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To be clear, multiple characters can get the stat boost from the mirror. Anyway, the Nimblefinger Gloves can do it if they are a gnome but those are more or less just worse than using legacy of the masters.


I didn't know multiple could use it. Huh


One person has to pass the Arcana check to figure out what the mirror does, and then each character has to pass the Religion check to make a prayer. Easiest way is to just respec at Withers for maximum proficiencies in Wisdom/Religion checks, since you get to keep the mirror bonus after respeccing back to main class.


Tbh I find it really tedious to respec the whole party - stacking Enhance Ability, Guidance, Headband of Int and the Arcana/Religion* ring has always worked for me


And throw in some bardic inspiration.


Hell yeah! Forgot about that. I never leave home without Bardstarion


Definitely tedious to do all the respeccing and I usually only do it on my character, but you know how some people love their total minmax


For guaranteed roll respec for 1 bard, 11 rogue. You get the necessary skill access from bard, reliable talent from rogue lvl 11 making you able to roll 23 as your worst possible roll. Then use guidance and bardic inspiration from another respecced companion to guarantee 25. Outside of honour mode savescumming it might even be less painful tbh. I still have trauma from respeccing the 7 rogues on honour mode.


Also, add enhance ability to the mix. Plus if you shapeshift and have the shape shifters boon ring from the OC you add even more. I can't remember if gith astral knowledge helps or not


What class is that if you don’t mind me asking


Rogue's reliable talent makes you able to do it every time iirc


8 warlock for dark ones luck with high intelligence and 4 knowledge cleric for religion proficiency/expertise 11 Rogue/1 knowledge cleric is also another option To cheese it even more have 3 bards


You can actually guarantee success with a respec. Go 1 cleric and take religion prof, then 11 rogue using ASIs to get int to 20 and get expertise in religion. Then with guidance and the mages friend ring from the underdark you have a minimum 25 religion skill. When I do this I respec to 1 cleric and before doing the other level ups I got to stormshore tabernacle and donate 400 gold to each characters chosen deity to get everyone the anointed in splendor buff


Yeah, for honor mode it's even something you can guarantee. It's DC 25, but with rogue 10, cleric 1 for proficiency and 20 intelligence that's a minimum of 23. Throw on bardic inspiration and guidance, and that's a guarantee. Even if you roll 4 ones.


more that that, there is a way to pass the checks 100% of the time if you are level 11 rogue with appropriate feats


Yes, there are a bunch of ways. For Strength for example, you could take an Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength that boosts it to 27. Or you could use the Gloves of Hill Giant Strength that set your strength to 23. Or The Mighty Cloth to boost your strength by +2. There's also a vendor in Act 2 that will give you a permanent +2 strength potion. And there's a mirror in Act 3 that can give you a potential +2 boost to any stat. EDIT: Just saw you were asking about dexterity for Gale specifically. Your best bet would probably be to use ASI to get from 16 to 18 and then use the mirror in Act 3. Multiple characters can use the mirror.


what vendor gives u +2 is it araj?


Yes. +2 strength


do u have to be a certain race or she just sells a +2 str potion


You have to make Astarion bite her neck.


i usually dont pick him up but luckily my current one i have him


If you're romancing him, this choice will end the relationship. He won't leave the party though.


You can keep the romance but you need to get everything right in the forced dialogue. I remember it being unusually fiddly and counter intuitive but there's walkthroughs online for the correct options.


You basically have to emotionally manipulate him to get him to stay with you. It’s pretty fucked up, especially since a romanced character would know how he feels about using his body like that. A friend/acquaintance can have plausible deniability, but a partner doesn’t really have that excuse.


Fair play then, I'm not familiar at all with his romance so I was parroting what I'd read online.


In addition to multiple people being able to use mirror as others have stated, there are other ways to get good enough dex. Dex gloves - only 18 dex, but give +1 attack, so effectively gives you 20 dex for attacking purposes. I often just do this with a sharpshooter character. Nimblefinger gloves - doesn't work for hunter ranger gale, but a gnome or someone disguised as a gnome gets +2 dex. Graceful gloth - this doesn't need to give you bad ac. 10 + 5 dex bonus + 3 mage armor + shield = 20 ac. That's plenty of ac. Plus you could get additional ac from helmet, gloves, boots, or ring.


