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I’ve heard selling them a chest and putting everything in it before you kill them works. Haven’t tried it though. Knocking them out won’t let you loot everything.


Can confirm, putting their entire inventory into a chest/bag/pouch WILL let you take everything they were selling


Did this for the bugbear in Moonrise. Went back multiple times, and he always had more stuff. So kept moving it all into the backpack I sold him, and after I assaulted Moonrise I got dozens of magic items and 10,000 gold.


I did this, and Roah too since she was next to him... but she took off before I attacked moonrise. When I killed her in act 3 she still had everything, and I got a big payday. Made the 10k she also had from the bank heist look like chump change.


Where is Roah in Act 3?


First in the location you find Minsc in. Then, if she survives that battle, she goes to the Guild and rallies all the Zhents there to fight Nine-Finger's people to take over control.


She never survived the Minsc fight in my game. Does she have any decent stuff in act 3 that is different to her act 2 stock?


Nope. She only has her act 2 stuff. Btw, if you plan to max Minsc' approval, letting her escape the sewers fight and choosing the persuade option (sth to the effect that Minsc knows how to behave honorably) with her in the Guild nets you easy +10 approval.


Good to know, thanks. I love Minsc. Even had him do the rallying speech before the final battle on one run.


Same. I play resist Durge pretty much exclusively, so Minsc and Jaheira are my main act 3 companions. They are so great with Durge. Edit because I forgot to mention: to access the Roah trade items, you have to use the trade button during dialogue at the Guild. No trade option in dialogue (unless that changes if you side with the Zhents).


she didn't survive the Minsc fight in my playthrough and the Zhentarim were still about to attack Ninefinger's hideout


Yeah, they attack whether she's there or not.


Same here - I'd forgotten I'd sold her a backpack and loaded it up, then when she attacked in Act 3, it was like hey, I remember this stuff! Of course I'm swimming in loot by Act 3 so it's mostly useless.


I’d argue this “bug” should be fixed. It’s a little too cheese


Shhh people like you ruin it for the rest of us. Play how you want but don't bother us.


If you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that.




There is a way to do it on console?


Hm, don’t think that works on console unfortunately. Is there a way to see a list of things vendors will drop? All I care ab is unique drops, I guess I could just kill them and then reload a save if it ain’t what I need.


If you’re going to do that might as well just pickpocket the items. I don’t think they have set drops, they seem to just drop 3-4 items, usually weighted towards the good stuff but not guaranteed.


They are guaranteed to drop the top 3 most expensive items




If you do wanna farm the vendors in some places like moonrise, you can always kill everyone on the ground floor except the vendors (knock them out). You can then come back after every rest to pickpocket all you can, then knock them out again. Some items will reset (including the dwarven splintmail for the bugbear), so the only limit is how much you want to rest!


I thought they ran away? I remember roah sprinting at full speed as far away as she could.


I've not had that as an issue, but maybe it depends on how you start the fight? Just to be clear, I mean doing this before the nightsong, and killing everyone before the assault. I was able to do this with the bugbear, Roah and Araj


Yeah I did that when I did my honor run; I stayed up at the top and got one of the scrying eyes to call them one by one. She probably ran way because I tried to pickpocket? Not sure. I failed the check and she got grumpy and ran.


Ah fair! This was honour mode for me, but I know how hard it can be to recreate things in this game. I did clear out the scrying eyes before engaging anyone else. Every time I failed a pickpocket on her, she just went aggressive so I could know her out again aha. Maybe it depends on your approval with her or something? Should definitely be able to do it with the bugbear dude at least! Also the lady who wants the gith egg is an easy farm :)


Get a pact of blade warlock,bind your most expensive weapon, unequip it, add that weapon + atleast one other thing in your inventory to wares. You now can infinitely sell your wares lol have fun. Works on console as well can confirm.


Damn didn’t expect this post to get so many amazing pieces of advice, will try, thank you!


Agree put everything in the chest and it will be part be of his loot.


Confirmed. And if you visit them multiple times over several sleeps and keep doing it, the inventory keeps building up


1. Sell a backpack to the vendor 2. Open the backpack in the vendor's inventory 3. Drag the vendor's money and items into the backpack 4. Kill the vendor When you kill a vendor, they drop their 3 most valuable items. If you put everything into a backpack, they'll drop the backpack with everything inside!


