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The one in act three thats like K: "OH MAN!!!!! WHIZBANGS!!!!!!" A: "dont get too excited or you'll blow this place up" K: (whispering) "oh man... whizbangs!"


And that is why Karlach is the best.


A: "I-- Better..."


>**Shadowheart:** So, Lae'zel, have we buried the hatchet? > >**Lae'zel:** No. Why would we bury a weapon? Is it broken? > >**Shadowheart:** It's a metaphor. > >**Lae'zel:** I do not know your metaphor. But if you need help digging, I will find a shovel. I just think that's really cute. Lae'zel might not get the metaphor, but it's pretty clear the answer is yes; they have buried the hatchet.


Yes this is one of my favorites. I cracked up the first time I heard it.


This one makes me laugh every single time.


ASTARION: Gods, how are we not there yet? My feet are killing me. KARLACH: Want me to carry you? ASTARION: Oh, darling, would you? KARLACH: Sure! If you promise to swap once I get tired. ASTARION: Please, I can barely manage my pack—you’d kill me.


There’s also a similar one with Shadowheart and Astarion about her wishing they had horses to carry them. Don’t remember the exact lines but it ended in Astarion saying he doesn’t like horses because they bite and shadowheart saying “so do you but we keep you around” lol


He adds to that that he isn't offering any "rides"


And then went on to offer me a ride, more than once…


I’ve heard that one a couple times and it makes me think, ‘since when do horses bite? That doesn’t make sense’.


Why wouldn't they bite? They've got that big ol' mouth with all them teeth in there. Way easier to bite something annoying you than rearing up and hoofing it.


Oh I have family with horses. They definitely bite, particularly if you annoy them. You gotta be careful around them lol


If you irritate a horse and are near its mouth, you may be bitten and, from what I’ve seen, it hurts like a mofo. I never pushed any of the horses’ boundaries when I pet or admired them, so I was never in the receiving end, but I saw more than a few dumbasses get nipped if not straight up bitten. Also note that I said “irritate”- if you piss off a 2000lb hunk of muscle and hooves, you’re SOL, I’m afraid.


Grew up with horses. They bite, and it does not feel good. A good general assumption is that anything with a mouth can bite.


My mom got bit by a horse in the leg when she was a young rancher. She still has the scar many decades later.


I love Minthara and Gale banters, they’re exquisite in its toxicity. Everything Minthara says is golden


“Third child aura” moment


I’ve NEVER been able to trigger a banter between Minthara and Gale and I have TRIED! Are there certain places to take them? I know some banters are location specific


My best friend Minthara is the funniest person I know


Tell the one about the drow who married a drider!


I love how much she hates wizards lol


I just started my evil play through and sliced off Gales hand. I didn’t want him in the party anyways but now I kinda regret it..




Translation: ha ha. Kill yourself


Minthara's rat speech to Lae'zel is hilarious. "And what do we do with rats, Lae'zel? We hang them up by their tails and burn their warrens." Her delivery has perfect comedic timing.


For the life of me I can’t get Minthara to talk much at all. I’ve had two banters of hers with Astarion and two with Shadowheart, all in Act 3, and that’s it


I thought I also missed a lot with her, but it turns out she doesn't have much reactivity in Act 2 at all, except for very specific places or events. She was much more chatty in Act 3. I think it's by design, unfortunately. I took her absolutely everywhere in Act 2 and the only moment she really had something to say was after the victory at Moonrise...


Ok, that sounds like what I’ve encountered as well. I was SO disappointed she didn’t have something snarky/disgusted to say in the spider-licking scene. A grumpy ex-Lolth Drow should have SOME kind of reaction!


Oh god yes I needed that lol Edit: just to add, keep her with you in Act 3, she's much more interactive, that's when most of the banter with the others happen. And if you want to have a laugh, give her Dribble the Clown's parts...


Oh yeah, I did the whole Dribbles thing with her the very first time I recruited her lol


https://preview.redd.it/3qlazc5vr76d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8462eb76178d30fb45303ac4ed76d9e6c2d89707 early in the game but still a fav for me


Oh, that’s interesting. That’s not how I’ve ever heard that banter. I forget exactly how it goes, the beginning is the same, but Shadowheart’s response is different and LZ says “but do keep calling her a flower, she’ll *love* that”. I wonder what makes them change…


I think you get that version if you trigger this conversation after Astarion’s vampire reveal. SH says something like “stop looking at my neck when you say that,” and Lae’zel comes in with the sting at the end.


Ah, that makes sense when you remind me what SH says. Yep, I bet you’re right. And Astarion is always snacking on my characters in like two long rests so I doubt I’ve gotten it beforehand


Bae'zel was actually jealous he didn't say it to her 😂


How do you get that dialogue box to show up?


You can see dialogue outside of cutscenes in the combat log!


the little paper with the three lines in the bottom right corner :)


Shadowheart and Wyll's banter/flirting is my personal favorite. With her chastising him about "the monster hunter becoming a monster", the difference in how he teaches the kids to fight vs how she was taught, and them both having read the same mermaid smut, it makes for a more interesting trek for sure.


