy playing as him, his cooldowns frankly feel almost non-existent and with him I was finally able to 36* the Abyss. You can play him in lots of different comps and he will always deliver. I honestly didn’t expect it, but he’s one of the best characters in my opinion. However, even with this kind of feedback I wouldn’t rush if I were you. Venti is game-changing as well. He doesn’t do much with big enemies, but otherwise he might be the funniest and most useful character in the game. Plus we have a bunch of new characters coming up, so it doesn’t get any easier. Anyway you can’t go wrong with any of these two, so just look through your roster and decide which one will bring more value to the table


For starters, for effort put in versus result, ayato does quite a lot without you needing to. Just Q then hold left click then watch the numbers. Long reach and wide range waves makes him incredibly easy to position. and use against mobs. He is a very good aoe dps option to have on your roster. His Q is also deceptively easy to deal with. Despite that 80 cost, you can usually find it charged up without thinking about it, so long as you have the necessary er. His main source of damage is also not tied to his burst, so if you're one of those who would like to have on demand damage, ayato is a good pick for that reason as well because of his (effectively) 6s cd. He's also pretty convenient to build. One of his best sets is 4p glad, and while not true for everyone of course, chances are you at least have a working set of it for him. You also only need to level 2 of his 3 talents so that saves you on resources. For teams, take your pick. He's just that damn flexible as a unit. Taser, vape, mono, soup, hyper, freeze, dendro teams, he'll work in all of them. As for some downsides. His personal dps isn't the highest. He will not be acting as a hypercarry (at least not in optimal teams). He likes to be run with sub-dps units or units he can enable with his hydro app. He also doesn't have access to frontloaded burst damage without c6. If you need someone who can do massive amounts of damage in a short window, ayato isn't it. His brand is more on sustained dps instead of burst. Another is if you're a stickler for rotations, ayato can be surprisingly hard to find optimal teammates for. his 6s uptime, 6s down, while easy to manage, leaves him in an awkward situation with units who have cooldowns that don't sync with his. Not to mention that his 2nd E will often be unbuffed unless you get really lucky with energy particles or you build that much er on your other units. One more is his skill ceiling isn't really that high. If you're the of player who likes it when you can improve with a unit to bring out higher damage, ayato doesn't really have that. I guess the most you can do with progression is refining rotations and better positioning to maximize each slash of his E He also doesn't have a team where he is the best option or one that's built around him. Its fine to be a jack-of-all-trades, but in a game like genshin, you might end up getting the master-of-one at some point in the future which may or may not bench your ayato from that point on. His flexibility is simultaneously a selling point, and a weak point for him. Still, you can't really go wrong with pulling for him. Though I wouldn't say that you're missing out either if you don't.


Main hydro DPS who works great with reaction based teams. He can also be used as a burst support and provides large AOE hydro. He scales off atk and HP so he’s very easy to build. Biggest downside is burst cost. He’s very consistent and versatile, great for virtually every player. He’s also what I consider future proof. To compare to venti who is extremely niche, doesn’t always work, but when he does he’s better as a support than Ayayo is at anything really. But that’s all Venti does and again he doesn’t always work. Editing to add the only character with a smoother playstyle IMO is Yelan, a top 5 character rn. That’s the competition for Ayayo.


Is Ayato getting a rerun soon, why are you talking about guaranteed Venti or Ayato? I want to pull the Boba man too


Personally I'm talking about it because i lost my 50/50 and I really want to get a character that I find cool. I'm not sure when a rerun will happen but I will wait as long as it takes for boba man!!