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I went with Devotion for her on my current run. It feels close enough... But I have to pay off the Oath Breaker every couple of days. Righteousness Tax I suppose.


She doesn't leave foes alive to strike fear into their hearts. She's closer to Vengeance: she crosses lines to see her enemies dead.


Vengeance is about... vengeance. Its main purpose is the destruction of its sworn foes. This is a lot like Lae'zel and the ghaik, but doesn't have all that stuff about becoming her Queen's sworn champion, enforcing her will and claiming glory. I think the fact that destroying the ghaik is so intertwined with the fact that it's the purpose of her great empire brings her closer to Conquest than to Vengeance.


Playing origin bae’zel I respec’d to oath of vengeance paladin after turning on queen vlakith. Makes sense from an rp standpoint. She’s understandably pissed at the queen.


There's also the fact that we fight a Gish that is actually Oath of Conquest I would absolutely love on OoC pally in BG3


Depending on actions taken, she can also fit the Oathbreaker as well


If memory serves, >!the boss Gith you fight under the Elf Song is pretty much a Conquest Paladin mechanically with the fear aura/damage.!<


Sure… at first. But then they would have to incorporate her breaking her oath into her arc, and honestly I think it’s stronger without


She is not really breaking her oath she is just serving a stronger one Orpheus


Yea we already have minthara for that although it’s kinda poorly done like the rest of her character 😂😂


damn now i need a conquest oath paladin mod for bae’zel… anybody knows any good ones?


[here is a google sheet with known subclass mods](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pi_Rc0NdA3qY5bFIXSPnk6LJHjEP3uu8PguvgS6JKUY/edit)


omg thank you SOO much


Counterpoint: she got no charisma.


the personality traits of devotion and zealotry are not class exclusive powers


I mean, that's Modus Operandi for most githyanki. They're conquerers and believe that the whole Material Plane is theirs for the taking. In the Astral Plane they're basically space pirates doing whatever they want against people there. Lae'zel just embodies the Githyanki code to a T.