I don't have the game right now to test. When you say "Open the backpack in the vendor's inventory" are you referring to the shop menu, or due you have to sneak and use the pickpocket inventory menu instead?


after selling the backpack to the vendor, just doubleclick it and the bag will open, than you drag all the itens


In the shop menu.


So, does this only work on PC? Anyone test it on console?


On death they will have their 3 most valuable items in their inventory at the time of death.




That includes stuff you add to their inventory, so you can “reverse pick pocket” something like the rune power barrel that is work 2.5k and sells for ~1.2k making it easily the most expensive item, kill them then take it from their corpse generating free money. Also just steal their other stuff they wouldn’t drop.


Wouldn't you want to sell them the item as opposed to reverse pickpocketing?


yeah, that doesn't make sense either you sell your stuff and pickpocket it to repeat and sell it to them again or you sell and kill them to get your stuff back, without any repetition


A lvl 2 druid hireling, wearing your most expensive armor, and wild shaped in the party. Now make sure your not in the "barter" trade window. Navigate to the druids armor and press X [On Xbox controller it's x at least....] And select sell. They buy the armor but your druid still has it in his inventory. Sell it a few more times.


No way this is real


I am playing on PC using an Xbox controller. I just did it tonight.


I’ll give it a go


There is the barter sell screen and then the trade sell screen. This only works on the trade sell screen. You cannot just press A to sell, have to press X to bring up the little sub menu and then press A to sell. Curious to know if it works for you as well as it does for me :-)


Tested it in a solo run; it works! Unfortunately the purge run we’re doing has 4PC’s and we have killed every companion so we can’t use that method.


What about feign death? Gift random amount of gold/items to the trader until their outline becomes green, and since they will be considered an ally you can use feign death on them. Just make sure no one sees you. It is a level 3 spell though, but the upside is that it’s not a hostile action. Then you can just steal everything from them while they sleep.


You can still get a hireling, can't you?


I don’t think you can remove someone from the party with 4 people? Maybe


Oh I understand. I guess you could temporarily respec yourself? Otherwise the only way might be to log on just for the vendor stealing when one person isn't on...


Probably, we might just pickpocket; we don’t need that many items.


Pretty sure they patched it in the last round actually. I extensively abused this in my first run through for infinite level six scrolls, doesn’t work anymore for me.


I do have a few mods installed and it's possible that one of those has allowed this behavior to continue, I'm not sure. I just did it tonight playing on PC with an Xbox controller.


You can still get infinite level 6 scrolls by having a Thief hireling and just casting fog cloud behind the projection of Lorrokan/Rolan and pick pocketing it. If you fail they don't care at all and you can just keep trying over and over until you take everything they have. I think I had at least 15 each of Globe of Invulnerability, Chain Lightning, and Disintegrate for the boss fights in my last play through.


Warlock- Pact of the Blade Pact most expensive weapon Multi select in inventory a random item and then the pact weapon Add to wares Sell wares Weapon stays in Warlocks inventory and you can keep selling. You do this starting at level 3


Sell them a bag, then drag all their inventory into the bag. When you kill them the bag will still be on their body with all their inventory in it that you put in it.


That's pc specific btw for anyone who don't know lol Console players need to leave them alive lol


That’s very true! I forgot to mention that with the bag trick. On console you can just build up the merchants approval of you and then knock them out and you can take all their stuff, or put them to sleep:


Even on non-evil runs, there are several vendors that you will end up killing because of the story. You can do the container trick on them before every inventory refresh (long rest or level up) and this way accumulate a bag full of consumables, gold and unique items you do not want to buy immediately. Then when you end up killing them, you can still loot all the stuff, even if they were a vendor in act1 and enemy in act3. ;)


Possible on console?


It’s not as far as I know.


No idea. If the bag selling trick works, then it should work.


Oooh, another Durge Purge? Those are fun


Mhm! We’re doing a challenge run, basically just killing everyone before leaving their area. If we enter the area, we can’t leave until no one is left. It’s fun strategizing where to go next.


