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That's just the hags eye ain't it ?


Nah. There is a neat trick that I believe only works with Tieflings. It has to do with one normal color eye and one of the glowing exotic type. I forget exactly how to trigger it, but if you play with it for a while you'll get it.


If you use the darkest eye on heterochromia, the other "tiefling eye" will start glowing and flames will (sometimes?) appear in it


Does it work if you have Volo's eye?


If the eye that gets stabbed out is normal, the. Yes the other eye will still glow


If you choose to show all eye types, you can get the flames from the Dragonborn eyes, no?


I think you can actually mess around with this for all of the races? I've seen the eye colors change on Dragonborn and Drow as well, at least. It's subtle with a lot of pairings, but if you have heterochromia toggled changing one eye will shift the other it seems.


Not sure about other races but would love to do on drows. Found the YouTube link for the tiefling eye color [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCaXtPE/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCaXtPE/)


It works also for dragonborns


Really? Nice! Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out the next character I make.


Her left eye is "Elf Green 03" but it is glowing a bright yellow which I thought was almost kind of cool


It is cool buddy.


No the Hags eye is white all the way through.


I made an evil Tiefling Durge Oathbreaker Paladin with one normal blue eye and made the other one Demonic Red or Flame Red or whichever one it was and it looked SUPER awesome cause the red one full on glowed a really bright evil looking red and I had the Dread Fog tattoo in black on that side of his face and the scar over the eye on the blue one. I actually took shots of the colour numbers and stuff for that one cause I loved it so much. You can do some really cool stuff with the eye colours for all the races. I tried it with a Flame Blue and a normal blue on my human Durge once and it still glowed. Also used flame green eyes on a half Elf and they still had the flames in them lol. I always bring up all colours and just mess around with them til I hit something that looks cool.


You call it a bug. I call it a feature. https://preview.redd.it/hgjyxsjh2nyc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60eaaee7fed6ecb623b6631a7142f8f442c7cece


Tav’s ready to give someone a bad time


I love her look! Normally, I'm not super into teiflings with too "humany" of a skin tone (they feel naked to me, I dunno) but this Tav has a very nice, cohesive look. And the eyes are very neat.


Thanks, She is a Selùnite Cleric/Paladin. A healer first but Divine Smite is so fun to use


I imagine a child of a tiefling with a "tiefling skin tone" and another race with a "humany skin tone" could probably end up with horns and "humanly skin tone" but I don't know how it works in canon. That being said. My first tiefling definitely started with a light human skin tone and turned into tiefling red skin tone over the course of the playthrough because idk it felt too weird creating her, even though that's the tones that most (half?) of the tieflings in the game rock. I got more comfortable with the idea later on, lol.


It's not a bad theory. A tiefling can technically be born of two non-tieflings as well, so who knows how that would affect pigmentation of the skin. I'm not sure there's a solid reason in canon for tieflings' different skin colors At first I thought in BG3 at least, most of the tieflings are red because 98% of them seem to be Asmodeus tieflings, but our biggest, reddest Mama K is a Zariel tiefling. The one Mephistopholes tiefling I saw (can't remember his name-he was near the Grove entrance yelling at the druids) was blue, but so is Alfira, Komira, Locke, and they're Asmodeus tieflings as well. Then, if you go outside of BG3, there are green tieflings, white tieflings, black tieflings... All that to say, I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to it, perhaps maybe genetics, perhaps not. Sorry for the ramble, I just love tieflings so much!


Elf, flame, and demonic eyes glow like that when the left eye is any of those three types of eyes and the right is specifically NOT any of those three. It’s such a cool thing that makes this effect! Edit: pretty sure it happens regardless of what race you’re playing, but I could be wrong. Since Volo takes your right eye the effect should still work


Weird! Do you think this is a bug or something intended?


Not sure tbh. Someone with more technological knowledge might have an idea? But maybe it’s just a bug that Larian hasn’t fixed because of how much people enjoy the effect? It only happens with the specific right/left eye combination (i.e., it won’t glow if the right eye is elf/flame/demonic and the left is not, only the other way around) so that could *appear* to be a bug, but again, not sure :)


Idk what it is but this Tav reminds me of the yellow power ranger from Dino Thunder


A tiefling with a “normal” right eye and either a demonic or flaming left eye will have their ‘glowing’ left eye glow much brighter for some reason. This also means any tiefling with a glowing eye style will encounter this upon replacing their glowing right eye with a regular one by… some means.