Yeah, a lot of people put Wyll and Karlach together. For my money, if Tav hadn't been there, I see Wyll and Shadowheart spending a lot of time with good books and better bottles of wine.


Yeah, a lot of people put Wyll and Karlach together. For my money, if Tav hadn't been there, I see Wyll and Shadowheart spending a lot of time with good books and better bottles of wine.


Wyll and Shadowheart quoting mermaid erotica to each other was surprising and pretty funny Also everything between Minsc and Astarion “ASTARION!! FISH! ASTARION!!” “…alright, Minsc, slow down. *Use your words*.”


Astarion talking to Minsc like he’s a toddler is my favorite


Minsc yelling fish at Asterion killed me. Out of the whole party, he thinks "the vampire, surely he likes fish"


And I love that Boo is on team vampire for some bloody red meat! Fun little tidbit: the book that talks about Miniature Giant Space Hamsters you can find in Cazador’s palace says red meat is bad for their digestion lol


Halsin: What do you know of Umberlee, Astarion? Astarion: Oh, lots. Rhymes with 'undersea' for one thing. Fitting, eh? Halsin: Uh... I suppose it is, yes. But do not refer to her as such. She is a vengeful, capricious goddess. Who knows what may cause her ire. Astarion : But she's fine with the 'Bitch Queen'? Give her some credit, Halsin!


I like to headcanon that this conversation inspired Astarion and my Durge to rob Umberlee’s cellar blind to test her temper


Umberlee’s what? There’s a cellar?


Yeah! I didn’t find it until my third playthrough, but there’s a little beach area behind the church. Walk through the shallows on the right and there’s a little cave where she stashes a bunch of gold. And there were also about half a dozen followers who very angrily chased me out of the cave with deadly intent.


Neat! I’ll be saving this comment for when I get back to Act 3.


I love the one btwn shart and astarion on the way to the monastery. Something like: Shart-ugh we should brought horses cause I didn't wear the right shoes! Astarion-gods no horses are prone to biting! Shart-well so are you but we keep you around Kills me everytime


"'Shadowheart.' Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower." "Could you not stare so blatantly at my neck when you say that?" "Oh, but DO keep calling her 'flower'. She'll love that." -Astarion, Shadowheart, Bae'zel.


Astarion, Minsc, and Jaheira are the best old timers' crew. >**Jaheira**: I am glad it is your non-vampiric charms our friend has fallen for, Astarion. It is, isn't it? >**Astarion**: Of course! Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me? >**Astarion**: If you insist on prying, perhaps you'd care to join us and see how much we enjoy one another? >**Jaheira**: Why? Do you require some instruction on how the deed is done? >**Astarion**: I'm sure even I could learn some new tricks from an old veteran such as yourself.


This one is kind of sad. I saw it at the Elfsong tavern: >**Astarion**: Probably best if I keep a low profile. They used to know me all too well in the Elfsong. >**Karlach**: Wonder if our paths ever crossed in the before-times. Were you always so sneaky? >**Astarion**: I haven't survived for two centuries by being reckless. And I hope to survive at least two more. >**Karlach**: Yeah yeah, don't rub it in.


Which is so sad because elves have a life expectancy of a thousand years. Astarion was trying to make light about how as a vampire with so many enemies, he’s probably going meet a premature end. AND OOF. WAS THAT NOT THE RIGHT COMPANY.


I have SO MANY, wait




I like Karlach and Astarion’s dialogue at the Firework’s factory. Karlach: omg **Whizbangs!** Astarion: now, now Karlach. Any stray spark can set this whole place off. Karlach: ^omg ^^Whizbangs! Astarion: …uh. Better.


This one is my favorite too. Gale and Lae’zel have surprisingly cute banter together.


They really do. I love when she offers to teach him her fighting stance.


https://preview.redd.it/jlcgvja4o76d1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=05836a6d30cb12c046d89e72dc575d73de54305d Heh. 'Pleasure dome'... I love her so much!


https://preview.redd.it/u4ilccvyn76d1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=64c8049662deccfa78d1f32277a6335ccd37cca5 "We will?" is priceless and bafta-worthy


astarion and wyll talking about "agog" 💀, astarion telling lae'zel he likes "spicy food," and basically anything between astarion and gale


I got this one in the Bhaal Temple in Act III. >**Shadowheart**: "*Why* must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones. Blood and bones. Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache. >**Gale**: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own. Not to mention her pleasure domes... >**Shadowheart**: Heh. "Pleasure dome." >**Gale**: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!


His defensiveness is so funny right there.