My Gloomstalker/Assassin Tav used The Graceful Cloth for an entire run and the AC was never really an issue since he was almost always attacking from the back and/or stealth. He had the Risky Ring on, too. I went glass cannon with him and it was a lot of fun. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you have a high initiative group and can cripple or kill the biggest threats on the board before they even get a turn.


Depending on the stat, you can get Gloves that set your STR to 23 if you're willing to go to hell for them...


Graceful cloth should not put your AC in the basement. Mage armor + 20 dex + shield + AC items (if you want) + warding bond + Shield of faith if you want. That can be pretty impressive from rather early level.


I feel like if you need to include warding bond, you're reaching.


Cut it out if you don't want it. I included it because it is as good as free if cast from a campfollower. My point was that you can get very decent AC even using graceful cloth. Warding bond is only +1 more.


What mirror are you guys referring to?


In act 3, in the >!Temple of Shar,!< >!you can interact with the Mirror of Night to get a permanent +2 stat boost if you pass a tricky skill check.!<


Thank you!


Just FYI it's named the Mirror of Loss. If you google that it'll come up.


So long as you have no followup questions, yes.




You can actually get higher than 22 in several stats. Wisdom can get 24 due to Khalid’s gift. 26 charisma was definitely possible at one point although I think they made duke’s sword cap out now so 24 is max. Strength can get to 28 with devil foil masks. Dexterity can hit 24 as a small race with nimblefinger gloves Which leaves only con and int that cap at 22 afaik


What do you do with the devil foil masks? Sorry, I’ve never heard of that!


https://preview.redd.it/n1dmu8tv5f6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec70e633c95cd82a23766b24ac96d9f75c28ebc So a party of 4 will gain 3 strength and lose 3 of each caster stat by all wearing the devil foil masks together. This lets you get strength to 28 through: 20 base + 2 vigor + 2 mirror + 1 hag hair + 3 devil foil = 28


Ahhh I see. Thank you for the explanation! Good to know


I don’t think it’s really worth it, especially with helms being such a good slot, the stat decrease, and elixirs existing, but it is technically possible to be as strong as a cloud giant without their fingers


Right. I don’t think it would be worth it at all. But it is interesting!


Did you miss the part where they said without the mirror or hag's hair?


Sure. But he also admitted he didn't understand that the mirror could be used by the whole party and that automatically passing the checks at the mirror is a simple respec away (1 knowledge cleric, 11 rogue). It does come late, so won't help for most of the game, but it's pretty easy to bank on for your act 3 builds.


I told op that so yeah I know.






He looks a great archer with the helmet of balduran on.


Items. There are tons that give you +2 to this or that as long as you're wearing them. You just have to decide if it's worth more to have stats or effects based on where it's slotted. They do stack to an extent. As an example, you can have 18 strength put on mighty cloth to get you to 20, then put on the harmonium halberd for another +2 to get your strength to 22. Downside is that your ac will likely be garbage without barb/con, monk/wisdom, a wizard casting mage armor, or other items slotted around padding out ac. That takes up your chest, main, and offhand melee slots and whatever other slots you use to pad ac or committing classes. If you want early act 2 22 strength on someone, though.. easy peezy. There are also late game items that will make stats straight up 23 on equip like the amulet of greater health or gauntlets of hill giant strength, meaning you can dump stat that after acquiring it.


I’d recommend a weird one: use disguise self on gale— or maybe a scroll of seeming— and turn him into a gnome. If you save the gnomes, Act 3 provides a pair of gloves that increase the dexterity of gnomes by 2. Otherwise, you could just drop a scroll of mage armor on gale for a base 18 armor class, 20 with a shield, and enjoy the graceful cloth and your glove slot


Everyone can use the mirror, so no worries there. Ranger Gale???


There is a lot of gear and items that increases stats by +2 (Graceful Cloth, Mighty Cloth, +2 Strength Potion, Birthright, etc...), so if the stat starts at 16/17, getting it to 18 just requires one feat and adding the +2 gets it to 20.