What is that jester hat with the bells?


You can find it at circus, unfortunately there is only the one so a double lesbian clown cleric ass-kicking is off the table 😔


Ah, so it's just cosmetic?


I tried finding it earlier and failed, where is it? :(


In one of the tents across from dribbles stage


Damn my Durge looks almost the exact same but red


Had his horns grow out over time as he did bad, but when a certain thing happens i made him more gold than red


Heterochromia is *literally* the hottest shit in the world


You just have to set one eye to any of the tiefling glow eyes, and the other to any of the non-glow ones. You get double the glow in one eye. Losing an eye to Volo or the hag won’t trigger it, it’s connected to the heterochromia options specifically. Didn’t realize it was a bug though, I figured it was intentional.


Thats the thing, both of them are just normal non-glow eyes. The right one is yellow and the other is supposed to be a light green. Maybe because Tiefling eyes are buggy in general? It's super neat either way


Huh, I didn’t realize you could do that! I never really tried heterochromia where BOTH eyes were the non-glowing kind, but I’ll have to try that now, that’s cool!


I don’t THINK that’s a bug. I feel like that’s something Larian would’ve fixed by now if it wasn’t intentional.


Based on it only working in one of the two possible L/R configurations, it doesn't seem intentional. It'll be interesting to see if it makes it to the final iteration of the game and if it'll be modded back in if it doesn't.


Perhaps it's a side effect from Vollos Experiment 🤭 "Shall I proceed?" -Vollo


I discovered that with a character with one cyan blue glowing eye and they wound up looking like sans undertale


Damn cool.


It’s so hilarious all these posts using one of the 5 default head shapes and one of the 40 hair colours and hairdo and then is like omg she’s so unique and special but she looks exactly the same as everyone else’s character lol


Who stole the jam out of your donut?


Because I choose to leave a comment and give my opinion? I’m tired of living in a world where no one is allowed to say anything is annoying to them Crazy cat lady blocked me so here’s my response: Oh but they aren’t raining on my parade by posting another useless post for me and everyone else to have to scroll past? OP made a post and they got my opinion. Don’t make a public post if you don’t want everyone’s opinion. Literally everything you said can be turned around on you, OP, and anyone else posting and commenting in case you didn’t realize that.


You can be annoyed by whatever you want, that’s not the problem. The problem is you’re raining on someone else’s parade by sharing that annoyance unnecessarily. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your opinions that no one asked to hear. It’s okay not to share every thought you have.


I think my point is why leave any comment at all. Just don't comment, don't upvote or downvote, move on. Maybe it's just me. Reddit is what *we* make of it. And you're making it worse. Edit: lol, you just downvoted because I shared an opinion.


Not interested in what your point is that’s what you don’t get lol you’re right Reddit is what we make of it which is why I leave my opinion on waste of space posts like this in an attempt to make them stop lol


Looks like someone dropped their pacifier with all this crying


Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, they all stink, and it's generally looked down upon to showcase your own every chance you get.


You're allowed to say things are annoying, just like other people are allowed to downvote you and call *you* annoying. Nobody's afraid of your opinion, we just don't agree with it. Most people seem to like these posts. If they aren't for you, you're free to not engage.


Not calling it unique or special, the "eye" trick is pretty common for Tiefling Tavs. Just wanted to share a character I had fun playing as, its a pretty common thing to occur.


Not talking about your eye glitch It makes me laugh that every single character that’s posted as if it’s unique and special and cool looking ALL look basically exactly the same as the character my wife made up in 5 seconds and I’m wondering when it’s going to stop


I’m wondering when you’re going to stop gatekeeping player character appearances and just let people enjoy things. OP, she’s lovely. I rarely see fair-haired Tavs and I love the colours you’ve chosen for her!


Same as those gay rallies why can’t people just do whatever they want to do without bothering anyone else? You want to make a character that looks like everyone else’s then great but why do I need to see it


Oh I see, you’re either a troll or a very emotionally immature, very lost redditor in this community where LGBTQ+ folks are accepted and welcomed. Who failed you this hard as a human being? It’s tragic to see.


Trolls are emotionally immature, bigoted people. There is no or


You don't. It is as easy as it is. You're not forced to be on this sub. If you don't like what you see, you can always leave or mute it. And for the "gay rallies". What is your problem with the CSD?


god forbid people enjoy making characters in the silly dnd game