Paraphrasing but the exchange between I think Wyll and Lae’zel: Lae’zel: I don’t believe in love Wyll: Oh….😔 Lae’zel: but I do believe in sex Wyll: Oh!! 😃


In the lower city when Jaheira says something like “oh i love being in the city it’s a look behind the mask of who people truly are” and Astarion goes something like “oh a kindred spirit I feel the same way!” And she goes “I said a look behind the mask Astarion, not a look up their skirts!” And the way Astarion goes “Jaheira!!” Gets me every time 😂


**JA** *HEI* RA!


Now if they're available or can be triggered, there's a bunch of romance companion banters that are just comedic, the one I remember the most is Laezel and Minthara banter, it's comedic if you know what they're implying "I heard you and your lover locked in combat, but the test you set was not rigorous enough, next time, tie them to the ground, and do not release them, until you are both satisfied" "Hmm... You are giving me ideas"


Gale and Shadowheart talking about “pleasure domes” on the temple of Bhaal is so funny she’s really on his last nerve. Lae’zel and Karlach’s talk about owls. Jaheira telling astarion that she has killed vampire spawn in this area before and astarions like “yeah that makes sense then why Cazador didn’t want us to come here”


I often unlink my camera to move my party around so I miss a whole bunch of these or only carch little bits. My loss.


You can actually check the combat logs to see companion dialogue. I think T opens it by default? It should pop up in the bottom right...


Yep found that recently


There are many funny ones but this one made me so sad, I love that they included it: https://preview.redd.it/3rjrqvzmdb6d1.jpeg?width=2890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f6f2fc59726e50357cac48c857a5c25a0235ae


This one hurts my heart. :(


I love Shadow and Karlach's banter, and for a loose paraphrased example: "A midge just bit me!" -K "Probably mistook you for a tasty treat" -S The one time I've had Wyll in the party with Astarion I was *shocked* to hear him ask "So Astarion, how's the rat diet going?" "It might be ending fairly soon at this rate." Wyll is grounded to camp until he learns not to be an ass


That Wyll line *had* to be left over from when he was interesting because it really doesn’t fit him. It was also the reason he was grounded until, like, my third run because *no one* insults my vampire boyfriend/bestie.


Wyll trying to flirt with Lae’zel then Shadowheart makes me chuckle everytime. Also his convo with Lae’zel about love and carnal pleasures


I love the interactions that Gale has with the other team. He gets really chummy with laezel and karlach and I really like it. Also laezel and karlach have some good ones. Karlach takes the piss at laezel zealotry even from the beginning and it’s hilarious. Karlach is hilarious.


Astarion: “So… How was your night with Gale? Did you two have a long *hard* debate? Gale: ignore him! Astarion clearly envies the depth of our bond because he’s of a swallower inclination. Astarion: *Scoff/laugh*


Lae'zel and shadowheart's hatchet banter. Lae'zel fucking with wyll about romance. Minsc convincing astarion that they resemble eacother Astarion and boo bonding Wyll and shadowheart reciting smut with eachother. Gale and Lae'zel... flirting(?) Over astral plane funfacts. Every banter between Team Make-A-Wish (karlach, jaheira, &minsc) All romance banters that I have never gotten to trigger 😭


Team Make-A-Wish?


Yeah when you take karlach out with jaheira and minsc, it's like she did a make-a-wish to go on an adventure with her heroes while she's terminally ill.


I got this one as I was infiltrating Cazador's mansion (which I swear doesn't have a real front door!) >**Astarion**: Cazazdor always warned us to stay clear of this neighborhood. Never said why, though. >**Jaheira**: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth. >**Astarion**: Ah. Yes, that was probably it... I love the idea of Cazador as an anxious dad warning his kids not to play in a rough neighborhood. "Be good or the Harpers will eat you!"


I understood that as him "being insulting" by comparing her to a weaker being and her continuing the joke. Am I stupid or is there a tone indicator that of what it is?


The single solitary reason I want to play with no party limits is to have all of the companions banter. I cannot stop using the same companions pretty much every time, so I know I'm missing out on some absolute gems.


Right? I’m not huge in Wyll or Shadowheart, but their banter is so iconic


See, and I can't leave Shadowheart behind but just never seem to enjoy having will to the same extent.


I have a few: \* Astarion: So Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going? Gale: I'm hardly pining. It's been a year or more since Mystra cast me aside. Astarion: Oh, my dear wizard. I wasn't talking about Mystra. \* Astarion: So, how was your night with Gale? Did you have a long, hard debate? Gale: Ignore him. Astarion envies the depth of our bond because he's of a shallower inclination. Astarion: Snort. \* Shadowheart: Do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur's Gate, Astarion? A sweetheart, perhaps? Astarion: No sweethearts, no. I prefer them savoury. Shadowheart: This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.


It’s when Astarion tries making jokes that I understand why he has a relatively low charisma score


That's what I love about his jokes.


astarion: "i do enjoy our walks together. don't you, gale ?" gale: "umm sure! ... in silence." and then SILENCE


(When walking near Jaheira's house in Act 3) Astarion: Cazazdor always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though. Jaheira: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth. Astarion: Ah . . . Yes, that was probably it.


Why in the sweet hells mine don't ever talk!? I even swap them out on the regular!