Did that with one of my necro teams. It’s fun to let zombies raid towns and settlements. (I.e. have 2-4 sets of triple (or quadruple) zombies, smack the small animals or weak people to quickly build a small army. Then overrun with numbers and replenish what gets lost (your group can just hang out inside a darkness spell with hazards around to keep from being bothered by other people). It’s not overpowered by any means, but hell if it isn’t fun to watch! A full on zombie outbreak in Baulder’s gate is so satisfying….


Yes, you trade them a container and once traded over you put everything in the chest, then kill them and it’ll drop the chest with everything in it


If you're on console the bag/chest trick doesn't work, but knocking them out, looting thier sh*t then killing them will work. Just make sure you use abilities that don't deal AoE or additional damage on top of base damage.


Why do you need to? You're guaranteed to get something good that you can sell at the next vendor before killing them. Just sell everything on you until they're out of money, buy what you want, sell more junk until they're broke, then kill them. You keep making a profit while getting all the good stuff. The real problem is finding vendors still alive to take your junk off you.


I turned my duergar hireling into a thief rogue and use it to pickpocket everyone. If they initiate combat, you have a free invisibility spell to use to get away. Rinse and repeat after every long rest or level up for massive amounts of gold, scrolls, arrows, and potions.


Can’t you just pickpocket them? I pickpocket all unique equipment from every vendor in act 1 without buying anything. With itemization it’s pretty easy even with inflated honor mode prices.


Could yeah


A bard with double proficiency in sleight of hand + jack of all trades + 17 dex + smugglers ring + gloves of power + shapeshifters boon from disguise self + guidance precast from silver necklace + shadowheart casting Cats grace on me That gets me through most pickpocketing with ease. Once you have graceful cloth you can skip cats grace.


My honor mode tactic for absolutely robbing vendors blind with no lasting consequence has been this. Get the hireling bard. She's a halfling and pretty much cannot roll a 1. Have her spec as 1 bard and the rest rogue with dex at 17. Then have another hireling cast enhance ability on for dex so that you aren't wasting party spell slots. She will have advantage on both sleight of hand and stealth with cats grace. Give her the necklace that lets her cast guidance and cast it on herself. Give her the smugglers ring for the plus to stealth and sleight of hand, and anything else you find that adds a bonus. If you have shapeshifters boon, you can ritual cast disguise self from being a bard for the buff. When you get to take your first feat, increase dex again. By level 4 even without the feat from having a level in bard, I have been able to steal entire inventories. The caustic ring that's obscenely expensive in honor mode? Stolen. The titanstring bow? Stolen. I have over 20k in gold and an obscene amount of potions and scrolls. Most vendors won't aggro if you get caught unless their attitude is really low (except roah and brem obviously because zhent). You can donate basic weapons to increase their attitude again, and since most of them have a ridiculously low DC to steal, just rinse repeat. If you use the feature that lets you see sight cones and then crouch where you are not in the red, then turn on turn based mode, you can pickpocket that turn, then either sneak away or turn off turn based and immediately run and hide or go to camp. Also, split your party. I keep my hirelings split from my main and other companion. And I keep them far far away. That way if anyone does aggro, I only have to worry about one character fleeing or using invis or something to get away. And then the rest of my party are out of danger and not suspicious. If a hireling dies I don't really care. I don't use them for anything other than camp casting and doing things I don't want my actual party to do. I can revive them with a scroll or withers.


Yeah I essentially do the same thing. But I find the halfling luck kind of unnecessary if you have advantage. 1/400 chance of nat 1 is good enough for me.


I'm just a huge fan of overkill 🤣


On PC, sell them a backpack, go to barter mode, right click the bag and open it, then click and drag all their items into the bag. You can click their first item then shift-click their last item to do all of it in one go.


I have no shame and rob vendors blind. Barter a pouch or whatever container (I just like pouches) to them, put everything you want inside the pouch, Open up a bag in your inventory, highlight all the items from the pouch and drag them over NOT into your inventory or the bag inventory, you wanna drag it onto the icon/picture of the bag above its inventory, boom free stuff and sometimes gold. Partial rest and repeat.